Cannot use onboard media storage - and worse

Anybody able to help, please?
First, my torch developed a problem where it could not use the onboard media storage.
Then later - it could not use the storage card either.
Now it won't even boot up.
Clearly the phone/software is completely dead, but I have quite a lot of media files I want to keep.
I'm sure the solid-state storage is fine, it's just that the software can't get to it.
Any ideas please? thanks

Try a clean re-load of the Device software using Desktop Manager.
Also if you put your SD card in a Card adaptor and transfer any media onto your PC, you can then Repair or Reformat the SD card
Craig Ashcroft Elite UK
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    Hi Apple ...(you are not),
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    There are a couple of places where the Apple ID is used, so the first thing I would suggest is to go to the website and make sure everything is up to date there.   Then, sign out of your iTunes Store Account and sign back in with the correct Apple ID and password.   Finally, look at the settings for your Computer Administrator account and make sure that is correct as well.   I'm including a few articles for you that explain this information in more detail.
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