Can't sync with exchange

What does it take to get Address Book to sync with hosted Exchange 2007? Have been having problem for some time. Reinstalled Exchange account in attempt to remedy Address Book issue and Mail and iCal work fine but nothing syncing with Address Book. MacBook Air; OS X 10.7.3; Address Book 6.1.

+1// help

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    I can't sync with exchange server after upgrading to ios 5.1.1. have restored and reset phone and also have deleted the account and added back in; still no luck

    +1// help

  • Can iPhone Sync with Exchange Server - Calendar and Contacts?

    Gateway   Windows XP Pro   Outlook 2003
    Gateway   Windows XP Pro  

    My colleague who uses Windows at the office has synced her calendar with Outlook 2003; that should not be a problem. The iPhone directly syncs contacts with Outlook 2003 as well.
    iPhone does not connect to Exchange Servers directly unless they are setup for IMAP or POP e-mail access. And in those cases it is not syncing calendar or contact info with the server, just e-mail. (As an aside, we have not been able to get the iPhone to retrieve e-mail using POP to connect to our Exchange server. POP is working fine (lots of other e-mail clients use it without a problem), but the iPhone cannot connect).
    Hope that helps.

  • Can iPhone sync with outlook exchange

    Can iphone sync with Outlook Exchange for business?

    Outlook, or Exchange? There is no "Outlook Exchange".

  • IPhone out-of-sync with Exchange after performing inbox search?

    Hey everyone,
    I work as an IT technician for an Enterprise where the majority of end-users utilize iPhones (4 and 4s) and iPads (all versions) with varying versions of iOS. Many of these people have ActiveSync set up with our Exchange Server (2008RS, Exchange 2010). We have received a pretty consistent amount of user complaints for a while where end-users' iPhones will [seemingly randomly] become out of sync; i.e. they delete an email on their iPhone and their Outlook doesn't reflect this for hours or visa-versa.
    We have traced this down to indexed searching with the iPhone. In a nutshell, if an end-user tries to search their inbox for an email using the search feature, this is when everything becomes out-of-sync with Exchange. The workaround is restarting the phone (for some reason restarting the Mail app doesn't help).
    I am curious if anyone has more information around this or perhaps a fix so we're not having to tell people (namely Executives and VIPs with larger inboxes...thus searching is used more) to restart their iPhones all the time.
    I thank each of you in advance for any advice you may have. Thanks!

    Hi mehrardt,
    It does sound like the exchange email account has to be removed from the iPhone and then added again.
    If he has another personal email account on the iPhone, you can have him delete the exchange account and then tap a configuration profile that you emailed him.
    The iPhone Configuration Utility available here: will let you create a configuration profile with certificates, which you can email. The receiver would just tap the profile and it would configure the iPhone.

  • ICal still does not sync with exchange 2007 in Lion

    In Snow Leopard, iCal was not syncing with Exchange 2007. I read a lot of things on this and it all led to recurring events. Indeed, after deleting them, things started to work. But I cannot delete recurring events! I need them!
    Seeing that there was soo much talk on this all over on apple, I assumed that Apple would fix it. Instead, all we're seeing is some enhanced UI.
    Can somebody at Apple please make sure that this thing finally gets fixed? Really, how hard can it be, knowing that the hardware based i devices can sync without any trouble?
    Just for extra information, so you know what direction to look for:
    I have Windows SBS 2008 in Dutch language. Timezone is Brussels. Exchange 2007 and all updates.
    The system is running a self signed certificate
    Outlook works fine on the Mac. I don't want to use Outlook on the Mac but am forced to at the moment.
    Mail/Addressbook sync fine. Only Outlook doesn't!
    I did try deleting recurrent events and this worked for a day. Basically stopped working I think when I added again those recurring events.
    There are some errors in the console:
    21/07/11 11:42:36,563 iCal: Couldn't find an NSTimeZone to match the SerializableTimeZone
    21/07/11 11:42:36,563 iCal: WARNING: Failed to find TimeZone Identifier for Windows MeetingTimeZone: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlijn, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Wenen
    21/07/11 11:42:36,580 iCal:  error = Error Domain=CalExchangeErrorDomain Code=-11 "iCal kan de activiteiten in de agenda 'Agenda' niet bijwerken." UserInfo=0x7fbe94adb8b0 {CalFailedOperationKey=<CalExchangeSyncFolderItemsOperation: 0x7fbe94102d40>, NSLocalizedDescription=iCal kan de activiteiten in de agenda 'Agenda' niet bijwerken., NSLocalizedFailureReason=De account 'Exchange' kan momenteel niet worden bijgewerkt.}
    Please fix this,
    Message was edited by: guido4096. Added error message

    Hi all,
    I do have exactly the same problem.
    But I am adding a new flavor, but I can not understand it.
    I've setup two Exchange calender connections. Both servers are inhouse. The setup of the Exchange servers are most likely the same.
    But one works and one not! How could this be explained?
    I like to express my deep disappointment about iCal and partly Apple Mail. It is unbelievable for me, that years after Apple's cooperation with Microsoft there are still such problems.
    I like my Macbooks and I certainly have the absolutely full bandwidth of all Apple products in my household and companies. But I think I have to go back to Microsoft and Sony Laptops in the near future.
    Although this kind of bugs are small one's, but the hurt constantly. Apple - please fix that.
    Here just for the interested reader is my console error message:
    3/15/12 11:51:29.819 AM iCal:  error = Error Domain=CalExchangeErrorDomain Code=-11 "iCal can’t refresh events in the calendar “Kalender”." UserInfo=0x7f856d4bddb0 {CalFailedOperationKey=<CalExchangeSyncFolderItemsOperation: 0x7f856c5ca060>, NSLocalizedDescription=iCal can’t refresh events in the calendar “Kalender”., NSLocalizedFailureReason=The account "DR InfoDyn" currently can’t be refreshed.}

  • Yearly recurring meeting created on iPhone breakes iCal sync with exchange

    I encounter a reproducable bug with Snow Leopard 10.6.1's iCal stopping sync with Exchange 2007 SP1 (Update Rollup 7), as soon a i create a yearly recurring meeting on iPhone 3GS connected to same Exchange Server via Active Sync.
    After creating this meeting, syncing in iCal is broken, reporting following error:
    iCal[31968]: GetCalendarItem operation failed
    iCal[31968]: error = Error Domain=CalExchangeErrorDomain Code=-11 UserInfo=0x117a06cc0 "iCal kann keine Ereignisse im Kalender „Kalender“ aktualisieren."
    iCal[31968]: Queue operation failed
    iCal will never get synced anymore, until this one meeting is deleted via iPhone, OWA or Outlook. Please note: E-Mail and contacts still sync without problems.
    Can anyone having a similiar setup confirm this to be problem!?
    Where can i "report" this officially to apple?
    Used versions:
    Mac OSX 10.6.1
    iCal 4.0 (1362)
    iPhone 3GS 3.1.2
    Exchange 2007 SP1 Update Rollup 7
    So everything up to date, except for exchange 2007 missing some fixes...
    To better reproduce this, here's the procedure:
    On iPhone create a new meeting, make it "whole day", set recurring to "weekly" and voila, next time you sync iCal it stops with exclamation mark!
    After testing, delete the meeting, but make sure to delete ALL instances, otherwise syncing won't work anymore:-(

    Hello all there,
    i was strubbeling with the same problem, but i found 'a' solution.
    Let's hope that apple would fix this in the next version of iCal.
    If iCal is saying that it cannot be synced, and you found an error like this "error = Error Domain=CalExchangeErrorDomain Code=-11 UserInfo=...." in your console, try this (read carefully).
    *What i have done.*
    1. Get an pc with MS Windoos en MS outlook in your exchange network (yes really, you need it)
    2. Open MS outlook (i used 2007).
    3. Export your calender to a .pst backup file
    4. Then navigate to "View > Current View" and hit "all events".
    5. Select all events then delete them all
    6. Import your backup file to the calender.
    7. From step 3 to 6, they are waste of time.
    *So... what you need to do*
    01. Open iCal and remove your exchange account.
    02. Get an pc with MS Windoos en MS outlook in your exchange network (yes really, you need it)
    03. Open MS outlook (i used 2007).
    04. Then navigate to "View > Current View" and hit "returning events".
    05. Note all of your returning events in notepad (also events from the past).
    +You can also delete these events from the past+
    06. Now delete all these "returning events".
    07. Press the send and recieve all button in outlook.
    08. Grab a cup of coffee
    09. Start iCal and re-setup your exchange account.
    If your exchange account is syncing with iCal then you can recreate the returning events. If it isn't syncing try to remove some other data, but be shure that you have created a backup file.
    In my case the error was in one of the returning events, but i have figured that out to delete group of events en try'd to sync again.
    Please note that my 3G iPhone was syncing very good, at time of this problem.
    This are the console error messages:
    11/6/09 06 Nov 15:16:26 iCal[291] Couldn't find an NSTimeZone to match the SerializableTimeZone
    11/6/09 06 Nov 15:16:26 iCal[291] WARNING: Failed to find TimeZone Identifier for Windows MeetingTimeZone: Casablanca
    11/6/09 06 Nov 15:16:26 iCal[291] error = Error Domain=CalExchangeErrorDomain Code=-11 UserInfo=0x11a287ee0 "iCal can’t refresh events in the calendar “Calendar”."
    My setup:
    MS SMB 2008 with Exchange 2007 (full updated till 2009/11/06 - today)
    iPhone 3G 3.0
    Mac OSX 10.6.1
    iCal 4.0 (1362)
    So.... i hope that you can fix your problem with my post.
    I will subscripe to this post for a while, so if you need some help; Post it!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Message was edited by: Ronald Veenbrink

  • IOS6 sync with Exchange Contact

    Today, I just upgrade my 4S into IOS 6, unfortunately I look that my iPhone sync with Exchange Contact has problem, I have around 5xx records in my address book. However, IOS6 only can sync 42 records into my phone.
    After I found this problem, I have tried to reset into factory setting, erase all content and settings in my iphone, it also can sync 42 records.
    I am using Exchange Online, so I try import my contact into Gmail and try to sync with Google Exchange. And it only can sync 42 records only.
    My ipad@IOS 5.1.1 is perfect to sync with Exchange, My [email protected] and [email protected] also haven't any problem, also my **** Galaxy S3 still can use (although it always shows sign-in failed).
    Does anyone has any idea to fix this problem.
    Best Regards,

    The problem i find is that it sync with all contact folders, both local and server based.
    Can I change that.

  • Iphone Sync with Exchange Live Sync vs Local cacche

    I have the Iphone and have been using the Sync with Exchange Server 2007 capabilities. It seems to me that rather than a sync and storing the data locally like Windows Mobile, it seems as if this is a live connection. The reason i say this is when I am in an area where I have no connection I am unable to move or delete an email until the connection is available. Also I once had a problem with my SSL cert so i had gone into the mail settings on the Iphone and then all my contacts, mail, etc... were gone from the phone. As soon as the SSL was fixed everything appeared back. With Windows Mobile it stored everything locally on the phone via a sync so you can do anything without a connection and then sync it afterward.
    Is this the way it works how I described it. If so does anyone know a way to have the data stored on the Iphone itself?

    Potentially calendar corruption.

  • Sent items not syncing with Exchange

    I've got a problem whereby my mailbox has now successfully synced with my Exchange server in Snow Leopard Mail. The problem I have though is that my Sent items box is completely empty, like it just hasn't synced with it (it doesn't even look like it's trying to sync). Is there a setting I'm missing or am I doing something stupid?

    Hi All
    Just to add my solution in here. I was gaving the issue where all of my mail had synchronised, and all of my ical and all of addressbook. However, my sent mail folder was not syncing, and worse still, no new sent mail was being saved off in sent mail.
    Initially I thought it was a mailbox size thing, so I archived off the majority of my mail on another machine, deleted the sent mails, and then let the other machine sync with Exchange.
    However still the same issue on a tiny mailbox. After seeing this thread (pointed here by Apple Tech support - thanks Clement) i deleted all sent mails on another machine, jumped back onto mac and all was well.
    I still have a weird issue with delinquent emails in sent mail that wont delete, but I can live with that.
    I too wish that Apple would make a more robust mail application - Apple ProMail as part of the iwork suite anyone??

  • Iphone deleted all phone numbers when synced with Exchange, Please Help!!

    We recently received new Iphones for the Administrative staff and thought that like other Smartphones we've used in the past that syncing with Exchange would be a breeze. After doing a bit of research everything pointed towards it being a very simple process, this is the process I followed:
    Open up Itunes with Iphone connected
    Click your iPhone in the "Devices" section on the left
    Click the "Info" tab
    In the Contacts section, check "Sync contacts with" and select "Outlook"
    Click "All Contacts"
    Click the "Sync" button in iTunes lower-right corner
    Click "Merge", so that your contacts on your iPhone are preserved
    This seemed to work but there is one major problem, all of the contacts on the Iphone and the ones imported into Outlook no longer have any phone numbers associated to them. The contacts were all synced into Outlook/Exchange no problem with their respective emails but with no phone numbers at all. Unfortunately the computer which had the backup of this Iphone was recently decommissioned so I have no backup of the phone in its previous state.
    Is there any way to recover the old phone numbers/contacts on the phone without having a backup of it in its previous state? I have tried the "Import Sim Contacts" button in the settings on the phone but it doesn't seem to actually do anything. There are over 100 contacts on this particular phone, some of which the phone numbers will be very difficult to retrieve again.
    I have to say that I'm not very impressed that the most popular smartphone out there can't even sync with the largest email platform in the enterprise world properly. If anybody can help me retrieve those numbers some how I would be extremely appreciative.

    tbradley wrote:
    So is this not a common issue?
    This is the first I have heard of it... but I'm only one person.
    tbradley wrote:
    Does the Iphone actually support 2-way sync with Outlook properly or will it erase all of the numbers on the phone every time?
    If you are syncing directly with Outlook, there are options in iTunes to determine which set of contacts takes priority when duplicates are found.  Personally I do not use this.  I have my device set up to sync directly with the exchange server so all changes are made directly on the server.
    Personally I would recommend against using Outlook as the intermediary.  You will get much more consistent and reliable results if the iPhone syncs directly with the exchange server and no worries if the end user has not synced the device in days/weeks/months.

  • 700wx to 8330 ? How can I sync w/ exchange server at work (contacts/calandar)

    Wow I'm not sure this is the right device for me.. Verizon 8330 Curve.   I really need to be able to sync up w/ my works exchange server for email, contacts and for my calandar; how can I do this?   Any help would be appreciated, I'm missing my treo already and I wasn't hoping it would be this way.

    direct Exchange sync requires through a BES server (that the IT of your company have to buy and install).
    There is no ActiveSync for Blackberry.
    You can contract a BIS account, that will enable you to receive emails from an email address. It you want to sync with Exchange services (email, address book, tasks, calendar...) you can look at Blackberry Unite and/or Desktop redirector (that will sync with Exchange through your Outlook client). The infos I am giving you are not accurate, but should help you find more information.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Treo 680 won't sync with Exchange

    I had a 680 that died and got a replacement under the factory warranty.  The new one arrived and is unable to sync with my Exchange server.  I have the username and password and server address all identical to the older phone (running older software.)  I keep getting AirSAMStateMachine.c 1913 103 error, which appears to be related to certificates (according to the forums.)  I beg to differ because several colleagues have recently upgraded their Palm software to match mine and they can still sync with our Exchange server.  I need an honest-to-goodness real-life solution please!  I've messed with settings, tried with and without SSL, performed soft resets on my phone after importing the certificate exported from our mail server, deleted the account on my phone, created a new one...on and on and on.  Palm continues to waste DAYS of my productivity and this is just another instance where the product just doesn't work and the messages are so vague and the support is so non-existent that I have no clue where to turn.  I'm hoping these forums can provide some insight.  Everything synced up fine with my old phone.
    Thanks for your time.
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (AT&T)

    After 2 hours on chat with a technician and an hour on the phone with another technician, I finally got bumped up to Tier 2.  We established that I had to DELETE my Exchange account and start over.  I burned an entire day on this but that is what fixed my problem.  The error I was continually getting was "103 - Data too large"  Even though my old phone synced up just fine and even though I could sync a colleague's 1000+ item inbox, I couldn't sync my 11 item inbox.  Get a new phone = delete your Exchange account and start all over.  I'm glad I don't have to buy a new car everytime I need new tires.  Thanks, Palm, for not needing to know the cause of the problem (my data was NOT too large), just the painful solution (who doesn't like to delete their Exchange account?)
    I can't wait to switch to Windows Mobile.
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (AT&T)

  • Droid X sync with Exchange

    The Droid X is supposed to sync with exchange. I had the original Droid and the Exchange sync worked great. I can't get the Droid x to connect to the server using the same information I used with the Droid. Can anybody help?

    jterra wrote:
    The Droid X is supposed to sync with exchange. I had the original Droid and the Exchange sync worked great. I can't get the Droid x to connect to the server using the same information I used with the Droid. Can anybody help?
    Hi.  I am sorry you are having issues with syncing with exchange and I can certainly look into it for you.   Since you used it with the original Droid, it should all be the same.   What error message are you getting?  Are you not able to receive or send?
    Waiting on your reply

  • Calendar doesn't sync with exchange 2010

    Calendar sync with exchange 2003 but after upgrade to exchange 2010 my Calendar doesn't sync anymore.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Can you expand on that please? As in, what exactly, tells you it doesn't sync anymore? Did you re-configure the Desktop Software? If so, what did that present? If not, well, you need to since you've changed your Desktop Organizer app...
    Let us know.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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