Clue the game (design)

Need help designing the classes for this game,for my object oriented course. Could anyone help please.
I designed my deck 3 object arrays for sospicious,room and weapon.
Another class for player and one other for game.
What else should i use.

first of all, to end this discussion, Clue is Cluedo. It's the same game, it only has different names in different countries. I know it as Cluedo in Belgium and Germany, my wife who is American knows it as Clue. Perhaps if this thread continues long enough, a Chinese programmer will come forward claiming that he played the same game during his yought as 'Mystery of the temple of Yi' or such...
(And for the Pratchet fans amongst you, The gods of Diskworld seem to play the same game too, under yet another name. See the opening pages of 'Interesting times')
But now to the original question.
The first choice would be: Clue/Cluedo is a multiplayer game. To make it interesting you even need four players at least. Two players won't just cut the job. So how do you play this on one computer? Online game? AI adversaries? Server game with combination of real-time players and AI's? Each of this choices has different implications as to the design of the game.
Apart from that however the design is quite straightforward and will become appearant as you walk through the rules step by step:
=> There are a number of CARDS, devided into 3 categories: weapons, suspects and rooms. The cards are devided amongst the players, so each one receives a DECK of them. Then there are two special decks:
- the 'MYSTERY DECK' contains one weapon, one suspect and one room. These are the cards the players have to guess
- the 'LEFTOVER DECK' contains the (0 - palyers-1) cards left over as every player gets an equal number of cards. This deck is open for all to see
=> There is the one and only gameboard upon which the players may move their PAWNS. For reasons of singularity, you can merge the gameboard with the 'game turn manager' into one master class GAME that oversees the board and the players, gives each player its turn and manages the position of the PAWNS on the board until one player is declared winner.
=> Every player has one PAWN, but there will be more pawns then players.
pawns can:
- being instructed by their PLAYER to move across the board, enter a room, exit a room (we'll get to the specific mechanics of that in a later stage). Pawns that aren't claimed by a player will not do this of course.
- Being summoned into a room
As a pawn represents a figure on the screen as well as a card naming this figure, I suggest to make a pawn a special subclass of card
=> then there are the PLAYERS:
- each player has a DECK of cards. A player can see the cards of his own deck and the ones of the LEFTOVER DECK but not the decks of the other players and certainly not the MYSTERY DECK
- each player has a PAWN he can move.
At the beginning of his turn:
- the player moves his pawn
# If the player enters a new room, he can call an 'accusation', naming a suspect pawn and a murder weapon. (Implicitly he also names a room, which happens to be the room he is in.)
- The pawn of the suspect is summoned to the room he is in.
- If the room, weapon and suspect match the cards in the MYSTERY DECK, the player is declared winner.
- if not, he must withdraw from the game.
# if the player enters a new room he can call a 'suspicion' naming a suspect pawn and a murder weapon. (Implicitly he also names a room, which happens to be the room he is in.)
- The pawn of the suspect is summoned into the room he is in. Then starting from the player next to him:
+ if the other player has EXACTLY ONE of the cards, he will automatically show this card to the asking player
+ if he has MORE THEN ONE of the cards, he may choose which one to show
+ if he has NONE of the cards, he signals 'no objection' and the questioning passes on to the next player. until either
# this player has one or more of the cards
# the turn passes back to the original player
Putting everything together we have:
=> the GAME class
- containing the gameboard,
- managing the rules for moving, entering and exiting rooms
- managing the PLAYERS, assigning turns to them
- managing the LEFTOVER DECK and the MYSTERY DECK
=> the CARD class, containing the following subclasses:
- WEAPON CARDS: Just carrying the name of the weapon. (As this is nothing special, we can skip this class and threat a weapon as a base class card)
- ROOM CARDS: Next to being cards, these are also linked to one or several positions on the gameboard. Again, as there will be a link from the gameboard to the room, but none from the room to the board, you can find some way to skip this classes and threat rooms as a base class card)
- SUSPECT CARDS: assigned to a position on the screen (a room or a position in the halways). Some suspect cards can be claimed by a player who then plays this person.
=> the DECK class: a deck contains several cards. Again three subclasses arise:
- PLAYER DECKS: visible only to the player that has them
- MYSTERY DECK: invisible to all, contains exactly one ROOM CARD, one SUSPECT CARD and one WEAPON CARD.
- LEFTOVER DECK: visible to all
=> the PLAYER class
- contains (reference to) one SUSPECT CARD/player piece
- contains one DECK of cards
- can MOVE a selected number of fields, enter/exit a room
- can call an 'accusation' to the MYSTERY DECK
- can call a 'suspicion' to all fellow players
- can answer a 'suspicion':
# automatically, when none of his cards matches the suspicion cards, send back a 'no objection' message and pass the suspicion on to the next player.
# automatically, when just one of his cards matches the suspicion cards, show this card to the current player
# manual, when several of his cards match the suspicion, choose the card to show to the current player.

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    Have a good one

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    The first is to consider yourself as a sort of "overmind" that tracks each object within the game as a seperate entity. The primary advantage seems to be that it is trivial to add objects as you go along. The primary disadvantage is dealing with all the message passing.
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    State machines tend to follow this approach, event driven games tend to follow the prior approach.
    Obviously, I don't code games for a living. I would think that most games these days are somewhat of a mish-mash. Use a basic state machine as in the FF7 example to keep track of broad activities, and within each activity, let the objects manage themselves in response to events.
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    Anyway, I've been toying with the idea of coding or volunteernig to work on an RPG as well, so I'd be interested in hearing from you guys on how to organize things too.

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    Maybe there is an even better way?
    - The Pieces:
    Well, I don't really have a clue how to draw the pieces on the board. I could also make them extend JPanel and then draw the image onto some coordinates. But that doesn't seem too right. What about BufferedImage? I don't really know how to use it, neither when it is appropriate to use. I think I get more advantage of this, when I have animations, but that's definatly not my intention.
    The only thing I know is, that I can show an image on the screen with:
    ImageIcon test = new ImageIcon("Test.gif");
            public void paintComponents(Graphics g) {
                test.paintIcon(this, g, 100, 100);
            }But is this right or even way to do it? I'm somehow unsure, if an "ImageIcon" is right for a chess-piece. Any other ways of doing this?
    The "Piece"-class itself is just an interface that the classes "Knight", "King", etc. extend. It draws the piece onto the screen, set the owning player, sets the coordinates of a piece (with the help of the "Field"-class; The Field doesn't know it's exact coordinates, just "A7", "E3", etc.) and some other functions. All pieces are handled by a "PieceHandler", which could provide functions for counting all pieces on the field, initialising every piece and maybe some more things.
    Anybody got some advice on this approach?
    This should be enough for now. I would be very thankful for any kind help, I really want my first project to be as good as possible, since I want to learn OOP and Java better.

    - The chess board:
    Currently, I have a class handling the drawing of the
    board, getting the screen-coordinates, etc.. The
    class "GameBoard" extends a JPanel and I overwrite
    the "paintComponent"-method to draw the board.
    I have a second class "Field" that stores
    informations of one field: What color the field is,
    which piece is placed on this field and which player
    "owns" it. Also, each one of these "Field" is getting
    passed its coordinates on the screen from
    "GameBoard". This helps me later, when I want to
    decide, if the field is clicked or not.
    Now, is this a good way to implement the board and
    the fields? I have another option, which would be,
    that I throw out the class "GameBoard" and instead
    have a "FieldHandler" class. Now, the class "Field"
    would extend JPanel, overwrite "paintComponent" and
    draw a square on the screen. "FieldHandler" gives
    each "Field" the information, if it should be black
    or white. "FieldHandler" would also calculate the x-
    and y-coordinates for each field.
    Is this method better? I don't really knowWhat I'd do: just paint a chessboard pattern from a static image. Can be loaded from a file, or can be generated once dynamically. Don't care at all about fields.
    Have some pixel-to-field coordinate mapping somewhere. Should be nothing but a simple multiplication.
    Have a List of chess pieces. Have those know what they look like (maybe using a delegate object which contains an image), have those know where they are and where they can go. When painting, iterate over the list, transform the coordinates to pixels, get the UI delegate and paint its image. Why bother calculating 64 fields if all you have are 32 pieces or less? And whether a field is black or white doesn't matter to the game.
    When the user clicks onto the board, get the coordinates of the click and transform them to the field coordinates, that you can then look up in the list of figures. If you find one, you can still paint a marker onto the board and underneath the piece image.
    This is what I'd do. Other approaches might make sense as well..

  • Basic Game Design

    I'm pretty new to Java programming (and programming in general), but I understand the basics pretty well. As practice (no current plans to publish) I've been designing some basic rpg-type games, and I seem to be running into the same basic design problems no matter what the game is.
    First, is there any guideline as to making multiple categories of a particular type of object? For example, creating many species of dog, or many types of enemies. Is it best to make an abstract base class (dog) and make a subclass for each category (species in this case)? Or is there a better way?
    Also, what is the best way to handle an event like a battle or a race? Should it be an object? If so, would it be better to have a base class? Like an abstract class Competition and subclasses Race, Frisbee, etc.? Or should methods be built into the code for a JPanel object? Or a competition interface?
    If there's already a tutorial on this somewhere, please let me know. As I said, I'm new, but I catch on quick. Thanks

    if you aren't using swingCan't vouch for Swing; I've never used it.
    don't care at all about realistic timingI don't understand what you mean by that and why you think unthreaded code can't provide "realistic timing"
    don't mind having all your animations tied to the framerait of the slowest animationThis problem can be solved by logic to the effect of:
    if (animationInstance.timeSinceLastDraw > animationInstance.timeBetweenFrames)
         animationInstance.timeSinceLastDraw = 0.0
         animation.timeSinceLastDraw += timeSinceLastFrame
    always plan to have the same animations going at once and with exactly the same number of framesYou could definitely have a list of animations to run every frame which you add to and remove from.
    and either plan on enforcing beefy minimum requirements or seriously limit the number of animations you plan to run at onceWell, yes, at some point, your requirements get so heavy that you need more than one processor, in which case I agree threads are necessary. For high-performance apps, it does make sense to use threads for animation to allow the user maximum use of his or her system's resources.
    Seriously, there are so many tools for threads it is so easy to use them, I can't understand why so many people are so insistant on avoiding them like the plague.According to Guido Van Rossum, creator of Python, "unfortunately, for most mortals, thread programming is just Too Hard to get right.... Even in Python -- every time someone gets into serious thread programming, they send me tons of bug reports, and half of them are subtle bugs in the Python interpreter, half of them are subtle problems in their own understanding of the consequences of multiple threads...."
    A big problem with threads is that it is all too easy to introduce subtle, difficult-to-reproduce bugs. Because the behavior of a threaded program is in many ways non-deterministic, such a program can be very difficult to debug.
    Edited by: cronosprime1 on May 6, 2010 5:37 PM

  • When I download an app I had to put in payment settings cause it was expiring,after that it was downloading but then said 'cannot download because your ipad does not enough space' but I actually have 3.3 gb while the game is 1.4 .pls tell what to do

    When I download an app I had to put in payment settings cause it was expiring,after that i paid and it was downloading but then said 'cannot download because your ipad does not enough space' but I actually have 3.3 gb while the game is 1.4 . I tried rebooting and powering off but still it didnt work even when I clicked the app( which still hasn't downloaded yet). What do I do now?

    The GB size of the download file is the compressed size (like .zip or .dmg). When the file is installed/uncompressed it can be 2-3 times larger.
    How much space is used by your Other? You may be able to reduce.
    How Do I Get Rid Of The “Other” Data Stored On My iPad Or iPhone?
    With an iOS device, the “Other” space in iTunes is used to store things like documents, settings, caches, and a few other important items. If you sync lots of documents to apps like GoodReader, DropCopy, or anything else that reads external files, your storage use can skyrocket. With iOS 5/6, you can see exactly which applications are taking up the most space. Just head to Settings > General > Usage, and tap the button labeled Show All Apps. The storage section will show you the app and how much storage space it is taking up. Tap on the app name to get a description of the additional storage space being used by the app’s documents and data. You can remove the storage-hogging application and all of its data directly from this screen, or manually remove the data by opening the app. Some applications, especially those designed by Apple, will allow you to remove stored data by swiping from left to right on the item to reveal a Delete button.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Game design

    Is the following correct for a tetris game?
    One thread for painting the game area and one thread for controling the falling rate of the tetraminos.
    Generally for games....
    One thread for painting the game area and one thread for each component that needs to control the update of its state on its own (for instance one thread for enemy spacecraft movement and one thread for missile movement)
    Are there any books related to games design which use Java for sample code?
    Thanks in advance

    One thread for painting the game area and one thread
    for controling the falling rate of the tetraminos.Java automatically creates and handles the UI thread, but you do need to create a new thread to drop the piece. For that, you should really check out Java.util.Timer and TimerTask
    Add a listener to the KeyboardFocusManager, and you should be good
    for each component that needs to control the update
    of its state on its own (for instance one thread for
    enemy spacecraft movement and one thread for missile
    movement)I definitely wouldn't do it this way. For games with discreet time steps, you should need one thread.
    Even handling 2 players at the same keyboard requires just the UI thread.
    In general, having multiple threads only helps in situations where
    1. You are waiting for something to happen, or for a certain amount of time to pass
    2. You have other stuff you'd like to be doing in that timeframe.
    Are there any books related to games design which use
    Java for sample code?
    Thanks in advance

  • Game Design Students need Animators

    We are a team of game design students in the middle of a five
    months flash game project. The team is composed of a
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    game designer/script , a
    game/level designer,
    two graphists and a
    sound designer .
    The project started 2 mounths ago and must be finished for
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    here are some pictures of the project :
    If you are interested in the project or if you know someone
    that should be, please conctact me :
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    or (messenger) [email protected]
    (sorry for my english, I’m french)

    I have this design for a game, but there is a snag in
    the implementation that I cannot resolve (that is see
    how I would design it).
    Summary (And this may have been done before):
    People design AI or Robots. By design that is
    program. Submit them, and have them compete against
    other robots.Definitely done before.
    How do I time slice evenly? And how do I control a
    robot that may use threads outside of the main thread
    alocated to it. That is I would like programmers to
    have the ability to program their robots using
    threads if they choose, but I need to make even (by
    processing time) with folks who don't use threads.
    Threads in this case only buys you a convienient
    abstraction.A non-trivial task.
    You create your own language. That language runs in an interpreter. The interpreter controls timeslices for each player.

  • What are you doing with software (games) designed to run on Snow Leopard.  Have you heard of anyone making a patch for LION?

    What are you doing with software (games) designed to run on Snow Leopard when the Os is Lion?

    It is up to the publishers of games to accommodate their software to Lion.
    Blizzard, publisher of StarCraft, WarCraft, and Diablo, has posted a statement about that -
    Blizzard Support
    Although they were able to create patches to allow the use of their (OS 9) games in OS X up through Snow Leopard, apparently from their perspective it is not possible to patch those games for Lion.

  • Invitation for Sculpt 08, A Game Design contest

    Invitation for Sculpt 08, A Game Design contest
    Hello Designer,
    International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India cordially invites you to be a part of Felicity, the annual cultural and technical festival, to be held from 8th - 10th February,2008.
    Sculpt 2008, the online Game designing competition is all set to start on 16th January,2008.Felicity 08 is sponsored by companies like Electronic Arts Mobile , Computer Associates , Google , Cozy Games and many more .
    Expecting a Huge response.
    Registration Starts: 16th January , 2008.
    Submission Date : 20th January to 10th Feburary, 2008
    Language : No bar on language .
    Visit Sculpt 2008 at
    Register Today !!!
    Thanks and Regards
    Team Sculpt @ Felicity 2008

    Invitation for Sculpt 08, A Game Design contest
    Hello Designer,
    International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India cordially invites you to be a part of Felicity, the annual cultural and technical festival, to be held from 8th - 10th February,2008.
    Sculpt 2008, the online Game designing competition is all set to start on 16th January,2008.Felicity 08 is sponsored by companies like Electronic Arts Mobile , Computer Associates , Google , Cozy Games and many more .
    Expecting a Huge response.
    Registration Starts: 16th January , 2008.
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  • Simple game design,

    so I have a basic understanding of java, I took a class on it this spring and did well. I am wanting to make a simple game, a single picture, a map, that is clicked.
    based on the location clicked, the player gets an item. this is an online game.
    I am going to use SQL for this game on the back end. it will have a db with two tables, users, and map.
    users will have user name, user ID, items owned, tools, and searched today.
    map Im not quite sure about yet.
    so basically, Im trying to figure out how I should go about this. Im not quite ready to hack code yet, I need to get a good plan together and make sure I go about this correctly.
    can I open this for discussion and get some help on designing this. Im trying to stay really very simple, so as not to undertake too much.
    this is my outline right now:
    login: a screen with name and pass fields, an ok button. when the button is clicked, the program checks the db for the name, and verifies the password, if everything is in order, goto the account screen, possibly a cookie or session of some sort is set.
    account screen: show the username, items owned and number of each, any tools or special items owned. button to logout, button to goto map. radio buttons on the tools to determine which one, if any, is equipped. there should also be a special area near the top that shows what item was found on the previous day.
    map screen: this is a small image of a map. the user clicks and shows a pin placed, as well as any other pins currently on the map for the day. a search button that when clicked, locks in the location untill the end of the day.
    the user can search one location per 24 hour period, server time.once a location is picked, its locked in till server is rolled to new day. based on the location, and the tool selected, the player gains an item, these will be used for creating items and such in a later game that is tied to the IP.
    pretty simple, login, pick a tool, pick a location, complain in the forum that you can't find good items, and that the main game isnt done, move on till tomorrow :)
    I need to go over each part in detail and do this right. I should mostly be SQL with a graphic frontend, which as of now Im choosing Java for, so this can run in a web browser. Im also considering PHP, but I fear it wont be dynamic enough. Flash is my other choice. I would like to get a good idea of what I need to do for each aspect before I make it. The screens I will make in netBeans, probably using Swing, and all of my actual logic will be in click events.
    Help me out guys, I need to talk about this step by step with someone.

    lord_midnight wrote:
    ]morgair: I have done some small projects here n there, mostly just demos, I am almost finished with a retro styled platformer, just placing tiles and entities, finishing up the art, code is done except for a few custom routines for a boss. this project is actually pretty small, other than being online, its a good choice for a first game type of project. Im confident it is within my skillset.Thank you for the reply, I was unsure what level of help you needed, many on here come in and have never done any programming before, let alone, an actual game on-line or otherwise. It's nice to hear where you're at.
    ]mrw: yeah, its not so much that I have a problem, I just want to make sure I think everything through before I start. Im trying to get a good grasp of what Im doing, so I don't have very many problems, Im sure I'll have a few though, somehow no matter how much I plan, something goes awry.
    ]soultech2012: Im actually in college, I took java this spring, and Im taking advanced java as soon as its offered online. still, its not so much instruction I want, as discussion.
    maybe I was not being so clear, Im not looking for anyone to write code, or tell me what to do, I want to talk with people, Im sure I will have direct questions at some point, but right now, I want to think it through. If anything, another set of eyes looking at the design, pointing out possible snags or logic problems. its pretty simple as far as games go, I did some prototyping in flash last night, I think this will be pretty easy. does anyone see any serious problems in the design ?
    I think it will make a nice little game, its not meant to take much time out of the players day, just a 2-5 minute jaunt into my website. login, pick a spot on the map, select a tool to use to help gather items, and slowly over several weeks, have accumulated a collection of goods for a game Im doing at a later date.
    getting the x,y will be easy, I have done a couple of very simple apps that interact with SQL,
    the only real logic parts of this are some ifs or a switch, and adding to a field in SQL.
    getting pixel color might be tricky, it was easy in flash, and Im pretty sure I saw a similar function last time I browsed the javadocs, so Im not too concerned.I like to use getRGB and setRGB from a BufferedImage.
    honestly, I looked around and I can all but make this in javascript and PHP/SQL, java might be overkill.
    anyone see any obvious ways to cheat the game ?If you store any logic on the client side they can easliy find and modify it, that way they can have a super character or all of the items. Runescape is perfect example of this, they run client server and there are groups that have made their own client to cheat with.
    am I underestimating the complexity of the task ? I have plenty of time to work on it, no hurry, but Im hoping to have something on the site within the next month or so.That is doable, If you are careful in your implementation, you can build a basic game engine and then work on map and support making for facilitate different levels.
    I need to make a list of terrains, the colors Im using for them, and items found, and I need to draw out a table that Im using to plot out the sql.
    Im taking PHP/SQL this fall, Im starting to get the hang of it, and I have a pretty good grasp of basic programming concepts. this should be well within reach, honestly, its glorified tic-tac-toe, or match-findingThe big things that seem to pop up for people are:
    Picking up items
    putting down an item
    weilding an item
    using an item
    breaking off combat
    automatic path plotting (least cost algo from map)
    frequency of random events
    regeneration of items
    regeneration of health
    real language interaction with characters (pattern matching for content)
    Just remember: choose what you want and don't let the scope of your game creap or you'll have a bunch of code that has no implementation end in sight. Keep your compiles short and changes departmentalize so you can have running code that works from one feature to another. I see a lot of people--experirenced too--that literally throw hundreds of lines of code out and then try to debug it after they make changes thorughout the stable code base to allow integration of the new feature; this can be very daunting, keep it as simple as possible to integrate new features--small steps are good.
    thanks for the input, and comments are welcome, best I can offer is thanks and bonus tools in the game once its done, so thank you.

  • I'm starting 3D Game Design College. Macbook Pro 13" or Macbook Air 13"?i

    I Am getting a new laptop for college. I have an iphone and an ipad so I figured why not switch to a mac computer as well. I am torn between the 13" Macbook Pro and the 13" Macbook Air. I am doing 3D Art and Animation/Game Design. Which is the best notebook for me?

    Is it a very noticable difference? Will I REALLY notice it? I know that the Pros are more powerful but I just wanted to factor in the SSD in the Air.

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