Capture existing tape via firewire as one continuous clip

I need to capture footage as one unbroken clip.  I have a Sony 8mm and a Canon Dv camcorder. I need to be able to hit record and walk away letting Premiere capture the whole tape. I hope there is some way to do this but I have not been to find it after repeated tries with different settings.

You may need to use different software
I have NOT used either, but many say to try these for SD capture or
I have NOT used it, but many say to try this for HDV capture
-archived at
-Click the 1st link under "Download sites:" for the latest version

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    Are all your clips DV? Are some HDV?

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    Make sure the your Video out is set to ALL FRAMES along with the firewire.
    I've no experience with the deck so can't offer any help with it's settings.
    As a trouble shooting measure, does the video show up if you use another DV/Analog converter (then on to a TV monitor to visually verify)?

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    No. iMovie 09 (and 11) is designed to import movies from camcorders. Every time it detects a start/stop it will make a different clip. They will be in chronlogical order, rather than edited order.
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    You want to use your camera to store files that are currently stored on your Mac, right? Any file, not just a DV file. Your goal is NOT to export a DV file to the camera as video. Rather, you want to export it is a data file you can someday re-import to your Mac's hard disk. Right?
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    I'd be very, very careful relying on such a method to store files. Perhaps it can be done reliably, I don't know, but I'd be very careful.
    I'm more familiar with software that stores Mac backups on a variety of media, including DAT tapes using a DAT tape drive. Retrospect, the commercial backup application, is one such application. Backups stored on tape can be very reliable, but it relies on very reliable, carefully tested software.
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    A better solution may be to buy a big, cheap hard drive. Or two, for redundancy.

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    Matrox has no bearing on this - RTX2 just passes video through. It uses Adobe settings for capture and export.
    Make sure your playback settings reflect what you are trying to export. Try this:
    1. External Device set to DV, etc.
    2. Audio button set to "External Device Audio"
    3. External Device set to your DV device, not None.
    4. MPE set to software only in the Project panel.

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    hey there badkitty 42,
    i don't think you can do that. it sounds like your issue is electrical. try turning the plug around on each piece of gear in the chain & listen for the buzz. if it's not heard you've found the cause of your ground loop. you can also pick up some of the 3-prong orange or grey electrical adapters from Lowe's or Home Depot to see if you can "lift the ground" to get rid of the buzz. i'd try one on the convertor 1st. one last thing, do you have any flourescent lights in use on the same circuit or in proximity to where you're doing your transcoding? these are notorious for inducing 60Hz hum in audio & video gear.
    good luck.

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    Ross Dehovitz1 wrote:
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    Thanks for any help.

    Doing some experimentation, connecting the drives directly to the MBP:
    - Neither of the two drives Firewire daisy-chained and going through the powered USB hub connected to the MBP mount. I was using old aliases on desktop.*They don't show up on network otherwise. (Each drive self-mounts with both Firewire and USB direct connections.)
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    Any suggestions?

    That is how it looks. It is just a "proxie" image for you to see what is being captured without needing an external monitor attached. It will look like crud. But, as you said, that isn't how your footage REALLY looks. For that, just look at the external monitor that you should have attached to the deck if you want to see a good quality image.

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    Not sure this is related but I had the same problem when I was importing from my Sony HDRSR5 hard drive camera.
    Went back and re-imported and it worked fine.
    Then on my Sony HVR-A1 I had one event split into 2 different dates.
    Never had a problem with iM6
    I wonder if it has to do with how slow the input feed is.
    I noticed on this tape the feed lagged by several minutes.

  • One last question about capturing from tape

    I have a box full of family VHS tapes that I will be capturing into the computer to digitally archive. However, I want to make sure I am doing it the best possible way. These are the two things most important to me:
    1. Quality
    2. Longevity
    1. Quality
    I have a VHS/MiniDV JVC SR-VS30 deck connected via firewire into my 2014 iMac. I know that firewire is typically the best option when capturing DV footage into the computer. However, is this still true for VHS and other forms of old tape. I can hook anything up to this deck via composite/s-video in and go out through the firewire connection. However, I wasn't sure if firewire was the best coming from a VHS tape. I also have an old video capture card that has a straight s-video/composite input. Which would be more native to the VHS/analog tapes as far as keeping original quality and the best possible image?
    When I use the JVC deck, some programs will capture the vhs tapes and others won't because they won't recognize unless I'm using the DV side. For example, FCPX recognizes the deck, but when I go to import unless it's a dv, it will say "no tape" and I cannot capture anything. iMovie will capture files as .DV. Quicktime will also recognize the deck and capture files as apple prores MOV files. When I compare the QT and iMovie, the QT files look better in my opinion, though I don't know if they truly are. The iMovie dv files have jagged edges like tv lines or something during quick movement and like others say about firewire it looks a little "milky" (though I know this isn't necessarily a bad thing). The QT clips don't necessarily look sharper, but they don't have the hideous jagged edges.
    So my question before I start this large project is:
    Which capture methods above would you use, or what else would you recommend for best quality?
    2. Longevity
    Which file format would you recommend saving these files (or just keeping them as they are at capture) for long term storage? When I come back to these files in 10 years and need to convert them to something new, I want them to have the greatest chance of being compatible with whatever lies ahead. There are so many different file formats.
    Many thanks for any help along this long process

    I want to make sure I am doing it the best possible way.
    I have done lots of that.
    For maximum quality here is my procedure:  ADVC300 > iMovie 06 > iDVD 09/11. 
    To get your VHS video into iMovie, use the Grassvalley ADVC300 .  With the ADVC300 Audio and Video go in, FireWire comes out. It also comes with a nice Macintosh application that works flawlessly with iMovie 06 and iDVD 09/11 (I have used it a few times with iMovie 11).
    The ADVC300 has been discontinued by the manufacturer. The included software (which is not really necessary but does enhance performance) is not compatible with OS 10.7 or newer.  You can still find the ADVC300 for sale in a few outlets as well as eBay. It will sell between 50% and 100% ABOVE its retail price. Yes, it's that good.
    If you can’t find the ADVC300, use the Grassvalley ADVC110.
    I have a drawer full of analog-to-digital converters.   After using the Grass Valley ADVC300 I find nothing else acceptable.
    The program that comes with the ADVC300 has some nice filters that can improve video and audio of the source material. The ADVC300 will take Audio and Video from any source (VCR, Tivo, Satellite Receiver) and convert it to FireWire (iMovie will treat it like a camera).
    I would use iMovie 06 with iDVD 09/11, why?
    iMovie 09, 11, and 13 uses 'single field processing' meaning every other horizontal line of the video is thrown out, which reduces the sharpness of the footage. iMovie 06 uses ALL of the image to form the video.  (Also the latest iMovie CANNOT set Chapeters !)
    After lots of experimenting I get the best results using OS 10.6, iMovie 06, and iDVD 09/11.  My movies look just like Hollywood!
    My primary computer is a Mac Pro, so I just use one of the four hard drives and boot OS 10.6. You can also partition a single hard drive to achieve the same results.
    This may seem like more trouble than you want to go through.  However, I find the superior quality to be well worth it.

  • Capturing HDV Into ProRes 422 (LT) Via FireWire

    I read this fine tutorial on Moviola on the technique of Capturing HDV Into ProRes Via FireWire.
    Since you can choose ProRes 422 (LT) as an option in the Log and Transfer window, I was wondering if there is a way to capture HDV to ProRes 422 (LT) via firewire like in the above mentioned article.
    I tried creating a custom capture setting in the AV Settings, but ProRes 422 (LT) was not available as an option, only ProRes 422 and ProRes 422 (HQ). And those settings cannot be edited or duplicated (grayed out).
    I don’t know why ProRes 422 (LT) is available in the Log and Transfer window but not in the AV Settings window. Maybe it will become available in an update.
    In the meantime, does anyone know a way to get around this? Maybe modifying an FCP file somewhere?

    HDV is recorded to tape inside of the camera as digital information. Component coming out of the camera is analog. The camera is performing the first conversion D/A, from HDV (digital) to component out (analog).
    Component going into the ioHD is analog. The ioHD then converts via its hardware to Prores (any flavor), which is digital. The ioHD has to convert the analog from the component outs of my camera to digital for use in FCP. FCP only uses digital video.
    You said "The IOHD internally converts to ProRes.." converts to ProRes is the second A/D conversion.
    So the path is D/A/D. I count that as two conversions, camera D/A as one the ioHD A/D as two.
    I don't want to unnecessarily convert from digital to analog to digital which is why I don't use the ioHD to convert from HDV to Prores (any flavor).
    Unfortunately I don't have any digital outs for this camera, neither HDMI or HD SDI.
    I believe capturing and converting HDV to ProRes via firewire in FCP doesn't have this D/A/D conversion which is why I'd like to be able to capture HDV to ProRes LT via firewire in FCP and stay digital all the way, with no analog conversions.
    I use the ioHD for all of my analog to digital conversions. It's a great box from a great company.


    hi everyone,
    I have to capture some rushs shot in HDV with this camera model (very old one) via firewire.
    No matter what, final cut doesn't recognize the camcorder.
    I think I did all you have to do when you meet those kind of issues.
    (went to easy setup 720p25, threw preferences away, check FW cable and so on...)
    Can someone help me on this one please ?
    I have to return the camcorder tomorrow and got to capture 5 hours before it.
    Thanks a lot.
    Message was edited by: chle

    Ok here's the test I made :
    With a "classic DV" camcorder everything goes right in the system profiler , it recognizes the model. (rear and front ports)
    With the JVC HDV camcorder system profiler says "unable to list the firewire device"
    So I figure it's either the FW port on the JVC camcoder that is burnt, or maybe a firmware issue since it'a very old model.
    Or simply this camcorder is not recognized by leopard.
    Message was edited by: chle
    Message was edited by: chle

  • Transfer of mini-DV tapes from Panasonic NV-GS120 to MacBook Pro via FireWire port (9-pin)

    I am new to Mac and love it. I would like to transfer my old mini-DV tapes from Panasonic NV-GS120 to my MacBook Pro via FireWire port (9-pin), but am not sure which port to use on the video camera. Reading from the top on the Panasonic video camera there are three options: a "mini-usb" port, a "remote/mic (plug in power)" [not likely] and finally a "A/V out phones" jack entry [which I use for viewing the tapes on the TV screen via the jack cable ending up in a red, yellow and white cable to plug into TV.
    I have read Bengt Wärleby's excellent instructions and am ready to buy the FireWire cable (9-pin in one end - Mac), but I am not sure if it is the mini-usb or jack-stick exit of the video camera. Or, indeed, if there is talk about an external A/V box needed to decode and transfer the digital tapes to iMovie on the Mac.
    Any clarification is highly appreciated. Thanks for all suggestions.

    The port you're looking for is the DV Port (in your manual it's marked as control component #55). I looked up your camera and it does have it. That's the port where the firewire should fit. Hope to have helped you.

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