Can't get video error (Checked other posts first)

I have been checking the previous posts for solutions for my iChat problems and all the solutions haven't worked for me. Here is my situation:
I can do audio chats with my iSight without a problem.
I am not running a postgres database.
I have done a clean wipe and install of Tiger and then the 10.4.2 update, no other software has been installed.
My router is configured properly.
My firewire is off for my computers.
I can do a video chat in the network, but not outside (bonjour, not AIM, though).
My connection is a 3 meg cable connection.
I am doing the same thing (clean wipe and installs) on a PowerMac G5 1.8 GHz, and a PowerMac Dual G5 2.5. It fails on both. I also have an old iBook G3 700 that it works just great on, and can chat out of my network (this is how I know that my router works fine). Any ideas? This is just from a clean wipe and install, no external firewire disks or add in cards. Please let me know of any ideas, as it is frustrating to no end. Thanks.

Hi Guava M'nia,
Welocome to the Apple Discussion Pages.
This sounds like the ports are open for iChat in the modem as the G3 can chat to Buddies outside your location.
This would lead me to ask how the ports are opened ?
If it is Port Forwarding is it pointing to the IP of the G3 ?
Not many modems and router will allow you to use the same ports twice in Port Forwarding to different computers. Sme that do - do not have enough space on the entry table to get the 46 ports entries required for two computers.
You may need to change to Port Triggering or UPnP if you modem supports these forms of opening the ports. (both these allow multiple computers to use the same ports).

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    So, I am back with the same issue: it is now 3-4 months I can't Video chat because iChat AV tells me "can't get video from camera". I disable the firewall (for the test), I forwarded nearly ALL the TCP and UDP packets from my router to the mac, I stopped any application such as PostgreSQL or others which might interfeer. I checked I didn't have any strange firewall rules still on even when switched of from UserPreferences (sudo ipfw list)...
    Well, I can see myself with the camera but it won't get the image of the party I am connecting to. So... I looked in the console and:
    2006-03-04 19:09:14.926 iChat[9245] WARNING: Freeze-frame failed: couldn't get local buffer for layer Local!
    Each time, this is the message.
    I did the downgrade Quicktime test I also reinstalled the combined update... nothing worked.
    It seems CRAZY that nobody at Apple can at least tell me WHERE to have a look. After all the message is not very clear. Where is the problem? My mac, my router, iChat?
    I filed a bug BTW... because it DID work in the past and now stoped working, so my netgear router can't be in fault (I also checked the logs of the router and of the firewall... nothing seemed to be stoped)

    Hi Alexander,
    Defcom aslo has a Netgear And I will let him come back on that side.
    On the error front iChat has about 4 standard messages.
    1) User did not Respond.
    2) Insufficient Bandwidth.
    3) Can not get Video from Camera
    4) Did not get data for 10 secs
    Unfortunately the causes can overlap, hence the lack of Ahaa !!
    The most common feature of all of them is something to do with the way the routing devices are set up.
    This leads us to start with the LAN set up,
    The ports that are open,
    the method used to open them,
    Whether DHCP is being used with Port Forwarding as the IP can change to your computer and the Port Forwarding point to the "wrong" IP
    How many devices are in the link to the Internet ?
    IF you are doing NAT (Port Forwarding or Port Triggering) ?
    Whether your ISP has started dong NAT to your service
    Whether they offer a SIP based Service like VoIP phones.
    11:29 PM Monday; March 6, 2006

  • IChat Error: "Can't get video from the camera"

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    Tell us about the Network you created please.
    What make and model modem ?
    Can it route (issue IPs) ?
    IS there a router ?
    Make and model of that please ?
    If there are two devices which is doing DHCP if any are ?
    IS there any computer that is sharing it's Internet Connection with any other computer ?
    I take it from the title and the post that you infer you can Video and Audio chat ?
    The Cannot get Video from Camera normally gets and Error Log pop up.
    This can be opened with the reveal triangle on the left. The Details shown will have a Error number. Do you know what this log says ? (normally Error 20 or 21)
    Old logs are stored in Users/(your account)/Library/Logs/iChatConnectionErrors by date.
    IF you post an Error Log stop at the line that Says "Binary Images for iChat" as we don't need the bits below that yet.
    As the Screen share in iChat uses an Audio component then the Camera if it is also the Mic needs to be ON.
    In your case this may mean that in the ichat Video Menu both Camera Enabled and Mic Enabled should both be ticked.
    (I have never seen an iChat error code for not (specifically) being able to get the Mic input so the message might be the only one iChat can pop up)
    It does seem very odd that it only effecting Screen Sharing.
    I have a Firewire connected DV converter that has two Firewire ports itself so I can input the camera feed to two computers. When this is in place the System also sees it as a Network.
    I have also heard of one person with a Firewire Stills camera and I think the Storage space was seen as an External Device and therefore appeared Networked which is why I asked the first set of questions.
    iChat does not like being in Two networks (a modem that issues IP address and a router doing the same or Wireless to a neighbour and Ethernet to your Own Internet connection, the Mac being the hub in a Share Internet connection, Wireless and Ethernet to the same router and using Parallels when set to Share the Mac's IP are the most common)
    The Screen Sharing option in iChat > Video Menu is ON ? (at both ends ?)
    As iChat's Screen Sharing is related to the System Screen Sharing and therefore Apple Remote Desktop you may find that in any routing device you may have to open ports 5900 and 5988 if not using UPnP
    You said Local Network. Do you mean this is using the Bonjour Buddy List ?
    11:21 AM Saturday; June 14, 2008

  • Airport & Can't get video from the camera

    Ok, So I've been reading through the discussions trying to figure out what's wrong, and then how to fix it. I keep getting error "Can't get video from the camera"
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    My connection is via a DSL modem (Cisco 725) and my ISP says all the ports needed for iChat are not blocked. my local network goes from the Cisco to an Airport (dual ethernet) which then distributes the IP addresses.
    I've read that airports need to be switched so that they do not control the IP addresses, but when I do that my network stops working. Is there any way around disabling the NAT on the airport?
    PowerBook G4 1MHz/1Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Hi EdM
    I think that I'm starting to see the light... Let me see if I have this right.
    My PB has an IP of via Sys Prefs, etc..
    And the Airport is and is distributing IP addresses (hence the 10.0.1.x IP numbers - right)
    Yep (so far)
    So using Terminal I need to type:
    set net entry add 5060 udp
    ...and so on...
    Nope. You need to have Distributing Addrress deselected in the Airport if it is in the link
    With the Modem doing DHCP you should get an IP from it (mostly as the Airport will also be given one)
    Once the Modem's issued IP appears on the Mac then you log on to the modem ( in Terminal, and Forward the ports to the IP the Mac gets.
    Your wife's PC is also likely to need some ports open for her Apps and this will be a different IP.
    I have only brought some of the details from the Port Forward site so I would make sure you check any Read Me or manual (On the CD ? web site ?) that might give you more clear instructions.
    I would set it up with the Airport Out of the loop first as this will confirm the modem is in DHCP mode (you will not get an IP otherwise).
    9:48 PM Thursday; February 16, 2006

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    Within our LAN, via Bonjour, everything is fine.
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    If someone could help, it'd be much appreciated.
    The studio router/firewall is a SonicWall TZ 170 Standard.
    This router has a static IP.
    All suggested ports on the SonicWall are set up correctly to allow in/out from our LAN.
    All computers on the LAN have static IP addresses.
    Quicktime streaming settings set as suggested.
    OS X Firewall on all computers = OFF.
    No iChat add-ons on any computers.
    Internet connection speed = 7404 kb/s
    The offside router/firewall is a LinkSys WRT54G
    This router does not have a static IP.
    DMZ is ON and set to the only computer connected to it.
    Computer has a static IP address.
    Quicktime streaming settings set as suggested.
    OS X Firewall on all computers = OFF.
    No iChat add-ons on computer.
    Internet connection speed = 5116 kb/s
    If any more information is required to help you help me, just let me know!

    Does the TZ170 have UPnP or Port Triggering then ?
    I can not see that it does here
    Opening the ports in the manner listed on that link will only allow one computer (IP) to use the open ports.
    The Linksys is router and you have not mentioned what the modem is doing at that end.
    Why not use UPnP here ? The Linksys does it (on the Administration page)
    Most likely this needs the Respond to Anonymous Pings checked on the Security page.
    9:29 PM Thursday; January 17, 2008

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    I had trouble with that too, but figured it out. Here are some things to check:
    1.) Preferences in iTunes with the iPod connected. I put mine on automatic update of all podcasts, just to make sure nothing is missed.
    2.) On the iPod, go to Settings > Main Menu > Videos > On
    3.) On the iPod, got to Videos > Video Settings > TV Out OFF, Widescreen OFF, TV Signal (in US is NTSC, in Europe is PAL).
    After I configured #3, all worked. I'm not sure the widescreen setting makes a difference, but I do know the TV settings do.
    I think you won't have any problems if you go down this checklist. Too bad they don't mention it in Apple support.
    G5 Tower   Mac OS X (10.3.8)  

  • Can't get video from camera update / suggestions?

    As I think others have reported, I have lost my ability to participate in iChat AV video sessions, and any attempt produces a "can't get video from camera" error message. I am running OS 10.4.5.
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    This tells me the problem cannot be in my Router or DSM Modem, I think.
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    I DO have Apple Remote Desktop - Admin installed on this startup volume, and I cannot say for sure whether the problem may have started around the time I installed it. It's possible, I just wasn't keeping chronological records of installs back then.
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    I thought I may have read that Apple Remote Desktop can create a conflict. If anyone knows, I would be all ears! Thanks for any suggestions.
    Jim Foster
    Hampton, Ontario, Canada
    Dual 1.8 Mhz G5 PowerMac   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    I believe I have solved the mystery of why I was getting the "can't get video from camera" error message. I had said earlier that I had Apple Remote Desktop (admin) loaded on my Mac but that I did not normally have this application open. What I failed to realize, though, was that for some reason I also had Apple Remote Desktop set to ON in my Sharing System Preferences pane. All I had to do was to uncheck this box and my ability to carry on video chats returned.
    I expect that somehow in the process of installing and running the Apple Remote Desktop application to access another Macintosh on my home network, I must have either manually or automatically caused Apple Remote Desktop to be turned ON as if I was wanting to allow some other Admin user to connect to my Mac. Doesn't make much sense to me, but I am happy with the solution.
    Jim Foster
    1.89 Mhz dual G5 PowerMac   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    please help me.

    I think you are posting to the wrong forum.  I'd post this in the Premier forum:
    -Carl V.

  • Can't get video in ichat

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    <post edited by host>

    This pic is from a 3347
    If you have a similar firewall setting in the 3346 then set it to Off.
    Just so I am clear.
    You can log on to the AIM servers and Text chat ?
    You get the pop up Log thing in Video or Audio Only chats ?
    The Written message on the failed chat window is "Can't Get Video from Camera" ?
    You have an External iSight Camera.
    On what OS and computer was the iSight last used ?
    Has it had a Firmware update ?
    (this may have been missed plugging straight into Leopard.)
    10:03 PM Saturday; April 5, 2008

  • Cisco 831 and "Can't get video from the camera."

    I'm running a Cisco 831 router with ios 12.4(5a) installed. Every time I try to initiate a video chat with a computer going through the router, I get the "Can't get video..." error. It works fine with computers on my internal network and if I bypass the Cisco router and plug straight into my Cable modem.
    I've covered every conceivable TCP/UDP port being open (per numerous pages re: port 5060, 5190, etc.) and have even gone as far as testing with "permit UDP any any" and "permit TCP any any" at the top of the rules. No luck.
    I've been reading about the possibly needing to "unbind" SIP (port 5060). Is this something that a Cisco 831 router would require? The router doesn't seem to respond to any of the documented Cisco command re: VoIP and does not have any phone support that I'm aware of.
    If anyone has any info that can help me get his up-and-running, I'd be much obliged.

    Hi Kcritchie,
    It will most likely look like that. But in this case it should be on the UDP protocol.
    The link looks useful (it takes a scroll down to see it for others looking)
    If I do nat bindlist in my Alcatel I get this
    Last login: Thu Jun 29 12:36:20 on console
    Welcome to Darwin!
    Ralph-G4:~ Ralph$ telnet
    Connected to speedtouch.johnshome.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Username :
    (Pic line drawing edited out here )
    =>nat bindlist
    Application Proto Port
    ESP esp 1
    FTP tcp 21
    GRE gre 1
    H323 tcp 1720
    IKE udp 500
    ILS tcp 389
    ILS tcp 1002
    IP6TO4 6to4 1
    IRC tcp 6660-6670
    JABBER tcp 5222
    JABBER tcp 15222
    PPTP tcp 1723
    RAUDIO(PNA) tcp 7070
    RTSP tcp 554
    On my device this is because the SIP binding on UDP port 5060 is unbound.
    2:30 PM Thursday; June 29, 2006

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    why i can not get video out from my ipod touch after i did the upgrade

  • HT1454 Can not get video out from my ipod touch 3rd gen. Any ideas? It should nt be diffiicult to do this on the 21 st century, or not?

    After having spent EUR 130 on cables from apple, i still can not get video out from my ipod touch 3rd gen. Any ideas? It should nt be diffiicult to do this on the 21 st century, or not?

    Backing up an iOS device will copy some data to a backup file within iTunes, but this excludes all media.  You can also transfer iTunes Store purchases from the iDevice to iTunes but, without using a third-party tool, nothing else.  As long as you do not sync the iPod with your new library, the media that's on it will remain ... for as long as it keeps functioning, is not lost, stolen, eaten by the dog, ...
    You may also have an option to recover your previous library from your old laptop; as long as its hard drive isn't fried, a computer repair store or technician may be able to extract the drive, mount it in an external enclosure, and copy your data to another PC.  Whatever you choose, there is no real alternative to having all your media on your computer, managed by iTunes, and regularly backed up to another device/location.

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    Argh!! I've had my iPod for almost 2 months, and I just can't figure out how to get videos on it. I've downloaded video converters for it and everything, and I still can't get videos onto iTunes to get onto my iPod. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

    GO to edit, prefferences and choose the video section then look at all the options and press ok at the bottom of the pullup menu

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    What kind of video?  There are dozens of formats, some don't play on a Mac unless you have the right plug-ins for Quicktime.  There are some things you should download to help you out.
    These should cover EVERYTHING you'd ever encounter (though maybe not).  Frankly, if it's not H.264 or w4v (or both), it doesn't belong on your mac. 

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