Certificacion SAP B1 - Mexico Panama o Florida

Hola amigos,
Estoi muy interesado en certificarme en SAP B1 y la empresa donde trabajo me da la oportunidad de salir y hacerlo. Actualmente soy el coordinador de TI, administro el sistema SAP y lidere el proyecto de implementacion hace ya 2 años. Tengo experiencia pero claro, me faltan cosas por aprender y la verdad quiero llevar la academia para certificarme. Entiendo que los modulos son TB1000 TB 1100 y TB 1200 y luego puedo hacer el examen.--
Tambien entiendo que brindan academias donde se llevan los 3 modulos y se hace el examen. El asunto es que vivo en Costa Rica y aca el partner de SAP me dice que no va a estar dando esta academia este año y no tienen claro si el otro año la daran, asi que queria saber si fuera de Costa Rica la podria hacer, aprovechando la facilidad que me dan en la compañia.
Me quedaria muy facil viajar a Panama, mexico o a USA a Florida principalmente, pero no logro encontrar algun centro por esos lugares.
Alguno de ustedes conoce de algun lugar donde me pueda certificar? les agradeceria demasiado!

     Si quieres enviame un correo deleted y te doy informacion.
Please keep all information in the public and not via email Message was edited by: Paul Finneran
Message was edited by: Paul Finneran

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    Hola, me parece que debes pertenecer a algun partner de SAP en Mexico, creo que podrias viajar a la cd de mexico a las instalaciones de Sta Fe, donde estan las oficinas de SAP en mexico a hacer el examen, como requisitos pues no es necesario que hayas tomado la academia, solo obtener minimo 70 para pasar el examen.
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    thanks for the info,
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    <script language="JavaScript">
    <!-- Begin
    var africaArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    "('South Africa')",
    var middleeastArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    "('Saudi Arabia')",
    "('U. A. Emirates')",
    var asiaArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    "('South Korea')",
    "('Sri Lanka')",
    var europeArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    "('Czech Rep.')",
    "('United Kingdom')",
    var australiaArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    "('New Zealand')",
    var lamericaArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    "('Costa Rica')",
    "('El Salvador')",
    var namericaArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    var samericaArray = new Array("('Select country','',true,true)",
    function populateCountry(inForm,selected)
    var selectedArray = eval(selected + "Array");
    while (selectedArray.length < inForm.country.options.length)
    inForm.country.options[(inForm.country.options.length - 1)] = null;
    for (var i=0; i < selectedArray.length; i++)
    eval("inForm.country.options=" + "new Option" + selectedArray[i]);
    if (inForm.region.options[0].value == '')
    inForm.region.options[0]= null;
    if ( navigator.appName == 'Netscape')
    if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4)
    if (navigator.platform == 'Win32' || navigator.platform == 'Win16')
    function populateUSstate(inForm,selected) { 
    var stateArray = new Array("('Select State','',true,true)",
    "('New Hampshire')",
    "('New Jersey')",
    "('New Mexico')",
    "('New York')",
    "('North Carolina')",
    "('North Dakota')",
    "('Rhode Island')",
    "('South Carolina')",
    "('South Dakota')",
    "('West Virginia')",
    if (selected == 'USA') {
    for (var i=0; i < stateArray.length; i++) {
    eval("inForm.country.options[i]=" + "new Option" + stateArray[i]);
    if ( navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
    if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4) {
    else {         
    if (navigator.platform == 'Win32' || navigator.platform == 'Win16') {
    else {
    if (selected == 'Other') {
    newCountry = "";
    while (newCountry == ""){
    newCountry=prompt ("Please enter the name of your country.", "");
    if (newCountry != null) {
    inForm.country.options[(inForm.country.options.length-1)]=new Option(newCountry,newCountry,true,true);
    inForm.country.options[inForm.country.options.length]=new Option('Other, not listed','Other');
    if(inForm.country.options[0].text == 'Select country') {
    inForm.country.options[0]= null;
    }// End -->
    <form name="globe">
    <p><select name="region"
    <option selected value>Select Region</option>
    <option value="asia">Asia</option>
    <option value="africa">Africa</option>
    <option value="australia">Australia</option>
    <option value="europe">Europe</option>
    <option value="middleeast">Middle East</option>
    <option value="lamerica">Latin America</option>
    <option value="namerica">North America</option>
    <option value="samerica">South America</option>
    </select> <select name="country"
    <option selected value>&lt;--------------------</option>
    </select> </p>
    <p align="center"><br>
    JS-Examples.com </p>

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    I would just contact Apple directly at 1-800- MYAPPLE and get all of this sorted out.
    You have a brand new iMac with one year of free, complimentary AppleCare plus free 90 days of telephone support.
    Call them, explain you situation very calmly to them and see if they can work something out for you.
    We are all just users here. We can't really help you with this issue. Apple , from time to,time, does peruse these forums, but not regularly. You got lucky last time. They may not see your posting this time.
    Only calling them direct will you get any help and assistance.
    Good Luck!

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    Can you please go through the below link:-
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    i am aprecciate any type of information, can anyone recommend me any tutorial about, for learn and try certificate?
    Chihuahua Mexico

    Have you checked this page about certification academys in mexico?http://www.sap.com/mexico/services/education/certification/levels/index.epx

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    ¿Conocen una guía de SAP, que indique los pasos?
    De antemano gracias.

    Arturo, buen día,
    Efectivamente sí existe una guía y solución de SAP para dar cumplimiento a dicha ley.
    En la siguiente liga puedes encontrar información al respecto: http://www.sap.com/mexico/industries/publicsector/index.epx 
    Quedo a tus órdenes si deseas mayor información.
    Saludos cordiales.

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    according to what I see here http://www.skype.com/en/offers/latinsubsoffer/ this new subscription only covers calls to landlines in this region
    furthermore rural areas in Colombia are not covered either
    "Try our new Latin American subscription¹ and call landlines in 10 countries – for free. Make unlimited2 calls to friends and family in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia (excludes rural areas – LEX), Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela."

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    Beg pardon, I tend not to analyse the poster's name. I shall try to do better in future. A good job they don't live in:
    Paris, Texas
    Moscow, Idaho
    Dublin, Ohio
    London, Ontario
    San Jose, California
    Panama City, Florida
    Birmingham, Alabama
    Bristol, Tennessee
    Manchester, New Hampshire
    Cambridge, Massachusetts
    Rome, New York

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    In Europe we use a lot of WRT54G3G routers with USB stick functionality for HSPDA or high speed mobile connections.. and this works perfect on the 2100 mhz frequency
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    If you put the modem directly in your pc, you have high speed internet.
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    We use providers like Claro in Panama en Telmex in Mexico.  We use the routers to connect our networks to allow a complete network internet access.
    thx in advance

    I think there is a difference between different versions of WRT54G3G for example WRT54G3G-ST and WRT54G3G-EU etc.
    Which data card do you use? Make sure that your data card is compatible with your router model.

  • Abonnement

    Skype charge me and I can't use the service.
    I try to cancel and I can't!
    What can I do?!?

    Everything is ok with your subscription.
    But from what I see you tried to call to Germany while your package allows you to call following destinations only;
    Costa Rica
    Mexico - Mexico City
    Mexico - Monterrey
    Mexico - Guadalajara
    If my answer helped to fix your issue, mark it as a Solution to help others.
    Thank You!
    Please send private messages only upon request.

  • SAP Implementation in Mexico

    Hello Guru's-
    I would like to know if there are anyone who were part of SAP Implementation for a Mexico Subsidiary?
    I am in the process of implementing SAP for one of our subsidiaries in Mexico, and would like to get some information from the experienced ones.
    To start off my list of questions, I would like to know if it is necessary to consider Inflation accounting while implementing fixed assets in Mexico?
    Thanks in Advance!

    I have to admit, I have not done any implementations for Mexico, but maybe this note 787680 could be of little help for you.

  • SAP Sourcing CLM Monthly Webcast - Thursday Sept 4th at 10 am EST

    Hi All,
    Just wanted to let you all know about the next SAP Sourcing CLM webcast.
    Date: Thursday Sept 4th at 10 am EST
    Topic: Toolbar Customization and File Attachment Container.
    Hope you can join.
    Dial-in information:
    URL: http://sapnaevent.adobeconnect.com/r7z676axxib/
    Passcode: 211529
    Dial-In US (toll-free): 888-510-1797
    Dial-In US (toll): 719-457-2706
    International Dial-In Number(s): 
    Int'l toll free - Argentina:   0800 666 2172
    Int'l toll free - Australia:   1 800 127 229
    Int'l toll free - Austria:   0800 295 947
    Int'l toll free - Belgium:   0 800 73 451
    Int'l toll free - Brazil:   0 800 038 0501
    Int'l toll free - Bulgaria:   00 800 120 1115
    Int'l toll free - Chile:   123 0020 6968
    Int'l toll free - China, Northern Region:   10 800 714 0966
    Int'l toll free - China, Southern Region:   10 800 140 0941
    Int'l toll free - Colombia:   01 800 518 0500
    Int'l toll free - Czech Republic:   800 142 275
    Int'l toll free - Denmark:   80 887 640
    Int'l toll free - Dominican Republic:   1 888 751 4415
    Int'l toll free - France:   0 800 909 053
    Int'l toll free - Germany:   0 800 186 2222
    Int'l toll free - Greece:   00 800 161 2205 2053
    Int'l toll free - Hong Kong:   800 964 592
    Int'l toll free - Hungary:   06 800 184 64
    Int'l toll free - Iceland:   800 8200
    Int'l toll free - India:   000 800 1005 748
    Int'l toll free - Indonesia:   001 803 017 2053
    Int'l toll free - Ireland:   1 800 760 202
    Int'l toll free - Israel:   1 80 924 5929
    Int'l toll free - Italy:   800 873 537
    Int'l toll free - Japan:   00531 16 0572
    Int'l toll free - Japan:   00348 0040 0940
    Int'l toll free - Latvia:   8000 2496
    Int'l toll free - Lithuania:   8 800 9 00 59
    Int'l toll free - Luxembourg:   800 2 5399
    Int'l toll free - Malaysia:   1 800 812 636
    Int'l toll free - Mexico:   01 800 288 7067
    Int'l toll free - Monaco:   800 93 303
    Int'l toll free - Netherlands:   0 800 022 2638
    Int'l toll free - New Zealand:   0 800 445 299
    Int'l toll free - Norway:   800 191 68
    Int'l toll free - Panama:   00 800 226 2053
    Int'l toll free - Peru:   0800 55 437
    Int'l toll free - Philippines:   1 800 111 004 23
    Int'l toll free - Poland:   00 800 111 48 31
    Int'l toll free - Portugal:   800 819 372
    Int'l toll free - Russian Federation:   810 800 2541 1012
    Int'l toll free - Singapore, Singapore:   800 101 1773
    Int'l toll free - Slovakia:   0800 606 719
    Int'l toll free - Slovenia:   0 800 80811
    Int'l toll free - South Africa:   0 800 999 577
    Int'l toll free - South Korea, Korea, Republic Of:   003 0813 1645
    Int'l toll free - Spain:   900 987 062
    Int'l toll free - Sweden:   02 079 6211
    Int'l toll free - Switzerland:   0 800 562 324
    Int'l toll free - Taiwan:   00 801 126 823
    Int'l toll free - Thailand:   001 800 156 205 2053
    Int'l toll free - Trinidad and Tobago:   1 800 205 2053
    Int'l toll free - United Kingdom:   0 800 051 7153
    Int'l toll free - Uruguay:   0004 019 0095
    Int'l toll free - Venezuela:   0 800 100 5206

    In this 2nd session of the BPM Experts call series, our BPM expert will share with you how BPM can be made more accessible to the general business user.
    Discover some of the upcoming technology features from SAP that can help speed up the adoption of BPM within your organization. You will learn about some of the BPM Research work we are advancing with Web 2.0 technology from Google, and look at how we can use Adobe forms for increased office productivity.
    We will also take this opportunity to share one of our customer's experiences with BPM Methodology, and why having the right methodology is important to a sustainable BPM initiative in your organization.
    Register for this webcast on Nov 17, Tuesday at 1pm (SG) below.
    To view the eDM on your browser: [Click Here|http://www28.sap.com/mk/get/SG_09_BPMXPERTS_NOV17_INV]
    Date: 17 Nov, Tuesday
    Time: 1.00pm SG / 4.00 pm Sydney / 10.30am Mumbai
    [Register Here|http://sap-webinars.com/bpm_experts_call/register.php]

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