Cannot do anything related to 3g/ services

hey, i got my bb last month, and has worked perfectly, but today when i tried to go on facebook, it wouldnt update my feeds. when i tried bbming my mates it wasnt sending, and when i go on the web browser it doesnt work. it says that the 3g is connected but the services arent working. i have enough credit for orange to take the money out for the services. any ideas?

Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
I suggest the following steps, in order, even if they seem redundant to what you have already tried (steps 1 and 2 each should result in a message coming to your BB...please wait for that before proceeding to the next step):
1) Register HRT
KB00510 How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
2) Resend Service Books
KB02830 Send the service books for the BlackBerry Internet Service
3) Batt Pull Reboot
Anytime random strange behavior or sluggishness creeps in, the first thing to do is a battery pop reboot. With power ON, remove the back cover and pull out the battery. Wait about a minute then replace the battery and cover. Power up and wait patiently through the long reboot -- ~5 minutes. See if things have returned to good operation. Like all computing devices, BB's suffer from memory leaks and such...with a hard reboot being the best cure.
Hopefully that will get things going again for you! If not, then you should contact your carrier for formal support. I am concerned that you said "3g is connected"...if you were literal in that it is lower case 3g, then it indeed is not must be upper case 3G in order to be connected.
Good luck!
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    As the King says, if your friends wifi router was relatively new, it likely has not been picked up by Apple's location based information database system and thus there is no location information associated with it.  So your iPad had no way of getting its location.
    The wifi location databases are traditionally updated by wardriving - literally companies employ people to drive around sniffing out active wifi signals and associating an approximate location to it.  Some companies also have web sites to submit that information if owners wish to (Apple does not seem to have one though), and the various companies with wifi location databases buy and sell their information.  Bottom line is though, it can take weeks, months or sometimes even longer for a residential router to get picked up - depends on where you live (more rural, likely the longer time it takes).
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    You do not want airplae mode on.
    Basics from the manual are restart, reset, restore
    Follow the 3R's- if a restart does not solve your problem proceed
    User troubleshooting is:
    1.restart, ie power off/on,
    2. reset,
    3. restore from backup, restore as new device.

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    Whenever I try to run a search from any site in my SharePoint Foundation 2010 installation (in this example I typed "this is my query"), it hangs for 20-30 seconds while the IE status bar says:
    Waiting for http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftfs2010db%2Ftfs%2FSITE1
    Then it finally returns a results screen with an error that says: "Your search cannot be completed because of a service error. Try your search again or contact your administrator for more information."
    Checking the SharePoint logs under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS, the relevant entries say the following (items I deem important
     11/05/2011 18:22:25.88 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x1908 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (HEAD: 11/05/2011 18:22:25.88 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x1908 SharePoint Foundation Logging
    Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (HEAD: a7ab70a3-61bd-4d62-b5a4-cf77a45dafb9
    11/05/2011 18:22:25.88 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x1908 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (HEAD: Execution Time=3.33645756653429 a7ab70a3-61bd-4d62-b5a4-cf77a45dafb9
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.73 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (POST:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2FSERVER2010%2Ftfs%2FSITE1))
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.73 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (POST:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2FSERVER2010%2Ftfs%2FSITE1)
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.73 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2FSERVER2010%2Ftfs%2FSITE1)).
    Execution Time=4.3055751499143 fea6cc87-0404-497a-838e-5e154f422aa4
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.73 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (POST:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2FSERVER2010%2Ftfs%2FSITE1))
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.73 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (POST:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2FSERVER2010%2Ftfs%2FSITE1)
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.75 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/tfs/SITE1 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.77 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Search Query dn6r High FetchDataFromURL start at(outside if): 1 param: start 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.79 mssearch.exe (0x58A4) 0x2534 SharePoint Foundation Search QueryComponentSelection aee7 Medium
    Did You Mean Suggester not found. [smart2.hxx:382] d:\office\source\otools\inc\search\common\ytrip\tripoli\smart2.hxx 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:22:50.91 mssearch.exe (0x58A4) 0x2534 SharePoint Foundation Search Query Processor e0pg Medium 1dd958fb-b605-4b3b-a676-28a3cafb2eb6:
    Query completed 125 ms, detailed time: Query stage execution ms times: 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 0 Query stage cpu ms times: 0 31 0 0 31 0 0 0 Query stage hit counts: 1 1 1 7 1 0 1 1 Cursor count: 260 Mapped page count: 164 Total index count: 7 [srequest.cxx:5526]
    d:\office\source\search\native\ytrip\tripoli\cifrmwrk\srequest.cxx 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Search Exceptions 1hjo
    Medium Exception thrown: 0x80040e31 (d:\office\source\otools\inc\search\common\ytrip\tripoli\timeout.hxx:51 ip 0x000007FEECF099B7) 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Search
    Query Processor e2o1 High In CRootQuerySpec::Execute - caught exception: 0x80040e31, translated to: 0x80040e31 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Search Administration 0000
    High Log Query: More Information: Execution stopped because a resource limit was reached. No results were returned.
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Web Parts 89a1
    High Error while executing web part: Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.WebControls.Srhdc GenericException: Your search cannot be completed because of a service error. Try your search again or contact your administrator for more information.
    ---> System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: System error. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQueryInternal.Execute() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.QueryInternal.Execute(QueryProperties properties) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.Query.Execute()
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.WebControls.SearchResultHiddenObject.GetResultData() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.WebControls.SearchResultHiddenObject.get_ResultsReturned() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Internal.WebControls.CoreRes...
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08* w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Web Parts 89a1 High ...ultsWebPart.ModifyXsltArgumentList(ArgumentClassWrapper argList) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart.PrepareAndPerformTransform(Boolean
    bDeferExecuteTransform) 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Web Parts 89a2
    High InnerException 1: System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: System error. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.KeywordQueryInternal.Execute() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.QueryInternal.Execute(QueryProperties properties) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.Query.Execute()
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.WebControls.SearchResultHiddenObject.GetResultData() 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.08 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (DataBinding DataFormWebPart ()). Execution Time=15302.2074034549 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.09 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x3148 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/_layouts/searchresults.aspx?k=this%20is%20my%20query&u=http%3A%2F%2FSERVER2010%2Ftfs%2FSITE1)).
    Execution Time=15358.1002613461 5e283c89-990f-4572-ae77-a1e6a5aad502
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.59 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x58E0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/Shared%20Documents/SITE1_logo_sharepoint.png))
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.59 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x58E0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/Shared%20Documents/SITE1_logo_sharepoint.png) f0d03f8e-d78b-4004-9a5f-3ee9955afa60
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.59 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x5C6C SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET f0d03f8e-d78b-4004-9a5f-3ee9955afa60
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.59 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x5C6C SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET f0d03f8e-d78b-4004-9a5f-3ee9955afa60
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.59 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x5C6C SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /tfs/SITE1/Shared%20Documents/SITE1_logo_sharepoint.png f0d03f8e-d78b-4004-9a5f-3ee9955afa60
    11/05/2011 18:23:06.60 w3wp.exe (0x35F0) 0x58E0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://SERVER2010:80/tfs/SITE1/Shared%20Documents/SITE1_logo_sharepoint.png)). Execution Time=9.75459171486879 f0d03f8e-d78b-4004-9a5f-3ee9955afa60
    Not sure what "resource limit is reached" actually means. This SharePoint installation is running under regular SQL 2008 R2, and the
    WSS_Content database is fairly small (10gig). I've reviewed the Search Service, the process account running it, the
    WSS_SEARCH index database, and verified that the Content database is using the proper index database. Everything looks like it should be crawling/indexing/working fine. But the WSS_SEARCH
    database isn't very large, so I'm not sure if the crawling is actually filling it with anything.
    Not sure where to start seriously troubleshooting this. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    The query ran in tens of seconds. This indicates that at some point a bad plan compiled and stayed in the cache. 
    It may have gotten there because the statistics were out of date. 
    A possible way to keep this from happening is to rebuild statistics with full scan more frequently.
    Try free the proc cache and see the result.
    Rock Wang
    Regards, Rock Wang Microsoft Online Community Support

  • Contrast set to high but cannot see anything on the window

    My Ipod is fully charged but I cannot see anything on the screen? The screen lights up but cannot see menu, even with a magnifying glass. Can anyone help me figure this out.

    Been through these?
    The Five Rs.
    If nothing helps, you can arrange online service here.
    Service request.

  • Error 26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683 Cannot Access Anything At All

    Hello all,
    I have seen some similar topics matching my issue so I decided to post my case also on your forum. Would appreciate a lot if anyone could please help. Recently I bought new computer with Windows 8 (Lenovo PC). When I try to access Control Panel I get windows
    error message with red circle icon and ''X'' inside. The content of error message is ''26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683'' and under this id is the sentence in our ''nonenglish'' language so I will try my best to translate as good as possible, it is: ''Assignment
    of User Accounts Names and security IDs weren't done''.
    Please note, EXTREMLY IMPORTANT: I am 100% sure when this problem occurred and I am at least 95% sure what caused the problem. I decided to set up the windows 8 logon password - the password
    which is asked right before windows 8's start screen occurs and right before windows desktop with icons and taskbar occurs. I wanted to have one so I didn't have much troubles setting it up but later I didn't like it due to reasons that are offtopic to this
    question. So I decided to delete it but I didn't know how to do that - researched a lot of instructions and nothing helped. So it seems like I completely damaged my own top priority (admin) user account with something I shouldn't have done.
    Also please note: I have already said this problem is in my case surely linked to corrupted user account ID. I think (however here I am
    not that sure anymore as I was what I was typing in previous paragraph) I even know which exact step of procedure of my work (trying to figure out how to delete logon password so it would go right
    to the start menu page and then to desktop with icons). I clicked on win keyboard key + r to come into ''Run'' and typed there ''netplwiz'' because according to some instructions I found I thought I would be able to delete password logon request there.
    In this window I am referring to, I then deleted the only and only entry in the tab Users under ''Users Of This Computer''.  Shouldn't have done that. Button ''add'' is still there and ISN'T even grayed out but doesn't respond when i click it (see latest
    consequence in ''Consequences'' part of my message below). I then saw that my user account id is somewhere and somehow (not sure where exactly I was) recognized which means it still exist but it is completely corrupted. I then found information online I could
    make new user account name and copy data there but I am searching for DIFFERENT solution that would fix the problem.
    Here are few consequences of this problem (same problem in safemode):
    - I cannot access Control Panel via right hand taskbar menu because it is showing the error message (see second paragraph of this message after the first one ''hello all'')
    - via same right hand taskbar via Search, I can access Control Panel BUT I cannot click ANYTHING there
    - 90% of programs don't even run including ALL (EXCEPT ccleaner) tools that are anyhow related to ''nasty'' files cleaning, such as pc health advisor, malwarebytes,...
    - Norton isn't responding. Doesn't report any windows when i download something with answer whether or not file is safe.
    - at least half of programs, when i try to run them, aren't responding (freezes)
    - cannot do ''sfc /scannow'' in cmd because it says im not administrator but i am
    - many buttons, when trying to click them, don't even ''respond'' and many more consequences.
    I am VERY new with Windows 8, very very new. And even further - my windows 8 isn't in english so I would appreciate if you could provide very detailed steps how to obtain something in order to click/type it.
    Please if someone could help, do so. KINDLY REMEMBER:
    I will do my best that I reply very quickly so if you decide to reply and I would like to ask you to please do so, then keep an eye on that topic. Thank you in advance.

    According to your description, it seems the user account is fully corrupted, I would suggest you fix the corrupted user profile, please refer to the detailed instructions in the link below:
    Fix a corrupted user profile
    (The instruction for Windows 8 is similiar to Windows 7 )
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • HT201303 every time i try to write my credit card info to pay for an application, this "Apple Support: Tips for Protecting Your Info" page comes up and I cannot purchase anything. I can just download the free ones. This is really annoying! How do I stop t

    every time i try to type in my credit card info to pay for an application, this "Apple Support: Tips for Protecting Your Info" internet page comes up and I cannot purchase anything. I can just download the free ones. This is really annoying! How do I stop this?

    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • Cannot change anything in user account and family safety, even logging as an administrator account.

    My 1st user account was an administrator account, 2nd user account was a standard account. 3rd user account was a guest account of window 8 single language, however i accidentally made a mistake by setting guest account from standard account to become an
    administrator account. I also set down the 1st user account from administrator to standard account and after these stupid settings, the guest account becomes administrator account anyone can access in without any password, the 1st and 2nd accounts become standard
    accounts! Before this mistake, the 1st user account was the main account of mine, 2nd and 3rd (guest account) were logged in very rarely.
    The problem is when i logged in guest account as administrator, i cannot set the 1st or 2nd back to become another administrator account. Something has gone strange, it has been prevented me to set the others to be administrator and the guest back to standard
    account. Being as an administrator account, the guest account was totally useless in changing settings. When i logged in with 1st and 2nd account, i also cannot change anything in the user account settings (change type of user account) and family safety, all
    attempts to change the user account settings was useless such as i never tried. I also tried "refresh your computer without losing files" but not worked. Please provide me some advices!
    I did not find the forum for win 8 single language, so i place my question here.

    Thanks for your reply. I tried to go to safe mode of win 8 by holding the shift key while clicking "restart" on the login screen. (My login screen now shows 3 account users). Then i chose troubleshoot -> advanced options -> windows startup
    settings-> i went to safe mode. The safe mode only showed a complete black screen with an only window: "Administrator: cmd.exe". I did as you said (typing NETPLWIZ) and the User accounts window appeared. I went to "properties" of each
    user account and set 1st and 2nd accounts to Administrator but got the error: "This user cannot be added. Access is denied." and another error window: "Usert accounts: the group membership for ... could not be updated."
    Yesterday, i went to elevated command prompt as an administrator and typed "net user administrator /active:yes" with hope that the built-in administrator would be activated and i would use it for full control settings of 3 other user accounts.
    But i got the error: "system error 5. Access is denied."
    Now, my position is quite bad. Login with guest account which was set as administrator, i still can not have full control of this laptop, so that all attempts of mine to change the user account settings is denied. This guest account also does not have a
    password at all so that everyone can open my computer without typing a password. Because access is denied, i cannot set a password for the guest account even now it is the administrator account and i am loging in it.
    p/s: I tried to refresh the system but still got the error: "There was a problem refreshing your PC. No changes were made". And i also tried to restore the system, but got the error: "System restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's
    system files and settings were not changed. Details: A volume shadow copy service component encountered an unexpected error. Check the Application event log for more information (0x80042302)"
    I went in registry editor in safe mode and did as you said but there was no "AutoAdminLogon", "DefaultUserName", "DefaultPassword". I only saw "AutoLogonSID" and other different names...
    The problem i got half year ago has still remained and recently i made this mistake.
    I am a young woman who always creates mistakes when setting computer because of my carelessness.
    These phenomenon should be access rights problem, you need to check your current system User Accounts status. In my opinion, your administrator account probably disabled.
    Open Run, type LUSRMGR.MSC, press Enter.
    Then check your current system account which Group they are belongs to.
    If there is any progress, please feel free let me know.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Air 3.3 with iOS 6 cannot render anything at all

    Hi there,
    I've just tried to run an air app on iOS 6 but all the vistual elements doesn't render properly, e.g. the tab view cannot render tab icons/tab bar, the action bar cannot render anything at all plus all other components...
    Please let me know if you have any idea about that.
    Many thanks.

    I have not tried iOS6 myself, but release notes for yesterday show:
    (7/11/12) Air SDK xed_Issues
    AIR on iOS apps using GPU render mode crash on iOS 6 devices. (3211902)
    I don't know if this crash fix relates to the same rendering bug..
    oh sorry, i had not noticed Pahup already posted this...

  • I cannot buy anything from App Store ! I want change account payment but something wrong ,come some link for assistance contact iTunes support

    I Cannot bu anything from App Store help ,and change payment

    Accepted forms of payment  >
    Changing Payment Information  >
    If necessary... Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • Cannot buy Anything!

    i have had iTunes since Christmas, and have made several purchases, an album then a single. then suddenly, with no change ... i go the message "YOU CANNOT BUY BECAUSE YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN DISABLED, To continue using your account it must be enabled by the iTunes Store Customer Service. You can contact customer service a" this the sent me to a big page which had every other problem BUT mine and no way of contact without having a specific question, i have finally discovered this discussion page and i'm not hoping som1 can give me some advice. i have a Nano G3 and am using a gift card on iTunes, it has been around for a while, and i have tried all i can. i cannot buy anything but download if fine. Please Help Me!!

    You're going to have to email them. No one here will be able to help you. Don't worry so much about the category you are picking - that really doesn't matter in the end. They will be able to help you no matter what you choose. Good luck.

  • "Cannot get mail, connection to the service failed". why and how do I repair it?

    "Cannot get mail, connection to the service failed". why and how do I repair it?

    Thanks. However...these links are to basic troubleshooting.  Good stuff, except I -- like it seems others -- have multiple email accounts coming into their iPhones (my case, iPhone 5 running latest version of iOS) that until this past Friday evening (September 12, 2014).... worked perfectly, then just all stopped.
    In my case, I also lost access to an internet forum I frequent multiple times daily.  All worked fine, until things abruptly stopped working the evening of September 12.
    Seems like anything with a stored login/password got hosed.
    I went into the profiles to make sure my passwords were still there (thought they may have somehow gotten wiped out), but they were there.  I re-entered them just in case, no change.
    Now just this morning, Sunday September 14, two emails from the same (employer) email account have trickled in.  But nothing from the others (gmail, yahoo mail).
    Spouse is having same issue on an iPhone 5.

  • Cannot receive anything from other bluetooth sources

    I have blackberry 9630 tour and am using CDMA service from Reliance, India. The most amazing thing I encountered in recent days is: I cannot transfer anything from other mobiles using bluetooth. My bluetooth handsfree  and audio is working fine. When I tried confirming with my SP-Reliance they gave me the astonishing answer that this cannot be done. You can only use this facility with other BB handset i.e my 9630 can communicate with opnly other BB's and not any other phones.
    I find it hard to believe, but searched in the internet, there were some similar posts with identical problem of mine but without any  siolutions.
    Just wondering how can this be true by any means? Why the other mobiles are able to pair with my handset but fail to send anything.........

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Thank you for posting your solution. But, to clarify, a BT enabled BB can, by default, receive files via is simply that they are not automatically received by the BB; one must execute the "Receive using BT" command before initiating the send from the other device.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Cannot purchase anything with iTunes 8.0.2

    Last week when I upgraded there was no problem. I agreed to the new TOS and that was that.
    Now suddenly I cannot purchase anything. I'm getting an error message about a problem on the iTunes Store's side regarding "credit" that I know I do not have. The error states that I can pay using a different method, but I can't. No credit card, no debit card, no PayPal.
    I have signed in and out.
    I have shut down and restarted.
    I have deauthorized and reauthorized.
    None of this has worked.
    I am in the US using a US-based account and I don't have any iTunes credit to begin with so this is especially infuriating.
    Am I the only person experiencing this problem?

    No, you are not the only one. I'm having the same issue with my store credit. The only information I can find on this issues comes from these forums; nothing at all in the "Possible iTunes for Windows Errors" section on the support website. On every thread I've seen, the service just eventually starts working again.
    So, I guess it's just a waiting game at this point, since Apple has never addressed the issue, and has no documentation admitting that it even exists.
    I love it when developers create an error message, and provide absolutely no documentation or support for it.

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  • How can i run my java Application stand alone?

    Dear all, As the topic i want to run my application in a single file without showing the dos prompt or type in the command in dos prompt by the user...... How can i do that, since in my application , i have used so other package? In fact i just want