Change number to increase Internet speed

Will changing my landline number to one closer to home help the speed of Internet connection? Improve tv connection ? Thanks for advice .

changing your number is immaterial it is the length of your line from the exchnage if adsl and from cabinet if fibre that decides your connection speed
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    You need to your provider this is a service your phone will support it.
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

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    The best way to find where the problem is without using test gear is by the process of elimination.
    Test you LAN using LAN Speedtest.   First test using Ethernet connections and see if you can get speeds of 90+ Mbps.  Much higher is possible if the equipment you are testing with has gigabyte capability at both ends.
    If you can't  90+  on your LAN  there is a problem with your LAN setup that needs to be addressed.
    Then you can test  speeds on your LAN using WiFi.
    Using Speedtest introduces to many additional variables making it very difficult to diagnose throughput problems.
    Once you know that your LAN is up to standard then you can point at Verizon.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    There is no mechanism to do as you seek...tethering is one-way only.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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    Hi ranjit0343,
    I understand that you are experiencing slowness when navigating in the browser of your Firefox OS device, and that you would like third-party browsers to be available for download.
    The development of third-party browsers depend only on the developers of said browsers. You may contact Opera directly and request that they make a version of their browser that is compatible with Firefox OS.
    Regarding the slowness that you are experiencing, please reply to this message with the following information:
    * What is the model of your phone?
    * What is the OS version and Build ID found in the Device Information page? Please visit [ this link] if you need help finding the Build ID of your phone.
    * Please provide the exact steps to reproduce the issue you are encountering, including any webpages you are experiencing slowness.
    * Who is your current cell phone carrier?
    * How often do you encounter this issue? Does this also happen when connected to a stable Wi-Fi connection?
    Please be sure to include as much detail as possible, including any websites that may exhibit this issue, and any error messages that you may be receiving, exactly as they appear. This will ensure that we will have all the information needed to investigate into this. Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you!
    - Ralph

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    Message was edited

    :D you cannot increase internet speed!!!
    It depends on your internet service provider and only the ISP can increase it!
    If you have some issues with the data transfer speed then I recommend contacting your internet service provider!

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    One possibility is that you may need to "Upgrade" your Cable /DSL Modem if you have an older unit.  ISP's that provide your Internet service in recent years have been switching over from DOCSIS 2.1 version Modems to DOCSIS 3.0 version Modems, which handle the new higher data streaming speeds the ISP's are offering.  I would suggest you call your ISP's Technical Support and inquire about this possibility.

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    Network Utility (in the Utilities folder) can tell you, in the Info pane, what speed you are actually connecting at.
    Just set the interface to the one you are using (which may show up as en2 or something). Link Staus and speed are shown along with error counts.
    If the data rate is very different from what you expected, you may have it manually set to a lower rate.
    YouTube files are enormous -- that may be the best it can do.

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    The iPad has a micro-SIM card slot - nothing special or unique about it.
    The iPad is not sold as carrier locked.

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    Upgrading your internet speed through your service provider will not affect any settings you have set up between your wireless router and your MacBook Pro. It will be a silent and seamless upgrade.

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    Your Internet speed is controlled by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the plan that you have chosen with them. If you need a faster Internet connection speed, then you need to talk with your ISP about a faster Internet plan.
    In other words, the AirPort Extreme cannot make the signal that it receives from your ISP go any faster.
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    When the screen goes black, can you try hitting CTRL+Q to quit the program? Let us know if that quits the program and restores the screen back to normal.
    Here's how to start Firefox in safe mode and reset all your prefs to see if that fixes the problem:

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