Can't see list of Hosts in OMS Console 12C

I have successfully installed Enterprise Manager Cloud Control  The OMS, its repository database and agent are all on the same server.  So far, so good.
I noticed when selecting Targets > Hosts the server does not appear at all.  To verify this I deployed an agent to another server.  All went well and I promoted the database,etc so they can be seen in the OMS console.
Again when selecting Targets > Hosts the new server does not appear under Hosts.
If I select Targets > All Targets I can see the servers listed in there with everything else.
This can't be normal, surely we should be able to list all of our managed servers.  Has anyone else seen this?
I have no errors in my log files and the OMS and agents are communicating and uploading with each other fine.
Thanks in advance.

Could you pls send some screen shot.
Targets --> All targets -->  In the left side , there will be
Refine Search, in this Select  --> Servers, Storage and Network -->Host.
is it working?
2) May be you typed something on the host search , and you cleared manually and its not "Cleared in he browser". Try different browser.
3) Targets -->hosts --> Search --><ur new host server name> and search.
If the issue still persists
From the agent side, check the new agent upload without any issues.
emctl status agent,
emctl clearstate agent
emctl upload agent
emctk pingOMS
Check the agent logs.

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                     Thread = 4627648512;
                     Timestamp = "2014-06-05 19:02:45 +0000";
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                     Module = "servermgr_timemachine";
                     Thread = 4470239232;
                     Timestamp = "2014-06-05 19:04:24 +0000";
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    Back up all data.
    Quit the Server application and drag it to the Trash, but don't empty. You'll be prompted to confirm that you want to stop all services. You won't lose any data.
    Put the app back where it was and launch it. Test.

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    also see
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    In Applications/Utilities/Terminal type
    killall Dock
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    If you prefer to make your user library permanently visible, use the Terminal command found below.
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions,
    You are posting in the Mac OS X 10.6 client forum. For questions on 10.6 server post in the server forum:
    Good luck!

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    # Runlevels:
    # 0 Halt
    # 1(S) Single-user
    # 2 Not used
    # 3 Multi-user
    # 4 Not used
    # 5 X11
    # 6 Reboot
    ## Only one of the following two lines can be uncommented!
    # Boot to console
    # Boot to X11
    su:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin -p
    # -8 options fixes umlauts problem on login
    c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty1 linux
    c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty2 linux
    c3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty3 linux
    c4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty4 linux
    c5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty5 linux
    c6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty6 linux
    # Hypervisor Virtual Console for Xen and KVM
    #h0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 hvc0 linux
    ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
    # Example lines for starting a login manager
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/sbin/gdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon
    x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim >& /dev/null
    To enable runlevel 3 at boot,  I commented the id:5:initdefault: and the x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim >& /dev/null lines and uncommented id:3:initdefault:.
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    Once I am in X I can switch to ttys normally.
    What can I do?
    I just wanted to get rid of slim and start X automatically after console login but I can't see the console login!
    I hope to have been clear enough, thanks for your help!
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-04 11:36:38)

    rent0n wrote:
    Well, it seems I spoke too early. It doesn't work as expected at every startup, sometimes I still have the black screen.
    Now I'm trying with:
    that seems to work, but I just tested it one time and I'm starting to think that screen blanking happens randomly...
    Any hint is more than welcomed.
    After a few reboots, I can confirm this workaround seems to work.
    This is weird indeed as I don't have any SVIDEO-1 interface listed by xrandr -q, but still.
    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 8192 x 8192
    VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    LVDS1 connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm
    1280x800 60.0*+
    1024x768 60.0
    800x600 60.3 56.2
    640x480 59.9
    TV1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    The only problem is that now boot lasts a lot of time  and, between UDev modules loading and disks checking, I have to wait for at least 30 seconds with a black screen and a central white dash flashing.
    Anyone experiencing the same thing?

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    I am getting error like sapstartsrv.exe-application error ,
    "The instruction at " 0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000".The memory couldnot be "written "
    click on Ok to terminate the programme.
    click on cancel to debug the programme ".
    Please advise me how can i see servernodes in the sap management console.
    Rewardpoints will be awarded.

    You get back your MMC , please do the following steps.
    1. Go to Run and type MMC.
    2.Go to file and select add/remove snap in ( alt+m).
    3.Click on add
    4.Select the SAP system from there.
    Save  the MMC console which you have created now....This should work fine.

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    I want to verify Event's Notifications rather than "Virtual machine health is OK".
    Example senarios:
    senario 1. Disconnect the Ethernet cable.
      Can I get the notification e-mail at Disconnecting the Ethernet cable from the on-premises Hyper-V host ?
    senario 2. Turn off
      Can I get the notification e-mail at Turning off the protected Virtual Machine on the on-premises Hyper-V host ?
    senario 3. e-mail test
      Can I get the notification e-mail after turning on Event Notification ?
      Is e-mail address Collect ?
      Can I get e-mail without auto-Junk ?
    Yoshihiro Kawabata

    Hi Yoshihiro Kawabata,
    Thanks for bringing these requests to our attention. We currently do not have support for these three types of email notifications. I will add them to our backlog and we will enable support for them soon.
    Currently, we support email notifications only for replication issues. One example you can easily test is to Pause the replication of a virtual machine from the Hyper-V Manager UI. This should send an email notification.
    Let me know if this helps.

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    I bought an I pad 2 from us but I can not activate the Facetime in UAE(Dubai)as I can not see the country in the I pad's  drop list, anyone has an idea as to how to resolve this issue

    I'm not that familiar with how FaceTime works. I know how to set It up but I don't use it. I just know that you can't activate in the UAE. I believe that you can activate in any country that permits it's use. Whether you will need a new ID or not, I can't confirm.
    You can Google this and get all sorts of articles on workarounds. Apparently if you set up a VPN you can use it in the UAE. Here is one article that I found.
    I Googled "workaround for FaceTime in UAE" to find this.

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    Any help would be appriciated.
    Kind regards
    Go to Solution.
    1.png ‏167 KB

    Sounds very simular to my experience starting yesterday.
    Windows version 7 pro.
    Skype version 
    After a Windows update and reboot yesterday, I found my contact list is blank. I always keep the setting to show ALL contacts. After some quick investigations I have found:
    If I change this setting to show skype contacts, the screen is blank
    If I change this setting to show all contacts, the screen is blank
    I am still getting notifications someone came online, although I cannot see them in the contact list since it is blank.
    I can go to the recent contacts and the screen will populate
    I can change the contacts to only show online and the screen will populate. 
    Signing out and signing back in, doesn't change anything.
    Rebooting the computer doesn't change anything.
    Capture.JPG ‏60 KB

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    Do you have a Mac or idevice for setting up the Express? It does require a later utility than is available for windows.
    You might be able to setup with the v5 utility in windows but there is no guarantee.
    You should use a simple name both for the base and the wireless. eg AEXgen2 base name and AEXwifi for wireless name.. that is if you get access.

Maybe you are looking for