Catching errors on procedures inside page process.

Good Afternoon, my apex teachers.
I have a doubt on my page process, hope you guys can help.
I have a page process that executes a pl/sql block on page submit.
On this pl/sql block there is a call to a stored procedure.
What I want to do is, when this procedure, that is called inside the pl/sql
block, does not execute properly, my page process uses his error message
instead of his success message. Is that possible?
Thanks for all the help.
Regards, Leandro Freitas.

Well..i thing i can help.
1.Create a hidden field with name PHiddenMsg.
2. On your block
err_code  varchar2(100);
err_msg varchar2(200);
-- Your procedure call
Exception when others then
err_code := SQLCODE;
      err_msg := substr(SQLERRM, 1, 200);
:PHiddenMsg := err_code || err_msg; --> you decide what to show
end;3. Put the field PHiddenMsg(&PHiddenMsg.) in the error message.
Edited by: Vitor M.A. Rodrigues on 6/Fev/2012 18:12

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    Good morning guys!
    I'm dealing with several problems this morning! The one that I need to deal with first is the following.
    I created the page process (see below: 1st code) in order to validate if all records where LNG_GEBIET matches have the status 3 or 4. If that is the case I want to call the procedure "set_status_arbeit_zu_gebiet". If amountrs and countstat do not match, then nothing is supposed to be done.
    The problem lies within the stored procedure itself. I receive a PLS-00049 bind variable error for :new.LNG_GEBIET.
    Can you please tell me what I forgot to declare in code 2 below???
    Thank you guys!
    The page process:
      amountrs    number;
      countstat   number;
        IF amountrs = countstat THEN
        END IF ;
    end;Code 2 with the true problem!
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE set_status_arbeit_zu_gebiet
        cursor c2 is select LNG_GEBIET from TBL_ARBEIT_ZU_GEBIET where PNUM = 1114 and LNG_GEBIET=:new.LNG_GEBIET;
        v_c2  c2%ROWTYPE;
       open c2;
    fetch c2 into v_c2;
    if c2%notfound then
             to_date('01.01.1990', 'DD.MM.YYYY')
            close c2;
    END set_status_arbeit_zu_gebiet;One more question: Is it possible to integrate the first validation that calls my stored procedure into code 2?
    Thanks for you time!

    The error is in following statement:
    As the statement is part of a procedure and not trigger so it is not able to bind this variable with any value.
    As a resolution, pass this value to the procedure from the process and use it in the insert statement.
    The process will have following IF statement:_
    IF amountrs = countstat THEN
    set_status_arbeit_zu_gebiet *(:P4_CNT_GEBIET)*;
    END IF ;
    and the procedure will be as follows:_
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE set_status_arbeit_zu_gebiet *(p_lng_gebit varchar2)*
    cursor c2 is select LNG_GEBIET from TBL_ARBEIT_ZU_GEBIET where PNUM = 1114 and LNG_GEBIET= --:new.LNG_GEBIET-- p_lng_gebit ;
    v_c2 c2%ROWTYPE;
    ( --:new.LNG_GEBIET--  p_lng_gebit, ... );
    END set_status_arbeit_zu_gebiet;

  • Register users using a procedure and page process

    I have the procedure written and the md5 function written along with the page process these all work fine but the password hash does not get entered into the user_repository everything else does but the password hash i wasnt getting a error before but now im getting the follow error
    Action Processed.
    ORA-28231: no data passed to obfuscation toolkit
    The registered Procedure is as follows
    create or replace procedure register_user
    (p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_forename in varchar2, p_surname in varchar2, p_email in varchar2, p_admin in char, p_locked_flag in char) is
    v_hash varchar(32);
    v_hash := md5hash(upper(p_username) || p_password);
    insert into user_repository
    (username, forename, surname, email, admin, password_hash, locked_flag)
    (p_username, p_forename, p_surname, p_email, p_admin , v_hash, p_locked_flag);
    end register_user;
    md5 function is as follows
    create or replace function md5hash
    (p_input in varchar2)
    return varchar2 is
    return upper(dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5
    (input => utl_i18n.string_to_raw(p_input)));
    end md5hash;
    page process is dependent on the create button being pressed which is as follows
    Any help would be apprechiated.

    OK it is done i put a direct copy of the app up,
    workspace = mattswork
    username = [email protected]
    password = midemi
    The app is up and is exactly the same as the one i have mentioned, the form in question is on the users tab which is page 2 i believe use a login username as matthew with no password that will give you access to the application then you can play around with the rest any help at all will be very very very much apprechiated.
    Thanks Guys

  • How to catch error in the Active Sync process

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    I am doing the following....
    Assume a main workflow which calls many sub workflows ...
    1. Define two global variables as follows
    <Variable name='anyErrorOccured'><Boolean>false</Boolean></Variable>
    <Variable name='allErrorMsg'><s>Error..</s></Variable>
    2. In the all main and sub workflows, add an special 'Action' to check the errors after each Action
    <Action id='1' name='doSomething'>
    <Action id='2' name='checkForErrors'>
    set the anyErrorOccured variable to true
    Append a custom error message(hard coded) to allErrorMsg variable - error message may contain workflow name and in which action error occured
    3. Before ending the main workflow, if anyErrorOccured is true, then send an email to IDM administartor with allErrorMsg
    <Activity id='3' name='CheckOverallError'>
    <Transition to='SendOverallErrorNotificationToIDM'>
    <Transition to='end'/>
    Hope, this helps.
    Furthermore, I tried to catch the actual error trace from IDM using the following in each 'checkForErrors' Action and append all IDM error messages for email notification.
    <invoke name='getMessage'>
    <invoke name='getErrorMessages'>
    <i>1</i> ???????
    But , it was not successful, as I could not extract the right error mesage at the right place from WF_CASE_RESULT

  • [b]Error during JSP page processing[/b]

    hi , i'm mech.
    i have some probs with jsp. i am trying to connect jsp page with database and printing the data on the browser page. i have created DSN mm using microsoft odbc for oracle and oracle9i's driver oracle in orahome90 but it is giving yet . i have this coding and error.
    ------------------------jsp code--------------------------
    package pagecompile.jsp;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    import com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.JspException;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class _Connect extends HttpJspBase {
    static char[][] jspxhtml_data = null;
    public _Connect( ) {
    private static boolean jspxinited = false;
    public final void jspxinit() throws JspException {
    ObjectInputStream oin = null;
    int numStrings = 0;
    try {
    FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\tmpdir\\default\\pagecompile\\jsp\\pagecompile.jspConnect.dat");
    oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
    jspxhtml_data = (char[][]) oin.readObject();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new JspException("Unable to open data file");
    } finally {
    if (oin != null)
    try { oin.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { }
    public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse  response)
    throws IOException, ServletException {
    boolean jspxcleared_due_to_forward = false;
    JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
    PageContext pageContext = null;
    HttpSession session = null;
    ServletContext application = null;
    ServletConfig config = null;
    JspWriter out = null;
    Object page = this;
    String _value = null;
    try {
    if (_jspx_inited == false) {
    jspxinited = true;
    _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
    pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
                   "", true, 8192, true);
    application = pageContext.getServletContext();
    config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
    session = pageContext.getSession();
    out = pageContext.getOut();
    // begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(14,2);to=(28,2)]
    Connection myconn=DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:mm","madhulika","madhulika");
    Statement stmt = myconn.createStatement();
    ResultSet myResultSet = stmt.executeQuery("Select * from peopletable");
    if(myResultSet != null)
              int eid=myResultSet.getInt("id");
              String fname=myResultSet.getString("firstname");
              String lname=myResultSet.getString("lastname");
              String mail=myResultSet.getString("email");
    // end
    // begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(30,10);to=(30,13)]
    // end
    // begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(31,10);to=(31,15)]
    // end
    // begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(32,10);to=(32,15)]
    // end
    // begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(33,10);to=(33,14)]
    // end
    // begin [file="E:\\JavaWebServer2.0\\public_html\\Connect.jsp";from=(37,5);to=(43,0)]
    // end
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    if (out.getBufferSize() != 0)
    throw new JspException("Unknown exception: ", t);
    } finally {
    if (!_jspx_cleared_due_to_forward)
    -------------------error in browser----------------------
    Error during JSP page processing
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
         at java.lang.Throwable.(Compiled Code)
         at java.lang.Exception.(Compiled Code)
         at java.sql.SQLException.(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Compiled Code)
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLDriverConnect(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize(
         at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connect(
         at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Compiled Code)
         at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
         at pagecompile.jsp._Connect._jspService(Compiled Code)
         at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
         at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.runServlet(
         at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.processJspPage(
         at com.sun.server.http.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
         at com.sun.server.ServletState.callService(
         at com.sun.server.ServletManager.callServletService(
         at com.sun.server.ProcessingState.invokeTargetServlet(
         at com.sun.server.http.HttpProcessingState.execute(
         at com.sun.server.http.stages.Runner.process(
         at com.sun.server.ProcessingSupport.process(Compiled Code)
         at com.sun.server.Service.process(
         at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(
         at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(Compiled Code)

    Backing up a moment, is there a particular reason that you're using the JDBC-ODBC bridge rather than using the Oracle JDBC driver?
    Have you taken a look at the JSP sample code available on OTN? I would start by making sure you can run that.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • Error while invoking stored procedure from BPEL process

    Hi Folks,
    I am facing the below mentioned issue while invoking a stored procedure in BPEL process :
    I am trying to invoke a stored procedure from a BPEL process. The process runs fine for the first/second time, but gives the below error after that whenever i try to run the process :
    file:/oracle/orasoa/bpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_ProvisionOrderASAPReqABCSImpl_1.0_50dd1595129e9bbb00560e31e7c18cef.tmp/DB_CALL_GetPendingSubscriptionProc.wsdl [ DB_CALL_GetPendingSubscriptionProc_ptt::DB_CALL_GetPendingSubscriptionProc(InputParameters,OutputParameters) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'DB_CALL_GetPendingSubscriptionProc' failed due to: Error while trying to prepare and execute an API.
    An error occurred while preparing and executing the PROC_GET_PENDING_SUBSCR API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset [Caused by: Io exception: Connection reset]
    ; nested exception is:
    Error while trying to prepare and execute an API.
    An error occurred while preparing and executing the PROC_GET_PENDING_SUBSCR API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset [Caused by: Io exception: Connection reset]
    Check to ensure that the API is defined in the database and that the parameters match the signature of the API. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    I am not getting how the BPEL is referring to the DB wsdl from the tmp folder. To resolve this issue, we have to stop the SOA server, delete the tmp files, and restart the server.
    Any pointers in this regard will be really helpful.

    First of all does this scenario occur again.
    "Works first/second time. Later gives this error."
    After you restart the SOA server are you able to reproduce this scenario?
    As already pointed out and from the error message, database connection is reset.
    If you find this error again, try this out.
    em -> home / oc4j_soa -> Administration -> JDBC Resources
    Use the "Test Connection" option for the Connection Pool that you are using for your database JNDI.
    It comes back and say "Connection to "XYZCP" established successfully." it is good to use.
    Run the BPEL process again and once you find the error, come back and test the connection.
    If it comes back with Error, diagnose based on the error message received.
    Kalidass Mookkaiah

  • Page process throwing No data found error when deleting tabular form item

    Hi guys,
    I am trying to run a page process just before the Tabular form's MRU process and it's throwing a no data found error. Here is my code:
         for i in 1..apex_application.g_f02.count LOOP     
              IF apex_application.g_f01(i) is not null THEN
                   UPDATE STOCK
                        SET PRODUCT_QUANTITY = PRODUCT_QUANTITY+apex_application.g_f08(i)
                   WHERE site_id = :P21_SITE_ID and product_id = apex_application.g_f02(i);
              END IF;
         END LOOP;
    END;Here f01 is the checkbox column and the if-statement is causing the problem because if I get rid of the update statement (leaving just the commit) then it still throws the error.
    When I click on a checkbox and hit delete button which fires off both this process and then MRU I get the no data found error.
    Would be grateful if someone could shed some light on this. Many thanks.
    Edited by: taepodong on Jul 1, 2012 7:54 AM

    I am trying to run a page process just before the Tabular form's MRU process and it's throwing a no data found error. Here is my code:
         for i in 1..apex_application.g_f02.count LOOP     
              IF apex_application.g_f01(i) is not null THEN
                   UPDATE STOCK
                        SET PRODUCT_QUANTITY = PRODUCT_QUANTITY+apex_application.g_f08(i)
                   WHERE site_id = :P21_SITE_ID and product_id = apex_application.g_f02(i);
              END IF;
         END LOOP;
    END;Here f01 is the checkbox column and the if-statement is causing the problem because if I get rid of the update statement (leaving just the commit) then it still throws the error.
    When I click on a checkbox and hit delete button which fires off both this process and then MRU I get the no data found error.
    You are iterating on the f02 and checking for f01 not null. That is wrong usage of the the checkbox item. Please see these links . especially the OnSubmit Process examples.
    PS : This is what you need to understand
    <b>Note that check boxes displayed using APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX will only contain values in the APEX_APPLICATION arrays for those rows which are checked. Unlike other items (TEXT, TEXTAREA, and DATE_POPUP) which can contain an entry in the corresponding APEX_APPLICATION array for every row submitted, a check box will only have an entry in the APEX_APPLICATION array if it is selected.</b>
    Edited by: Prabodh on Jul 2, 2012 9:44 AM

  • Catch error in BPM process

    I'm working with 11g.
    I have a BPM process and I want catch the system errors to redirect the work flow at a subprocess or in the particular form that can help external users
    I have tried with "evant subprocess" but don't work (BUG fix in only for PS5( version) )
    Can you help me?

    Can you be more specific about the bug?
    It's true that the fault handling framework for recovery (as in BPEL) is in an upcoming release. But you can (in put the activities that would generate errors in an embedded subprocess, then put a boundary catch event on the subprocess to catch and handle system and/or business errors. The flow out of whatever handles the error can rejoin the main flow or loop back to retry. A common pattern is to have to flow go to a human activity where the outcome of the activity determines whether to retry.
    You can also catch error events in an event subprocess, but you can't continue the main flow from there. That flow (within the event subprocess) either interrupts or is concurrent with the main flow.

  • Applying different condition in page process causes error in process source

    hi -- I have a before header page process that essentially executes a custom fetch in order to populate a form from a report. The condition was previously
    REQUEST != Expression1. This worked -- the form was populated when it was supposed to be (not on CREATE) but I need to change the condition to:
    ind BOOLEAN;
    if (:REQUEST not in ('CREATE','LOGOUT') or
    (:REQUEST = 'LOGOUT' and :P122_DATATYPE_ID is NULL))
    ind := TRUE;
    ind := FALSE;
    end if;
    return (ind);
    I'm doing this as PL/SQL function body returning Boolean; I've tried other types also, they all result in the same problem:
    When I try to apply the changes, they are not accepted. I get the error:
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 7: PL/SQL: ORA-00903: invalid table name ORA-06550: line 3, column 2: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    I also got this error when my condition was a 1-line PL/SQL Expression; I'm pretty sure the error isn't referring to the condition... though when I change
    the condition back to REQUEST != Expression 1, I can apply the changes.
    The source is:
    SELECT datatype_name, datatype_common_name, physical_quantity_name,
    unit_id, allowable_intervals, agen_id, cmmnt
    INTO :P122_datatype_name, :P122_datatype_common_name,
    :P122_physical_quantity_name, :P122_unit_id,
    :P122_allowable_intervals, :P122_agen_id, :P122_cmmnt
    WHERE datatype_id = :P122_datatype_id;
    /* Send explicit message to user if this unusual case occurs. */
    WHEN no_data_found THEN
    raise_application_error (-20001, 'No row with datatype_id = '||:P122_DATATYPE_ID||'. Row appears to have been deleted by someone else.');
    I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem is. Can anyone out there spot it?

    hi Scott -- Actually, the custom fetch process does work. It's been working for a long time. The primary key value is set from
    the edit link on the report page, and fetch loads the data into the form. (DB_NAME and TABLE_NAME are set in eariler events.) I'm using the same process (with different page items, of course) on several report/form pages in the application. Actual data manipulation (insert,update,delete) won't work this way, but selects do.
    But I can't apply changes to the condition.
    I created this process in APEX 3.1, and it's running fine in APEX 3.2.1. But could the version have something to do w/ not being able to
    apply the changes to the condition? Seems unlikely...

  • Catch a JBO-26041 error on insert, but continue processing

    Does anyone know if this is possible?
    I'm creating new rows in a ViewObject within a loop. It's possible that the record that I'm trying to create already exists, so I want to catch a JBO-26041 error and basically ignore it (don't insert/create new row) and continue processing/creating rows within the loop. Committing at the end of the loop.
    Is this possible?
    -Teri Kemple
    I've tried the following:
    for (int i = 1; i < objectIdList.length; i++) {
    try {
    row = vo.createRow();
    row.setAttribute("ScreenObjectId", objectIdList);
    row.setAttribute("AccessId", accessId);
    } catch (JboException je) {
    if ("26041".equals(je.getErrorCode)))) {
    // ignore error, don't insert
    ????? what can I do here?
    } /// for loop
    if (am.getTransaction().isDirty()) {

    This looks like a duplicate thread. Please refer to
    Catch a JBO-26041 error on insert, but continue processing

  • Problem with item and/or data during page-processing-PS/SQL

    On my page I have a custom report (from 2 tables) and a small form-field, that adds and edits data in the report. After generating the form with the wizard I added an extra item, to store the id from one of the tables from the report data.
    Now, on submit a calculation should take place, that updates data according user input with a procedure in Page-Prosseses:
    declare a number;
    case :PLATZ
    when 1 then a:=100;
    when 2 then a:= 50;
    else a:=25;
    end case;
    where ID_MITGL = :P14_ID_MITGL;
    :PLATZ is user selected (1,2,3), :P14_ID_MITGL stores the reference to TBL_MITGLIEDER (and shows the change, when I select another record)
    As I understand, that process should also run, when I submit a chance, but nothing happens then.
    But when I try to save a new record (which worked without any problems before adding that process), I get this error message:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 64: PL/SQL: ORA-00957: duplicate column name ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
         Error      Unable to process row of table TBL_TURNIERSIEGER.
    Then, when I go back into the app-builder and try to run the page again, I get this message:
    ORA-01403: no data found
         Error      Unable to fetch row.
    I am not sure, if you guys have all the information you need, to know whats going on. Maybe this has to do with session-id and the whay, items are updated. I hope you can help me.
    Thanks, best regards,

    First can you please post all log file errors
    >> I can't really give you a solution or specific recommendation since I did not saw this error yet myself, but on your own risk you can try:
    1. You may try to just register 'dts.dll' using regsvr32.exe, but this error may indicate a bigger problem with setup.
    If you are running SQL Server 64bit then try running this at the command prompt: %windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\dts\binn\dts.dll"
    2. You can try reinstall from start (In this case you have to make sure that you un-install all)
    [Personal Site] [Blog] [Facebook]

  • How can I display XSLT transformer errors on a web page ?

    I have some JSP pages that access DB, create an XML based on DB data and then transform it into HTML through an XSLT stylesheet. Developing the XSL code it's easy to make mistakes and generate errors on trasformation, but what I receive on the web page is only a "Could not compile stylesheet" TransformerConfigurationException, while the real cause of the error is displayed only on tomcat logs. This is the code for transformation:
    static public void applyXSLT(Document docXML, InputStream isXSL, PrintWriter pw) throws TransformerException, Exception {
            // instantiate the TransformerFactory.
            TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
            // creates an error listener
            XslErrorListener xel = new XslErrorListener();
            // sets the error listener for the factory
            // generate the transformer
            Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new SAXSource(new InputSource(isXSL)));
            // transforms the XML Source and sends the output to the HTTP response
            transformer.transform(new DOMSource(docXML), new StreamResult(pw));
    }If an exception is thrown during the execution of this code, its error message is displayed on the web page.
    This is the listener class:
    public class XslErrorListener implements ErrorListener {
        public XslErrorListener() {
        public void warning(TransformerException ex) {
            // logs on error log
            System.err.println("\n\nWarning on XEL: " + ex.getMessage());
        public void error(TransformerException ex) throws TransformerException {
            // logs on error log
            System.err.println("\n\nError on XEL: " + ex.getMessage());
            // and throws it
            throw ex;
        public void fatalError(TransformerException ex) throws TransformerException {
            // logs on error log
            System.err.println("\n\nFatal Error on XEL: " + ex.getMessage());
            // and throws it
            throw ex;
    }When I have an error in the XSL stylesheet (for examples a missing closing tag), I can find on tomcat logs the real cause of the error:
    [Fatal Error] :59:10: The element type "table" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</table>".
    Error on XEL: The element type "table" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</table>".but on my web page is reported just the TransformerConfigurationException message that is:
    "Could not compile stylesheet".
    How can I display the real cause of the error directly on the web page?

    This code is part of a bigger project that let developers edit XSL stylesheets through a file upload on the system and we can't impose the use of any tool for checking the xsl. So, I need to display the transformer error on the web page.I see. This code is part of an editorial/developmental tool for developers to create and edit XSL stylesheets.
    As part of the editorial process, XSL errors during editing can be considered a normal condition. In other words, it is normal to expect that the developers will generate XSL errors as they are developing stylesheets.
    In this light, handling the XSL transformation errors is a business requirement that you need to handle. Using the Java Exceptions mechanisms, e.g. try / catch are inappropriate to handle business requirements, in my opinion.
    I suggest that you look at how you handle the occurence of XSL errors differently than what you currently have. You need to:
    (1) capture the Transformation exception on the server;
    (2) extract the message from the exception and put it into a message that can be easily understood by the user;
    The current error message that you have going to the web browser is not useful.
    And you should not have the Transformation exception sent to the web browser either.
    What you are attempting to do with the exception is not appropriate.
    Handle the Transformation exception on the Business tier and use it to create a useful message that is then sent to the Presentation tier. In other words, do not send Java exceptions to web browser.

  • How to catch errors watched in sxmb_moni through abap program??

    Dear Gents,
    I have one scenario which is proxy -> xi -> jdbc. Scenario works fine when every thing is good, but if there are any errors in XI usually we catch the exception after calling the proxy as :
        CALL METHOD cl_rfq_sapin->mios_rfq_sapin
            output = output
            input  = input.
        COMMIT WORK.
      CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO cl_system_fault .
        gv_system_fault = 'X'.
      CATCH cx_ai_application_fault INTO cl_application_fault.
        gv_application_fault = 'X'.
    But by this code we are able to know whether it is system error or application error. But we cant get actual error. To see the actual error we need to go to SXMB_MONI in XI. The some sample error in sxmb_moni is as follows :
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Inbound Message
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:Code area="MESSAGE">GENERAL</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText> Error when attempting to get processing resources: Unable to create new pooled resource: DriverManagerException: Cannot establish connection to URL 'jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;databaseName=SXD': SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]The requested instance is either invalid or not running.</SAP:AdditionalText>
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack />
    So is there any way we can catch the above error in the abap program ??
    Your responeses were highly appreciated.

    did you try using acknowledgments?
    (code at the bottom of this page)
    Michal Krawczyk

  • Page Processes and Branches.. what am I doing wrong?

    Need a bit of help with page processes (or suggestions for a better way to do something).
    I have an Apex page which does the following when you click a button -
    1. Imports a CSV file into an Oracle table by calling a SQL Loader process
    2. Calculates the expected date range for the CSV file
    3. Checks the min & max dates of the CSV data (now in the table) to ensure they match those calculated in (2)
    4. If the dates in the CSV data are correct, a PL/SQL procedure is called which analyses the CSV data (now in the table) and inserts some entries into another table.
    I'm a bit stuck at this point because I need some kind of branch before step 4 -
    If the CSV dates are correct, then the analysis process (4) should be run.
    If the CSV dates are wrong, the analysis process (4) should NOT run, and an error should be displayed informing the user to check the CSV file. This would be done in a step (5).
    I've created steps 1, 2, and 3 and put them in 'On Submit and Before Computation'.
    Step 3 sets a hidden field to true or false depending on the outcome of the check.
    Steps 4 and 5 are conditional (4 runs if the hidden field is true, 5 runs if the hidden field is false) They are created in 'After Submit'. Problem I've got is... steps 4 or 5 never run.
    I'm not sure what's going on... is the hidden field never getting set? Do I have the processes at the wrong process point in the page?
    Or can anyone suggest a cleaner and simpler way of accomplishing this?

    I already thought of changing the hidden field to a text field - and it is getting data OK. But I'm not sure at what point the field is being set.
    I assumed that the field would be set at process (3), so that processes (4) and (5) are able to check the value in the field.
    But the truth is I'm not exactly sure how Apex works - are items set when a process runs and are they able to be accessed by subsequent processes?

  • On-demand process in page processing - possible bug?

    Came across a possible bug today, certainly not a big one and unlike to affect many people but...
    1. Create an on-demand application process
    2. Create an on-demand page process that calls the application process
    3. Delete the application process.
    Now at this point, the page process is still available for editing/deleting etc.
    4. Copy the application.
    In the new version of the application, the page process shows as plain text in the application builder with no link to edit or delete it and when the page is run, it predictably fails at the processing point of the page process when it tries to find the application process (the id from wwv_flow_processing is shown in the error for the old application process).
    The only way to get rid of the page process is to select 'Edit All' and then select and delete it - then everything is hunky dory again.
    A minor issue I know, but maybe someone will have the same issue one day and stumble across this thread :)

    At the moment I cannot say if your link can help. Right now the call of the On demand Process looks like this:
    Inside annonymous PL/SQL Region:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    get = new htmldb_Get(null,'||:APP_ID||'.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=F_REPORT_NAME',0);
    gReturn = get.get();

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