Client's Software Center is Empty

Hi everyone,
I have been working on an issue here for a couple of weeks and cannot figure it out.  Our clients are no longer getting an updated list of available programs when they access they look at the Software Center.  This is most obvious with new
clients that have just been added or with rebuilt systems.  I have checked dozens of different logs and settings and have reinstalled the client on a number of machines to no avail.  I have run the SCCM 2012 R2 configuration analyzer, but
it didn't tell me anything.  Reinstallations of the SCCM Client did not resolve this issue, nor did a fresh installation.  This particular system has been upgraded a few times, so it is possible something broke during an update recently.
Has anyone had this issue as well?  Does anyone have any recommended things to check?

I opened the logs in "C:\Program files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs", "C:\Program files\SMS_CCM\Logs\" as well as the inetpub logs and found these errors that might mean something.  I could not find any of the Site Server
logs listed in that link on our server.
P.S. I forgot to mention that it is running SCCM 2012 R2 CU4.
MP_Status (repeat events) - Mp Status: processing event: SMS_SUMScanAgentError_ScanFailed, for machine: SITE-LAB-23 MP_StatusManager 2/18/2015 1:40:30 PM 4320 (0x10E0)
MP_Policy (Every rows contains the same thing)- Detected at least one row in the result set from PolicyAssignment table which does not have a Signature, rejecting all rows. MP_PolicyManager 2/19/2015 10:51:09 AM 1616 (0x0650)
MP_GetPolicy (This entry is calling for existing Package IDs)- MP IP: Policy ID=DIV2005F-DIV00026-4B929717 Version=614.00 not found MP_GetPolicy_ISAPI 2/18/2015 2:08:31 PM 7164 (0x1BFC)CProcessPolicyBlobRequest::GetPolicyBlobFromDatabase():
QueryDatabaseForBlob() failed MP_GetPolicy_ISAPI 2/18/2015 2:08:31 PM 1520 (0x05F0)
CCM - ---> WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account HFCRD37\svc_TheAccount (00000035) SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER 2/19/2015 10:00:25 AM 6936 (0x1B18)
CCM - ---> ERROR: Unable to access target machine for request: "2097153677", machine name: "SITE-CART4-22",  access denied or invalid network path. SMS_CLIENT_CONFIG_MANAGER 2/19/2015 10:00:47 AM 6936 (0x1B18)
SMSWRITERLOG - *** [08001][-2146893051][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct
and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online. SMS_SITE_VSS_WRITER 6/14/2014 11:43:30 PM 1548 (0x060C)
DISTMGR - Failed to process package DIV00037 after 46 retries, will retry 54 more times SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 2/19/2015 10:19:32 AM 4672 (0x1240)
CERTMGR - Failed to get connector certificate SMS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER 2/19/2015 8:44:46 AM 4576 (0x11E0)
PATCHDOWNLOADER - Failed to create directory
\\TheServer\sccm_updates$\6d8590bd-038e-4455-9764-30875ccbf0c7.1\, error 5 Software Updates Patch Downloader 11/6/2012 11:14:49 AM 5092 (0x13E4)
SMSDBMON - Warning: Could not create file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\\308202F5308201DDA003020102021015834949D30B51824A6B1FAAA17B7667300D06092A864886F70D01010B05003016311430120603550403130B53697465205365727665723020170D3132313032333136343734395A180F32313132303933303136343734395A3016311430120603550403130B5369746520536572766572.CPC,
Error=3. SMS_DATABASE_NOTIFICATION_MONITOR 2/19/2015 9:58:48 AM 4620 (0x120C)
SMSDPMON - Failed to create certificate store from encoded certificate..
An error occurred during encode or decode operation. (Error: 80092002; Source: Windows) SMS_Distribution_Point_Monitoring 11/5/2012 2:18:42 PM 3008 (0x0BC0)

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  • Applications Installed through task sequence not showing up in Software Center

    In the task sequence we use for our OSD Windows 7 machine build, we have Custom-Install Application steps which install a number of of our Applications.  Each of these Applications has the "Allow this application to be installed from the Install
    Application task sequence action without being deployed" checkbox checked.  All of the Applications have the following properties set:
    Installation behavior: Install for system
    Logon requirement: Whether or not a user is logged in
    Installation program visibility: Hidden
    When a machine is built using this task sequence, all of the Applications install successfully - they show up in Control Panel\Programs and Features, and they run correctly. However, none of them show up in the Software Center. I'm not seeing anything in
    any of the logs that indicates a problem, and the Software Center remains empty even after running all the client evaluation cycle actions  
    Interestingly, if I add a couple of the newly build machines to a collection, then target deployments for the already installed Applications to that collection, after running the Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle the Applications immediately
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    Does anyone know if Applications installed through a task sequence do not show up in the Software Center by default, or could you give me some troubleshooting tips if this is not normal?
    Thanks for any suggestions!
    SCCM 2012 SP1, Single site, W7 clients

    Why you deploy applications through task sequences? Task sequences are built and meant to be used with OSD, not application deployment.
    To my knowledge, if you have application install step in a task sequence and you deploy that task sequence to a collection of machines, the software center on those machines only sees the task sequence itself, not the applications inside the task sequence.
    If you want your applications to be shown in the software center, change the method of deploying stuff and deploy applications as they're are meant to.

  • SCCM 2012 - Software Center Installation Log / Report

    Hi there,
    does anyone know how to check the amount of installations via software center?
    for example i would like to see a log/report how many clients accessed software center and installed applications.
    would be also great to see the top10 list of applications being installed, etc.
    is there something a like?

    There's no usage data of software center. You could query data listed in add/remove programs using SRS, but you would have to be very creative to find a way to determine the top 10 installation list.
    Torsten Meringer |
    thats too bad though, but thank you very much for your reply.
    this will get on my wishlist for sccm 2014

  • SCCM 2012 Client Software Center - no items found.

    hi there,
    we are using software center as self-service portal for users and it's working quite good!
    unfortunely i software center displays "no items found" on a specific computer, though the pc is in the correct collection.
    i have re-installed sccm client, repaired wmi repository and also re-imported the machine into sccm 2012 but still no luck. 
    anyone can point me on a possible solution?
    thank you!

    we had exactly the same behavior. The Software Center shows everytime "No items found". After further tests we found that we could see applications in the Software Center, but still no packages.
    After one day struggle we found the issue/solution. It seems that is not a bug, it is a feature....
    Situation: Another user was logged in. It seems that the Software Center will only display packages for the first/default logged on user.
    Solution: Make sure the previous user logs off completely (not just disconnected) and there are no users logged on to the machine before another user logs on.
    The Applications do not have this restriction and will be displayed for all users logged on to the machine
    Hope this helps

  • After sp1- R2 upgrade, Clients cannot open Software center

    I am in a bit of a bind.. 
    We upgraded from SP1 to R2 (not CU2 just the r2 for starters)
    All went well and all clients in our organization have been upgraded. 
    Unfortunately I've discovered that the software center on the clients can no longer load.
    It seems the ccm client is running fine it's just the software center that is not loading when I try to open it.
    The error from the software center windows is(translated from Danish so I am unsure of the correct MS wording):
    The Software center cannot be loaded. Problem loading the required components. You can try starting the software center later...
    Only thing I've found so far that stands out in the logs so far (sccclient_MYDOMAIN@mrt_1.log) is:
    <![LOG[Default window boundaries for this size work area are 0,0,1200,750 (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SCClient at SetWindowPosition)]LOG]!><time="06:47:16.5761062" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="0" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[SetServicePortalLink: Portal URL is set to http://aal-sccm01/CMApplicationCatalog (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Pages.UtilityClass at SetServicePortalLink)]LOG]!><time="06:47:16.7331062" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="0" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Unhandled exception was caught. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnGetException)]LOG]!><time="06:47:16.7421062" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="3" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Exception System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Der blev udløst en undtagelse under indstilling af connectionId. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnGetException)]LOG]!><time="06:47:16.7451062" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="3" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[ ved System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri)
    ved System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(XamlReader xamlReader, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlAccessLevel accessLevel, Uri baseUri)
    ved System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml(Stream stream, ParserContext parserContext, Object parent, Boolean closeStream)
    ved System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Pages.PageControls.AvailableSoftwareDetailsControl.InitializeComponent()
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Pages.AvailableSoftwarePage.InitializeUIBeforeDataRetreived()
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Common.ClientUXMain..ctor()
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SCClient.Window_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ved System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
    ved System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
    ved System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
    ved System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
    ved System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastEvent(DependencyObject root, RoutedEvent routedEvent)
    ved System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastLoadedEvent(Object root)
    ved MS.Internal.LoadedOrUnloadedOperation.DoWork()
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireLoadedPendingCallbacks()
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.Resize(ICompositionTarget resizedCompositionTarget)
    ved System.Windows.Interop.HwndTarget.OnResize()
    ved System.Windows.Interop.HwndTarget.HandleMessage(WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    ved System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.HwndTargetFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
    ved MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
    ved MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
    ved System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
    ved MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)]LOG]!><time="06:47:16.7491062" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Exiting... (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnExit)]LOG]!><time="06:48:37.5541062" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
    Really hoping someone can help here!
    Kindest regards, Martin

    This is log excerpt from when I open software center until I close it (I accept the error windows)
    <![LOG[Starting up... (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at Main)]LOG]!><time="21:23:05.8827861" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Client is running .Net Version4.0.30319.18444 (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at Main)]LOG]!><time="21:23:05.8867863" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="0" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Current working area is 0,0,1600,860 (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SCClient at SetWindowPosition)]LOG]!><time="21:23:05.9277886" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="0" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Default window boundaries for this size work area are 0,0,1200,750 (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SCClient at SetWindowPosition)]LOG]!><time="21:23:05.9317889" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="0" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[SetServicePortalLink: Portal URL is set to http://aal-sccm01/CMApplicationCatalog (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Pages.UtilityClass at SetServicePortalLink)]LOG]!><time="21:23:06.0917980" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="0" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Unhandled exception was caught. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnGetException)]LOG]!><time="21:23:06.1017986" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="3" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Exception System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Der blev udløst en undtagelse under indstilling af connectionId. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnGetException)]LOG]!><time="21:23:06.1057988" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="3" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[ ved System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri)
    ved System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(XamlReader xamlReader, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlAccessLevel accessLevel, Uri baseUri)
    ved System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml(Stream stream, ParserContext parserContext, Object parent, Boolean closeStream)
    ved System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator)
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Pages.PageControls.AvailableSoftwareDetailsControl.InitializeComponent()
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Pages.AvailableSoftwarePage.InitializeUIBeforeDataRetreived()
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Common.ClientUXMain..ctor()
    ved Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SCClient.Window_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ved System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
    ved System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
    ved System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
    ved System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
    ved System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastEvent(DependencyObject root, RoutedEvent routedEvent)
    ved System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastLoadedEvent(Object root)
    ved MS.Internal.LoadedOrUnloadedOperation.DoWork()
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireLoadedPendingCallbacks()
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
    ved System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.Resize(ICompositionTarget resizedCompositionTarget)
    ved System.Windows.Interop.HwndTarget.OnResize()
    ved System.Windows.Interop.HwndTarget.HandleMessage(WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    ved System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.HwndTargetFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
    ved MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
    ved MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
    ved System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
    ved MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)]LOG]!><time="21:23:06.1097990" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
    <![LOG[Exiting... (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.SingleInstanceApplication at OnExit)]LOG]!><time="21:23:10.2580363" date="9-13-2014" component="SCClient" context="" type="1" thread="1" file="">
    Kindest regards, Martin

  • SCCM 2012 - Client Installed but No Software Center

    Hi Everyone,
    I've a strange problem on my Management Point.
    The SCCM 2012 client is installed, but there isn't Software Center (on all other Server it has been installed).
    I've tryied to install it manually & with the push installation , but no change.
    when I try to push it to the server it has an error File C:\Windows\ccmsetup\{181D79D7-1115-4D96-8E9B-5833DF92FBB4}\client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1635
    But when I try to install Manually Exit code is 0 (no error)

    Have you checked the log files ccmsetup.log ,ccmsetup-ccmeval.log, client.msi.log and SoftwareCenterSystemTasks.log? Maybe it can give us some clues.
    Technical Reference for Log Files in Configuration Manager
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Available Package Deployments not showing in Software Center of Domain Controller Clients

    We have a SCCM 2012 R2 environment and have a pretty weird issue. I have deployed multiple 'available' software packages to a collection. The non-domain controller client receives the deployments and I can run them successfully, however the domain controller
    shows nothing in the software center. But in the PolicyAgent.log of the domain controller I can see it getting the policy:
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyDownloadSucceeded
    DateTime = "20141002163132.946000+000";
    DownloadMethod = "BITS";
    DownloadSource = "https://XXXXXXXX.XXX.local/SMS_MP/.sms_pol?HHS20013-HHS0002D-XXXXXXXXX";
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\ccm\\policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig";
    PolicyPath = "CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID=\"XXX20013-XXX0002D-8C28365A\",PolicySource=\"SMS:XXX\",PolicyVersion=\"1.00\"";
    ProcessID = 1484;
    ThreadID = 4632;
    10/2/2014 12:31:32 PM 4632 (0x1218)
    What can I check?

    I am seeing the following in the PolicyEvaluator.log:
    Updating policy CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID="HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A",PolicySource="SMS:HHS",PolicyVersion="1.00"
    PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 10/3/2014 11:42:40 AM
    7092 (0x1BB4)
    Applying policy HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator
    10/3/2014 11:42:40 AM 7092 (0x1BB4)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyRuleRevoked
    DateTime = "20141003154242.730000+000";
    PolicyID = "HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A";
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\ccm\\policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig";
    PolicySource = "SMS:HHS";
    PolicyVersion = "1.00";
    ProcessID = 5324;
    RuleCondition = "{6A383AEC-DA01-44CC-88AC-EE7CBBC9CA6F}";
    RuleID = "{59aae67e-4ae4-476a-8aa9-1e0fef74275d}";
    ThreadID = 7092;
    10/3/2014 11:42:42 AM 7092 (0x1BB4)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyRuleRevoked
    DateTime = "20141003154244.075000+000";
    PolicyID = "HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A";
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\ccm\\policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig";
    PolicySource = "SMS:HHS";
    PolicyVersion = "1.00";
    ProcessID = 5324;
    RuleCondition = "{73EEC40F-921F-400C-8DAD-9985B6FF9EA0}";
    RuleID = "{a82507ac-d123-4e58-b7e8-e7e3e1c14ef9}";
    ThreadID = 7092;
    10/3/2014 11:42:44 AM 7092 (0x1BB4)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyRuleApplied
    DateTime = "20141003154245.460000+000";
    PolicyID = "HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A";
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\ccm\\policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig";
    PolicySource = "SMS:HHS";
    PolicyVersion = "1.00";
    ProcessID = 5324;
    RuleCondition = "{735BB0FE-157C-4969-B253-413FB85A928C}";
    RuleID = "{4d354de9-ad9c-4588-b772-7d48405934f2}";
    ThreadID = 7092;
    10/3/2014 11:42:45 AM 7092 (0x1BB4)
    Applied policy CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID="HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A",PolicySource="SMS:HHS",PolicyVersion="1.00"
    PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 10/3/2014 11:42:45 AM
    7092 (0x1BB4)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluationComplete
    DateTime = "20141003154245.470000+000";
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\ccm\\policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig";
    PolicyPath = "CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID=\"HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A\",PolicySource=\"SMS:HHS\",PolicyVersion=\"1.00\"";
    ProcessID = 5324;
    ThreadID = 7092;
    10/3/2014 11:42:45 AM 7092 (0x1BB4)
    Policy state for [CCM_Policy_Policy5.PolicyID="HHS20018-HHS0002D-8C28365A",PolicyVersion="1.00",PolicySource="SMS:HHS"] is currently [Active]
    PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 10/3/2014 11:42:45 AM
    1820 (0x071C)
    Updating settings in \\.\root\ccm\policy\machine\actualconfig
    PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 10/3/2014 11:42:45 AM
    1820 (0x071C)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_SettingsEvaluationComplete
    DateTime = "20141003154302.533000+000";
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\root\\ccm\\policy\\machine\\actualconfig";
    ProcessID = 5324;
    ThreadID = 1820;
    10/3/2014 11:43:02 AM 1820 (0x071C)
    Policies are downloaded and evaluated for the reply of correlation guid {9985950D-3E04-40E5-81FD-8E2BCBE0DB25}
    PolicyAgent_PolicyEvaluator 10/3/2014 11:43:02 AM
    1820 (0x071C)

  • SAP BPC 5.1 "Client Software center" icons missing

    I had installed newly SAP BPC 5.1 (Single server installation) and installed Administration client & Office client on the server. It was successfully installed and all functionality was working fine.
    Now I want to access this server from client machine (desktops). The desktops has Microsoft Office 2007 installed and trying to access SAP BPC using http://<servername>/osoft
    I am able to get the home page, but when I click on icon "Client Software Center", I am not getting any icons for installing Client software (Ex: BPC for Office Installation, BPC client Diagnostics or BPC for Administration Installation)
    Appreciate if someone can help me on this.

    That address should get you to the default landing page where you can access the software center.  Since this is a single server environment you should obvioulsy be addressing the web server.  I assume when you installed the client components on the server you were logged in as the service account that you installed the software with.  If you are connecting from your desktop using authentication, then you would be connecting with the ID and password that you login to your PC with.
    Have you gone through the BPC Administration security console and added your network ID to the application?  If not, then the system will know you are not a vaild system user and you would not be able to install the software.
    If you feel you have done this, then run the connection wizard and choose the option to connect with an alternate user ID and use the service account and verify you can access the software center.  If you can with the service account but not with your ID then it is a application security issue with how your network account is setup in the system.
    The other thing to check, when you say you cannot get the software center icon, are you getting the landing page and just not seeing it or are you getting a page error accessing the page?  If you are getting a page error and you did not use the default port to connect with then you would need to pass the port number through when you are addressing the server (e.g. http://servername/osoft:8080)

  • Clients not showing apps in software center after update to CU4

    I recently upgraded my SCCM2012 SP1 to CU4 in an effort to support our Macs some of which are running Mavericks. However, I have been noticing that many times when I do an OSD of a Windows computer one of a couple things will happen. If it is a computer
    that is being re-imaged, it will only get a single app installed and no other apps will show up in Software Center. I also just today got a new computer and most of our apps are in SC but several are missing. They show up in the console as being deployed to
    the machine in it's properties under Devices, but they just aren't getting to the computer. On the re-image computer many times I could just remove it entirely from SCCM then re-add it and it would work fine but with the new computer I'm at a loss as to what
    to do. Has anyone else seen this behavior?

    Is the device stuck in provisioning mode?  That would block it from getting client policy (among other things).
    To check, see ProvisioningMode = True under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\CcmExec registry key.
    This usually happens if an unsupported update gets installed while in the task sequence:
    You can fix a broken client with this PowerShell command:
    Invoke-WmiMethod -Namespace root\CCM -Class SMS_Client -Name SetClientProvisioningMode -ArgumentList $false
    To keep them from breaking, use offline servicing to inject the updates into all of your images so they don't get installed during the task sequence.
    I hope that helps,
    Nash Pherson, Senior Systems Consultant
    Now Micro -
    My Blog Posts
    If you've found a bug or want the product worked differently,
    share your feedback.
    <-- If this post was helpful, please click "Vote as Helpful".

  • SCCM client didn't receive available software in software center

    I am going to deploy an msi package and choose "available" as purpose.
    When I create the package using "Application" under Application management, and deploy it to a device collection, SCCM client didn't receive available software in software center.
    I tried the similar step on "Packages" under Application management, there is available software shown up in client's software centre.
    Would you identify what the problem is for "Application" under Application management?
    Or any SCCM server or client log I have to look into to gather more information for investigation?

    please check below logs on client system:
    Prashant Patil

  • Clients cant download application from software center [ error : 0x87d00607 ]

    I've got a small SCCM 2012 deployment with about 3 clients , these three clients cant download application available on software center!
    i checked out my boundries and boundries group and they are well configured .
    help plz

    i have just a subnet configuration in my boundary so there's no association against the site in AD
    Subnet or IP ranges? Best to configure with IP ranges.
    Cheers Paul |

  • Software center dont show the package(not applications) on the client as installed when logging in with other User ID.

    It is showing as Installed in software center with user ID through which it is actually installed but not from other User ID's.
    Please send me suggestions or how we can resolve this issue.

    Software center might not show it if there are multiple users logged in. It will only be shown to the
    user that got the highest (lowest? Can't remember it) session id.
    Regards, Ibrahim Hamdy

  • Applications not visible in Software Center

    Hello Guys,
    some Clients have Problems to show Application Deployments in Software Center. In Deployment Monitoring Tool I can see the Deployments. But if you select the Deployment I get the Error "DT cannot be empty". So I think the
    Policy isn't downloaded correctly.
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of DocumentType 2 for ModelName Windows/x64_Windows_Server_2008_R2_Core, Version 1 CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of DocumentType 1 for ModelName Windows/x86_Embedded_Windows_7, Version 2 CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of DocumentType 2 for ModelName Windows/x86_Embedded_Windows_7, Version 2 CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of CI content document with DocumentName, DocumentVersion 1 (VL) CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloader::ParseDtsMessage - Dts failed with error code: 0x80070002. CI Downloader will retry. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CIDownloaderJob({CFEBCEF0-7D16-421D-A53A-2A26F82CE5BF}): Received Dts failure message during CI download. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CIDownloaderJob({CFEBCEF0-7D16-421D-A53A-2A26F82CE5BF}): CCIDownloaderJob::QueueRetry - Consumed 5763 seconds of 172800 second download window. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CIDownloaderJob({CFEBCEF0-7D16-421D-A53A-2A26F82CE5BF}): CCIDownloaderJob::QueueRetry - Retrying package download in 2880 seconds... CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CCIDownloader::CreateJob CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CCIDownloader::StartJob CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIDownloader job empty. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CCIDownloader::DeleteJob for job {D10C1E70-D480-4C05-9C95-D4BCBECFD4F1} CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIDownloader job deleted. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CAgent::EvaluateCIs CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=Init) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): Client requesting CIAgentJob context info for key: StateMessagePriority CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): TransitionState(From=Init, To=WaitingForAssignedCI) for Event=Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=WaitingForAssignedCI) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore DownloadCIs CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=DownloadCIs, CurrentState=WaitingForAssignedCI) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): TransitionState(From=WaitingForAssignedCI, To=DownloadingCIs) for Event=Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=DownloadingCIs) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): Client requesting CIAgentJob context info for key: PostRebootDetect CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): Nothing to be downloaded. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore PersistCIs CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=PersistCIs, CurrentState=DownloadingCIs) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): TransitionState(From=DownloadingCIs, To=PersistingCIModels) for Event=Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::Execute [GlobalSemaphore] Trying to aquire global semaphore CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::Execute [GlobalSemaphore] Queued for global semaphore acquisition. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): GlobalJobEvent() called [GlobalSemaphore] CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::Execute [GlobalSemaphore] Acquired global semaphore. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=PersistingCIModels) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_0ddc3eb7-5ee3-41eb-9fed-646d28a06bcf:11. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_0ddc3eb7-5ee3-41eb-9fed-646d28a06bcf:11 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_0e9a8348-0ad5-44ee-bf81-82dfd44f0699:11. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_0e9a8348-0ad5-44ee-bf81-82dfd44f0699:11 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_10203df1-4fe4-49ef-8ab3-e8030e6a2cef:22. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_10203df1-4fe4-49ef-8ab3-e8030e6a2cef:22 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_1fc34d72-440d-4f6f-9a50-604e421f3c04:13. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_1fc34d72-440d-4f6f-9a50-604e421f3c04:13 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_2191a582-1987-40fd-b8ec-cbee1a2ba590:4, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_22778347-5967-4ee1-bdc0-3fce578b7ee1:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_22778347-5967-4ee1-bdc0-3fce578b7ee1:2 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_278d8ebe-16bc-49b7-a806-42025d921f84:6. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_278d8ebe-16bc-49b7-a806-42025d921f84:6 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_27c341d0-a38e-43c9-aeef-a82be7e1f664:1. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_27c341d0-a38e-43c9-aeef-a82be7e1f664:1 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_2bf3a7d7-27fc-4fe6-80ff-80c9adee89a8:5, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_33aa078b-9afa-48b3-9550-8d926c07721e:5. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_33aa078b-9afa-48b3-9550-8d926c07721e:5 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_3a41042c-4feb-421b-8b55-42334654681e:15, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_3be6a762-f993-4fe5-aca5-1989551d5a88:5. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_3be6a762-f993-4fe5-aca5-1989551d5a88:5 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_3c0b214a-2258-4765-be5d-d2a9fd754bc6:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_3c0b214a-2258-4765-be5d-d2a9fd754bc6:2 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_46f5d091-992c-4e24-b0a2-3de657c0b8c7:16, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_49337598-4c68-401e-8c39-a415288cd7d6:11. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_49337598-4c68-401e-8c39-a415288cd7d6:11 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_4da67baa-ac51-4327-bfdc-c8f81781ae62:20, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_4f0df4d7-e1d0-4717-b9e2-5f9cb6f1dd9b:8. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_4f0df4d7-e1d0-4717-b9e2-5f9cb6f1dd9b:8 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_5d895d54-10ea-447d-8b45-123b77e89721:4. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_5d895d54-10ea-447d-8b45-123b77e89721:4 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_636ad5b2-da09-439b-ac7c-d7895d728131:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_636ad5b2-da09-439b-ac7c-d7895d728131:2 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_665c56e0-626a-4d8d-9378-48a8c8546846:1. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_665c56e0-626a-4d8d-9378-48a8c8546846:1 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_666d662e-66f7-4e53-b4fd-06ccd55239bf:4. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_666d662e-66f7-4e53-b4fd-06ccd55239bf:4 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_6a39d117-9e22-4e11-8fcd-ebbf35b00688:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_6a39d117-9e22-4e11-8fcd-ebbf35b00688:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_6da53bf1-ab56-4a96-9af8-6df6d4b9972e:10. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_6da53bf1-ab56-4a96-9af8-6df6d4b9972e:10 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_70d0451a-94c0-4372-b19b-dd9e4246788f:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_70d0451a-94c0-4372-b19b-dd9e4246788f:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_716e6646-2efd-4d3a-9441-5563de429a01:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_716e6646-2efd-4d3a-9441-5563de429a01:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_77493905-3008-4862-bd89-d5fad3318cfc:41, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_77c479ff-bef7-456d-9bae-47ea1513e56f:4. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_77c479ff-bef7-456d-9bae-47ea1513e56f:4 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7925a429-49b4-4b04-8094-4987ca70a35b:7. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7925a429-49b4-4b04-8094-4987ca70a35b:7 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_79516c6a-a815-4c31-99fe-9ab4e4024e4e:1. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_79516c6a-a815-4c31-99fe-9ab4e4024e4e:1 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7af21e61-ffe4-4791-85ba-86d83cc9cf31:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7af21e61-ffe4-4791-85ba-86d83cc9cf31:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7d5204c1-26e4-489e-addb-1401d965153f:8. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7d5204c1-26e4-489e-addb-1401d965153f:8 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7e5660da-b7c7-49dd-8940-7c751389f61a:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7e5660da-b7c7-49dd-8940-7c751389f61a:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_85f4af90-a3f1-4d7e-bb6a-b079c20fa2d5:14. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_85f4af90-a3f1-4d7e-bb6a-b079c20fa2d5:14 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_8908c4aa-5c4e-41fd-a111-e4be0780e6bb:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/
    Is it possible to reset Software Center?

    This bug is still present in SCCM 2012 R2 CU3.
    Remediation script has been optimized and written in Powershell. It will trigger a refresh only if application is found in WMI class.
    If you deploy user-centric applications, you’ll need to change this code a little bit.
    # Machine
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try {
        [int]$countMissingDTs = 0
        $Applications = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\clientsdk -query "select * from ccm_application"
        $AppsTotal = $Applications.Length
        $missingIds = @()
        foreach($App in $Applications) {
            $AppDT = [wmi] $App.__Path
            if($AppDT.AppDTs.Name.Length -eq 0) {
                #Write-Host $($App.Id)
                $missingIds += $App.Id
                $countMissingDTs = $countMissingDTs + 1
        #Write-Host $countMissingDTs
        if ($countMissingDTs -gt 0) {
            foreach ($appId in $missingIds) {
                $assignments = Get-WmiObject -query "select AssignmentName, AssignmentId, AssignedCIs from CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\policy\Machine"
                if ($assignments -ne $null) {
                    foreach ($assignment in $assignments) {
                        $assignedCI = $assignment.AssignedCIs[0]
                        #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId) $($assignedCI.CI.ID)"
                        $assignedCISplit = $assignedCI.CI.ID.Split("/")
                        #Write-Host $($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application"))
                        if ($($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application")) -eq $appId) {
                            #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId)"
                            $null = $sched.Put()
                            sleep -milliseconds 3000
                        } else {
                            #Write-Host "Skip assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName)"
                } else {
                    #Write-Host "$appId not found"
    } catch {
        #Write-Host $_.Exception
        return $false
    return $true
    User-centric application deployment:
    # User
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try {
        [int]$countMissingDTs = 0
        $Applications = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\clientsdk -query "select * from ccm_application"
        $AppsTotal = $Applications.Length
        $missingIds = @()
        foreach($App in $Applications) {
            $AppDT = [wmi] $App.__Path
            if($AppDT.AppDTs.Name.Length -eq 0) {
                #Write-Host $($App.Id)
                $missingIds += $App.Id
                $countMissingDTs = $countMissingDTs + 1
        #Write-Host $countMissingDTs
        if ($countMissingDTs -gt 0) {
            foreach ($appId in $missingIds) {
                $sidObjs = ( get-wmiobject -query "SELECT UserSID FROM CCM_UserLogonEvents WHERE LogoffTime = NULL" -namespace "ROOT\ccm")
                if ($sidObjs -ne $null) {
                    foreach ($sidObj in $sidObjs) {
                        $sid = $sidObj.UserSID.replace('-','_');
                        $assignments = Get-WmiObject -query "select AssignmentName, AssignmentId, AssignedCIs from CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\policy\$($sid)"
                        if ($assignments -ne $null) {
                            foreach ($assignment in $assignments) {
                                $assignedCI = $assignment.AssignedCIs[0]
                                #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId) $($assignedCI.CI.ID)"
                                $assignedCISplit = $assignedCI.CI.ID.Split("/")
                                #Write-Host $($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application"))
                                if ($($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application")) -eq $appId) {
                                    #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId)"
                                    sleep -milliseconds 3000
                } else {
                    # Write-Host "$appId not found"
    } catch {
        # Write-Host $_.Exception
        return $false
    return $true

  • Orphaned Applications in software center

    I have seen this a few times but seems to be intermittent.  I created a query based user collection.  My test user account was part of that collection.  I deployed an app to the collection.  The user was able to see it in the app catalog
    and install it successfully.  The user then uninstalled the app successfully.  The app stills shows in Software Center as available (which appears to be normal although I wish the behavior would be that it would disappear).  But that's not the
    issue.  So I no longer wanted the user to be able to deploy this application that they previously installed and uninstalled.  Since it is a query based collection which the user should be in, I added an exclude collection that just had the user account
    in it  which seemed to work fine.  The exclusion collection caused my test user account to drop out of the collection.  After a few minutes, the app dropped out of the app catalog which is good and what I expected.  The problem here is
    that the app still remains in Software Center and shows as available and the user can still continue to install and uninstall this app.  I have forced user policy several times with no change and let it sit for a few hours with still no change.  As
    a test I then removed all membership from the collection so that it was completely empty.  Still no change.  I then deleted the collection and the deployment and still no change.  I have also forced machine policy and application deployment
    evaluation cycles and still no change. I have ensured that there are no other deployments of this app, it is not a dependent app of any other app either.  So I am left with an app that I can still install/uninstall from software center with no existing
    deployments of that app.  Other times I have done similar and the app does disappear from Software Center after updating user policy.  But definitely once or twice in the past I have seen this behavior as well.  In the past I believe I removed
    and re-installed the configmgr client to get rid of the orphaned apps.  I have not done that yet this time in the hopes of troubleshooting further.  Has anyone ran into anything like this? 

    Thanks, but I am the person that originally posted that issue.  This issue is similar but much worse.  That one was just a nuisance in that the apps remain available in software center after you have performed an uninstall.  But to workaround
    that problem I would have to somehow get the user out of the collection that was targeted with the deployment and that usually got the app to drop out of software center.  In this case however, the app remains even after deleting the collection and the
    deployment.  So this app is no longer deployed to anyone but the user with the app orphaned in software center can still install and uninstall it.  I even cleared the cache on the user machine thinking that would at least cause it to fail to install
    next time but the user was able to re-download content and install again.  So to me this one is much more serious than the first one.  I will have to file another case.  But curious if anyone else has seen this and for now if anyone has a workaround
    like perhaps finding the policy and deleting it or something that I can script.  Just started poking through policy spy but have not gotten far yet.

  • Software Center stuck on updating 2 components

    I accidently deleted my cache while software center was installing an application. Now my cache is empty and I just have a spinning circle that it is updating 2 components. Is there a way to reset the status? I don't see a way to repair the cfg mgr client
    anywhere? TY

    > installing an application
    Try triggering the Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle to see if you can start the install again.
    If it still doesn't work, use the Now Micro Right Click Tools to clear the cache on the device. In the future, remember that the files in the cache are related to data in WMI - just blowing away the files but leaving the WMI data will mess things up.
    Nash Pherson, Senior Systems Consultant
    Now Micro -
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    If you found a bug or want the product to work differently,
    share your feedback.
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