Can't trigger off of signal

I'm using the latest Signal Express with an NI-9233 and an ICP force sensor. When I set up my hardware to measure the first channel, it reads it just fine, but when I try to set up the trigger, the option to use the signal as a trigger is greyed out. The only options available are NONE and SOFTWARE.
Is there something else I need to do so I can trigger off of my input signal?

Hello Jeff,
To add to Christophe’s comments, it is also possible to perform hardware triggering on your 9233.  This can be done if you have a cDAQ-9172 NI CompactDAQ Chassis and another cDAQ module that uses the type of triggering you would like to use.  An example of such a module would be an NI-9205.  With this module installed, you can trigger off of an analog input or a digital input.  This trigger event can then be shared over the cDAQ chassis backplane. 
For analog input triggering, it is necessary to have an analog input channel from the NI-9205 as the first channel in the scanned channels list in SignalExpress.  An analog input trigger channel can then be specified as the channel from the NI-9205.  Please see the following screenshot. 
After the 9205 is installed in any slot in the cDAQ-9172, you can use the PFI0 line from this module as a digital trigger for your analog input task.  Please see the following screenshot. 
Message Edited by BrowningG on 11-30-2007 04:48 PM
Browning G
AnalogTriggering.JPG ‏23 KB
DigitalTriggering.JPG ‏20 KB

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    //// Older way
    void CWinTFSView:tartDaq()
     COleVariant vOptional((long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
     CString ScanChannels[9];
     int Device;
     long Scans;
     float SampleRate;
     float ScanRate;
     long PreTriggerScans;
     Device = 1;
     Scans = int (m_ActualPointPerRecord) *m_TotalChannel;
     SampleRate = (int) (1000000/(m_TimePerPoint));
     ScanRate = SampleRate;
     PreTriggerScans = m_TriggerDelay/m_TimePerPoint;
     // InsertChannel 
     ScanChannels[1].Insert(0, "0");
     ScanChannels[2].Insert(0, "1");
     ScanChannels[3].Insert(0, "2");
     ScanChannels[4].Insert(0, "3");
     ScanChannels[5].Insert(0, "4");
     ScanChannels[6].Insert(0, "5");
     ScanChannels[7].Insert(0, "6");
     ScanChannels[8].Insert(0, "7");
     CString Ch ="";
     bool First = TRUE;
     for(int i = 1; i< 9; i++)  
      if(m_Ch[i] == TRUE) 
       switch (m_NiGain[i]) {
       case 1:
        m_CWAI.GetChannels().Add(ScanChannels[i],CNiVa​riant(10),CNiVariant(-10), vOptional, vOptional);
       case 2:
        m_CWAI.GetChannels().Add(ScanChannels[i],CNiVa​riant(5),CNiVariant(-5), vOptional, vOptional);
       case 4:
        m_CWAI.GetChannels().Add(ScanChannels[i],CNiVa​riant(2.5),CNiVariant(-2.5), vOptional, vOptional);
     char temp[10];
     int RealTriggerCh = m_TriggerChannel - 1;
     itoa(RealTriggerCh, temp, 10);
     m_CWAI.GetStopCondition().SetHysteresis(float (0.05));
     m_AcquireMode = true;
     //delay function
     int k;
     for(i = 1; i<= m_TIME_DELAY; i++)
      k = 1;
    code.txt ‏4 KB

    Hello DrObb,
    I'm not sure I know exactly what you are trying to do, but I'd like to offer some suggestions.  First, it looks like you are trying to use some sort of software analog triggering?  Depending on your M Series device, you might be able to use hardware analog triggering.  The 625x and 628x families have hardware analog triggering capabilities.  You can use an analog trigger on any one of the analog input channels or the APFI line.  Additionally, all M Series have digital triggering support.  So it should not be necessary to use external circuitry unless you have a 622x device and you need analog triggering.
    As far as the .NET programming, I suggest looking at some existing shipping examples.  If you included .NET support when you installed NI-DAQmx, you should have a bunch of .NET examples in the following directory (regardless of whether or not you have measurement studio):  C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2003\DotNET\Example​s\DAQmx\Analog In\Measure Voltage
    It looks like you probably want to use an analog reference trigger (if you want pre and post trigger data).  So you might have to take pieces of a couple examples, like the analog start trigger example and the digital reference trigger example.  Good luck, re-post if you have additional questions!
    -Alan A.

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    Attachments: ‏267 KB

    Hi Marc1uk.
    Rather than using Express VIs for your coding, have you considered looking at other VIs available for signal analysis.
    There is a VI designed specifically for calculating Cycle RMS called "Cycle Average and" which you can find by right-clicking on your block diagram and using the search from the functions palette. This VI can be used for periodic signals, although I appreciate your concerns that by changing the duty cycle of your PWM signal it may not fulfil your requirements.
    To overcome your triggering issue, one of the simplest ways may be to change the parameters for your stop trigger. If you set this to the falling edge of the signal and something like 0.2 then hopefully the triggering will be stopped just before the next trigger gets started.
    Unfortunately you're always likely to see some phase delay occurred through software filtering in any language. How much phase delay are you experiencing? One option that may reduce this slightly is to change your Filter Express VI to a lower level "Butterworth" which you can find through the Functions >> Signal Processing >> Filters, palette. For this, you can create constants to configure the VI to the same properties as your express VI i.e. a constant of "3" into the Order input, a constant of "Lowpass" into the Filter Type input and the output of the x*5 expression into the Low Cutoff F input.
    Hope this information helps you further on your way! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
    Kind regards,

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    11.1.11 DISABLE PIN Functional description
    The Disable PIN command is used to switch off the requirement to compare the PIN verification data with the PIN
    reference data. The command also allows an indication whether to use an alternative global key reference, if enabled, or
    not when the application PIN is disabled. For universal PIN definition see clause 9.4.1. Usage of an alternative global
    key reference for user verification is indicated in parameter P1. If an alternative global key reference is used as a
    replacement for the application PIN, the usage qualifier in the PS_DO template data object for the alternative global key
    reference is set to "use" = '08'. The verification of the alternative global key reference shall be performed instead of the
    application PIN verification to get access to the application.
    The UICC shall perform a validation of the SE after the successful execution of this command as the current SE may
    have changed and this shall affect the access to files.
    NOTE 1: The access rules for the application must cater for the case that an alternative global key reference
    replaces the application PIN. It is the responsibility of the application to specify this.
    The successful execution of this function has the effect that files protected by PIN are now accessible as if they were
    marked "ALWAYS", except in the case where the alternative global key reference is to be used as a replacement for the
    disabled PIN. In this case the access condition for files containing only a reference to the disabled PIN is the alternative
    global key reference. For files having more than one global key reference indicated in the access rules the access
    condition is "ALWAYS" after disabling on of the key references used in the access rules. The function DISABLE PIN
    shall not be executed by the selected application when PIN is already disabled or blocked.
    NOTE 2: Every application must specify whether this function is applicable to all PINs defined for the application.
    If the PIN presented is correct, the number of remaining PIN attempts shall be reset to its initial value 3 and PIN shall
    be disabled.
    If the PIN presented is false, the number of remaining PIN attempts shall be decremented and PIN remains enabled.
    After 3 consecutive false PIN presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, the PIN shall be blocked and the
    access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK PIN function has been successfully performed on PIN.
    � PIN.
    � none. Command parameters
    Code Value
    CLA As specified in clause 10.1.1
    INS As specified in clause 10.1.2
    P1 See table 11.16
    P2 As specified for the VERIFY PIN command, see clause 11.1.9
    Lc Length of the subsequent data = '08'
    Data PIN value
    Le Not present
    Table 11.16: Coding of P1
    b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Verification data present in data field
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Reserved by ISO/IEC 7816-8 [15]
    1 - - - - - - - Verification data present, and use reference
    data number as verification replacement
    - X X - - - - - '00' (other values are RFU)
    - - - X X X X X Global key reference data number ('01' to '1F')

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    Deselect:  Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps
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    Hi @grandmaman ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. I have read about your HP Notebook and getting a blank or black screen on startup. Try performing a hard reset.
    When performing a hard reset please note remove any and all USB devices. Disconnect all non-essential devices.
    Here is a link to computer won't start for Windows 7. Windows 8 here.
    If that does not help at the end of the document it shows you to do a hardware test.
    I hope this helps you.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Perform a Reset...
    Reset  ( No Data will be Lost )
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Release the Buttons.

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    Why, if it told you you have insufficient space on your computer, would it suggest making more space available on your phone?
    At a guess, you have insufficient space on your phone. Installing software will typically require more space than the final size of the software, perhaps even twice or three times as much, for the installation process. You can easily dump some videos or music temporarily, and then synch them back in afterwards.

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    Buy another hard drive.  They're cheap these days.
    In fact, buy a couple of 'em.  I recommend a minimum of five internal hard drives.
    C: Windows and Programs
    D: Project, graphic and audio files
    E: Cache and Scratch
    F: Media
    G: Export

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    "Richard Koudry" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3dd0d081$[email protected]..
    Dear Colleagues,
    I am currently developing a J2EE application using WLS 6.1.
    My team and I have to implement a security requirement to suit ourcompany's needs.
    The security requirements are that, users' password need to be aged (30days maximum) and we need to provided a GUI front-end (JSP) to allow users
    to change their password when these expire after 30 days.
    Our internal contacts in the company, have already taken the lead to findout about whether we will be able to use the WLS 6.1 platform to do this and
    the answer we got back, was.
    Now we need to develop our own security module.
    I have 2 questions:
    1. How can we turn off the WLS security in order develop our ownapplication-based security module?
    2. How can we develop a security module that allows us to age users'password and provide them with facilities to change their passwords when
    these expire?
    At the moment, we are using the default BEA WebLogic login.jsp page andthere some configuration in the web.xml for this. I will be grateful if you
    could advise me on how to turn this default security off so that we can
    write our own security module.

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