Check Directory fails with MS AD using AL BPM 5.7.1

I have created a directory on MS Active Directory using AL BPM 5.7.1. I can see that the fuego directory objects were created successfully in the "Active Directory Users and Computers" tool.
However, in the AL BPM Admin Center, when I click the "Check..." button to test the directory, I get an error message "Cannot find the Directory Service."
Further, when I attempt to log in to the work portal, I see an error message that it cannot find the directory service.
All help appreciated!
How do I successfully configure AL BPM to work with MS AD?
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
AquaLogic BPM 5.7 sp 1 Enterprise for IBM WebSphere
Microsoft Active Directory 2000
IBM WebSphere v6

As a further detail to the previous posting, there is an interesting message in the webConsole.log file:
[ 0130 09:35:02.015] Main (main): Directory [msad://alx2-1116-was-3.mwlab.local/mwlab.local] has not been correctly initialized.
[     (cont)     ] Main: Detail:Even though a Directory Service is currently present at the specified location, the expected BEA Systems, Inc. entries could not be found. Either the schema has not been created or the existing directory corresponds to a different BEA Systems, Inc. version.
[     (cont)     ] Main:
[     (cont)     ] Main:
[     (cont)     ] Main: Directory [msad://alx2-1116-was-3.mwlab.local/mwlab.local] has not been correctly initialized.
[     (cont)     ] Main: Detail:Even though a Directory Service is currently present at the specified location, the expected BEA Systems, Inc. entries could not be found. Either the schema has not been created or the existing directory corresponds to a different BEA Systems, Inc. version.
[     (cont)     ] Main:
[     (cont)     ] Main:      at
[     (cont)     ] Main:      at
[     (cont)     ] Main:      at

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    We are authenticating users on AD server 2k3, and the users are setup in AD to use DES (checked "Use DES encryption types for this account" in user properties).
    It failed somehow with ETYPE_NOSUPP. From the packet capture, I can find KRB5 AS-REQ contains des-cbc-crc/des-cbc-md5/des-cbc-md4 as encryption types.
    This is the request:
    ++++++++++ REQUEST ++++++++++++++++
    Kerberos AS-REQ
    Pvno: 5
    MSG Type: AS-REQ (10)
    padata: PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP
    Type: PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP (2)
    Value: 303ba003020117a2340432482d36ca7556ebf719421fc8b4... rc4-hmac
    Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
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    Padding: 0
    KDCOptions: 00000010 (Renewable OK)
    .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwardable: Do NOT use forwardable tickets
    ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwarded: This is NOT a forwarded ticket
    ...0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxiable: Do NOT use proxiable tickets
    .... 0... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxy: This ticket has NOT been proxied
    .... .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Allow Postdate: We do NOT allow the ticket to be postdated
    .... ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Postdated: This ticket is NOT postdated
    .... .... 0... .... .... .... .... .... = Renewable: This ticket is NOT renewable
    .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... .... = Opt HW Auth: False
    .... .... .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = Constrained Delegation: This is a normal request (no constrained delegation)
    .... .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = Canonicalize: This is NOT a canonicalized ticket request
    .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. .... = Disable Transited Check: Transited checking is NOT disabled
    .... .... .... .... .... .... ...1 .... = Renewable OK: We accept RENEWED tickets
    .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = Enc-Tkt-in-Skey: Do NOT encrypt the tkt inside the skey
    .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Renew: This is NOT a request to renew a ticket
    .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Validate: This is NOT a request to validate a postdated ticket
    Client Name (Principal): test
    Name-type: Principal (1)
    Name: test
    Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/SRV.MYTESTSERVER.LOC
    Name-type: Unknown (0)
    Name: krbtgt
    from: 2011-04-07 08:10:06 (UTC)
    till: 2011-04-08 08:10:06 (UTC)
    Nonce: 1302163806
    Encryption Types: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 des3-cbc-sha1 rc4-hmac des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-md4
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    Encryption type: aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 (17)
    Encryption type: des3-cbc-sha1 (16)
    Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
    Encryption type: des-cbc-crc (1)
    Encryption type: des-cbc-md5 (3)
    Encryption type: des-cbc-md4 (2)
    ++++++++++ REQUEST ++++++++++++++++
    And this is the response:
    ++++++++++ RESPONSE ++++++++++++++++
    Kerberos KRB-ERROR
    Pvno: 5
    MSG Type: KRB-ERROR (30)
    stime: 2011-04-07 08:10:06 (UTC)
    susec: 247525
    error_code: KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP (14)
    Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/SRV.MYTESTSERVER.LOC
    Name-type: Unknown (0)
    Name: krbtgt
    padata: PA-ENCTYPE-INFO
    Type: PA-ENCTYPE-INFO (11)
    Value: 30443020a003020103a119041746502e444552454b544553... des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
    Encryption type: des-cbc-md5 (3)
    Salt: 46502e444552454b54455354494e472e434f4d6a69616e
    Encryption type: des-cbc-crc (1)
    Salt: 46502e444552454b54455354494e472e434f4d6a69616e
    ++++++++++ RESPONSE ++++++++++++++++
    What could have possibly gone wrong? I also tried to reset the passwords of administrator and the user and restart the kdc services. It didn't help.

    I am not sure, the exact behaviour must be specified somewhere, but I was not able to find any precise documentation on the topic. It may be, that the DC preferes AES if allowed by the client and it may colide with the setting on the user account.
    Anyway, why do you use the checkbox at all? If you wanted to enforce DES, you could have enabled the "System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing and siging" policy which would switch the whole environment to DES or AES automatically.
    The user account setting is meant to only those accounts that are used by non-windows services IMHO.

  • Jvm startup fails with error when using large -Xmx value

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    host% free -mt
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 6084 3084 3000 0 184 1531
    -/+ buffers/cache: 1368 4716
    Swap: 6143 0 6143
    Total: 12228 3084 9144
    Free reveals the host has 6 GB of RAM, approximately half is available. Swap is totally free meaning I should have access to about 9 GB of memory at this point.
    host% java -version
    java version "1.6.0_02"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_02-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.6.0_02-b05, mixed mode)
    java -version succeeds
    host% java -Xmx2048M -version
    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    Could not reserve enough space for object heap
    Could not create the Java virtual machine.
    java -Xmx2048M -version fails. Trace of this reveals mmap call fails.
    mmap2(NULL, 2214592512, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0) = -1 ENOMEM (Cannot allocate memory)
    Any ideas?

    These are the relevant java options we are using:
    -server -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+PrintClassHistogram -XX:+UseLargePages -Xms6g -Xmx6g -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djava.awt.headless=true
    This is a web application that is very dynamic and uses lots of database calls to build pages. We use a large clustered cache to reduce trips to the database. So being able to acces lots of memory is important to our application.
    I'll explain some of the more uncommon options:
    We use the Concurrent Garbage collector to reduce stop the world GC's. Here are the CMS options:
    -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled An explicit coded GC invokes the Concurrent GC instead of the stop the world GC.
    -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentThe default PermSizes where not large enough for our application. So we increased them.
    -XX:MaxPermSize=192mWe had some exceptions that were omitting their stack traces. This options fixes that problem:
    -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrowWe approximate between 10% to 20% performance improvement with Large Page support. This is an advance feature.
    -XX:+UseLargePagesUseLargePages requires OS level configuration as well. In SUSE10 we configured the OS's hugepages by executing
    echo "vm.nr_hugepages = 3172" >> /etc/sysctl.confand then rebooting. kernel.shmmax may also need to be modified. If you use Large Page be sure to google for complete instructions.
    When we transitioned to 64bit we transitioned from much slower systems having 4GB of ram to much faster machines with 8GB of ram, so I can't answer the question of degraded performance, however with our application, the bigger our cache the better our performance, so if 64bit is slower we more than make up for it being able to access more memory. I bet the performance difference depends on the applications. You should do your own profiling.
    You can run both the 32bit version and the 64bit version on most 64bit OSes. So if there is a significant difference run the version you need for the application. For example if you need the memory use the 64bit version if you don't then use the 32bit version.

  • DOM Parser fails with regular expression using anchor (carat, dollar)

    I'm using version "Oracle XDK Java Production"
    In trying to parse XML against schema: a regular expression fails to parse the data "8:00" with the following simple regular expression: "^.*$" (used to narrow the error)
    The error message is
    <Line 14, Column 25>: XSD-2025: (Error) Invalid text '8:00' in element: 'XYZ'
    If I remove the anchors and just have ".*", the data is parsed successfully.
    I dont understand why the parse fails when I use a anchors in the regular expression, and the java Pattern/Matcher classes succeed with the anchors?

    That "ns670" string is an xml namespace prefix. it should have a corresponding xml namespace declaration somewhere in the xml document (i'm guessing you have not shown the whole document). the actual value of an xml namespace prefix is meaningless. if you parse the xml with a namespace aware DOM parser, it should generate Nodes with the correct namespace. the namespace is the value you care about when extracting data from the document, not the namespace prefix.
    alternately, if you parse the document using a namespace aware DOM parser, you can just look for nodes based on their "local" name (the part after the ":" separator) and ignore the namespace/prefix.
    whatever you do, please do not parse the xml with a regex, see this for details (applies to xml as well).

  • Using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare and SQLExecute to insert a Decimal(5,3) type fails with SQLSTATE: 22003 using ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server

    Hello everyone.
    I'm using SQL Server 2014, and writting on some C++ app to query and modify the database. I use the ODBC API.
    I'm stuck on inserting an SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT value into the database, if the corresponding database-column has a scale set.
    For test-purposes: I have a Table named 'decTable' that has a column 'id' (integer) and a column 'dec' (decimal(5,3))
    In the code I basically do:
    1. Connect to the DB, get the handles, etc.
    2. Use SQLBindParameter to bind a SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT to a query with parameter markers. Note that I do include the information about precision and scale, something like: SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_NUMERIC, SQL_NUMERIC, 5, 3, &numStr,
    sizeof(cbNum), &cbNum);
    3. Prepare a Statement to insert values, something like: SQLPrepare(hstmt, L"INSERT INTO decTable (id, dec) values(?, ?)", SQL_NTS);
    4. Set some valid data on the SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT
    5. Call SQLExecute to execute. But now I get the error:
    SQLSTATE: 22003; nativeErr: 0 Msg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Numeric value out of range
    I dont get it what I am doing wrong. The same code works fine against IBM DB2 and MySql. I also have no problems reading a SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT using SQLBindCol(..) and the various SQLSetDescField to define the scale and precision.
    Is there a problem in the ODBC Driver of the SQL Server 2014?
    For completeness, here is a working c++ example:
    // InsertNumTest.cpp
    // create database using:
    create a table decTable with an id and a decimal(5,3) column:
    CREATE TABLE[dbo].[decTable](
    [id][int] NOT NULL,
    [dec][decimal](5, 3) NULL,
    [id] ASC
    // Then create an odbc DSN entry that can be used:
    #define DSN L"exOdbc_SqlServer_2014"
    #define USER L"exodbc"
    #define PASS L"testexodbc"
    // system
    #include <iostream>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    // odbc-things
    #include <sql.h>
    #include <sqlext.h>
    #include <sqlucode.h>
    void printErrors(SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE h)
        SQLSMALLINT recNr = 1;
        SQLSMALLINT cb = 0;
        SQLWCHAR sqlState[5 + 1];
        SQLINTEGER nativeErr;
        while (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
            msg[0] = 0;
            ret = SQLGetDiagRec(handleType, h, recNr, sqlState, &nativeErr, msg, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &cb);
            if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
                std::wcout << L"SQLSTATE: " << sqlState << L"; nativeErr: " << nativeErr << L" Msg: " << msg << std::endl;
    void printErrorsAndAbort(SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE h)
        printErrors(handleType, h);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        SQLHENV henv = SQL_NULL_HENV;
        SQLHDBC hdbc = SQL_NULL_HDBC;
        SQLHSTMT hstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT;
        SQLHDESC hdesc = SQL_NULL_HDESC;
        SQLRETURN ret = 0;
        // Connect to DB
        ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, NULL, &henv);
        ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
        ret = SQLConnect(hdbc, (SQLWCHAR*)DSN, SQL_NTS, USER, SQL_NTS, PASS, SQL_NTS);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            printErrors(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
            return -1;
        ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
        // Bind id as parameter
        SQLINTEGER id = 0;
        SQLINTEGER cbId = 0;
        ret = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &id, sizeof(id), &cbId);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
        // Bind numStr as Insert-parameter
        SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT numStr;
        ZeroMemory(&numStr, sizeof(numStr));
        SQLINTEGER cbNum = 0;
        ret = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_NUMERIC, SQL_NUMERIC, 5, 3, &numStr, sizeof(cbNum), &cbNum);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
        // Prepare statement
        ret = SQLPrepare(hstmt, L"INSERT INTO decTable (id, dec) values(?, ?)", SQL_NTS);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
        // Set some data and execute
        id = 1;
        SQLINTEGER iVal = 12345;
        memcpy(numStr.val, &iVal, sizeof(iVal));
        numStr.precision = 5;
        numStr.scale = 3;
        numStr.sign = 1;
        ret = SQLExecute(hstmt);
        if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
            printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
        return 0;

    This post might help:
    If this is no solution try increasing the decimale number on the SQL server table, if you stille have the same problem after that change the column to a nvarchar and see the actual value that is put through the ODBC connector for SQL.

  • Call to Java Method to Zip directory fails with error Invalid parameter 1

    Hi all,
    I try to translate the following Java Code to PeopleCode and I do not succeed in it.
    Can somebody please help me out ?
    On that website I extracted the Java Code:
    public class ListDirectoryRecusive {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    File dir = new File("d:\\myproject\\test"); // Escape sequence needed for '\'
    public static void listRecursive(File dir) {
    if (dir.isDirectory()) {
    File[] items = dir.listFiles();
    for (File item : items) {
    if (item.isDirectory()) listRecursive(item); // Recursive call
    I want to get all the files included in the directory
    Local string &SourceDirPath = S1_FS_RDCFG_AET.S1_CHMN_TODO;
    Local JavaObject &Javadir = CreateJavaObject("", &SourceDirPath);
    Local array of any &StrArray;
    &ArrayOfAny = CreateArrayAny();
    Local JavaObject &JavaFilesArray = CreateJavaArray("java.lang.Object[]", 1024);
    &JavaFilesArray = &Javadir.listFiles();
    CopyFromJavaArray(&JavaFilesArray, &ArrayOfAny);
    ==> I alway get the error
    Invalid parameter 1 for function CopyFromJavaArray. (2,116) S1_DSITE_ZIP.MAIN.GBL.default.1900-01-01 .DIRECTOR.OnExecute PCPC:511 Statement:9
    I thank you in avance
    Edited by: Meapri on Jan 23, 2013 9:33 AM

    The Pcode I wrote to Zip Directories
    Function AddFileToZip(&sDirSeparator, &zipInternalPath, &fileNameToZip, &zipFileName, &outFileStream, &zipStreamOut)
       Local JavaObject &file = CreateJavaObject("", &fileNameToZip);
       Local JavaObject &inFileStream = CreateJavaObject("", &fileNameToZip);
       Local JavaObject &zipEntry = CreateJavaObject("", &fileNameToZip);
       REM **  Créer le flux de sortie de données pour le fichier ZIP final;
       REM ** We will read &fileNameToZip into a buffer and write it out to &zip;
       Local string &ZippedfileName = &zipInternalPath | &sDirSeparator | &zipFileName;
       REM ** Make sure zip entry retains original modified date;
       Local JavaObject &buf = CreateJavaArray("byte[]", 1024);
       Local number &byteCount;
       &byteCount = &;
       While &byteCount > 0
          &zipStreamOut.write(&buf, 0, &byteCount);
          &byteCount = &;
       MessageBox(0, "", 99000, 0, "Zipped File : " | &fileNameToZip);
    Function getDirContent(&sDirSeparator, &parentFolder, &zipFileName, &outFileStream, &zipStreamOut)
       MessageBox(0, "", 99000, 0, "Directory to scan : " | &parentFolder);
       Local JavaObject &Folder = CreateJavaObject("", &parentFolder);
       Local JavaObject &jItems = &Folder.list();
       /* Transformation en Array Pcode*/
       Local array of any &items = CreateArrayAny();
       Local number &idx = 1;
       &items [&jItems.length] = Null;
       CopyFromJavaArray(&jItems, &items);
       For &idx = 1 To &jItems.length
          Local string &Entry = &parentFolder | &sDirSeparator | &items [&idx];
          Local JavaObject &FileOrFolder = CreateJavaObject("", &Entry);
          If &FileOrFolder.isDirectory() Then
             getDirContent(&sDirSeparator, &Entry, &zipFileName, &outFileStream, &zipStreamOut);
             AddFileToZip(&sDirSeparator, &parentFolder, &Entry, &zipFileName, &outFileStream, &zipStreamOut);
    Local string &RootName = "C:\TEMP\TEST";
    Local string &sDirSeparator = "\";
    REM ** Create Output Zip File ;
    Local string &ZipFileName = &RootName | &sDirSeparator | "";
    Local JavaObject &OutFileStream = CreateJavaObject("", &ZipFileName, True);
    Local JavaObject &zipStreamOut = CreateJavaObject("", &OutFileStream);
    REM ** Create Zip File Entries found in the directory;
    getDirContent(&sDirSeparator, &RootName, &ZipFileName, &OutFileStream, &zipStreamOut);
    REM Close Output Zip File ;
    &zipStreamOut.close();Edited by: Meapri on Feb 2, 2013 10:54 AM : copy and paste code that works!
    Edited by: Meapri on Feb 2, 2013 10:56 AM
    Edited by: Meapri on Feb 2, 2013 11:02 AM

  • Why SCCM 20012 Install fails with remote 64 bit SQL Server but proceeds for remote 32 bit SQL Server

    I have the following setup:
    AD User accounts
    - SQLAdmin (used to run SQL Services i.e. Database Engine)
    - SCCMADmin (used to install SCCM 2012)
    SPN registered for user account SQLAdmin
    setspn -S MSSQLSvc/SQL.Domain_Name:1432 Domain_Naem\SQLAdmin
    setspn -S MSSQLSvc/SQL:1432 Domain_Name\SQLAdmin
    setspn -S MSSQLSvc/SQL.Domain_Name:1433 Domain_Naem\SQLAdmin
    setspn -S MSSQLSvc/SQL:1433 Domain_Name\SQLAdmin
    and checked with setspn -L TESTING\SQLAdmin
    1 SERVER called SQL
    32bit Server with SQL Server 2008 + SP3 + Cumulative Update 6
    2 SQL instances - Default (MSSQLSERVER) and
    MSSQLSERVER instance uses TCP port 1433
    SCCM2012 Instance users TCP port 1432 (no dynamic ports)
    User accounts that have been given public and sysadmin SQL server roles
    on both instances are: SQLAdmin, SCCMAdmin, Domain Administrator, Local Administrator and computer account SCCM
    Client Protocols TCP enabled (and Named Pipes) (checked via SQL Server Configuration Manager)
    Local Administrators Group on this server has members - SQLAdmin, SCCMAdmin, Domain Administrator, Local Administrator and computer account SCCM
    Firewall turned on with access allowed on Ports 1432, 1433, 4022,445, and WMI - WMI-in, DCOM-in and ASync-iN builtin rules allowed\enabled.
    1 SERVER called SQL3
    64bit Server with SQL Server 2008 + SP3 + Cumulative Update 6
    2 SQL instances - Default (MSSQLSERVER) and
    MSSQLSERVER instance uses TCP port 1433
    SCCM2012 Instance users TCP port 1432 (no dymanic ports)
    User accounts that have been given public and sysafmin SQL server roles on both instances are:
    SQLAdmin, SCCMAdmin, Domain Administrator, Local Administrator and computer account SCCM
    Client Protocols TCP enabled (and Named Pipes) (checked via SQL Server Configuration Manager)
    Local Administrators Group on this server has members - SQLAdmin, SCCMAdmin, Domain Administrator, Local Administrator and computer account SCCM
    Firewall turned off
    1 SERVER called SCCM
    64bit Server that is to be the Primary Site Server\MP for SCCM 2012
    ODBC link to SQL\SCCM2012,1432
    ODBC link to SQL3\SCCM2012,1432
    ODBC uses SQL Native Client 10.0 (64 bit)
    Both ODBC connections when TESTed pass and suggest connectivity to SQL Servers
    Install process doe SCCM2012
    Tried to install SCCM 2012 RC2 when logged in to SCCM Server as AD user account
    SCCMAdmin,  and when utilising the SCCM2012 SQL instance on
    32 bit server of SQL install proceeds barring warning about 8GB rec, for SQL Server. Then fails on PKI certificate issue. Installation (chose HTTP for MP). I beleive the PKI failure as install starts is
    due to the fact that SCCM 2012 needs its database server to b 64 bit ?
    Thus i then tried to install SCCM 2012 RC2 when logged in to SCCM Server as AD user account SCCMAdmin,  and
    when using the SCCM2012 SQL instance on
    64 bit server of SQL install proceeds but fails at checking stage and says:
    SQL Server sysadmin rights FAILED SQL3.Domain_Name
    Either the user account running Configuration Manager Setup does not have sysadmin SQL Server role permissions on the SQL Server instance selected for site database installation, or the SQL Server instance could not be contacted to verify permissions. Setup
    cannot continue.
    Site System to SQL Server communication  WARNING SCCM.Domain_Name
    A communication error has been detected between the specified site system and the site database computer. This error can occur when the site database server is offline or if a valid SPN has not been registered in Active Directory Domain Services for the SQL
    Server instance hosting the site database. Setup cannot continue.
    Why does the install of SCCM 2012 with 32 bit SQL proceed further than the install with 64 bit SQL, with the latter process failing as above error meesages show and yet both servers are set identically (apart from temporary turning off Firewall on the 64 
    bit server) and during the install the Databse Server specified is accepted ?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I can connect via ODBC to the the 32 bit SQL Server and the 64 bit SQL Server from the SCCM Server
    The SQL Server Unit called SQL3 unit is a 64 bit SQL.
    The SQL Server Unit called SQL is only 32 bit, but at least gets past the final checking stage and the error messages about sysadmin rights and Site System to SQL Server communication problem, and then fails with PKI certificate error message. 
    When trying to install SCCM specifying the 64 bit SQL Server as the Database Server it gives the 2 error messages at the final checking stage of the installation as listed.
    So as I said what is confusing is the fact that if the SCCM install uses the remote 32 bit SQL Server it passes the final checking (although fails with PKI certificate message) but the 64 bit SQL Server set up exactly the same apart from the Firewall being
    left off for the time being, fails at the final check stage with the 2 listed errors.
    If I use a local 64 bit SQL Server the installation is fine.
    Still would like to find out what cause the 2 issues for the remote 64 bit SQL Server, when ODBC seems fine, sysadmin rights have been given for the installer account and the SCCM computer account and SPNs have been set for the user account running the SQL

  • Creating Open Directory Replica fails with Server Admin Error Value 1127

    I have seen a lot of similar threads here and they were helpful up to a certain point, but in the end, they did not solve my problem.
    Currently, it comes down to this. The Server Admin Error message ist really meaningless and I could not find a single for the error value on the whole wide web. As such, I switched to the command line versions of the tools involved to geht more meaningful results. It worked. Specifically, creating a replica of an openldap master means using slapconfig.
    When executing
    slapconfig -createreplica diradmin
    as root on the prospective replica machine, I get the following error message:
    ssh command failed with status 127
    That command is not allowed with the root account via public key authentication.
    That makes perfect sense to me, but how is it meant to work then?
    Executing slapconfig as admin tells me that this tool is to be executed as root. On the other hand, root login via ssh is not allowed in Mac OS X by default, which seems fine to me. I even changed /etc/sshd_config on the Open Directory Master machine to "PermitRootLogin yes". However, neither reloading ssh using launchctl nor restarting the whole server made this setting operational. Trying to login from command line as root still tells me:
    root login is not permitted to this machine via public key authentication.
    While this is the current state where I need help urgently, I changed some other things before. I tell about to exclude these issues as possible reason of failure. I got this message for quite a while:
    Replica Setup failed : This machine does not have a valid computer name
    I was sure, this machine meant the target machine, the open directory master, because the domain had changed there once before I had taken over responsibility as an admin in this environment. And in fact, changeip disguised an issue there. The command proposed by changeip to fix the situation did not seem appropriate because this machine is multihomed with a public and a private IP adress. Proper name resolution is available for both interfaces including reverse lookup. I dont like this setup, but it was the only way to get mail service running smoothly. Running changeip on the machine itself using these arguments
    changeip /LDAPv3/ internalIP internalIP
    reported success in updating password server, open directory, both interfaces, hostconfig (which in fact did not change) and samba. It reported an issue with kadmin which is related to Kerberos (we dont use Kerberos yet).
    Changing the hostname of the server using changeip did not solve the issue. I then found the hint to check with scutil. This showed that the Hostname was not set on the prospective replica machine. (A question aside: in how many place is the hostname stored? The traditional /etc/hostname has gone, but seems to be replaces with several other configuration files and databases. I cant see this as an advantage). Setting the hostname using scutil worked fine. However, it did not solve the problem either. At least, slapconfig now started to complain about not being able to log in as root instead of failing from the start.
    I also checked all log files on bboth machines that might have to do with openldap, as there are /var/log/slapd.log, /var/log/system.log and /Library/Log/slapconfig.log. I also checked the log of th layer on top of openldap which is /Library/Log/DirectoryService.server.log. None of them revealed anything noticeable beside a lot of of entries that I have googled in the last few hours and which all dont seem to be associated with the problem in question.
    I will take a break now, but I have to fix this until tomorrow and I hope to get the ultimate hint from you, dear reader.
    Thanks and bye, Christian Völker

    ssh command failed with status 127
    That command is not allowed with the root account via public key authentication.
    Initial OD replication takes place via 'ssh'. If you have 'sshd' configured on the OD Master to authenticate with public keys then the OD replica will not be able to communicate with the OD Master via 'ssh'. You must configure the OD Master to use 'ssh' with password authentication and root login enabled.
    Demote the replica back to standalone. Stop any services that you may have running on the primary network interface. Then stop any services that you may have running on the secondary network interface. In the 'Network' System Prefpane remove the IP number from the secondary interface then deactivate the secondary network interface.
    Assign the private IP address and hostname that you wish to use for the replica to the primary network interface. Assign the 'public' IP number to the secondary interface. Check the DNS to see that the IP address and hostname for the primary network interface resolve both forward and reverse for the hostname of the replica that you have chosen. If it does not, fix your DNS before proceeding.
    In the 'Sharing' System Prefpane, change the name of the machine to the hostname (server.domain.tld) of the replica that you have chosen. Then use 'changeip -checkhostname' to see if the IP/hostname matches. Fix it if it doesn't.
    Then configure the /etc/sshd_config file on the OD master like this:
    \# Authentication:
    PermitRootLogin yes
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    PubkeyAuthentication no
    and the /etc/ssh_config file on the OD replica like this:
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    PubkeyAuthentication no
    Then from the OD replica as the 'root' user issue:
    slapconfig -createreplica <ODMasterIPorFQDN> <diradmin user>
    Make sure that the 'diradmin' user's password contains only alpha-numeric characters -no 'option-characters' or symbols, change it first if it does. Once the process completes, reactivate the secondary interface for the 'public' IP and check the configuration of services that will be using that IP, then start your other services. Secure the 'ssh' service on both machines to disable password authentication and 'root' logins.

  • Wanboot using s10u3 and http fails with error 416 with a small(ish) flar

    Using S10 u3 (11/06) to provision a wanboot server fails
    with a 1.4Gb flash image -- output at foot. The flar is there,
    perms 644, and I can open it in a web browser. The serverside
    log in /tmp/bootlog.HOST gives the same information.
    At, this thread
    mentions a known bug 6509337 s10s_u3 wanboot fails but
    like another user of opensolaris, I cannot find that bug -- nor
    does searching sunsolve for wanboot 416 give any hits.
    Has anyone but the 3 folk at opensolaris and I seen this?
    Thank you for your time
    Using rules.ok from
    Checking rules.ok file...
    Using profile: profile
    Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...
    Searching for SolStart directory...
    Checking rules.ok file...
    Using begin script: install_begin
    Using finish script: patch_finish
    Executing SolStart preinstall phase...
    Executing begin script "install_begin"...
    Begin script install_begin execution completed.
    Wed Jan 31 14:10:56 wanboot info: WAN boot messages->
    Processing profile
    - Opening Flash archive
    ERROR: Unable to access the archive. The server returned 416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable
    ERROR: Could not read file (
    ERROR: Flash installation failed
    Solaris installation program exited.

    Using S10 u3 (11/06) to provision a wanboot server
    with a 1.4Gb flash image -- output at foot. The flar
    is there,
    perms 644, and I can open it in a web browser. The
    log in /tmp/bootlog.HOST gives the same
    At, this thread
    mentions a known bug 6509337 s10s_u3 wanboot fails
    like another user of opensolaris, I cannot find that
    bug -- nor
    does searching sunsolve for wanboot 416 give any
    Has anyone but the 3 folk at opensolaris and I seen
    Thank you for your time
    Using rules.ok from
    Checking rules.ok file...
    Using profile: profile
    Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...
    Searching for SolStart directory...
    Checking rules.ok file...
    Using begin script: install_begin
    Using finish script: patch_finish
    Executing SolStart preinstall phase...
    Executing begin script "install_begin"...
    Begin script install_begin execution completed.
    Wed Jan 31 14:10:56 wanboot info: WAN boot
    Processing profile
    - Opening Flash archive
    Unable to access the archive. The server returned
    416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable
    ERROR: Could not read file
    ERROR: Flash installation failed
    Solaris installation program exited.Same here:
    Processing profile
    - Opening Flash archive
    ERROR: Unable to access the archive. The server returned 416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable
    ERROR: Could not read file (
    ERROR: Flash installation failed
    Solaris installation program exited.
    Web server error log is clean, but access log contains the following: - - [02/Feb/2007:21:35:31 -0600] "GET /cgi-bin/wanboot-cgi/?CONTENT=bootfile&IP= HTTP/1.1" 200 1087128 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:35:40 -0600] "GET /cgi-bin/wanboot-cgi/?CONTENT=bootfs&IP= HTTP/1.1" 200 379111 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:35:42 -0600] "GET /cgi-bin/wanboot-cgi/?CONTENT=rootfs&IP= HTTP/1.1" 200 235 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:35:42 -0600] "GET /wanboot/miniroot/miniroot.sun4v_sol10_11_06 HTTP/1.1" 200 273847296 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:38:57 -0600] "HEAD /wanboot/flar/sysidcfg.patrick/sysidcfg HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:38:57 -0600] "GET /wanboot/flar/sysidcfg.patrick/sysidcfg HTTP/1.1" 206 687 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:27 -0600] "HEAD /wanboot/flar/rules.ok HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:27 -0600] "GET /wanboot/flar/rules.ok HTTP/1.1" 206 341 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:28 -0600] "HEAD /wanboot/flar/mybegin HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:28 -0600] "GET /wanboot/flar/mybegin HTTP/1.1" 206 715 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:28 -0600] "HEAD /wanboot/flar/profile.sol10_T2000_72g.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:28 -0600] "GET /wanboot/flar/profile.sol10_T2000_72g.0 HTTP/1.1" 206 501 "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:29 -0600] "HEAD /wanboot/flar/flars/flar.sun4v.sol10_11_06.2 HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "-" - - [02/Feb/2007:21:43:29 -0600] "GET /wanboot/flar/flars/flar.sun4v.sol10_11_06.2 HTTP/1.1" 416 392 "-" "-"
    showrev: Kernel version: SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-33

  • Utility used to install the update failed  with exit code 1

    When I try to install an update on my system, the following happens:
    # smpatch update -i 119116-22
    Update 119116-22 will not be downloaded since it already exists in the download directory.
    Installing patches from /var/sadm/spool...
    Failed to install patch 119116-22.
    Utility used to install the update failed with exit code 1.
    Validating patches...
    Loading patches installed on the system...Done!
    Loading patches requested to install.Done!
    Checking patches that you specified for installation.Done!
    Approved patches will be installed in this order:119116-22
    Preparing checklist for non-global zone check...Checking non-global zones...
    Cannot open pkginfo file //var/sadm/pkg/.save.SUNWhea/pkginfo
    Non-global zone check failed. No change made to the System.
    Patchadd exiting.
    Failed to install patch 119116-22.
    ALERT: Failed to install patch 119116-22.
    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    That is strange indeed, could you try downloading and
    applying the unsigned zip to see if that works?The problem persits:
    # patchadd -M /root/119116/
    Validating patches...
    Loading patches installed on the system...
    Loading patches requested to install.
    Checking patches that you specified for installation.
    Approved patches will be installed in this order:
    Preparing checklist for non-global zone check...
    Checking non-global zones...
    Cannot open pkginfo file //var/sadm/pkg/.save.SUNWhea/pkginfo
    Non-global zone check failed. No change made to the System.
    Patchadd exiting.

  • Error Message: The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.

    I have a web page that contains a ReportViewer control.  I am trying to display a report, which is an .rdl file located on the SSRS server, in this ReportViewer control.  I have set the ReportPath and ReportServerUrl correctly.  I am
    getting an error message.
    Am I suppose to use an .rdlc file rather than a .rdl file?  Does the web server configuration need to use a certain account?
     I am getting the following error message:
    The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.
    The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.

    Hi bucaroov,
    The error "The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found." means the ReportServerURL configured in the ReportViewer control is invalid.
    Please follow these steps to solve the issue:
    Logon the Report Server machine.
    Open the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
    Copy the Report Server URL from 'Web Services URL'.
    Logon the application server(in this case, it is the server that host the web page), check if we can use the URL we got from step 3 to access the Report Server. If so, please replace the ReportServerURL in the ReportViewer control with this URL. If it is
    not available, could you please post the error message.
    Additionaly, we don't need to provide the extension for a server report. The ReportPath should be like: /<reports folder>/<report name>
    For more information, please see:
    Walkthrough: Using the ReportViewer Control in Remote Mode:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Jin Chen
    Jin Chen - MSFT

  • AppContainers_test fails with error during pre-test configuration checks

    AppContainers_test fails with error during pre-test configuration checks:
    "[FAIL] The machine is not properly configured for testing: the test directory "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\" is not ACL'd to allow execute permission for "APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES"
    But that kind of permission for APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES was allowed, also i tried to allow full access, but error was the same.
    In the test WindowsFilteringPlatform_Tests, the same requirement "REQ - Wfp-based products must not block App Container apps operating within their declared network intentions by default" was checked successfully.
    How can i pass successfully AppContainers_test? 
    I installed lastest versions of QFE and filters on my server, but it didn't help.

    Hi M'Alerter,
    I have the same issue, have you found a solution to your problem ? 

  • Error in phase 4: Creating node $(DIR_TRANS) with type DIRECTORY failed.

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    when trying to install SAPNW2004sSneakPreviewABAP in phase 4 I get error:
    ERROR 2006-08-08 08:52:40
    CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_TRANS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
    Unable to create node
    pc05\sapmnt\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node..
    I searched SDN and found as possible error causes: lacking authorization of installation user or users nspadm and SAPServiceNSP, wrong JRE version, but those are not applicable.
    Any other suggestions?

    Hello Prince Jose,
    thanks for the reply, it brought me to the solution: I had to de-activate the Windows Firewall and hat to check 'Network users are allowed to change files'.
    I know made it till phase 17, quite a step.

  • Problems connecting to SSRS using IReportServerCredentials, the request failed with http status 401: unauthorized

    We have a hosted SSRS server and we access it's reports using the reportviewer in an application.
    We are getting the error: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. When trying to run one of the reports. I have confirmed that the login details work when logging into the report manager page directly.
    I have implemented an instance of IReportServerCredentials in a separate class (below) and I call it from the page before it tries to access the report. I'm not sure if this is all I need but can't seem to find any other info.
    I have managed to gain access connecting to the external server from my PC and accessed the report, but when I promote the code to production and run it from there on my local PC I get the unauthorized message again: the request failed with http status
    401: unauthorized
    The class:
    public sealed class MyReportServerCredentials :
    public WindowsIdentity ImpersonationUser
    // Use the default Windows user. Credentials will be
    // provided by the NetworkCredentials property.
    return null;
    public ICredentials NetworkCredentials
    // Read the user information from the Web.config file.
    // By reading the information on demand instead of
    // storing it, the credentials will not be stored in
    // session, reducing the vulnerable surface area to the
    // Web.config file, which can be secured with an ACL.
    // User name
    string userName =
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
    throw new Exception(
    "Missing user name from web.config file");
    // Password
    string password =
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
    throw new Exception(
    "Missing password from web.config file");
    // Domain
    string domain =
    return new NetworkCredential(userName, password);
    public bool GetFormsCredentials(out Cookie authCookie,
    out string userName, out string password,
    out string authority)
    authCookie = null;
    userName = null;
    password = null;
    authority = null;
    // Not using form credentials
    return false;
    The call to the class, just before the report is run:
    if (GetConnection.GetConnectionString().ToString().Contains("IP of external server removed"))
    invoiceviewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = new MyReportServerCredentials();
    We have tried so many things here, we don't even care whether the server authenticates or not but it appears to be as standard. Our hosting company has also drawn a blank and changed so many settings to no ava

    Hi Nasa1999,
    According to your description, you are getting the error: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized when you access the report using the ReportViewer in an application.
    Regarding the 401 error, it could cause by the Service Principal Name(SPN) for the account the Reporting Services is running under hasn’t been registered when the Reporting Services is configured to use Kerberos authentication. So in your scenario,
    please check if you are using Kerberos authentication. If that is a case, please make sure SPN is configured correctly. For more information, please refer to the similar thread:
    The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. in SSRS.
    If issue persists, please check the Reporting Service error log (default location: %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\<SQL Server Instance>\Reporting Services\LogFiles) around the time that the error message thrown out.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • After downloading and creating the MSI for Lightroom, the install fails with no errors reported. Checking compatability, windows comes back with   not compatible on both win 7 and 8.1.

    Installer MSI fails with no error or message of any kind. Tested compatability with the windows compatability check and it comes back as not compatible. What now?

    It is a known problem on Windows 98, Windows and Windows 2000 if you are using Intel Pentium 4 processor with Sun JRE and Symantec JIT. I had the same problem with Windows 98. Oracle has a patch. Please see Note:131299.1 on metalink for details.

Maybe you are looking for