Captivate 8 does not publish to word

The option to publish does not include the print feature as previous versions.  I only have SWF/HTML5 or Video.  Why?  Is this a setting preference?

Can you please check the menu File -> Print

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    Where are you publishing to?  Can you publish successfully to a folder on your hard drive? Have you read this webpage: Publish iWeb site using FTP. It may have a clue to where the problem is.
    A quick troubleshooting fix is
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    2 - delete iWeb's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
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    NOTE:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    However, when you delete the preference file you probably will have to use the app described below to select and open your domain file with iWeb:
    In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
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    Jack DeLand wrote:
    Any workarounds at all?
    You mean besides stating that folks only use the CHM on 32 bit systems or offering instructions on how to launch the 32 bit help viewer?
    I do suppose you could use the Shortcut control to open an instance of Internet Explorer with the Captivate page. But that would require ensuring the Captivate SWF and associated files (HTML, JS) were shipped and installed to the same folder as the CHM file. And depending on how your CHM was launched, you might need to script the path to the file because of the CHM pathing bug you see when a CHM is launched by an application.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
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    Anyone else see this issue?

    Originally posted by:
    We've seen every imaginable trouble with microphone
    recognition through many versions of the software. I would suggest
    you reinstall the microphone software, if there are specific
    drivers associated with it. Failing that, try reinstalling
    Captivate 4.[/quote]
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    best mics out there for this kind of thing and has been around for
    I may reinstall C4, but that's kind of a pain ... considering
    it works like a champ with everything else!
    Originally posted by:
    In the meantime, you should report the problem to the
    this link. There are so many different hardware solutions
    available that it is nearly impossible to test a product with all
    of them ... it's possible that this microphone slipped through the
    cracks. Good luck!
    My apologies. I just noticed that you have already reported the
    problem. My bad.
    If I can't solve this issue, I'm going to have to go back to
    Captivate 3 or another program altogether. I'm not buying new
    hardware due to one bug. Yes it'll mean C4 was a waste of money ...
    I hope it doesn't get to that.
    For what it's worth, it's just using the standard MS USB
    audio drivers - nothing funky.

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    Hi melisaf76024648,
    Can you please tell me what process you're using to create the PDF? Are you scanning directly from the scanner into Acrobat? Or, are you scanning the document, and then using Adobe PDF Pack to convert the scanned image to PDF? Or, some other method?
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    "Yeah, I've heard that before, it's probably your javascript, blah blah blah..." Well, wait, just wait. The swf DOES load in both browsers. It just doesn't play. In order to get it to play, you have to right-click and select Play. I cannot, for the life of me, get it to just go ahead and play automatically when publishing.
    But the REAL riddle of all this is that the swfs USED to play just fine until a few days ago. I've done nothing different in my publishing. I have rebuilt the page from scratch to no avail. And I haven't found anything on the internet that addresses this question directly. I've had a couple of developers try and mess with the code for me, and THEY can't get it to work, either. I am pretty much begging for any possible help on this, so thanks in advance.
    I am a design-oriented user; I understand code only conceptually. If a code solution is the only solution, please be specific with where and how to implement the advice.
    The actual page in question is here: tml
    I will be checking back at this page often to look for replies; I hope someone can help. Thanks.

    Nope... As I said, the swf USED to run just fine, and still does in certain browsers. I haven't messed with the SWF at all since that time, so there isn't any logical reason it should be different now.

  • Captivate 3 does not detect the micro

    Dear Users!
    I have a lot of problems, using captivate 3 on my vista
    installation. actually, the program does not detect the microphone.
    i am using this micro in other applications without any problems. i
    read this problem also exist in older versions of captivate. i am
    using realtech audio hardware. i found a patch for captivate 2 that
    does not work on captivate 3, but i found no pathch for captivate
    greetings from germany
    Rene Rose

    Hi Rene
    It should be logical to assume that any patch that corrected
    issues with version 2 would be automatically incorporated in
    Captivate 3.
    To my knowledge, your situation is one I've not seen or heard
    of in Captivate 3. So I suspect possibly a mix of hardware that we
    haven't seen before.
    I would highly suggest you report this to Adobe as a
    potential bug. Please provide them as much detail as you can. You
    do this using the Wish Form.
    here to view the WishForm/Bug Reporting Form
    Cheers... Rick

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    Would appreciate help.

    IPA is ok at the CS6 flash' standard 3.2 export, just tried the new AIR 3.3 also - no problems. I just included the Gyro ANE file, not the SWC
    However, because the adl still does not want to preview this thing, development/testing the Gyro stuff is difficult...
    I discovered the accelerometer is something different however. Adobe's little remote control thingy on which you can simulate phone position and multitouch emulates the accelerometer, not the Gyro. The Gyro extension taps in to a piece of hardware which really displays the position of the device, not the movement it's been receiving.
    Maybe obvious but I thought I'd post this little find, after a day of testing and exporting, syncing, ... this was a tiresome experience...
    After all this I can advise to sync the .ipa's with xcode though, instead of iTunes. This works MUCH faster (if you're on mac). Just run xcode, pull up the 'organizer window', select your device and go to the subbranch ' applications'. There you can add the .ipa by clicking on the '+' button

  • Captivate 6 does not launch - flashes briefly then disappears

    I just installed the subscription version of Captiavte 6. When I try to launch the app, the screen briefly flashes for a second or two, and then disappears. The app itself does not launch.
    I am on Windows 7, 64 bit. I have a prior version of Captiavte 5.5 (which for various reasons I have not uninstalled yet). Help!

    You can have any number of Captivate major versions installed on your PC and they don't usually interfere with one another.  (I happen to have versions 3, 4, 5.0, 5.5, 6.1 on my laptop.)
    Are you launching Cp6 using Run As Administrator?
    If you had previously installed a trial version of Cp6, did you delete the Preferences folder before upgrading or installing 6.1?  If not, then do so.
    Sometimes Captivate crashes due to corrupted fonts.  The usual debug process is to go to your Windows > Fonts folder and cut/paste all non-default fonts out to another folder so that you can check if this is in fact the issue.  If Captivate then launches successfully, you start re-installing fonts until you find the one/s responsible for the crash.

  • Pages (and other iWork apps) does not recognize new words

    I don't know for sure whether the problem I'll say is about Pages 5.0 (and iWork, entirely) or about OS X Mavericks. As I'm new in the support community, I would ask to move the question to the right place if it is not already.
    About the problem: after upgrading to OS X Mavericks and the new iWork versions, I have noticed one thing. Even though I add new words to Pages' dictionary as I write them, it seems like that makes no difference in a long time. The first insertion and correction are OK, but later, if I type the same new word, it becomes underlined in red, as a clear indication that it is wrong. However, when I go to see the correction options (by either Control-Clicking or Two-Finger-Clicking), no suggestions are shown. And worse, the only possibility (besides copying, cutting...) is to "Unlearn" that word as if it were already known and - presumably - correct.
    The same appears to occur in the other iWork applications, but, as I don't do such heavy writing on them, I cannot give a certain opinion on them.
    The problem, however, does not affect my productivity, but it is weird to see red marks on correct words. Especially in Engineering or Chemistry terms that are not built-in in those applications.
    Just for additional details, I'm using both the system and the iWork applications in Brazilian Portuguese (as I am in Brazil).
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Thank you, Tom for the answer.
    However, doing as you said showed me two things: the problem does not exist in English, but occurs system-wide (all applications) in Portuguese.
    Any suggestion?
    Thanks in advance, again.

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