CoD & Clips (and Pics too!)

CoD & Clips (and Pics too!)cant seem to find a screenshot (and video) thread for Sharing our cool PS4 captures for the Call of Duty games! so here we are 8D. if youve shared anything through Twitter, Facebook or Youtube, pluck out the url and add them in here 8). if youve grabbed any funky shots from Advanced Warfare (or Ghosts!), either their lovely looking single player advantures of the online side of things, then why not pop them up in here for all to see . can be anything from a lovely vista and lanscape, to some head-on action and crazy mayhem. bad guys dying funny, aliens looking strange, gooey bloody pics and super awesome stunts, its all good to post . heres a few ive snapped so far while playing through AWs SP!best tv show ever: Spiderman firing his webbing at some poor guy: seen some fireworks:

nice video dude . grabbed some more pics while shooting about:there was a little accident: more fireworks: dogs incoming!

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    Karsten... thanks!  I wish I was that sophisticated to use GB
    AM.... I like the draging the borders, but only thing is I don't know where to stop.  I often will preview the music in itunes and then I know for example, I want to start a song at 35 seconds into a song on a clip.... but then when I slide the ends, I don't know or can't see where 35 seconds is (so it is very tedious trial/error and I am sure it is me not knowing tricks).  So I'll have to try Karsten's cmd-Y to see if that provides details of the timing on the song(when I get home). 
    Thanks again guys.

  • Difficulties with movie clips and frames

    This is really irking me.
    I am extremely new to Flash so please bear with me. I am assuming that this is a simple, easy to fix problem that I am having. I have Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5.
    What I am trying to do is display a sequence of images after other movie clips stop playing.
    The image sequence itself does what it is supposed to and works properly, and the other movie clips also are successful. However, whenever I try to put the movie clips for the images in frames or keyframes, the beginning movie clips only play part of the way before the images show up. This happens even though the images' movie clips are on frames/keyframes (I've tried both) after the other movie clips.
    The movie clips that are supposed to play first are each on a separate layer and there are two of them.
    The first layer is called "tree" and the second is called "text"
    The tree layer has a 45-frame gif animation that I have turned into a movie clip. I have created a motion tween and changed its alpha so that the gif has a fading in and out effect. I also have it so that it stops replaying once it reaches the last frame. I am using stop(); for this.
    The text layer has a 40-frame gif animation that I have also turned into a gif. This gif is also a movie clip and also has motion tween. Its alpha has also been changed.
    Both tree and text play together successfully and how I want them to.
    The sequence of images is three separate images, each a different layer, that fade into eachother. These images are pngs, therefore they aren't gifs nor do they have their own frames.
    The bottom layer is called floor1 and has frames 1 through 50 of motion tween and alpha adjustments fading the png image. The image is a movie clip.
    The layer on top is called floor2 and has frames 51-100 of a different png image fading.
    The very top layer is called floor3 and has frames 101-150 of yet another png fading.
    The images are successful in doing what they are supposed to.
    Layers tree and text are one fla file, and layers floor1, floor2, and floor3 are a separate fla file.
    When I copy the frames from layers floor1, floor2, and floor3 into a keyframe after layers text and tree, they transfer properly, but when I test the animation, the image sequence shows up a lot sooner than it is supposed to, interrupting the movie clips on the layers text and tree. I have tried moving the floor# layers' keyframes farther down the timeline, but then the other movie clips just stop.
    In the fla file with layers text and tree, I've imported the gifs into the library and then put them onto the stage.
    In the fla file with the floor# layers, I've imported the pngs into the stage.
    Here's what the text and tree layers look like:
    Here's what the floor# layers look like:
    The rest of the frames for the floor#s...
    So, I thought that the problem was that I needed to delay the image squence. I looked around and found no code or anything for that..
    Afterwards, I thought that it was because I had imported the tree and text gifs to the library before putting them on the stage.
    I opened a new fla and imported the "tree" gif straight to the stage.
    I figured that this should work because then it would show each of the individual frames in the movie clips, which it doesn't do in the above pictures. By importing the gif like this, it does show the individual frames. I've tested this with the image sequence and it works fine. But I have a problem with this method too..
    I select all of the frames for the gif to convert into a symbol, so I can add a motion tween and mess with the alpha. However, only the last frame is converted into a movie clip. Well actually no... Only the circled frames below are turned into the movie clip. Even when all of the frames are selected.  This isn't very helpful because then I can't change the alpha for the entire gif nor can I create a motion tween without getting a message saying that the motion tween could not be applied to all of the frames.
    Here's what this version of "tree" looks like.
    And the frames continue like so until 135.
    The frames that are turned into the movie clip are circled below.
    If I can solve the issue that I'm having with the tree shown in the two pictures above this sentence, then I can display the movie clips and image sequence without a problem. It wouldn't be quite how I had intended it to be, but it would be successful and would still work.
    If I can fix the problem with the image sequence showing up to early, and of the tree and text movie clips being cut off, then this project would also be successful and it would be how I had wanted it to be.
    If you need clarification, let me know and I'll explain something better.
    I am not willing to provide a download link in this forum for my fla files, but I can email them to you if you would like a look. I just don't want someone to be able to find them and take them by doing a google search.
    I have uploaded two swfs though.
    The first is of the tree and text layers/movie clips working as they are supposed to. The second is of the image sequence (floor1, floor2, floor3) doing what it is supposed to.
    Text and tree:
    Floor1, floor2, floor3:
    Notice how at the end of the text and tree swf, when the text stops the thing in the background keeps flashing. If that can keep flashing WHILE the images appear, then that would be great.
    TL;DR: I want the floor# flash to show up after the text and tree flash but I keep having problems and nothing I try is working properly.

    Very concise question, appreciate the screenshots. One thing that motion tweens don't always show very well is keyframes. Let me clear a few things up and see if it helps.
    Go back to what you wanted to do originally, which is copying the frames from one document to another. This is perfectly fine and to clear it up, it will also copy any library elements (images, clips, etc) that are required to copy those frames for you, so you do not need to import them yourself.
    To successfully copy frames (not symbols), select the first frame of the frames you want to copy, hold shift and select the last frame (alternatively double clicking anywhere in the blue motion tween should select it all as well). Now right-click and "Copy Frames". Now go into your new document, select a frame, right-click and select Paste Frames. You will see the same frames copied over, the blue representing the tween and keyframes came with it and you finally will notice all your images/etc were copied into your library.
    Now is a good time to manage the library clutter that was just copied in, if you're a clean freak like me.
    This process is the same, as you tried, for the other documents you want to copy in. If any resources match in name then Flash will ask you if you want to "overwrite" that library item. If you do that,  you will break one of your previous animations. Make sure that's not the case.
    The common gotcha here is not knowing how to slide frames over properly. If overwriting isn't the issue, this is what I suspect your problem is and as you expand/contract the timeline the keyframes aren't going with you.
    For example if I import 2 clips with fade in/out and move keyframes as you did I'll get something like this:
    Now moving them over I would be very careful to select all of the frames I want to move via the methods above. Click the first frame, hold shift and select the last frame, or double-click anywhere in the middle of the blue. The selection of frames:
    Now I simply drag my selected frames to the right, notice the keyframes stay as they should (the black dots):
    The animation plays as expected.
    Lastly I'm not sure if you've ever used the panel but you should really get used to the Motion Editor. This gives you control over easing as well as shows you an in-depth view of the keyframes that exist in a selected motion tween.
    At first this panel may look complex but it simply represents the basic properties you can animate. Any more properties you animate can be added in here. I moved the X, Y and Alpha properties of my object. So you can see over the frames 30-60 what I did. You can also adjust basic easing here.
    If your animations don't look correct you can select a motion tween, open the motion editor and verify the keyframes look correct. Scrub the timeline and look at the values you're interested in. Alpha for example, for you.
    If you don't see any keyframes when you scrub the timeline, you moved your frames over incorrectly and the keyframes probably exist in a different place and therefore it appears incorrect.

  • Uniting scattered clips and Error 14?

    I've recently been assigned the task of combining several hard drives worth of clips and projects into one new location or project. My solution was to create a new project, copy in all the scattered clips (using the browser), then use media manager to "copy" the whole project into one united folder, including the raw media.
    The problems arise when around 77% or so, the transfer is plagued by "error code 14" which prevents some clips from being transferred. In other words, the new combined project is incomplete, and the resulting offline clips are too numerous to reconnect.
    Is there a way to prevent error 14, or another method of uniting clips that circumvents the problem? I've tried this process several times, and no dice.
    Thanks all,

    Did you read this?
    Does it solve your issue?

  • JAN 4, 2012  As of the  Upgrade to   Lion,. and the  Email portion, ..   DOES NOT  allow a Video Clip to be sent via the Email  as the I-Photo is not supported by Video Clips  ( Previous Leopard  No problem  clip and drag  via Quick Time Pro to the email

    JAN 4, 2012 
    As of the  Upgrade to   Lion,.   2007  I-Mac  -   the  Email portion, ..   DOES NOT    allow a Video Clips to be sent via the Email 
    as the I-Photo is not supported by Video Clips  ( Previous Leopard ) 
    No problem  clip and drag  via Quick Time Pro to the email  and select the  Attchment  size to send. .  Depending on the 
    Size of the Video Clip  ..      Now  Lion only  Export's   1 size, .   only  and as a result . . teh  File is  TOO  Large and
    Will NOT  send via  E-Mail    ??? 
    Between the   Issue of   the   Lion,  and  Email  issues ,   and  the   Upgrade  of   I-Touch  to  5.1  from  4.2.1 
    as my  Photo  Size is  Huge ..    70,000  +  photos in the  Computer. .   and was   40,000  in the   I - Touch  .. .  
    The  New I-Touch  too will not Load the  same  as Previously  used  on  either  my  16 GB   or  32 GB   Unit . . 
              No Help . ..   so far, ..  as a Apple user   since   1996 ..    I  have Never  experieanced such  frustration    ??? 
                   (  any one have some help  if similar  experiances    ?     thank you     )

    JAN 4, 2012 
    As of the  Upgrade to   Lion,.   2007  I-Mac  -   the  Email portion, ..   DOES NOT    allow a Video Clips to be sent via the Email 
    as the I-Photo is not supported by Video Clips  ( Previous Leopard ) 
    No problem  clip and drag  via Quick Time Pro to the email  and select the  Attchment  size to send. .  Depending on the 
    Size of the Video Clip  ..      Now  Lion only  Export's   1 size, .   only  and as a result . . teh  File is  TOO  Large and
    Will NOT  send via  E-Mail    ??? 
    Between the   Issue of   the   Lion,  and  Email  issues ,   and  the   Upgrade  of   I-Touch  to  5.1  from  4.2.1 
    as my  Photo  Size is  Huge ..    70,000  +  photos in the  Computer. .   and was   40,000  in the   I - Touch  .. .  
    The  New I-Touch  too will not Load the  same  as Previously  used  on  either  my  16 GB   or  32 GB   Unit . . 
              No Help . ..   so far, ..  as a Apple user   since   1996 ..    I  have Never  experieanced such  frustration    ??? 
                   (  any one have some help  if similar  experiances    ?     thank you     )

  • How can I copy an audio effect from a clip and paste it to another clip in the same timiline...With FCPro 7 it was all so fast........

    how can I copy an audio effect from a clip and paste it to another clip in the same timiline...With FCPro 7 it was all so fast........

    Tom Wolsky wrote:
    The advantage goes to FCP7 if you allow that it can copy and paste filters, audio and video, transformations, and other attributes separately.
    You can do that in FCPX too, as all the things you cited are listed separately in the inspector.
    Here's a little gotcha. Let's say you've color corrected a few clips and you've applied an effect to one and want to paste it the other clips. You switch off color correction and copy the clip. You select the other clips and paste effects. What do you think happens? The effect is applied, but the color correction is applied as well, only it's switched off as it was in the first clip, so all the color correction on the other clips is lost. Fun, eh?
    I'll try to replicate your gotcha - but no, that doesn't sound like fun at all!

  • Why would my video clips be running too fast when played on the monitor panel?

    I posted my problem earlier today, but re-reading it maybe I didn't explain myself well enough.
    My main question is: "why would my video clips be running too fast when played on the monitor panel ?".  This is occuring after I have selected my media from the Tasks Panel and placed them in correct order in the Timeline/Sceneline.  I knew something was wrong when I could see that the clips were not indicating their right length when viewed in the (expanded) timeline.  They were compressed into just a few seconds, whereas the clips should have been at least 5 minutes.  I ran the clips in the monitor and sure enough they ran too fast, with a lot of jerking movements.
    The 3 video clips I am trying to make into a HD PAL video were taken with my Nokia N8 mobile video camera. These are in mp4 format. Can this present a problem ?  Note that when I play these individual HD clips on my computer in (Windows Media Player) they run fine.
    After I placed the clips in my Project Panel (or before in the Organize Workspace), I have perforned no change or manipulation of the clips.  They are in their original state.
    Just too confirm that the clips did seem to be compressed, I burnt a DVD, the resultant video ran in a matter of seconds.
    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, that is what the problem was.
    Although the video camera on my Nokia N8, mobile was capturing at 25fps,
    for some reason once transfered over to PrE9 (via file transfer), the clip was interpreted as 500fps.  Once in Interpret Footage I was able to change the fps to 25.
    Thanks for the help.

  • Loading Custom Code Clips

    I know that you can create custom code clips while inside of Creator, but how do you create a library of them and then include them in all of your projects.

    Please go through the tutorials named "About Class Libraries" and "Referencing Class Libraries". These are available at:
    Hope these will be of help to you

  • "Adobe Photoshop Clip Image is Too Big To Be Exported" - Registry fix does nothing.

    Hello folks.
    I cannot paste any images out of Photoshop that are over 1200x900 pixels in size. I get the error message "Adobe Photoshop Clip Image is Too Big To Be Exported."
    I've tried the registry fix available on this forum, and nothing happens. I double click the file - ClipboardSizeLimit_OFF.reg - and get a message saying the data has been added to the registry. Then I copy and attempt to paste into, say, Paint or JASC Animation Shop and just get the "Adobe Photoshop Clip Image is Too Big To Be Exported" message again.
    What's going on?? Is the registry fix actually doing anything at all?

    I had been having this clipboard problem for a long time before I finally found this forum post, which clued me that there is a registry setting available to fix the problem. I found and downloaded a ClipboardSizeLimit_OFF.reg file and realized that just clicking on it would not solve my problem, because the file I downloaded was specific to a different version of Photoshop than the version that I am using. The file I downloaded adds the DWORD value MaxClipSize = 0 under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0. Well, since I'm using version 6.0, I needed to add the value under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Photoshop\6.0. Bingo! I did not even need to restart Photoshop. The clipboard export of large images now works. You need to find the appropriate key in your registry and add the value manually, or change the .reg file to refer to the appropriate key for your version of Photoshop.

  • Advanced Button with Movie Clip and Fading

    Problem: I'm trying to create a bottun that when you roll
    over it it plays a movie clip and also fades in and out on roll
    out. It is similiar to the three main navigating buttons on the
    following site.
    the buttons with the compasses that appear are the ones I am
    talking about.
    I already know how to make buttons, I just can't figure out
    the actionscripting to load the movie and also fade in and fade out
    according to roll over and roll out.
    Please help. Thank everyone.

    Amazingly, I actually know exactly how to do this. And it
    only requires about 4 lines of code in the _root layer and on the
    Instead of having the rollover load an external movie, you
    want the have the rollover execute an on(enterFrame) function that
    tells each newly entered frame of your movie to check to make sure
    the mouse is still on the button, and if not, send the movie
    playhead backwards.
    So, put that sampleMovie right on the stage with the button.
    Then write the code in the _root so that says: as long as the mouse
    is over the button, the movie will advance to nextFrame(). When it
    gets to the next frame, again the code checks to see if the mouse
    is on the button, if so, the movie is instruct to go one more next
    frame (which is tweening the fade, right?) again, over and over
    until the stop() at the last frame. But, if while while entering a
    frame, the code finds that the mouse is no longer over the button,
    it does the same thing but this time instructs prevFrame(), and so
    on, going prevFrame (backwards, in other words) as long as the
    mouse is not on the button.
    The result of the above is a gradual fade in and out,
    depending on whether the mouse is hovering. This, as opposed to an
    abrupt disappearing graphic on(rollOut).
    Click the below link for the .fla that demonstrates this
    technique (which, by the way, I learned from Joshua Davis'
    excellent book, "flash to the core". Check it out at Amazon, or
    wherever. Lots of cool tricks).
    click here for
    fade_Movie example

  • IOS Code Generation and Decompile?

    So I am doing an evaluation of Flash Builder for our mobile applications.
    I love it so far.  Here's the catch. At a minimum, I need to be able to have the native code or my architects will not let me use the tool simply on principle.
    I realize the .apk file is basically a swf and I can decompile that swf and see the actionscript.
    However, I need to be able to see the generated iOS native Objective C code.
    How do I go about decompiling?  I've been searching and thus far have come up empty.
    Just to be clear, this isn't to decompile an code other than our own.

    The time shown is the "time when the optimization ended" - "time when the
    optimization started". If does not say that the CPU time used was 1186 ms.
    One should probably not read too much into these numbers, I guess. The
    optimization does not happen in the main thread, but in a special
    optimizer thread that does these things asynchronously. If you do a
    Ctrl-Break (or kill -QUIT), you'll see a specific thread assigned for this.
    I don't think I have any pointers. Did you have any specific questions
    in mind?
    Jack Nicklaus wrote:
    > And we see entries like: [Fri Sep 3 09:51:38 2004][28810][opt ] #114 0x200 o
    com/abco/util/Checker.execute(Lcom/abco/util/;)V [Fri Sep 3 09:51:39
    2004][28810][opt ] #114 0x200 o @0x243c4000-0x243c7740 1186.23 ms (14784.88
    So the optimization took 1186 ms.
    Does this optimization happen in the main thread?
    I.e., is the above message an indication that the app had to stop for 1186ms
    while the optimization occurred?
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
    Also, does anyone have any more pointers to info on the code generation and
    optimization in JRockit?

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