CF11 cfc gives 500 error but cfm is fine

We are testing our cf code which all works fine on a CF9 Windows Server 2008 machine but we are going to migrate to a CF11 Windows 2012 R2 machine. We have a test machine setup and all the code moved over and so far the cfm pages seem to work fine as well as the Application.cfc page but when we call a cfc via AJAX or we visit the cfc methods directly we get a 500.0 error Application could not be found.
Anybody else run into this?

I will do both as separate messages with some info redacted with XXXXXX. The Application.cfc in the root directory is below.
    hint="Handle the application.">
        <!--- Set up the application. --->
        <cfset THIS.Name = "XXXXXX" />
        <cfset THIS.ApplicationTimeout = CreateTimeSpan( 2, 0, 0, 0 ) />
        <cfset THIS.SessionManagement = true />
        <cfset THIS.SessionTimeout = CreateTimeSpan( 0, 2, 30, 0 ) />
        <cfset THIS.SetClientCookies = true />
    <!--- Define the page request properties. --->
        hint="Fires when the application is first created.">
            SELECT * FROM AdminOptions
            WHERE ID = 1
         <cfset APPLICATION.DSN = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.debugIPAddress = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.debugIPAddress2 = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.ScheduledTaskIP = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.ScheduledTaskIP2 = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.EncryptionKey = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.AdminEmail = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.NotificationEmail = #GetAdmin.mainEmail# />
         <cfset APPLICATION.SiteTitle = "XXXXXX" />
         <!--- urls --->
         <cfset APPLICATION.SiteURL = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.ImageURL = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.AttachmentURL = "XXXXXX" />
         <!--- directories --->
         <cfset APPLICATION.BaseDirectory = "XXXXXX" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.VendorUploadsDirectory = "XXXXXX\data\VendorUploads" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.VendorDownloadsDirectory = "XXXXXX\www\downloads" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.ImageDirectory = "XXXXXX\www\product-images" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.AttachmentDirectory = "XXXXXX\www\uploads" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.FeedDirectory = "XXXXXX\data" />
         <cfset APPLICATION.cfcRoot = "#APPLICATION.BaseDirectory#\api">
         <!--- include startup file(s) --->
         <cfinclude template="includes/inc-cleanup.cfm">
        <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn true />
        hint="Fires when the session is first created.">
        <!--- Define the local scope. --->
        <cfset var LOCAL = {} />
        Store the CF id and token. We are about to clear the
        session scope for intialization and want to make sure
        we don't lose our auto-generated tokens.
        <cfset LOCAL.CFID = SESSION.CFID />
        <!--- Clear the session. --->
        <cfset StructClear( SESSION ) />
        Replace the id and token so that the ColdFusion
        application knows who we are.
        <cfset SESSION.CFID = LOCAL.CFID />
        <!--- Assigns and passes shopping cart ID. Do not change! --->
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="includes/inc-session-id.cfm">
        <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn />
        hint="Fires at first part of page processing.">
        <!--- Define ARGUMENTS. --->
        <!--- Define the local scope. --->
        <cfset var local = {} />
        <!--- Assigns and passes shopping cart ID. Do not change! --->
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="includes/inc-session-id.cfm">
        <!--- Get requested URL from request object. --->
        <cfset prevURL = #CGI.HTTP_REFERER# />
        <!--- Check for reinitialization. --->
        <cfif StructKeyExists( URL, "reset" )>
            <!--- Reset application and session. --->
            <cfset THIS.OnApplicationStart() />
            <cfset THIS.OnSessionStart() />
        <cfif structKeyExists( url, "logout" )>
        <!--- Change the timeout on the current session scope. This is an undocumented function. We are changing it to one second. --->
        <cfset session.setMaxInactiveInterval(javaCast("long", 1)) />
        <!--- Clear all of the session cookies. This will expire them on the user's computer when the CFLocation executes.        
        NOTE: We need to do this so that the redirect
        doesn't immediately pick up the previous session
        within the new, one-second timeout (which would
        completely defeat our purpose).
        <cfloop index="local.cookieName" list="cfid,cftoken,cfmagic">
            <!--- Expire this session cookies --->
            <cfcookie name="#local.cookieName#" value="" expires="now" />
        Redirect back to the primary page (so that we dont
        have the killSession URL parameter visible).
        <cflocation url="./index.cfm" addtoken="false" />
        <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn true />
        hint="Fires after pre page processing is complete.">
        <!--- Define ARGUMENTS. --->
        <cfif (isDefined("SESSION.Vendor.ID") AND SESSION.Vendor.ID NEQ 0)>
        <cfif isDefined("SESSION.SessionID")>
            <!--- lookup cart total --->
            <cfquery name="GetCartTotal" datasource="#APPLICATION.DSN#">
            SELECT SUM(Cart.Price * Cart.Quantity) AS CurrCartTotal FROM Cart
            WHERE Cart.SessionID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#SESSION.SessionID#"> AND Cart.CustomerID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#SESSION.Vendor.ID#"> AND (Status = 'Shopping' OR Status = 'Saved')
        <!--- User logged in. Allow page request. --->
        <cfinclude template="#ARGUMENTS.PageRequestedByUser#" />
        <cfelseif FindNoCase("request-catalog.cfm", ARGUMENTS.PageRequestedByUser)>
        <!--- User requested catalog. --->
        <cfinclude template="request-catalog.cfm" />
        User is not logged in - include the login page regardless of what was requested.
        <cfinclude template="login.cfm" />
        <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn />
        hint="Fires after the page processing is complete.">
        <!--- dump out the session to the screen --->
        <cfif CGI.REMOTE_ADDR IS APPLICATION.debugIPAddress>
            <cfdump var="#SESSION#">
        <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn />
        hint="Fires when the session is terminated.">
        <!--- Define ARGUMENTS. --->
        <!--- session cleanup code here --->
        <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn />
        hint="Fires when the application is terminated.">
        <!--- Define ARGUMENTS. --->
         <!--- Return out. --->
        <cfreturn />
<cffunction name="onError">
    <!--- The onError method gets two arguments:
            An exception structure, which is identical to a cfcatch variable.
            The name of the Application.cfc method, if any, in which the error
            happened. --->
    <cfargument name="Except" required = true />
    <cfargument type="String" name = "EventName" required = true />
    <!--- Log all errors in an application-specific log file. --->
    <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="error" text="Event Name: #Eventname#" >
    <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="error" text="Message: #except.message#">
    <!--- Throw validation errors to ColdFusion for handling. --->
    <cfif Find("coldfusion.filter.FormValidationException", Arguments.Except.StackTrace)>
        <cfthrow object="#except#">
        <!--- You can replace this cfoutput tag with application-specific error-handling code. --->
        <cfif #CGI.REMOTE_ADDR# IS #APPLICATION.debugIPAddress#>
            <p>Error Event: #EventName#</p>
                <cfif isDefined("SESSION.Vendor.ID")><p>Member ID: #SESSION.Vendor.ID#</p></cfif>
                <cfif isDefined("ID")><p>ID Posted: #ID#</p></cfif>
                <p>Error details:<br><cfdump var="#except#"></p>
                <p>Application vars:<br><cfdump var="#Application#"></p>
                <p>Session vars:<br><cfdump var="#SESSION#"></p>
                <p>CGI vars:<br><cfdump var="#cgi#"></p>
                <p>FORM vars:<br><cfdump var="#FORM#"></p>
                <p>URL vars:<br><cfdump var="#URL#"></p>
            <cfmail TO="#APPLICATION.AdminEmail#" FROM="#APPLICATION.AdminEmail#" SUBJECT="#APPLICATION.SiteTitle# Exception Error" TYPE="HTML">
                <p>Error Event: #EventName#</p>
                <cfif isDefined("SESSION.Vendor.ID")><p>Member ID: #SESSION.Vendor.ID#</p></cfif>
                <cfif isDefined("ID")><p>ID Posted: #ID#</p></cfif>
                <p>Error details:<br><cfdump var="#except#"></p>
                <p>Application vars:<br><cfdump var="#Application#"></p>
                <p>Session vars:<br><cfdump var="#SESSION#"></p>
                <p>CGI vars:<br><cfdump var="#cgi#"></p>
                <p>FORM vars:<br><cfdump var="#FORM#"></p>
                <p>URL vars:<br><cfdump var="#URL#"></p>
            <cfmail TO="#APPLICATION.AdminEmail#" FROM="#APPLICATION.AdminEmail#" SUBJECT="#APPLICATION.SiteTitle# Exception Error" TYPE="HTML">
                <p>Error Event: #EventName#</p>
                <cfif isDefined("SESSION.Vendor.ID")><p>Member ID: #SESSION.Vendor.ID#</p></cfif>
                <cfif isDefined("ID")><p>ID Posted: #ID#</p></cfif>
                <p>Error details:<br><cfdump var="#except#"></p>
                <p>Application vars:<br><cfdump var="#Application#"></p>
                <p>Session vars:<br><cfdump var="#SESSION#"></p>
                <p>CGI vars:<br><cfdump var="#cgi#"></p>
                <p>FORM vars:<br><cfdump var="#FORM#"></p>
                <p>URL vars:<br><cfdump var="#URL#"></p>
            <cfinclude template="error.cfm" />

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  • Automated Deployment Using admin_client.jar gives 500 error

    1. standalone OC4J version
    2. Windows XP platform in a VM
    We have a mature deployment in that the deployment from JDeveloper is routinely successful. During the course of developing continuous integration builds, the automated deployment is now failing. We had succeeded previously using admin_client.jar and the deploy command as follows:
        <target name="deploy_oc4j" depends="assembleEar"
      description="deploy the enterprise archive to a standalone oc4j using admin_client.jar">
          In deploy_oc4j target.
        <java classname="${j2ee.home}/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
            <jvmarg value="-jar"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.admin_client}"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.username}"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.password}"/>
            <arg value="-deploy"/>
            <arg value="-file"/>
            <arg value="${}".ear"/>
            <arg value="-deploymentName"/>
            <arg value="${}"/>
            <arg value="-bindAllWebApps"/>
            <arg value="${}"/>
        </target>We now have two issues occurring and they may be related. We have added the capability of creating a connection pool and a data source using admin_client.jar commands:
        <target name="connectionpool" depends="deploy_oc4j"
          description="create a connection pool using admin_client.jar">
        Adding a connection pool.
          <java classname="${j2ee.home}/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
            <jvmarg value="-jar"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.admin_client}"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.username}"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.password}"/>
            <arg value="-addDataSourceConnectionPool"/>
            <arg value="-applicationName"/>
            <arg value="${}"/>
            <arg value="-name"/>
            <arg value="jdev-connection-pool-name"/>
            <arg value="-factoryClass"/>
            <arg value="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"/>
            <arg value="-dbUser"/>
            <arg value="username"/>
            <arg value="-dbPassword"/>
            <arg value="password"/>
            <arg value="-url"/>
            <arg value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@dev:1521:ORCL"/>
        <target name="datasource" depends="connectionpool"
          description="create a datasource using admin_client.jar">
        Adding Managed Data Source.
          <java classname="${j2ee.home}/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
            <jvmarg value="-jar"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.admin_client}"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.username}"/>
            <arg value="${oc4j.deploy.password}"/>
            <arg value="-addManagedDataSource"/>
            <arg value="-applicationName"/>
            <arg value="${}"/>
            <arg value="-name"/>
            <arg value="jdev-connection-managed-name"/>
            <arg value="-jndiLocation"/>
            <arg value="jdbc/name"/>
            <arg value="-connectionPoolName"/>
            <arg value="jdev-connection-pool-name"/>
            <arg value="-dbUser"/>
            <arg value="username"/>
            <arg value="-dbPassword"/>
            <arg value="password"/>
        </target>We complete the automated deployment and all ant tasks succeed, including creation of the connection pool and managed data source. During this process, the existing system-jazn-data.xml file is overwritten and our Application's <login module> information has been deleted. Upon editing this file and adding back the login module data and restarting oc4j, we can login to our application. The framework of the site is present along with graphics, yet every page visited yields a 500 error (jspx +and+ HTML). Since the entire deployment is done from ant, we do not have the capability of specifying a the web-app as development configuration. We need advice on how best to debug the deployed application as well as knowledge regarding the mechanism which causes the system-jazn-data.xml file in the oc4j/j2ee/home/config folder to be modified.
    Edited by: Michael F. Hardy on Sep 11, 2008 5:03 PM
    Edited by: Michael F. Hardy on Sep 11, 2008 5:03 PM
    Edited by: Michael F. Hardy on Sep 11, 2008 5:05 PM

    Found that jar files were missing from autobuild. This continues to be an issue where libraries are added to WEB-INF\lib in JDeveloper and the individual jar files are needed for an automated build process.

  • Grub error - but booting just fine

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    For some strange reason though, just before grub loads I seem to get 3 errors all saying the same thing - "File not found".  It doesn't tell me anything other than that.  When Arch is then selected from the boot menu, it re-states those 3 errors and says "Press any key to continue".  Pressing any key doesn't seem to do anything, it just sits there for about 5 seconds, and then proceeds to boot normally as though nothing happened.
    I would love to give more in-depth details as to what's wrong, but this is all I can provide.  Currently I am not using grub to boot anything else - just Arch.

    I get these three alerts on another box which dont run arch, id hazard a guess its grub not erroring but merely alerting you, IDK what the 3 missing files are, but i do know its not errors. I think its grub looking for certain files  (maybe hardware specific files) and if they arent found grub continues to boot.  This wont cause you any ill effects.

  • Sending alert, gives an error but.......

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    I'm seinding to 3 recipients in the collection.
    private static string _SendAlert(string Subject, string Body, string ColumnName, int ObjectType, string ObjectKey, SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany, System.Collections.Generic.List<string> Recipients)
        SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService oCmpSrv = null;
        MessagesService oMessageService = null;
        SAPbobsCOM.Message oMessage = null;
        MessageDataColumns pMessageDataColumns = null;
        MessageDataColumn pMessageDataColumn = null;
        MessageDataLines oLines = null;
        MessageDataLine oLine = null;
        RecipientCollection oRecipientCollection = null;
            oCmpSrv = oCompany.GetCompanyService();
            oMessageService = ((SAPbobsCOM.MessagesService)(oCmpSrv.GetBusinessService(ServiceTypes.MessagesService)));
            oMessage = ((SAPbobsCOM.Message)(oMessageService.GetDataInterface(MessagesServiceDataInterfaces.msdiMessage)));
            oMessage.Subject = Subject;
            oMessage.Text = Body;
            oRecipientCollection = oMessage.RecipientCollection;
            foreach (string RecipientName in Recipients)
                oRecipientCollection.Item(oRecipientCollection.Count - 1).SendInternal = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                oRecipientCollection.Item(oRecipientCollection.Count - 1).UserCode = GetUserCode(RecipientName, oCompany);
            // Don't add a document link if we pass -1 as parameter.
            if (ObjectType != -1)
                // get columns data
                pMessageDataColumns = oMessage.MessageDataColumns;
                // get column
                pMessageDataColumn = pMessageDataColumns.Add();
                // set column name
                pMessageDataColumn.ColumnName = ColumnName;
                // set link to a real object in the application
                pMessageDataColumn.Link = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                // get lines
                oLines = pMessageDataColumn.MessageDataLines;
                // add new line
                oLine = oLines.Add();
                // set the line value
                oLine.Value = ObjectKey;
                // set the link to BusinessPartner (the object type for Bp is 2)
                oLine.Object = ObjectType.ToString();
                // set the Bp code
                oLine.ObjectKey = ObjectKey;
            // send the message
            return "";
        catch (Exception ex)
            return ex.Message;
    The error message is :
    This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC - 2035)
    [(----) 131-183]
    Sorry but I don't know how to decode this error message to know which table and also I don't understand the ALERT system and why am I receiving this error and of course I don't know what to do to prevent this according to the code above or something else I don't understand.

    Surprisingly, I indeed look in those table when I saw it in the HELP CENTER
    and there was no entry in there.  The tale was empty.  But
    I was sending alerts to 3 people,  I deleted the 2 others that wasn't me ME means manager currently logged in SAP and when I did send an alert just to manager, it was working.
    Maybe there's another table that have entry for the 2 other users I was sending an alert ?
    Well,  Seems that sending an alert just to manager was working.  I will try to send to manager an another user then the 2 I was sending previously to see if it's because I'm trying to send to multiple recipient.

  • Sign in link on OTN homepage gives 500 error

    The sign-in link on the OTN homepage ( shows the error below. Also I can't log in from the downloads area.
    500 Internal Server Error
         at oracle.emarket.reg.Logger.LogEnabled(
         at register.jspService(
         at com.orionserver[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

    I was to face to a similar problem, it became from proxy...

  • .html gives 404 error but htm works

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    Sounds like a problem with your server. Ask the people who run it.
    If you want more help, provide your url so people can see for themselves what is happening.

  • AHT finds logic board error, but computer working fine

    I ran the Apple Hardware Test to see the profile for my RAM, but 7 seconds into the test it stopped and reported a logic board error.
    1. But my computer is working fine. If anyone has experience with this, I'll gladly take your advice. Do I ignore this error at my own risk? Or should I get it looked at now in case it's an early warning of something that can get worse? For the real Apple tech experts, here's the error code: 2I2C/1/1: 0x00000092.
    Eleven months ago, I had to get a new power supply installed. It was covered under the extended warranty for power issues with iMac G5s. As I've indicated, it's been working fine since then.
    2. Once AHT finds an error, it won't continue testing the remaining components. Does anyone know of a way to "force" the AHT to skip the logic board test and go on to test the other hardware items?
    Thanks all.

    Michael, pray tell, where does one find the published list of codes you refer to? I searched the whole internet (or so it seemed like it) looking for a resource like that. Are you an AASP?
    Even my experienced Apple technician and his AASP contacts didn't realize that my error code relates to the European Union. (And, BTW, I'm in Canada and I purchased my iMac from a store in Canada.) You have solved a mystery!
    The strange thing is that when I phoned Apple Tech Support and asked to speak to a product specialist, even they told me that the code means "logic board needs replacement." When I asked to speak to a higher dept., I was connected to Customer Relations (very nice, professional fellow answered). When I explained that this G5 iMac has been problematic for me (failure after 7 mos. of ownership, power supply failure after 3 yrs, etc.) he offered me $100.00 off a new iMac ($125.00 in Canada), which I accepted.
    I did use TechTool Pro to check the computer. It found no problems. Four months later and it's still going strong. I don't know whether to be upset with Apple for not bothering to look up the code, or whether I should look at this as a blessing in disguise (how else would I have received $125.00 off a new iMac? And now, my father gets a G5 that I can confidently say is in good working order). And it's strange that my local tech's AASP friends weren't any wiser. Aren't AASPs privy to this error code info? A mystery indeed...

  • Diameter  SCUR rating: "AVP NOT FOUND" error, but everything seems fine.

    Good day to all.
    We are using a Diameter rating server in order to rate SCUR services. We can successfully rate Diameter IEC and Diameter ECUR services.
    We are using Seagull in order to simulate the Mediation chain, since we don't have it. When we run the Diameter executable we got the error:
    <942 M V 9999><UsedServiceUnit M <Avps:<CCServiceSpecificUnits M 1>>>>> can not be mapped due to: AVP_NOT_FOUND: AVP path: 437,417.
    The UsedServiceUnit and the CCServiceSpecificUnits AVP have been defined in Seagull as follow. Do we have to define those AVPs somewhere else? I googled but I can't find the Diameter error lists.
        <define name="Requested-Service-Unit" type="Grouped">
          <setfield name="avp-code" value="437"></setfield>
          <setfield name="flags" value="64"></setfield>
        <define name="CC-Service-Specific-Units" type="Unsigned64">
                       <setfield name="avp-code" value="417"></setfield>
                       <setfield name="flags" value="64"></setfield>
    Best regards,

    Ciao Leonardo.
    We were in the end able to make the IEC and ECUR mode working, but the SCUR mode doesn't work. We can't make the reservation.
    Is there any other particular AVP value that we have to set? According to the Diameter specification, the following ones guide the SCUR mode:
       CC-Request-Type (Code: 416) = 1 (INITIAL_REQUEST), 2 (UPDATE_REQUEST) or 3 (TERMINATION_REQUEST)
    ·         CC-Request-Number (Code: 415) = identifier of the request within the session
    Best regards,

  • First request to application throws 500 error

    We're on an Windows 2003 box with IIS. After the app is
    inactive for awhile users will get a 500 error but if they request
    the same page again, it displays fine.
    We've done a variety of things including setting an IIS keep
    alive type of parameter way up, but the error continues to show up.
    The problem exists across applications which have worked fine in
    other environments so it doesn't appear to be application-specific.
    Has any one run into a problem with CF 7 not working when you
    first hit an application, then starting to work after that?
    Any suggestions for solutions?

    I've been trying to resolve the problem looking exactly like
    this for a while now. Unfortunately I don't have a solution so far.
    In our case I noticed that IIS returns HTTP 500 after some
    inactivity not only for ColdFusion pages, but for other files as
    well (.js file for instance). This got me thinking if it's
    ColdFusion-related at all.
    There is still a chance it's somehow related to ColdFusion,
    since by default it seems to install a wildcard application mapping
    for its connector.
    Anyway, this might give you a couple of ideas on where to
    BTW, try checking IIS logs for win32 error code - might be
    it'll shed some light on the problem.
    Please let me know if you happen to manage to resolve the
    Thanks in advance

  • No Enterprise Manager - 500 error

    I have installed CF9 Enterprise (32bit install) on a Windows 2008 Server SP2, 32 bit server (two of them, in fact), with Web Server / IIS role installed. Installed Role Services of  Application Development (ASP.NET, ASP, CGI, ISAPI extensions/filters, SSI's) role installed . Then installed the 9.01 patch, ran the CF "Web Server Configuration Tool" for all sites (there is only the Default Web site installed). Did not install the IIS6 management extensions (since the Web Server Configuration Tool doesn't like that to be installed.
    I was able to get to the Cold Fusion administrator (at http://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm ) page, and login successfully. The System Information page shows ColdFusion Enterprise version  9,0,1,274733  , with the OS of Windows Server 2008 R2 (OS Version 6.1), Adobe Driver version 4.0 (Build 0005).
    This CD Administrator page does not show the Enterprise Manager menu choice on the left side. If I use an address of http://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/entman/index.cfm (after verifying those files are in the 'entman' folder), I get an HTTP Error 500.0 page. Sometimes that page will be inside the CF Adminstrator page frame, but still the 500.0 errorr. The files are in the 'physical path' as F:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\entman\index.cfm .
    Have done massive searches on the Adobe forums here, and via other search engines, and have not found the solution. Have tried seting the Application Pool Defaults to "enable 32-bit applications' to 'true' or 'false', either setting still gets the 500.0 error on the 'entman' page.
    All settings on the server are set to default values. I have done a full uninstall, reinstall of CF; a full rebuild of the server, but still the 500 error.
    The "Adobe ColdFusion Server Manager" application works OK; I have installed the latest version of Adobe Air.
    Am extremely puzzled as to why the Enterprise Managr cannot be run. (And a bit frustrated also.)

    Rick, before you reinstall, you can probably correct things. It just seems you've gotten yourself into a bit of a bind. I hope the following can help you recover if you want to, or at least help you (or other readers) understand things better.
    To your first point, what happens if you just go to the main page (not the entman subdirectory)? What do you see in the top left of the left navbar? It should say "Server: cfusion" if you are indeed seeing the cfusion instance (where the Enterprise Manager is found). If you see another server name there, you're viewing the CF Admin for THAT instance, not the cfusion one. And if you see no mention of a "Server:" (above the "expand all" phrase), then you are NOT viewing the CFAdmin of a multiserver instance but rather of either an Enterprise Server, or Standard, or Development deployment of CF.
    It's easy for that to happen, depending on how you configure the web server (whether manually, or during installation of CF, or using the web server configuration tool). Since you're using no port in your first example, that's using port 80 which is typically responded to by an external web server (like IIS or Apache). Since you say you're using IIS, you can look at properties for the site (whatever is responding to localhost, in your case) to see how its configured to hand CFM files to CF. (Since you're on IIS 7.5, select "handler mappings" in the "content view" while selecting the site, then look for the mapping for path "*.cfm". Double click the mapping to see the value for its "executable". That indicates the directory where CF lives that it's passing requests to.)
    As for your second examples, those are using the ports typically associated with the internal web server (as opposed to the external ones like IIS or Apache), which can be enabled optionally either during CF installation or afterward by changing a config file (or automatically for newly created multiserver instances). To be clear, 8300 is the typical port for the built-in web server for the cfusion instance, and 8500 is the typical port for Server/Standard deployments. The actual numbers for any given CF deployment can change, if the port is already in use at installation, or if someone picks a different one when configuring things manually.
    To your point 3, I don't think anyone was saying that you had a "JRun4 folder in the E:\ColdFusion9 folder". Rather, the point being made was that there are two primary places where CF is installed, depending on the deployment option chosen. For CF Standard or Enterprise/Developer Server deployments, it's put into the \ColdFusion9 directory (for cf9). For Enterprise/Developer Multiserver deployments, it's put into \JRun4.
    The fact that you have both (it seems, from your earlier note) indicates that you have implemented both kinds of deployments (to your point 5, also). That's perfectly acceptable to do. But it can cause the kind of confusion you're seeing. It may be that IIS has been configured to pass requests (for localhost) to the CF Standard/Server deployment, not your Multiserver cfusion instance. Running the web server config tool (from the multiserver deployment) and configuring it to pass the site to that cfusion instance would solve that. 
    Then again, you may instead want to pass the site to some new instance. You could configure it to do that instead, but then you do need a way to get to that cfusion instance. That is why Isaac suggested that the 8300 port might work. That would be the typical way to access the cfusion instance. You can look at the instance's jrun configuration file (C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\SERVER-INF\jrun.xml) to see both whether the built-in web server is enabled and what its port is. Look for the entry:
    Whatever value that is, try using that. If you change either, you need to restart the instance for them to take effect (and beware that if you make any error, the instance may not start. See the /jrun/logs directory for more information.)
    As for your 4th point, it is interesting that you see the entman directory. But I just looked at a CF9 Standard deployment I have, and the directory is indeed there. We might assume it's only put there for Enterprise Multiserver deployments, but maybe not. Someone else can confirm if they see it, too. Anyway, when I try to visit it (with my Standard deployment of CF), I don't get a 500 error, but I do get a blank page. Regardless, perhaps your problem is that your localhost site is configured to pass cfm page requests to something other than a cfusion instance. That would likely be the only one where CF would respond to a request for the Enterprise Manager.
    Hope some of that helps. But yes, if you removed everything and started over, I'd expect all would work as well. If you have any reason to keep what seems to be more than one deployment of CF (as some do), then I hope the info above explains both how to do it and how it can get a little crossed up.
    /charlie arehart
    [email protected]
    Providing CF and CFBuilder troubleshooting services

  • GRPO with Freight gives an error ...

    Hello Experts,
    When I post a GRPO without Freight it gives no error, but when I try to add with Freight Amount it gives an ERROR.
    Inventory Account is not defined [Goods Receipt PO - Rows - Warehouse Code] Message 173-77.
    Freight Setup: for that perticulat Freight that I am using... is Revenue and Expense Accounts are defined... Distribution and Drawing Methods are Quantity and Stock Check Box is CHECKED.
    Help Required...
    Thanks & Regards

    Hello Nazir,
    If your the items are set up with 'GL accounts managed by warehouse' (this is defined under the Inventory Tab of the Item Master Data), you should check that all the accounts for the warehouse have been set up under Administration => Set Up => Inventory => Warehouses => Accounting Tab.
    In particulary you should check that you have defined an Expense Account for the specific warehouse in the GRPO document.
    Also since you have chosen to affect the stock with additional expenses you need to specify an offsetting G/L account to the Stock account for clearing journal entries created by A/P Invoices and Goods Receipt POs.                                           
    I hope it solves your issue.
    Kind Regards,
    Magalie Grolleau
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Reading from text file gives IndexOutOfBoundsException error

    Dear All
    I really need your help in doing my assignment as soon as possible
    I am reading from a text file the following data
    using two classes first one is
    public class Student
    private String studFName;
    private String studLName;
    private String studID;
    private double assignment1;
    private double assignment2;
    private double final_exam;
    private double total;
    public String getstudfName() {
    return studFName;
    public void setstudfName(String studFName) {
    this.studFName = studFName;
    public String getstudlName() {
    return studLName;
    public void setstudlName(String studLName) {
    this.studLName = studLName;
    public String getstudid() {
    return studID;
    public void setStudID(String studID){
    this.studID = studID;
    public double getAssignment1() {
    return assignment1;
    public void setAssignment1(double Assignment1) {
    this.assignment1 = assignment1;
    public double getAssignment2() {
    return assignment1;
    public void setAssignment2(double Assignment2) {
    this.assignment2 = assignment2;
    public double getFinal_exam() {
    return final_exam;
    public void setFinal_exam(double final_exam) {
    this.final_exam = final_exam;
    public double getTotal() {
    return total;
    public void setTotal(double total) { = total;
    Student[] students = new Student[30];
    the second is manager one which is:
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class manager {
    public static Student[] students = new Student[30];
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    // We want to let the user specify which file we should open
    // on the command-line. E.g., 'java TextIO'.
    if(args.length != 1) {
    System.err.println("usage: java manager (file_name)");
    // We're going to read lines from 'input', which will be attached
    // to a text-file opened for reading.
    BufferedReader input = null;
    try {
    FileReader file = new FileReader(args[0]); // Open the file.
    input = new BufferedReader(file); // Tie 'input' to this file.
    catch(FileNotFoundException x) { // The file may not exist.
    System.err.println("File not found: " + args[0]);
    // Now we read the file, line by line, echoing each line to
    // the terminal.
    try {
    String line;
    // Student[] students = new Student[30];
    while( (line = input.readLine()) != null ) {
    // System.out.println(line);
    int m = line.indexOf(",");
    int j = line.lastIndexOf(",");
    String sID = line.substring(0,m);
    String sfn = line.substring(m+1,j) ;
    String sln = line.substring(j+1);
    int n = 0;
    students[n] = new Student();
    catch(IOException x) {
    // Arrays.sort(Student.students);
         int length = args.length;
    // System.out.println("Sorted by stuID");
    for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
    System.out.print("Student ID "+students.getstudid() + "|||");
    System.out.print("Student Fname "+students[i].getstudfName() + "|||");
    System.out.print("Student name "+students[i].getstudlName());
    when I comile progrma it doesn't give any error but when I run it gives me the following exception:
    java.lang.String.substring. IndexOutOfBoundsException string index out of range : -1
    as can be seen from the manager class I form the read line from readline method as follows:
    int m = line.indexOf(",");
    int j = line.lastIndexOf(",");
    String sID = line.substring(0,m);
    String sfn = line.substring(m+1,j) ;
    String sln = line.substring(j+1);
    Therefore, student ID should be read from the beggining tel the character before the comma (,) then from the character after first comma tel that before second comma will be firstname, finally the rest after second comma will be last name.
    I want my program to read all lines in the text file and put them in order as above forming the array like database record and print them all.
    Could you please Help me in this matter friends as soon as possible.

    please, format you code first (select your java code and hit the code button), then post all the error log message.

  • Why it gives an error , although the result is correct

    Hello everybody,
    here is my code, which i wrote in another way,
    After th sucessful compiling it gives an error, but the results of execution is ok.
    What is wrong?
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ReadFkOut {
         private static double[] ar;
         private static double[] ar1;
         ReadFkOut() {
    ar=new double [6];
    ar1=new double[6];
              try {
                   FileReader file = new FileReader("bambam1.dat");
                   BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
    StreamTokenizer stk=new StreamTokenizer(buff);
    int lineNumber=0;
    while(stk.ttype==stk.TT_NUMBER) {
              catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("Error - - " );
         public double[] getValues() {
              return ar;
         public double[] getValues1() {
              return ar1;
    0.00000000 39.409
    5.00000000 39.409
    10.0000000 39.409 file bambam1.dat
    15.00000000 39.409
    20.00000000 39.409
    25.0000000 39.409
    main coimport*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Galka {
    ReadFkOut rf;
    static double [] gallochka;
    static double [] gallochka1;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
              ReadFkOut rf=new ReadFkOut();

    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class ReadFkOut {
    private static double[] ar;
    private static double[] ar1;
    ReadFkOut() {
    ar=new double [6];
    ar1=new double[6];
    try {
    FileReader file = new FileReader("bambam1.dat");
    BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
    StreamTokenizer stk=new StreamTokenizer(buff);
    int lineNumber=0;
    while(stk.ttype==stk.TT_NUMBER) {
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Error - - " );
    public double[] getValues() {
    return ar;
    public double[] getValues1() {
    return ar1;
    0.00000000 39.409
    5.00000000 39.409
    10.0000000 39.409 file bambam1.dat
    15.00000000 39.409
    20.00000000 39.409
    25.0000000 39.409
    main coimport*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Galka {
    ReadFkOut rf;
    static double [] gallochka;
    static double [] gallochka1;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ReadFkOut rf=new ReadFkOut();
    }The output is
    Error --

  • IIS 500 errors after installing webElements

    Our servers are therapeutically rebooted each Sunday afternoon.  Last week we installed and enabled webElements, including making changes to the server's config files for TomCat to support pass-through HTML.  The TomCat server was restarted after those changes, but the server was not rebooted, and we were able to use the webElements functionality until the weekend.  Since Sunday's server reboot, we are not able to run any reports on that server via the openDocument command, webElements or not, without getting an IIS 500 error screen just after the InfoView logon splash screen is shown.  We are also unable to log into the CMC using anything but Enterprise authentication.
    Curiously, we can run reports using the View option in the CMC, and we can run reports that incorporate WebElements from our desktop Crystal Reports installs.  Only the ability to use OpenDocument URLs appears to be affected.
    Is there anything on the re-configuration of the IIS/TomCat config files for WebElements that can cause IIS 500 error messages after a server reboot?
    Brad Broyles, Raleigh, NC

    OK, now I'm running with only pass-thru HTML enabled for Java and WEPlatform configured for Java:
    - IIS 500 error has gone away
    - I can HTML Preview WebElements reports in Crystal Reports on my desktop OK
    - I can view WebElements reports in CMC OK
    - HMTL passed as strings when opening WebElements reports with the OpenDocument aspx URL (makes sense, since pass-thru HTML is not enabled for IIS)
    - We aren't configured to use the JSP through TomCat version of OpenDocument; we're a chiefly Microsoft shop, so our focus so far has been on the IIS/aspx version of OpenDocument
    And now I've reconfigured everything to use only pass-thru HTML for .NET/IIS and WEPlatform configured for .NET/IIS:
    - IIS 500 error is back
    - I cannot HTML Preview WebElements reports in Crystal Reports on my desktop
    - HTML displays as strings in CMC
    - IIS 500 error prevents viewing WebElements reports via the OpenDocument aspx URL (just like viewing any other reports, so it is consistent)
    So I'm at a loss as to where to go next.  It does appear that having the .NET/IIS configuration causes the IIS 500 error, but I need it in there to have any hope of using the aspx flavor of OpenDocument (which I could have sworn I saw work at least once last week).  Is there any possibility that there could be errors in the user guide's example code for configuring pass-thru HTML for IIS?  If not, where can we go next in order to figure out how to have this working?
    Thanks in advance,
    Brad Broyles
    Raleigh, NC

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