Cannot locate source of strange "happy face" icon with star!

I recently had a new messaging icon appear on my screen (a yellow happy face with a red star) that I cannot find the source of. I do not use Yahoo Messenger or any other messenger application, and even deleted all that I could locate from my list of Blackberry applications.
I'm at a loss of what to do now. It's just annoying because I keep thinking it's a new message from my normal sources!

I'm not sure if you've solved this? I had a similar thing happen, and I think I found the source of the icon in the messages folder. I have all my email accounts and sms folders as separate icons on my home screen, and the message relating to the icon wasn't sent to a specific inbox.
Hope this helps

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    Go to Solution.

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    Maybe this Adobe KB Article will be of help.
    Good luck,

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    "I recently bought a magic mouse *after that the situation I just explained began."*
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    The cracking noise (without me hearing it) is kind of vague. I do believe it is not a good thing though! Is it coming from the speaker or from inside of your Mac? Can you describe it better perhaps?
    Here's Apple doc.#58042 on flashing ? mark. Maybe that will help!

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    Here's another idea: inspect DWARF info by hand and see if it looks correct to you.
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                    DW_AT_name                  a.ccand
                    DW_AT_comp_dir              /home/maxim/tempThose two should give location of source file (/home/maxim/temp/ in my case). Maybe this will give you some clue.

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    I want to thank you for responding to the thread I started on the forum at Your solution to my problem of needing to print the code of the html pages that the file I included generates was just what I was looking for. However, I have some further questions to ask, if you don't mind. To clarify my task I should say that your rephrasing of the problem is accurate: "You wan't to display the contents of the HTML file that the web server produces in response of client's request?"
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    FileOuputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("foo.html");
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    What did you use to download it with? iPad? iPhone? Computer?
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    If on the computer, look on the left side of iTunes in the library under movies.

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    What is your web browser?
    [topic moved to Flash Player forum]

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    Forget the pad for a moment and just think about I tunes on your computer.  Every now and then( 3 times over 6 years) when doing an I tunes upgrade, I tunes seems to lose track of some of my music files.  They show up in the I tunes listing, but when you try to play, it cannot find the source.   The cause is always that I have somehow moved some or all of the music to a library that is outside of the set of libraries I have dragged into I tunes.
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