Canceling appts. sent to Outlook/Exchange

Using 8.03
If I send an appt. to an outside user who has Outlook, they receive and all is well. If I cancel the appt., it removes from my calendar, as well as other internal GW users, but not from the outside user(s).
If I send an appt. from Outlook into GW, then cancel, it removes OK from GW calendar.
Is there any way this can work from GW to Outlook?

bertschj wrote:
> Using 8.03
> If I send an appt. to an outside user who has Outlook, they receive
> and all is well. If I cancel the appt., it removes from my calendar,
> as well as other internal GW users, but not from the outside user(s).
> If I send an appt. from Outlook into GW, then cancel, it removes OK
> from GW calendar.
> Is there any way this can work from GW to Outlook?
You may need to upgrade to GW 2012 to get this to work as I know there
are a number of iCal fixes in 2012 (and 2012 SP1 and possibly also 2012
SP2) relating to appointments from GW to EX.
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    Are you sure the Outlook 2013 calendar entries are set set to shared?
    The following thread seems to document and discuss the topic well:

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    Have you tried deleting the Exchange account, and adding it again fresh?  I had similar problems and this fixed it for me.

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    I've heard many cases that user unable to scan to Email from Canon Scanner/Printer via Exchange Server. However, in this case, only one email address doesn't receive the scan items from the device, it seems to be none of business of IP/SMTP Port/DNS
    or network else, I mean the server site due to the other user is ok. This following factors might be the root:
    1. Email address itself. If necessary, please type the exact address through Canon Imagerunner 1133if and send one thing to the target email address to check the result.
    2. Permission. Check and enable the Anonymous Group on Receive Connector somewhere.
    3. The user's client. Disable all of security application in that user's computer, or logon this account in another machine to test the behavior.
    If none of steps above works, please create a new user in AD and then check everything is fine for a new createing user account. Thanks.
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    TechNet Community Support

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    We need to know more about your system, please download EtreCheck and run the report and please post it on your next reply. Then we can see how your system is configured, what apps are on it and look for anything obvious. We will look forward to seeing your report.

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    3. When I do edit a short task reminder and click done, it crashes and completly goes away. It does save the edit though
    4. You can only add task at the bottom of each days reminders. This is very inconvient and much more difficult than IOS6
    5. There is a major delay or latency when interacting inside of reminders in this version. Much more than IOS6. It is very unstable and quirky.
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    Thanks for any and all help you can give.
    Troy Meachum

    Some power supplies or designed so that if there is a short or overload they shut them selfs off and some will not turn back on. Some have a relay that will click back on and work, some you have to  cycle the power switch. Those that won't come back on will have to be replaced. I'm not saying that yours is that type as I have no way of telling. But if you have a friend who will loan you a good power supply you might try it. As someone else said just turning off the power will not darn all the power from some motherboards. To test this turn off your power supply than turn on the computer with the start botton. Mine will flash the lights and fans will start to spin than die. So every time you turn off computer to work on it. After turning off PSU hit the start botton to drian any power left in it before working on it. Also do this after unplugging it just to make sure.

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    never happended before

       Looks like all I needed to do was ask the question and I would answer it. 
    It is definitely the outlook 2013 calendar item that had the new status.  Even though I changed the item to a valid status, I needed to completely remove the item and add it back in with a valid legacy status from the start. 
    -The Steve

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