Can This be Converted from CS4 AS3 to Flash8 AS2?

Is This Possible To Work In Flash8 AS2?
import; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); var accel = 2 var speed = 0.06 var friction = 0.94 function update(e:Event):void { if (mouseX>400){body.fridge.rotationY += speed + accel} if (mouseX<100){body.fridge.rotationY += speed - accel} if (mouseY<100){body.fridge.rotationX += speed + accel} if (speed>2){speed = 2} if (speed<-2){speed = -2} body.fridge.rotationY *= friction body.fridge.rotationX *= friction }

no.  flash8 doesn't support 3d manipulation of 2d objects.

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  • Pacman: Pathname can't be converted from UTF-8 to current locale

    Hello Forum,
    I am stuck with a problem to which I cannot find any solution after spending half the day trying to solve it:
    I have a package wich I installed from AUR -> MyCustomRepository working nicely on my main Arch system. Now I would like to add the package to a livecd using the archiso scripts. When I add it to my packages.both list it downloads fine.
    However when installation into chroot should start pacman gives me the following error:
    (378/378) loading package files [######################] 100%
    error: error while reading package /var/cache/pacman/pkg/pd-extended-0.43.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz: Pathname can't be converted from UTF-8 to current locale.
    error: failed to commit transaction (libarchive error)
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    My System only uses en_US.UTF-8 as locale, so I don't really understand why any conversion should be neccesary.
    I read about a similar error somewhere with a reply stating it had  to do with packaging. No solution was given however. Can this be the case? And if yes, why do I not have any problems installling in my main system? And more importantly, how can I fix it? i don't really know where to look for the right way now.
    I already tried to include a different packages from AUR through my repository, which worked as expected.
    the package is pd-extended from AUR with a slight modification to make the .desktop file actually start pdextended.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    # Maintainer: <fero dot kiraly at>
    # Contributor: Dominik Schmidt-Philipp <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="PureData Extended 0.43-4 version"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64' )
    depends=('libdc1394' 'desktop-file-utils' 'libiec61883' 'fftw' \
    'jack' 'tk' 'freeglut' 'libquicktime' 'libdv' 'gsl' 'imagemagick' \
    'ftgl' 'libgl' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'lua51')
    makedepends=('dssi' 'git' 'libv4l' 'tcllib' 'subversion' 'swig' 'automake' 'curl')
    conflicts=('pdp' 'zexy' 'puredata')
    provides=( 'pd-extended' 'pd-gem' 'pdp' 'zexy')
    optdepends=('puredata-utils' 'pd-vanilla')
    options=('!makeflags' '!libtool')
    source=('change_gem_configure_file.patch' 's_inter.c.patch' 'tclpd.Makefile.patch' '')
    md5sums=('63a36c51706eaed98611aa4b4bb6ed0d' '8b748d09e8bdf04540ba579d0a6b5318' '463de23166cef2dcf6c7f6989e636213' '5938b12a232004de15f5a383f95cedca' )
    build() {
    unset CFLAGS
    unset LDFLAGS
    unset INCLUDES
    #downloading pd-extended----------------------------------------------------------
    msg "Begin SVN checkout for pd-extended 0.43.4"
    cd $srcdir
    svn checkout $pkgname
    msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout"
    cd ..
    #FIXES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # fix #1 lua
    #patch $srcdir/$pkgname/externals/loaders/pdlua/src/Makefile ./repair_lua_lib_number.patch
    #fix #2 -- GEM
    patch $srcdir/$pkgname/externals/Gem/ ./change_gem_configure_file.patch
    #fix #3 -- repair wish8.6 (for tcl8.6)
    patch $srcdir/$pkgname/pd/src/s_inter.c ./s_inter.c.patch
    #fix #4 -- repair version of tcl (8.6)
    patch $srcdir/$pkgname/externals/loaders/tclpd/Makefile ./tclpd.Makefile.patch
    #fix #5 -- repair binary name to pd-extended (from pd)
    #patch $srcdir/$pkgname/packages/Makefile ./program_name.patch
    patch $srcdir/$pkgname/pd/src/ ./
    # 64 bit archutecure----------------------------------------------------------------
    if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
    # fix -fPIC issue in PDP
    sed -e "s|CFLAGS =|CFLAGS = -fPIC|" \
    -i $srcdir/$pkgname/externals/pdp/opengl/Makefile.config || return 1
    # fix -fPIC issue in pddp
    sed -e "s|DEFINES =|DEFINES = -fPIC|" \
    -i $srcdir/$pkgname/externals/miXed/Makefile.common || return 1
    # setting additional variable
    else FPIC_FLAG=""
    #MAKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname/packages/linux_make" || return 1
    make BUILDLAYOUT_DIR=$srcdir/$pkgname/packages \
    prefix=/usr \
    install || return 1
    package() {
    cp -urv $srcdir/$pkgname/packages/linux_make/build/usr $pkgdir/
    mv $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/pd.1 $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/pdextended.1
    rm $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/pdreceive.1
    rm $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/pdsend.1
    rm $pkgdir/usr/include/m_pd.h
    rm $pkgdir/usr/bin/pd-gui.tcl
    cd $srcdir/$pkgname/
    # PD License
    install -Dm644 pd/LICENSE.txt $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/pd-extended/LICENSE.txt
    cd packages/
    install -p linux_make/default.pdextended $pkgdir/usr/lib/pd-extended/
    # Gnome menu support
    install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
    install -p -m0644 linux_make/pd-extended.png $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/
    install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
    install -p -m0644 linux_make/48x48/pd-extended.png $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pd-extended.png
    install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/
    install -p linux_make/pd-extended.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/
    sed -i "s/^Exec=.*/Exec=pdextended/" $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/pd-extended.desktop
    # mime
    install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/mime/packages/
    install -p linux_make/pd-extended.xml $pkgdir/usr/share/mime/packages/
    install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/mimetypes
    install -p linux_make/text-x-puredata.png $pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/mimetypes
    # files for /etc
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname"
    install -d $pkgdir/etc/bash_completion.d/
    install -p scripts/bash_completion/pd $pkgdir/etc/bash_completion.d
    # emacs mode for .pd files
    install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
    install -p scripts/pd-mode.el $pkgdir/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
    # Pd-related scripts
    install -p scripts/pd-diff $pkgdir/usr/bin/
    install -p scripts/ $pkgdir/usr/bin/
    # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

    I chroot into workdir. uncommented en_US.UTF-8 in /etc/locale.gen, run locale-gen and now get this inside the chroot.
    [root@dArch2 releng]# chroot work/x86_64/root-image/
    [root@dArch2 /]# locale
    this looks alright to me. Any more suggestions?
    It's the first time I use a custom-repo and I set it up only for this purpose. So yes, it's up to date and can be used outside the chroot. Also a different package I put from AUR into my custom-repo installs fine and doesn't give this error.
    How else could I test the custom-repo?

  • Can't reinstall Acrobat from CS4

    Here are my symptoms--for some reason Adobe PDF 9.0 wouldn't work. So I figured that the best thing to first try is uninstalling Acrobat Pro 9 and reinstalling it. I used the uninstaller to uninstall, then ran the installer from CS4 Design Standard. The installer hangs at "Preparing to Install..."
    I looked at, in which Bob Levine refers to But I can't figure out which solution he is referring to:
    * The (uncited) reference that "According to the Adobe KB, the blank installer alert dialog is a result of having Safari 4 installed."
    * The suggestion to quit Safari (not applicable to me)
    * The suggestion to Safe Boot
    I'm off to Safe Boot and reinstall (why did I think I was going to get some work done today, rather than f-ing around with the Adobe Installer?). If that doesn't work, I guess I'll go call Mumbai.
    Bob, if you are reading this, and you have some more clues to leave us about the installer hanging, we would love them
    PS--If it matters, I installed CS4 last week, and then installed OS 10.6, and now Adobe PDF 9.0 isn't working (perhaps related, not sure).

    Well, I went through the process of deactivating, uninstalling CS4, running the cleanup script , and then reinstalling from scratch. At least I now have Acrobat running again, but I still can't print from Adobe PDF 9.0. Sigh. I'll go over to another forum and see if I can find any clues.

  • Chinese characters can not be converted from Smartform to PDF

    Hi gurus,
    There are some smartform programs containing chinese and english in my R/3 system. Preview and printing are both OK.
    But when I convert them into PDF using program RSTXPDFT2, all chinese display as ### or /// and so on in PDF files. But english characters are OK.
    Here's some information:
    1. I have checked settings in SCOT and use CNPDF for Chinese language as SAP recommend.
    2. The font in smartform is CNSONG.
    3. My R/3 is a unicode system.
    4. My acrobat reader can read other chinese PDF files. Thus it's not my PC's problem.
    Do you have any suggestions?
    Thanks very much in advance!

    I got the similar problem but with Japanese characters(runs windows japanese edition), I solved it with the help of our user but couldn't remember the exact solution(around 2 year back I did this), but I'm sure that she maintained some parameter ID in User profile and it solved our problem.
    I am just passing this info as it may be useful to solve your problem.

  • Can this be converted to use EL ?  If so, how ?

    I am new to JSP / JSTL / EL. I am trying to convert existing code written by someone else from scriptlets to EL. (The code uses the displaytag tag library for tables.)
    I cannot figure out how to convert line 122: mbeanServer.getAttribute() takes two parameters
    Object      getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute)
    Is it possible to convert getAttribute() with multiple parameters to EL... ?
    If so can someone post an example of how to do it.
    If not... can someone let me know
    Any help is appreciated. I tried some things to convert
    getAttribute( x, y ) but get error "The function xx must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified"
    Here is the code to convert to EL: ( 119-136)
    52 <%
    53 MBeanInfo mbInfo = (MBeanInfo)session.getAttribute(JmxAction.MBEAN_INFO);
    54 ObjectInstance mbInstance = (ObjectInstance)session.getAttribute(JmxAction.MBEAN_OBJECT_INSTANCE);
    55 MBeanServer mbServer = (MBeanServer)session.getAttribute(JmxAction.MBEAN_SERVER_ATTR);
    56 MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = (MBeanAttributeInfo[])session.getAttribute(JmxAction.MBEAN_ATTRIBUTES);
    57 request.setAttribute("attributes", attributes);
    58 MBeanOperationInfo[] operations = (MBeanOperationInfo[])session.getAttribute(JmxAction.MBEAN_OPERATIONS);
    59 request.setAttribute("operations", operations);
    60 %>
    119 <display:column
    120 title="Value">
    121 <%
    122 Object value = mbServer.getAttribute(mbInstance.getObjectName(), (String)pageContext.getAttribute("attributeName")) ;
    123 if(value != null && value.getClass().isArray())
    124 {
    125 Object[] values = (Object[])value;
    126 for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
    127 {
    128 out.print(values[i] + "<br>");
    129 }
    130 } else
    131 {
    132 out.print(value);
    133 }
    134 %>
    135 </display:column>
    136 </display:table>

    Is it possible to convert getAttribute() with multiple parameters to EL... ? No, not directly.
    EL can only access standard getter/setters. It can not call methods that take arguments.
    - write a "wrapper" class that provides an interface to the MBeanServer object that EL can access
    - if you have JSP2.0 you should be able to do it with a function

  • Can this product convert a sideways PDF to Excel?

    I have a PDF that is obviously an excel spreadsheet scanned in sideways and when I try to run it through the export program, I get a file of junk.
    Any ideas>?

    Good day,
    Sorry to hear you're having trouble converting your document.  Do you think you could share your document with us via the File Conversion Issue form?  Without seeing the file, it's tough to say why it's not converting properly.  Please include a reference to this forum thread in your description.

  • Problems converting from CS4 - eps files show TIFF error

    Having downloaded the latest version of Indesign CS6, I have tried to open several douments of a music tutor featuring many EPS music graphics along with many Tiff images. However, I keep getting following error: "Error encountered while reading TIFF image. Image may be damaged or incompatible. Resave the image with different settings and try again."
    I have resaved all the EPS and Tiff images as CS6 files and relinked them into the document but to no avail - the problem remains. I suspect that the  image files are not actually damaged but that there is some other problem. I have 100s of images and am not sure what next to do. I noticed another user ( Kaleidoscopes Violin) who had a similar problem and it was suggested that "if your CS2 file is still intact, try exporting it to interchange format (.inx), then open the .inx file in CS5 (or CS5.5 which is the current release, and not the same as CS5)." - but this was for CS2 to CS5, and CS6 does not allow .inx file export. I need to work with the document in future so exporting it as a PDF file is of no use to me. Is this a known bug in CS6? I would be grateful for any advice. Thank you.

    Wow ... very, very helpful responses.  I wish I'd posted this earlier!! 
    I had no idea that EPS was an older file format, or that PDF was considered a "legitimate" graphics format.  Sibelius 6 only exports to EPS, TIFF (yuck!!), and PNG.  However, I did discover that it "prints" to Adobe PDF.  Odd that the option is located in an unexpected file menu, but very glad it's there!!  The PDF format loads fine into InDesign and also prints beautifully, unlike the PNG option. Yay!! 
    As far as embedding fonts, I had been making sure this option was checked (when exporting from Sibelius), so it seems unlikely that was the problem. So in theory that would mean it's not a problem of the InDesign font cache, or of a font discrepancey.  In practice ... who knows.  What's particularly puzzling is that some EPS files are fine, while others were not; and also that CS2 had no problems with any of them.
    Regardless, the font information is really, really good to know ... I'll save this thread for future use!
    Thanks so much to all for your generous help!!!

  • Can I still upgrade from CS4 to CS5?

    I remember before that when Adobe released a new version of their software, that you were able to download the older versions for free (for a short period of time, I think). Now that Adobe is releasing CS6, is CS5 still available? I looked on the site and can only find CS6, but a chat revealed that a CS5.5 Design Standard upgrade is still available for $499. Upgrading to 5 would solve a lot of my problems in dealing with current clients who have that. Going up to 5.5 or 6.0 would simply create new problems. One of my biggest clients is still running CS3!

    Yes, you can upgrade to CS5.5 (sorry, but CS5 is a year out of date) now and you'll get CS6 for free. You'll save a lot of money in doing so.

  • My grandson accidentially download stuff while playing games on my iPad how can this be removed from my account

    I need to cancel a purchase made by my grandson

    You cannot cancel a purchase.
    Once "buy" has been clicked, then it is bought.  There are no returns.
    You can try contacting itunes support and asking for an exception.  They are under no obligation to allow.

  • Can This Graphic Card from an Dell PC Work on my Acer Aspire?

    I was thinking about buying a Graphic Card. But the Brand is Dell/ATi. Is it only for Dell or can it be used for Acer too?

    See here:
    for instructions on how to install Firefox 5 on an Acer Aspire One running Linpus Lite Linux.

  • Saving from bridge and converting from raw to jpeg

    why can I not convert from raw to jpeg in bridge (camera raw) and save to a location different from the  original

    Yep sure can.
    In bridge select your picture(s) then edit in camera raw.
    In camera raw look in the bottom left of the camera raw dialog box and you will see a save as button.
    This will allow you to save your raw files as jpg, tiff or pngs.

  • I have purchased adobe pdf pack so i can delete some text from my converted files, this will only let me add text but not delete any, please help

    i have purchased adobe pdf pack so i can delete some text from my converted files, this will only let me add text but not delete any, please help

    I tyhink that you need ExportPDF, Adobe ExportPDF (read only). In any case, thius may help: Cancel your membership or subscription | online services

  • I have just converted from PC to iMac. Yay. But pls be nice to me; I am back to newb! Running Lion. Have connected a Time Capsule as both a backup and WAP. I want to be able to join the network with my iPad, iPhone, iPod to print. How can I do this?

    Can I do this using the Time Capsule. I am not tech, so bear with me. Can I get the iPad to connect wirelessly to the TC, which connects wirelessly to the Canon MP495? Or, can I connect/network the iPad to the iMac to print?
    Either way, or if there is any other solution, I would appreciate if someone would walk me through it, or point me to a plain-speaking resource.
    Actually, one more: I would like to connect my HP laptop as well. I have heard this is not simple, but possible.

    You can create a wifi network with your TC, and you can join this network with your iPad. However, your printer does not support the AirPrint protocol, so you will not be able to print from your iPad, unless you load additional software.
    These are the steps:
    1.  (You may have completed this step already) Set up your TC to create a wireless network. You can do this from AirPort Utility on your Mac or from the AirPort Utility App on your iPad (free download from the App Store).
    2. From your iPad, go to settings / wifi and join the network.
    3. Download the Canon iPhone App from the App store on your iPad
    4. You can now print photos from your iPad to your Canon printer.
    If you want full functionality, (not just photos), there is software for your Mac that makes your printer available to your iPad through AirPrint (Printopia). The downside is, you have to purchase it, and you have to have your Mac running when you want to print from your iPad.
    Good luck!

  • Would like to upgrade computer from Win XP to Win 07 ive been told i need to save what i want to keep because it will not convert how do i save my bookmarks or can this be done?

    i would like to upgrade my computer from XP to Win 07 ive been told when i do this i will lose all my files and etc., i do not want to lose some of my bookmarks in firefox as well as other files how do i save these files to a cd rom or can this not be done?

    Please take a look at:
    [[Backing up your information]]
    [[Recovering important data from an old profile]]

  • I have just purchased the PDF to word converter and I am trying to convert from PDF to word and keep getting a conversion failure? If this can't be fixed how do I cancel my subscription?

    I keep getting a conversion failure when I try to convert from a PDF into word. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    To use the online service you must upload the file to the service's web site after sign in to your account.
    The ExportPDF and the PDF Pack Services provide for PDF to Word / Excel. 
    Each has its own dedicated user-2-user forum where you'll want to browse and ask questions.
    For ExportPDF: 
    For PDF Pack: 
    Be well...

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