Captivate 8: Hide the TOC Bookmark

Hi there
Actually, I'm working with the product Adobe Captivate 8. I'm using the default table of contents by TOC. If the independent learning is activated, users are able to set bookmarks in the navigation bar (see picture, the dark blue icon under the title "Navigation").
Where can I remove this feature? Thank you for your help.

In the CPM.js file find:
d = cp.toc.loadedAssetArr.fullBookmark;
and replace with:
d = cp.toc.loadedAssetArr.blankBookmark;

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    Hi there
    You might also check out my Skinny on Skins file. (freely available at the link below)
    Click here to view
    There are some ways outlined in it.
    Cheers... Rick
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    On the far left side of the TOC there is a column for bookmarking items.  Your user can just click this spot beside any TOC item to mark it with a small flag icon.  You cannot do this from a button within the course.  But why would you need a button when the user can just click the item in the TOC anyway.
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    My Topic#firstbookmark
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    == This happened ==
    Just once or twice
    == last night

    '''Menu Bar''' (File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help)
    Press ALT+ V T M (CTRL+V T M on Macs) on your keyboard. This should restore the menu bar (Firefox 3.6)
    '''Other toolbars'''
    View|Toolbars|Select the desired Toolbar
    '''Other steps to try'''
    Try restoring the default set by going to View|Toolbars|Customize| Restore Default Set. This will put the toolbars back in the default place
    '''Safe Mode'''
    You May need to reset toolbars and controls via [[Safe Mode]]
    Make sure you completely close Firefox first. When you get to the Safe Mode window, select Reset toolbars and controls and then Make Changes and Restart.
    Hope this helps!

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    <Re-Titled By Host>

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    Hi again!
    >> i was always of the idea that FOR BROWSE was to
    >> include the Yellow arrows !!!
    i was too
    now we all now that FOR BROWSE is move effective "bug-feature"

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    Have a look at this tutorial, please :

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