CiscoWorks and LongReachEthernet LRE

hi ,
I have Cisco works with Campus Manager 3.1 ,Resource Manager Essentials 3.3 ,
The problem is : CiscoWorks 2000 couldnot be able to discover the 2912 LRE switch !!!!
I checked the supported devices in Campus Manager , LRE switches not their
also , I couldnot find anything about how to make the Ciscoworks2000 discover the Long Reach Ethernet switches ...
PLZ any one have Idea about this ...
Note that in the newest versions ..also there is no support for LRE

I couldnot find the Obiect ID , but this is the Model number: WS-C2912-LRE-XL
In the CiscoWorks ver 4 I saw that this device is not supported , even in ver 5 .
I hope if there is some patch I can add to the ciscoworks for LRE switches ..
aha, I found also in addition to LRE switches these Modules also cannot be found by the campus manager :
1- Gigabi ethernet Module (RJ-45) : WS-C6516-GE-TX
2- Escon Card for VXR router : PA-4C-E
I dont know if there is something to do with these modules!!!!!!!!
best regards

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    Hi Brobson,
    Here is the Device Supported List for LMS 3.2
    If you have any other version of LMS, kindly let me know and I will share the Device suported list accordingly. Usually for Cisco devices we always look for SysObejctID of the device to see if the device is actually suported in CiscoWorks.

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    Hi Brobson,
    Here is the Device Supported List for LMS 3.2
    If you have any other version of LMS, kindly let me know and I will share the Device suported list accordingly. Usually for Cisco devices we always look for SysObejctID of the device to see if the device is actually suported in CiscoWorks.

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    From my experience, I would say no. I am in the process of doing this for my company. We use Ciscoworks RME 2.6.
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    Hi Joe,
    I have a good news. It is working now after I changed the IP to the hostname as you suggested.
    But it was not working even with the hostname because I had a “<” too much.
    So now the file look like that:
    Thank you so much for your help! That is fantastic
    Best Regards,

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    You should check the connection between the 2950 and the POTS splitter and POTS splitter-wiring closet .
    Try these URL for troubleshooting,installing and configuring LRE pot splitters.

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    Please refer to the Installation Guide for Windows server requirements. Here is the link:
    Given that you want to stay with Windows Server, Server 2008 Standard Edition with service Pack 2 would be your best choice.
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    To be succinct, ACS doesn't have all the fields that are required by Ciscoworks. That is why you still need to define the user profiles in ACS.
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    I'm assuming your server is not allowed to connect to the Internet on its own. Otherwise, you could use the built-in update tool and it will both download the packages and apply the updates for you.
    In any case, I generally apply and Common Services (CS) updates first. After that, the other applications are relatively independent and can be done in any order. The upgrade process will check for dependencies and alert you if any dependent packages are not present. In that case, simply iterate the process including the required prerequisite packages.
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    I have an eight port 2950 Long Range Ethernet switch, model WS-C2950ST-8-LRE, with sw image c2950lre-i6l2q4-mz.121-22.EA5a.bin. I have CPE585 on the other end of the lre link. The distance is about 250 meters. When I issue the command,
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    LRE Enet Stats on Switch:
    1971984524 Bytes
    176387421 Frames
    14274008 Pause frames
    Can somebody please tell me what does the Pause frame mean? Why am I seeing these? How can I eliminate this pause frame?
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    Thanks for the reply. In my case, the lre sits between two 2950T switches, i.e., uplink via g0/1 port and downlink via an etherchannel with CPE 585 on the other end (2 lre ports connecting to two fast ethernet ports on 2950T). I am not sure what setting I should use and where to turn off this feature. Or is this normal on an LRE switch where the uplink is a faster link and the downlink is a slower link (according to the profile on the lre links, I should be getting 18 MB transmit and 16.67 MB uplink on each of the lre link of the etherchannel).
    Looks like it is not a bandwidth issue because the Ciscoview shows the utilization on the interface to be less than 10%. It has to be something to do with latency or other feature on the lre that I am not aware of.
    Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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