Cloud Storage Access

How do we access our Cloud storage? Do I need to install a plug-in or app?  None of the FAQs address this directly- just talk around it.

Hi Trosie01.
The included cloud storage with Creative Cloud membership is accessible through a web browser here:
Adobe is enabling file syncing from a folder on your computer to the cloud storage managed through the Creative Cloud desktop app. This functionality is currently being tested by some Adobe customers which asked to participate in an Early Access program.
See this doc for more info about using the Adobe cloud storage:
Hope that helps,
- Dave

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  • How do I access my cloud storage

    My need:
    I am new to Edge Animate.  I need to build animations that can be accessed by Mac OS and Windows OS, which is why I went with Edge Animate.
    My question(s):
    1) I have a valid Cloud subscription.  I need to know how to access the Cloud storage.
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    You can use file syncing and collaboration to share your Edge Animate work.
    File syncing: Creative Cloud Help | Manage and Sync files
    Collaboration: Creative Cloud Help | Collaborate by sharing folders
    If you just want to share a read only view of a folder use the Send Link feature instead of Collaborate.

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    all the my verizon site will do is tell me i already have the account set up (no duh) from there I can go no further. I'm extremely frustrated at having wasted way too much time on what should have been a simple task!

        We don't want you to have to waste any more time than needed. Exactly what information are you trying to access within the cloud storage?
    When you to to
    and click the hyperlink that says, "Already a Verizon Cloud user? Manage your content on the web" it will take you through the email and contacts that have been sent to the cloud. Are you looking for additional items sent to the cloud?
    Does this Frequently Asked Questions help?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    You may have to use "Shared Access Signature".
    Shared access signature is a URI that grants restricted access rights to containers, blobs, queues, and tables for a specific time interval. By providing a client with a shared access signature, you can enable them to access resources in your storage account
    without sharing your account key with them.
    Please refer:
    However, you may try this third party tool also:
    Manu Rekhar
    Disclaimer: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites;
    therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure
    that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.

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    So, after had spending 1000s and 1000s of dollars on Adobe products over the last 20 + years, I get treated as an idiot, an undereducated consumer, no respect and have to adhere to timeline restraints to meet a undereducated / under-trained so called specialist stats she he she won't get reprimanded or loose their job.  
    So here is my knowledge to the issue at hand.  I can not navigate Internet Based Cloud services without having to download them to my desktop first using Bridge CC.  Thus rendering this app useless when most if not all project files are on the cloud.  (Using the cloud makes so much sense in my case as a collaborator, project lead - manager, teacher in the arts of multimedia and a professional photographer).
    Seems like there is no solution from Adobe, so my question to the forum is, what apps are you using to get around this issue.  Adobe doesn't deserve my loyalty anymore and must EARN IT BACK! Third party solutions free or otherwise is welcomed.
    I am FED UP compromising my needs to suit your greed.
    Brian Muntz

    First of all, lets all agree to get some training to the help chat lines.  Inder was one I was chatting with and as I was typing another challenging question to the just down stupid answer I got being treated as an idiot, he or she cut me off, closed the chat and stated thank you for using Adobe chat support.  I guess the stats on how fast you deal with an issue is far more important than proving a viable service Adobe.  YES I AM F!@#$%G MAD.
    So I found out that Bridge went out of their way in development  to stop me from organizing and or just opening files from DropBox. All I wanted to do was conveniently open a JPG in RAW for some preliminary editing before bring the file into Photoshop CC. A feature that Adobe has been ranting and bragging about for a while.  When I tried this GREAT feature in Bridge as it were, I could not even open the shortcut to the folders where I store my photos in the cloud DropBox. When I persisted, Bridge eventually crashed.  I am sure that was some easy code to put in there to teach me a lesson for not buying Adobe cloud storage.
    So, after had spending 1000s and 1000s of dollars on Adobe products over the last 20 + years, I get treated as an idiot, an undereducated consumer, no respect and have to adhere to timeline restraints to meet a undereducated / under-trained so called specialist stats she he she won't get reprimanded or loose their job.  
    So here is my knowledge to the issue at hand.  I can not navigate Internet Based Cloud services without having to download them to my desktop first using Bridge CC.  Thus rendering this app useless when most if not all project files are on the cloud.  (Using the cloud makes so much sense in my case as a collaborator, project lead - manager, teacher in the arts of multimedia and a professional photographer).
    Seems like there is no solution from Adobe, so my question to the forum is, what apps are you using to get around this issue.  Adobe doesn't deserve my loyalty anymore and must EARN IT BACK! Third party solutions free or otherwise is welcomed.
    I am FED UP compromising my needs to suit your greed.
    Brian Muntz

  • Cloud storage - how can I use my .png file shared in "public mode" like a hosted file ?

    Hi every body,
    I am french and new on the forum so please be indulgent ! (for my english and my questions).
    I am working on HTML signature for my company and I have a little problem.
    to be viewed, my .png files needs to be on a server. So I remember that adobe gave me a 100giga storage for me to use.
    Cool !
    But the problem is that the link only send me to a special view of my file... a jpeg one. So when I try to copy the url I can only use the .jpg
    I want my file !
    So my question is : is it possible that the cloud storage isn't supposed to share any thing else than a miniature of my file and a download button ?
    How can I use it for my signature if I can't acess it but only download it?
    Thank you very much for your time

    Hi Morgan,
    You are correct.  Public link sharing works as follows:
    -  you can share a public URL to your PNG file on Creative Cloud.  The recipient of the URL can view a preview of the file and download the file in the original PNG format or JPG format.
    -  it is not possible to give other users direct access to the original file in Creative Cloud.
    For more info on sharing and collaboration options:

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    1. I have an iPod which has purchases synced with I tunes with an apple ID. I now have an iPad with a new ID for cloud. I have cloud storage capacity of 5gb which came with the iPad. How can I use one ID and store my existing music in cloud?

    HI Frostyfrog
    CHeck out iTunes Match which has an annual fee of £21 or thereabouts. You can store a maximum of 25,000 songs there and they all become available on your other kit, iPhone, iPad and iPod. I know it works as I have over 23000 songs uploaded of which only a few we're bought through iTunes.
    it works by comparing your music to the whole iTunes music dadata base so you access the same tunes that you could get from iTunes. If you have obscure stuff, it uploads your own music to the cloud as a copy.
    I Find it incredible that on my iPhone with its 16gb memory I can view almost 200 gb of music (ie my 23000 songs) and play any of them. Anything I add to iTunes becomes available via the cloud fairly quickly from a few minutes or a little longer if adding a lot.
    The first time you use it it will take quite a while to match your music if you have a lot, but after that it is all automatic. Read the stuff on the apple site. Your PC needs to be at least running Vista. I recommend it and at less than 50p a week it's good value.
    Good luck

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    My daughter S3 died and had to be replaced. Lost all the data and apps that were stored on the phone's internal memory. With the replacement phone, I set up the cloud storage for back up offered by Google but it only accessed the data on the phone's main memory and not the separate SD Card that is installed. How do you get the Cloud app to also back up the SD card data?

        NDBeartrap, Let's help get your daughter's info back! If the info was backed up the cloud, you would be able to download it back to the device. Can you verify that there is info on the sd card? this can be done by inserting the sd card into a reader w/adapter or phone that is compatible. Please let us know what happens.
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Online/cloud storage for use with Aperture?

    Can anyone tell me if there is an option for online/cloud storage for Aperture photo libraries?  I take a lot of photographs which progressively fill ip my hard drive. I'm interested in getting a  Air (especially if the rumors of updated Sandy Bridge processors coming this June pan out), but can't really do that and keep all the photographs on my notebook.   I realize I could use an external drive, but I would sort of like to have access to all the photographs without always to carry along the external drive.   I suspect such a thing exists, but I'm a novice when it comes to cloud storage...  Thanks

    Check out Mosaic. Mosaic provides online storage that is integrated with your Aperture Library. This way if you have your Aperture photos referenced to an external hard drive, you can still access all of your files from the road.
    This enables Argelius prefered workflow where you use an external hard drive for your local storage but you don't have to carry the external around with you everywhere you go.

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    Would I have to download the movies to my PC or could I store them directly in the cloud?
    There is good news coming!
    Technology experts are working on a movie storage system where YOU have physical possession of the movie.
    This system stores the movie digitally on an optical disk system that will not be dependent upon a congested, complicated, and fragile network.
    Because all of the data is stored only a few feet from your television, all the bottlenecks are removed.  Performance and reliability are virtually flawless.
    Further, the system will not utilize any form of security codes, authentications, or passwords. Once the optical disc is purchased it can be moved around freely at will, and can even be lent or given to friends and neighbors with zero hassles.

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    With NAB around the corner I'm editing some news video from the event. What I was wondering is, is it possible to give my videographer a upload only account to my cloud storage for all the footage from NAB that doesn't mean him having access to my full Adobe cloud login ?

    This is not possible. Currently you can only share links for each file. Folder sharing is coming soon.

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    I upgraded my cloud storage from 2G to 120G and today it went back to 2G and I cannot save my work. Anyone experience this? Unable to get any customer service.

    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
    I also rely on iTunes and my MacBook and Time Machine as well as backing up to iCloud. I know many users know have gone totally PC free, but I chose to use iCloud merely as my third backup.
    I assume that the restore would result in my ability to open Pages and Numbers and fix the problem with deleting apps, but this would also mean that if my Numbers documents still exist solely within the app and are just not on iCloud for some reason that they would be gone forever.  Is that right?
    In a word, yes. In a little more detail.... When you restore from an iCloud backup, you must erase the device and start all over again. There is no other way to access the backup in iCloud without erasing the device. Consequently, you are starting all over again. Therefore, it would also be my assumption that Pages and Numbers will work again and that the deleting apps issues would be fixed as well.
    If the documents are not in the backup, and you do not have a backup elsewhere, the documents could be gone forever.

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