Can't click on anything in macbook

My macbook trackpad won't let me click on anything suddenly. The mouse will move and the keyboard works, but it will not show hidden dock or hot corners if I hover over. I tried using a bluetooth mouse to see if that would work but it still won't let me click on anything.

My macbook trackpad won't let me click on anything suddenly. The mouse will move and the keyboard works, but it will not show hidden dock or hot corners if I hover over. I tried using a bluetooth mouse to see if that would work but it still won't let me click on anything.

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    Same here. I can't find the way to reproduce this. Here are messages that I get in the console when freeze occurs:
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: ****  Debug info for *possible* hang in MAIN graphics engine  ****
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: ring head    = 0xd720ec58, wrap count = 1721
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: ring tail    = 0x0000f288
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: ring control = 0x0000f401   enabled, auto report disabled, not waiting, semaphore is waiting, length = 0x010 4KB pages
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: timestamps = 0x2ac9298
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: Semaphore register values:
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: VRSYNC: (0x12044) = 0x2ac9298
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: BRSYNC: (0x22040) = 0x0
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: RVSYNC: (0x 2040) = 0x0
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: BVSYNC: (0x22044) = 0x0
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: RBSYNC: (0x 2044) = 0x0
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: VBSYNC: (0x12040) = 0x0
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: trying to clear semaphore wait on MAIN ring
    02.08.2012. 2:55:58.000 PM kernel[0]: After attempt to clear semaphore wait = 0x0000f401 still waiting
    02.08.2012. 2:56:03.000 PM kernel[0]: stampWait: Overflowed checking for stamp 0x2ac92a1 on MAIN ring: called from waiting for blt buffer (3D blt)
    02.08.2012. 2:56:03.000 PM kernel[0]: timestamp = 0x2ac9299
    ...and this keeps repeating until I turn off MacBook Pro (13" Late 2011, Intel HD Graphics 3000).

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    Both the Yahoo! Toolbar extension and the Babylon extension have been reported to cause an issue like that. Disable or uninstall those add-ons.

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    Thank you. Nick

    Okay, we'll try the technique from the following post. Be sure to be logged in to your usual user account when doing so. (Otherwise you'll be editing the wrong set of HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys.)
    Re: How do I turn off the compatibility mode for ITunes.
    Does that clear up the compatibility message?

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    In order for this content to not appear grayed out, you need to enable the Manually manage music option from under the iPod's Summary tab in iTunes.  Keep in minding that manually managing your iPod's contents is different from having content automatically sync to your device from iTunes.  See here for more information.
    Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod

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    Reset the SMC 2-3 times. Click Intel iMac SMC and PRAM resets for instructions.

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    Oh thank you for posting on how to enter safe browsing! I had tried to disable add-ons, but couldn't make anything click to do so. So frustrating!
    Anyway, after putting on the safe browsing, it worked *immediately*, so clearly the add-ons were the issue! I deleted a bunch I don't use anyway, and it's been working fine for hours.
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    I was playing around with iTunes to see if it was one of the options so I tried this
    * Just uncheck "search entire library" and check it again!

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    I should mention I'm on a Dell laptop.

    Oh thank you for posting on how to enter safe browsing! I had tried to disable add-ons, but couldn't make anything click to do so. So frustrating!
    Anyway, after putting on the safe browsing, it worked *immediately*, so clearly the add-ons were the issue! I deleted a bunch I don't use anyway, and it's been working fine for hours.
    Thank you!!

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    Hello dd72,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    OS X Mavericks: If your Mac restarts and a message appears
    Best of luck,

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    This is sometimes caused by Bad Blocks on the Hard Drive.
    If 10.7, hold down Command-R at startup, and choose Disk Utility.
    If 10.6 or earlier, boot to the Installer/Utilities DVD, answer only the "what language" question and wait for the MenuBar to be drawn. Choose Disk Utility from the Utilities Menu.
    Select your Hard drive by Make & Model and check the SMART Status (lower right of the right window). Choose "Repair Disk" . This ONLY examines and repairs the Directory area of the drive, but may improve things a bit. If errors cannot be repaired, you may need a stronger tool, or a new drive.

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    This has happened before. So I don't think clicking 'fade out' had anything to do with it. I keep getting unexpected quits too.

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    I checked the mouse, and that works fine.
    This is more  than annoying.
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    But my question is this, should I use my time machine to go back to before the update?
    Does Apple know about this bug - will they fix it?

    Hi LowLuster,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Ok I will do that and go back.
    I have tried shut downs, restarts, etc. with no success.
    I did reboot after the upgrade also.
    It may be a 3rd party thing, but I really dont have much 3rd party stuff aside from adobe cloud products...

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    Try using the arrow keys to move around. Press enter to the account you want to go to. I don't know if you can access the password bar after this... it's all I know for now.

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