Cflocation issue

Hello all,
We have a problem using cflocation when trying to redirect
the user to a new cf page.
There is a file a.cfm contains an html form. Its action file
is b.cfm. In b.cfm, after processing the data received from a.cfm
the cflocation tag is used to redirect the user to c.cfm file. It
appears that from time to time, the execution is aborted before
redirecting the user to the c.cfm file.
No cookie is set up, no cfflush tag is used on the same page
as the cflocation tag is used.
We also tried to use in place of cflocation, the cfheader tag
<cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved
<cfheader name="Location" value="c.cfm">
But we got the same acting.
In place, using the http refresh meta, seems to work.
Webserver: IIS on win 2003
Coldfusion: v. 7
Has anyone faced the same problem before?
Razvan Droscaru

can you post your b.cfm code? it seems like there may be a
condition or validation code that may prevent cflocation from
also look if there is anything in onRequestStart/End()
methods in
Application.cfc that might interfere, if you are using one...
Azadi Saryev

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    Page A - The form that submits to Page B
    Page B - That checks the form.username and form.password against a database (works fine)
    Page C - Logout page (Which is where I am having an issue).
    Page C throws a "variable Session is undefined" error
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    <cfset StructClear(Session)>
    <cflocation url="index.cfm">
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    <cfif NOT IsDefined ("form.username")>
    <cflocation url="index.cfm" addtoken="No">
    <cfquery name="test" datasource="cfdb">
    WHERE USERNAME = '#FORM.username#'
    AND PASSWORD = '#FORM.password#'
    <!---<CFSET Session.LoggedIn = "1">
    <CFSET Session.FirstName = "#test.FirstName#">--->
    <CFIF test.RecordCount IS 0>
    <cflocation url="index.cfm" addtoken="No">
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    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <p><a href="logout.cfm">Log Out</a></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
      This content is protected.
    As you can see, nothing fancy
    Now, I thought that the Session variable could be accessed by any page within a given browser instance, but I am obviously wrong.
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    “Variable Session is undefined” error comes up when you try to manipulate a session variable which does not exist, as at that point in time. To take care of possible empty session structures, it is good practice to check first if your session is defined.
    So you will have something like:
    <cfif isDefined("session")>
    <cfset StructClear(Session) />
    <cflocation url="index.cfm">
    To enable you access your session variables from any page in your application, you need to enable session management in your Application.cfm or Application.cfc.
    cfm   <cfapplication sessionmanagement="Yes" />
    cfc        <cfcomponent>
    <cfset THIS.SessionManagement = "Yes" />
    Reference… -7c48.html


    I am using cflocation to redirect to a page after doing
    process on server side like database updates, some time the page is
    redirecting properly and the content of the new page also
    displaying, and some times it is redirecting to a new page but the
    content is not displaying..if i refresh the browser then content is
    Wondering if any one come across this type of situation.
    Looking for your suggestions in fixing this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    Not sure if this is your problem, but CFLOCATION has a
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    forward without executing the CFCOOKIE. I haven't used CFLOCATION
    since then. Instead I use JavaScript to forward since that will not
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    <CF CODE>

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    Has anyone ever run into similar issues before? Any help is
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    byte[] buf = null;with
    byte[] buf = new byte[ 256 ];Other problems may happen if this sample was not tested properly.
    The problem is that the DatagramPacket requires you to supply a non-null buffer, as per:
    public DatagramPacket(byte[] buf, int length)
    Constructs a DatagramPacket for receiving packets of length length.
    The length argument must be less than or equal to buf.length.
    buf - buffer for holding the incoming datagram.
    length - the number of bytes to read.
    Edited by: baftos on Jul 18, 2008 3:38 PM

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    Hi John,
    I agree with Adam on the <cflocation> tag. I suspect it is a browser setting.
    Like in FireFox
    [X] Open new windows in a new tab
    Like in IE,ver7
    Tools/Internet Options/General Tab/Tab Section/Settings button
    then bottom section "Open links from other programs in"
    [X] A new tab in the current window
    Try unchecking these boxes and then try your process again. Not
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    Libby H.

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    First page:
    <cfform action="editaffiliatetypeaction.cfm" method="post">
    <cfgrid name="editaffiliatetypegrid" selectmode="edit" insert="yes" insertbutton="Insert"delete="yes" deletebutton="Delete" query="getaffiliatetype">
    <cfgridcolumn name="affiliatetype_id" header="affiliatetype_ID" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name="affiliatetype" header="Affiliate Type" display="yes" width="255">
    </cfgrid><br />
    <cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
    Action page:
    <CFIF IsDefined("form.editaffiliatetypegrid.rowstatus.action")>
        <CFLOOP INDEX = "Counter" FROM = "1" TO =
        The row action for #Counter# is:
        <CFIF form.editaffiliatetypegrid.rowstatus.action[Counter] IS "D">
        <CFQUERY NAME="DeleteAffiliatetype" DATASOURCE="#dsn#">
            DELETE from affiliatetype
            WHERE affiliatetype_id=#form.editaffiliatetypegrid.original.affiliatetype_id[Counter]#
    <CFELSEIF form.editaffiliatetypegrid.rowstatus.action[Counter] IS "U">
        <CFQUERY NAME="UpdateExistingAffiliatetype" DATASOURCE="#dsn#">
            UPDATE affiliatetype
            SET affiliatetype='#form.editaffiliatetypegrid.affiliatetype[Counter]#'
            WHERE affiliatetype_id=#form.editaffiliatetypegrid.original.affiliatetype_id[Counter]#
    <CFELSEIF form.editaffiliatetypegrid.rowstatus.action[Counter] IS "I">
        <CFQUERY NAME="InsertNewAffiliatetype" DATASOURCE="#dsn#">
            INSERT into affiliatetype
            VALUES ('#form.editaffiliatetypegrid.affiliatetype[Counter]#')
    <cflocation url="editaffiliatetype.cfm">

  • Cflocation within onRequestStart() *and* onRequestEnd() producing a concatenated URL

    I've writtten some code which stores the URL to which we want to redirect the user in a variable, rather than cflocating them immediately. This allows us to do subsequent code processing before the redirection actually occurs.
    Sometimes I want redirection occur before any page processing is done (such as when the user must be taken to the "Change your password" page) -- in which case the cflocation is done as the last line in onRequestStart() -- and sometimes I want it to occur after the page has been processed (such as at the end of the page that processes their login) -- in which case the cflocation is done as the last line in onRequestEnd().
    All was nice and sunny until we upgraded to 9.0.1.
    In earlier versions, onRequestEnd() wasn't being executed and cflocation was therefore only being called once.
    After upgrading, instead of the user being redirected to (say) "/options/", they are being redirected to (the invalid URL) "/options/,/options/". The URL appears to be being concatentated  (once when called from onRequestStart() and once from onRequestEnd() ) and  then sent to the client.
    This change in behaviour is because of one of the issues fixed in Adobe® ColdFusion® 9.0 Update 1 (issue 80798, "The function onRequestEnd fails to execute when the tags cfabort or cflocation is used.")
    Can I suggest an alteration be made in future versions or fixes? Either:
    a) developers are enabled to programmatically determine the URL to which a cflocation has been issued (which would allow me to skip the call to cflocation in onRequestEnd() ), or
    b) if a cflocation has been issued, ColdFusion doesn't honour any subsequent calls to cflocation.

    Thanks for the reply, Dan.
    Yeah, that's what I've ended up doing... just using a Appliction.cfc-level boolean to determine whether we've already done a cflocation yet or not.
    I inherently don't like having to do that, and am almost certain someone once told me how (using Java) you can read the cflocation "queue", but can't lay my hand on the correspondence.
    Anyway, it's working again, so thanks!

  • New DVR Issues (First Run, Channel Switching, etc.)

    I've spent the last 30 minutes trying to find answers through the search with no luck, so sorry if I missed something.
    I recently switched to FIOS from RCN cable in New York.  I've gone through trying to setup my DVR and am running into issues and was hoping for some answers.
    1.  I setup two programs to record at 8PM, I was watching another channel at the time and only half paying attention.  Around 8:02 I noticed a message had popped up asking if I would like to switch channels to start recording.  I was expecting it to force it to switch like my old DVR, but in this case it didn't switch and I missed the first two minutes of one of the shows.  I typically leave my DVR on all day and just turn off the TV, this dual show handling will cause issues with that if I forget to turn off the DVR.  Is there a setting I can change that will force the DVR to choose one of the recording channels?
    2.  I setup all my recordings for "First Run" because I only want to see the new episodes.  One show I setup was The Daily Show on comedy central, which is shown weeknights at 11pm and repeated 3-4 times throughout the day.  My scheduled recordings is showing all these as planned recordings even though only the 11pm show is really "new".  Most of the shows I've setup are once a week so they aren't a problem, but this seems like it will quickly fill my DVR.  Any fixes?
    Thanks for the help.
    Go to Solution.

    I came from RCN about a year ago.  Fios is different in several ways, not all of them desirable.  Here are several ways to get--and fix--unwanted recordings from a series recording setup.
    Some general principles. 
    Saving changes.  When you originally create a series with options, or if you go back to edit the options for an existing series, You MUST save the Series Options changes.  Pretty much everywhere else in the user interface, when you change an option, the change takes effect immediately--but not in Series Options.  Look at the Series Options window.  Look at the far right side.  There is a vertical "Save" bar, which you must navigate to and click OK on to actually save your changes.  Exiting the Series Options window without having first saved your changes loses all your attempted changes--immediately.
    Default Series Options.  This is accessed  from [Menu]--DVR--Settings--Default Series Options.  This will bring up the series options that will automatically be applied to the creation of a NEW series. The options for every previously created series will not be affected by a subsequent modification of the Default Series Options.  You should set these options to the way you would like them to be for the majority of series recordings that you are likely to create.  Be sure to SAVE your changes.  This is what you will get when you select "Create Series Recording" from the Guide.  When creating a new series recording where you think that you may want options different from the default, select "Create Series with Options" instead.  Series Options can always be changed for any individual series set up later--but not for all series at once.
    Non-series recordings.  With Fios you have no directly available options for these.  With RCN and most other DVRs, you can change the start and end times for individual episodes, including individual episodes that are also in a series.  With Fios, your workarounds are to create a series with options for a single program, then delete the series later;  change the series options if the program is already in a series, then undo the changes you made to the series options later; or schedule recordings of the preceding and/or following shows as needed.
    And now, to the unwanted repeats. 
    First, make sure your series options for the specific series in question--and not just the series default options--include "First Run Only".  If not, fix that and SAVE.  Then check you results by viewing the current options using the Series Manager app under the DVR menu.
    Second, and most annoying, the Guide can have repeat programs on your channel tagged as "New".  It happens.  Set the series option "Air Time" to "Selected Time".  To make this work correctly, you must have set up the original series recording after selecting the program in the Guide at the exact time of a first run showing (11pm, in your case), and not on a repeat entry in the Guide.  Then, even it The Daily Show is tagged as New for repeat showings, these will be ignored. 
    Third, another channel may air reruns of the program in your series recording, and the first showing of a rerun episode on the other channel may be tagged as "New".  These can be ignored in your series if you set the series option "Channel" to "Selected Channel".  Related to this, if there is both an SD and HD channel broadcasting you series program, you will record them both if the series option "Duplicates" is set to "Yes".  However, when the Channel option is set to "Selected Channel", the Duplicates Option is always effectively "No", regardless of what shows up on the options screen.  
    As for you missing two minutes,  I have sereral instances in which two programs start recording at the same time.  To the best of my recollection, whenever the warning message has appeared, ignoring it has not caused a loss of recording time.  You might have an older software version.  Newest is v.1.8.  Look at Menu--Settings--System Info.  Or, I might not have noticed the loss of minutes.  I regularly see up to a minute of previous programming at the start of a recording, or a few missing seconds at the beginning or end of a recording.  There are a lot of possibilities for that, but the DVR clock being incorrect is not one of them.  With RCN, the DVR clocks occasionally drifted off by as much as a minute and a half.

  • Pension issue Mid Month Leaving

    Dear All,
    As per rule sustem should deduct mid month joining/leaving/absences or transfer scenarios, the Pension/PF Basis will be correspondingly prorated. But our system is not doing this. In RT table i have found 3FC Pension Basis for Er c 01/2010                    0.00           6,500.00.
    Employee leaving date is 14.04.2010. system is picking pension amout as 541. Last year it was coming right.
    Please suggest.

    Dear Jayanti,
    We required prorata basis pension in case of left employees and system is not doing this. This is the issue. As per our PF experts Pension amount should come on prorata basis for left employees in case they left mid of month.System is doing prorata basis last year but from this year it is deducting 541. I am giving two RT cases of different years.
    RT table for year 2010. DOL 26.04.2010
    /111 EPF Basis              01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00 
    /139 VPF Basis              01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00 
    /3F1 Ee PF contribution     01/2010                    0.00           1,050.00 
    /3F3 Er PF contribution     01/2010                    0.00             509.00 
    /3F5 Ee Mon PF contribution 01/2010                    0.00           1,050.00 
    /3F6 Ee Ann PF contribution 01/2010                    0.00          12,600.00 
    /3F9 PF adm chrgs * 1,00,00 01/2010                    0.00              96.25 
    /3FA PF basis for Ee contri 01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00 
    /3FB PF Basis for Er Contri 01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00 
    /3FJ VPF basis for Ee contr 01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00 
    /3FL PF Basis for Er Contri 01/2010                    0.00           6,500.00 
    /3F4 Er Pension contributio 01/2010                    0.00             541.00
    /3FC Pension Basis for Er c 01/2010                    0.00           6,500.00
    /3FB PF Basis for Er Contri 01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00
    /3FC Pension Basis for Er c 01/2010                    0.00           6,500.00
    /3FJ VPF basis for Ee contr 01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00
    /3FL PF Basis for Er Contri 01/2010                    0.00           6,500.00
    /3R3 Metro HRA Basis Amount 01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00
    1BAS Basic Salary           01/2010                    0.00           8,750.00
    RT table for year 2009. DOL 27.10.2009
                                                                                    /111 EPF Basis              07/2009                    0.00           9,016.13
    /139 VPF Basis              07/2009                    0.00           9,016.13
    /3F1 Ee PF contribution     07/2009                    0.00           1,082.00
    /3F3 Er PF contribution     07/2009                    0.00             628.00
    /3F5 Ee Mon PF contribution 07/2009                    0.00           1,082.00
    /3F6 Ee Ann PF contribution 07/2009                    0.00           8,822.00
    /3F9 PF adm chrgs * 1,00,00 07/2009                    0.00              99.18
    /3FA PF basis for Ee contri 07/2009                    0.00           9,016.00
    /3FB PF Basis for Er Contri 07/2009                    0.00           9,016.00
    /3FJ VPF basis for Ee contr 07/2009                    0.00           9,016.00
    /3FL PF Basis for Er Contri 07/2009                    0.00           5,452.00
    /3FB PF Basis for Er Contri 07/2009                    0.00           9,016.00 
    /3FC Pension Basis for Er c 07/2009                    0.00           5,452.00 
    /3FJ VPF basis for Ee contr 07/2009                    0.00           9,016.00 
    /3FL PF Basis for Er Contri 07/2009                    0.00           5,452.00 
    /3R4 Non-metro HRA Basis Am 07/2009                    0.00           9,016.13 
    1BAS Basic Salary           07/2009                    0.00           9,016.13 
    Now please suggest what to do. where is the problem  ? If have also checked EXIT_HINCALC0_002 but nothing written in it.
    With Regards

  • Open PO Analysis - BW report issue

    Hello Friends
    I constructed a query in BW in order to show Open Purchase Orders. We have custom DSO populated with standard
    datasource 2lis_02_itm (Purcahse Order Item). In this DSO we mapped the field ELIKZ to the infoobject 0COMP_DEL
    (Delivery completed).
    We loaded the data from ECC system for all POs and found the following issue for Stock Transport Purchase orders (DocType = UB).
    We have a PO with 4 line items. For line items 10 and 20, Goods issued, Goods received and both the flags "Delivery
    complete" and "Final delivery" checked. For line items 30 and 40, only delivery indicator note is issued for zero
    quantity and Delivery complete flag is checked (Final delivery flag is not checked) in ECC system. For this PO, the
    delivery completion indicator is not properly updated in the DSO for line items 30 and 40. The data looks like the
    650000001       10     UB        X
    650000001       20     UB        X
    650000001       30     UB
    650000001       40     UB      
    When we run the Open PO analysis report on BW side this PO is appearing in the report but the same is closed in ECC
    Any help is appreciated in this regard.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Priya and Reddy
       Thanks for your response.
                         Yes the indicator is checked in EKPO table for items 30 and 40 and delta is running regularly for more than 1 year and no issues with other POs. This is happening only for few POs of type Stock Transport (UB).
                        I already checked the changes in ME23N and the Delivery completed indicator was changed and it reflected in EKPO table. Further, i checked the PSA records for this PO and i am getting the records with the Delivery completed flag but when i update from PSA to DSO the delivery completed indicator is not updating properly.
                       In PSA, for item 30 i have the following entries. Record number 42 is capturing the value X for ELIKZ but after that i am getting two more records 43 and 44 with process key 10 and without X for ELIKZ. I think this is causing the problem.
    Record No.    Doc.No.                    Item              Processkey         Rocancel     Elikz
        41               6500000001            30                    11                            X           ---    
        42               6500000001            30                    11                            ---           X
        43               6500000001            30                    10                            X           ---
        44               6500000001            30                    10                            ---         ---
    (Here --- means blank)        
    Thanks and Regards

  • HP LaserJet Enterprise 600 M602 driver issue

    I've got issue with 600-series printers. We use the latest UPD drivrer ver. and print from XenApp 6.5. The error occurs every time when users try to print jpg files from XenApp session. It only happens with 600 series printers and UPD.
    Also I've tried to assign native 600-series driver ver. 6.3.9600.16384 and it works good. But with that driver system says that it's color printer and it brokes our printing reports. These reports are very important for us. So we can't use printer and that driver as well.
    Printer installed on Windows Server 2012 R2. All clients are Windows 7 x64. XenApp Servers are Server 2008R2.
    Is it possible to get fixed UPD driver or correct native driver for Server 2012 R2?

    I am sorry, but to get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial printer. You can do this at Printers - LaserJet.
    Click on New Post.
    I hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Windows 7 displays error message when exiting +cursor issue

    Two issues here. CS5 Phoshop on Wind 7 64 bit.
    Physical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3073 MHz
    Built-in memory: 12279 MB
    Free memory: 9577 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 10934 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 80 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    First issue is since the latest automatic Adobe update (why fix what isn't broken?) Every time I now exit Photoshop I get the message "Adobe QT Server has stoped working" and occasionally it happens when I exit bridge. Indesign is also behaving badly. I can no longer start a previous document from file manager without ID crashing out.
    The other is the cursors in Clone and erase lose their edge (become invisable) for no reason - well not quite. Noise Ninja crashed Photoshop when I tried to use it. I reinstalled it and all is well. The cursor issue seems to be intermittant but came back (for no reason) after I reinstalled NN. I can't seem to change the cursor, no matter what I do. The problem is now seriously affecting how I work. Almost enough to go back to Win XP which ran CS5 Photoshop flawlessly.
    Any help will be gratefully accepted.

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    doug87510 wrote:
    The recent problem is the entire outline of the cursor (including the crosshair in the middle) was missing at any size of cursor. All I had was exactly what I'd get if I used a real spraygun.
    Well, that issue is simply a matter of hitting the Caps Lock key.  When Caps Lock is on, you'll see the cursor outline, and when it is off you'll see a crosshair.  That's a feature, not a bug.
    Glad to hear the 11.1 drivers are out.  I will download them and try them now myself.
    Regarding "Adobe QT" crashing...  QT brings to mind QuickTime, though that is Apple, not Adobe.  Do you have Apple QuickTime installed?
    Regarding memory usage, with 12 GB of installed RAM, you should be able to set Photoshop to use 90% or more in Edit - Preferences - Performance.

  • Issue in Creation of Periodicals for Contracts in CRM7.0

    I have a requirement to create Contracts in CRM7.0 system.
    And I am doing this using the BAPI *BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI*
    Good part is Contract Order gets created, but onlywith Header Details.
    The issues i am facing --
    1. I need to know what kind/type of data must be passed to the interface parameters, the F1 Help/Documentation is vague.
    2. I am passing data in the INPUT FIELDS structure with the Object ID, Handle Number, Reference GUID and Fieldname,
        here what does 'Logical Key' field indicate? What should be passed here.
        What does 'REFERENCE KIND' field indicate, i have been passng 'A' for everything (to be frank i dont know whats its significance is!!).
    3. With so much, My Order gets created but with less than half details, i.e. the Objects not getting created are -  Partner, Product, terms/appointments, Status, LongTexts......
    Any help/inputs would be appreciated.
    Hope my problem is stated clearly ...

    Hi Anu,
    i found my solution by debugging with existing data or while creating it in CRMD_ORDER.
    Ensure that you are passing a correct entry in INPUT_FIELDS structure.
    As i haven't worked on rebates i woudlnt be able to help you, I suggest you debug to arrive at a solution.
    You can preset your break-points at :-
    2. CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW -- Debug through the complete FM.
    3. CRM_ORDER_PREPARE_MULTI_OW -- The data is set in this function module.
    Dedeepya C

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