Chrome v safari; Apple discussion look different

My Chrome version of the Apple Discussion look different to Safari ??
The headers for the discussion have vanished  ?

There seems to be an ongoing issue with the topics not showing. Try restarting the browser, or clearing your browser caches and trying again.

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    Thanks for helping!

    Hi Livia
    I have checked the file and can see that you have used a slideshow for browser background , the page fill is the hero image where the thumbnails are disabled.
    If you remove the slideshow then the issue is resolved as the red bar in top and white bar at bottom comes fine with all browsers.
    Please remove the slideshow from page background and use the same image as browser fill which will fix the issue.

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    You're welcome. Glad to help.
    people like u should work in apple stores
    Apple Stores are a bit noisy/busy for my Hawaiian style.
    Mahalo for the and Aloha from Big Island.

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    You might have a 3rd party plugin that isn't compatible with Safari 4.0.4. Go here for help...
    Safari add-ons can cause performance issues or other situations
    If you are using a USB hub, try disconnecting and restarting with just your keyboard and mouse connected.
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache. When you are done with that...
    from the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    Mac OS: Web Browser Quits Unexpectedly or Stops Responding
    Also, you could download and install the 10.5.8 combo update (PowerPC) available here.
    It contains fixes that might help. Then repair disk permissions.
    Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

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    Hi Duncan...
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari / Preferences then select the Security tab. Click: Show Cookies
    Delete all Apple cookies.
    Quit Safari (Command + Q) then relaunch Safari.
    Emptying the Safari cache more often may help also. Command + Option + E
    If nothing above helped, Reset Safari from the Safari menu bar. Select the top 7 buttons. Click Reset.

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    this is not a common bug - your website is already showing to anyone on a 100% zoom level per default. most probably you have mistakenly altered that setting locally while visiting your page in the past (for example by holding the ctrl-key while scrolling)...

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    "We're sorry, Apple Discussions is temporarily unavailable. We'll be back soon.
    Until then, please visit"
    (This one was collected just now.)
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    I've cleared Safari's cache, but haven't taken any further steps yet.
    Anyone else experiencing anything similar?

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    iMac 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   1.25 GB RAM

    Just to add to the information already provided:
    I seem to remember in the past I didn't need to do this, ...
    Yes, that was correct. In an older version of the Discussions forum you used to not have to login all the time, but the forum administrators changed things about 12-18 months ago.

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    I'm no expert on this by any means (so anyone out there please correct me if wrong) but I think it's to do with the color profile attached (or lack of) to the jpg used in the banner.
    This post by -g has some more information that might be useful.
    If all else fails, try changing the image to be a gif instead.

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      Quit Safari.
      Hold the shift key down and relaunch Safari.
    Reset Safari.
    Click Safari in the menu bar.
    From the drop down select "Reset Safari".
    Uncheck the box next to  " Remove saved names and passwords".
    Click "Reset".
    Empty Caches
    Safari > Preference > Advanced
    Checkmark the box for "Show Develop menu in menu bar".
    Develop menu will appear in the Safari menu bar.
    Click Develop and select "Empty Caches" from the dropdown.
    Turn off Extensions if any, and launch Safari.
    Safari > Preferences > Extensions

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    Safari however changes the font, font-size and line-height which is not what I want. Does Safari handle the fonts different that other browsers?

    I think the problem is with an error in this line in the CSS:
    font: small/1.75em , Tahoma, "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif;
    There should not be a comma after "small/1.75em". That line should read:
    font: small/1.75em Tahoma, "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, sans-serif;
    Other web browsers are probably being forgiving about that error and interpreting that line of CSS as it is intended, while Safari is balking at that error and ignoring everything after the comma that doesn't belong.
    I noticed that error when I was skimming through the CSS looking for your font declarations. But you can also find it by running the W3C CSS validator, a very handy tool when working on web sites, along with the W3C HTML validator. While these won't in themselves help you understand everything there is to know about web coding errors and browser display differences, using them to minimize or eliminate your coding errors often helps narrow down other problems as well.
    Message was edited by: Rachel R

  • Safari balky only on Apple Discussions

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    yes - lots of us.
    there was a reply to a question from me on this board saying it was an apple discussions software problem & would hopefully be fixed soon. Apple are certainly aware of the problem.
    I have found that logging out to browse here makes it much faster, & have fallen into the bad habit of double clicking every link - which does seem effective ( not if opening in a new tab, of course).
    worst is questions/answers not being sent - refresh doesn't work for those & I often have to copy my reply - go back - hit reply once more - paste - & try again.

  • Safari won't reply to Apple discussions

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    Hi Bernard ..
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Empty Cache
    Now back to the menu bar click Safari > Reset Safari
    Deselect all the boxes except for Remove All Website Data
    Then click Reset.
    Quit and relaunch Safari, login to Apple Support Communities then try the Reply button.

  • Safari (only?) errors with Apple Discussion Pages

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    Complicating things greatly is that sometimes, during the slow-but-not-dead periods, Safari refuses to load Apple Discussions pages at all, displaying error messages with or without an number number, but always saying the connection was lost. Sometimes this is after a minute or so of trying to load the page, which I attribute to the slowness of the connection, but other times it is immediate. When this happens, retry or going to another page with a link back to the first page & trying that continues to get the error immediately.
    IOW, Safari won't even try to reload the page. I have tried emptying the cache, but it doesn't help. Other pages will load, but slowly.
    At this point, I can get the page to load by copying the URL into Internet Explorer, so I know the page is available & the connection, although slow, is capable of sending the page to my computer.
    Does anyone have an explanation for this behavior? Or better yet, a way to convince Safari to try to reload the page?


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