Combing to fields into a LOV drop down

how can I append two fields together in a select statement and contain the second field in brackets?
such has CUSTOMER field and CITY.
This would look like "Company ABC (London)"

SELECT customer||' ('||city||')'
FROM customers...

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    Hi Sudhakar,
    I guess you are referring to project versions, not CO versions...
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    xfa.record.CONTROL_PARAM.ISR_EVENT.value = "GET_ORGINFO";
    ContainerFoundation_JS.SendMessageToContainer(, "submit", "", "", "", "");
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          ref_to_data_container = ref_to_relevant_data_container
          operation             = c_do_operations
          message_handler       = dummy_message_handler
          no_auth_check         = no_auth_check
          is_ok                 = operation_ok.
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    Jaron Frenk

    Hey Chris,
    Unfortunately, that's not it. I did check the fields I need. Everything is going ok. As in, I get the fields (with their current values) in my own generic operation. I see everything updated the way it should. But then at the end, nothing happens...
    What exactly do you mean by " then make sure your own generic service has it's input/output defined correctly". What input/output do you mean? I assume the generic service itself is okay, since it works with the user event "USER_EVENT_CHECK". And it sure is possible I am forgetting something in the definition of the user event, but I can't figure out what.
    A small addition*
    I just checked by user event. I have 3 fields selected:
    The generic service should get the PERSG and PERSG_TXT based on the PERSK that is entered. I don't think I need anything more.
    Edited by: J. Frenk on Apr 26, 2010 9:01 AM

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    Anyone has any idea on this?
    IE rendered 1st lookup like this:
    <INPUT onkeydown="CoreInvoke('HandleKey')"
    id=ctl00_ctl20_g_2f56956b_9ff1_48a5_af9a_ba167804f29a_ctl00_ctl05_ctl01_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl01 onchange="CoreInvoke('HandleChange')"
    title=Country onfocusout="CoreInvoke('HandleLoseFocus')"
    value=(None) type=text match choices="(None)|0|Austria|1|Belgium|2|Bulgaria|3|Cyprus|4|Denmark|5|Finland|6|Germany|7|Kazakhstan|8|Liechtenstein|9|Moldavia|10|Norway|11|Poland|12|Portugal|13|Romania|14|Russia|15|Slovania|16|Spain|17|Sweden|18|Switzerland|19|The Netherlands|20|Turkey|21|Ukraine|22|United Kingdom|23" optHid="SPCountry_Hidden"
    alt="Display lookup values"
    <SELECT style="Z-INDEX: 2; POSITION: absolute; DISPLAY: none; TOP: 871px; LEFT: 640px"
    ondblclick=HandleOptDblClick() tabIndex=-1 size=8
    name=_Select ctrl="ctl00_ctl20_g_2f56956b_9ff1_48a5_af9a_ba167804f29a_ctl00_ctl05_ctl01_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl01">
    <OPTION selected value=0>(None)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=1>Austria</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=2>Belgium</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=3>Bulgaria</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=4>Cyprus</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=5>Denmark</OPTION>... and so on
    Regards, Nayan

    We had the same issue in our environment and we made use of jQuery to resolve the issue. The idea has been taken from SPServices.codeplex as mentioned by Christophe, but extends it in a way with few changes to make it work in our environment for each instance
    of this drop-down in the entire web application.
    columnName = $(
    // Main Function
    function OverrideDropDownList(columnName) {
    // Construct a drop down list object
    var lookupDDL =
    new DropDownList(columnName);
    // Do this only in complex mode...
    if (lookupDDL.Type ==
    "C") {
    // Hide the text box and drop down arrow
    // Construct the simple drop down field with change trigger
    var tempDDLName =
    "_" + columnName;
    if (lookupDDL.Obj.parent().find("select[ID='"
    + tempDDLName + "']").length == 0) {
    "<select name='" + tempDDLName +
    "' id='" + tempDDLName +
    "' title='" + tempDDLName +
    "select[ID='" + tempDDLName +
    function () {
    updateOriginalField(columnName, tempDDLName);
    // Get all the options
    var splittedChoices = lookupDDL.Obj.attr('choices').split("|");
    // get selected value
    var hiddenVal = $('input[name='
    + lookupDDL.Obj.attr("optHid") +
    if (hiddenVal ==
    "0") {
    hiddenVal = lookupDDL.Obj.attr(
    // Replacing the drop down object with the simple drop down list
    lookupDDL =
    new DropDownList(tempDDLName);
    // Populate the drop down list
    for (var
    i = 0; i < splittedChoices.length; i++) {
    var optionVal = splittedChoices[i];
    var optionId = splittedChoices[i];
    var selected = (optionId == hiddenVal) ?
    " selected='selected'" :
    "<option" + selected +
    " value='" + optionId +
    "'>" + optionVal +
    // method to update the original and hidden field.
    function updateOriginalField(child, temp) {
    var childSelect =
    new DropDownList(child);
    var tempSelect =
    new DropDownList(temp);
    // Set the text box
    "value", tempSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val());
    // Get Hidden ID
    var hiddenId = childSelect.Obj.attr("optHid");
    // Update the hidden variable
    'input[name=' + hiddenId +
    // just to construct a drop down box object. Idea taken from SPServces
    function DropDownList(colName) {
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("input[Title='" + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on English and most other languages sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
    // Simple - when they are less than 20 items
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("select[Title='" + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Compound - when they are more than 20 items
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("input[Title='" + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on English and most other languages sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title^='" + colName +
    " ']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a Russian site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like 'Russion stuff: Column Name'
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$=': " + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    this.Type =
    // End of function dropdownCtl
    - Sid

  • Code problem - field value derived from drop down values

    I have a drop down with about 6 choices. The user can enter their own amount for "quantity" in the drop down if they don't want to use one of the 6 choices. The code below I've attached to another field on another page of the form. (1) I can enter my own value it displays fine. (2) If I pick the #6 option on the drop down, it displays "3000" as required. The other 5 choices however, display 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 instead of the actual value - "100", "500" etc....
    Seems to work for one of the 6 choices, but none of the rest.....
    if (form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue == "1") {
    this.rawValue = "1000";
    if (form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue == "2") {
    this.rawValue = "500";
    if (form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue == "3") {
    this.rawValue = "250";
    if (form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue == "4") {
    this.rawValue = "2000";
    if (form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue == "5") {
    this.rawValue = "2500";
    if (form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue == "6") {
    this.rawValue = "3000";
    this.rawValue = form1.orderPage1.stdLayout.quantity.rawValue;
    Need to learn more about "else" in Adobe JS....
    As always, any help is greatly appreciated!
    Mike Foster

    Have you read your code? If your quantity value is between "1" and "5" the result value is being set correctly; then for the test for a value of "6", since your quantity value is not "6" you setting the value to the quantity value. Modify your original code to print some flow information to the JavaScirpt console and you see what is happening, be sure to open Acrobat to see the results in the JavaScript console:
    /* original code */;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "1") {
    this.rawValue = 1000;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "2") {
    this.rawValue = 500;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "3") {
    this.rawValue = 250;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "4") {
    this.rawValue = 2000;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "5") {
    this.rawValue = 2500;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "6") {
    this.rawValue = 3000;
    } else { // since quantity != "6" do this
    this.rawValue = quantity.rawValue;
    There are many ways to solve your problem. First you can nest the "if" statements, so the "else" clause is applies to all the previous "if" statements:
    /* using nested if statements */;
    console.println("Nested if then else");
    if (quantity.rawValue == "1") {
    this.rawValue = 1000;
    } else {
    if (quantity.rawValue == "2") {
    this.rawValue = 500;
    } else {
    if (quantity.rawValue == "3") {
    this.rawValue = 250;
    else {
    if (quantity.rawValue == "4") {
    this.rawValue = 2000;
    } else {
    if (quantity.rawValue == "5") {
    this.rawValue = 2500;
    } else {
    if (quantity.rawValue == "6") {
    this.rawValue = 3000;
    } else { // if none of the above
    this.rawValue = quantity.rawValue;
    Next you could not use an else statement at all, just do a final test for any values outside the range of "1" - "6".
    /* quantity not in range */;
    console.println("if quantity < 1 or > 6");
    this.rawValue = null; // empty result field
    if (quantity.rawValue == "1") {
    this.rawValue = 1000;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "2") {
    this.rawValue = 500;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "3") {
    this.rawValue = 250;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "4") {
    this.rawValue = 2000;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "5") {
    this.rawValue = 2500;
    if (quantity.rawValue == "6") {
    this.rawValue = 3000;
    if (quantity.rawValue < 1| quantity.rawValue > 6) { // if quantity value not between 1 and 6
    this.rawValue = quantity.rawValue
    And finally, you can use the "switch" statement to select an action based on the value of the quantity value and ignore the rest of the test. If no test has been selected, then perform the default action.
    /* using switch on quantity value statement */;
    switch (quantity.rawValue) {
    case "1":
    this.rawValue = 1000;
    case "2":
    this.rawValue = 500;
    case "3":
    this.rawValue = 250;
    case "4":
    this.rawValue = 2000;
    case "5":
    this.rawValue = 2500;
    case "6":
    this.rawValue = 3000;
    default: // all other values
    this.rawValue = quantity.rawValue
    } // end switch quantity

  • Standard field label change and drop down

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    David Rivera wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I need to change a text field label and create a drop down for a input down field. The problem is that they are standard fields in sap. I am not sure if by code i can do this change.  Because I tried doing the change through cmod to change the field text and  append for the drop down in the domain, but for some reason it did not work. Any help would greatly appreciated.
    What is the program?
    You can change the field text in CMOD but you cannot do a dropdown in CMOD.
    Dropdown is for the screen element and you need to change the screen for this and need to populate the field. Find if there is any user exit for your requirement.

  • Table TZC37 field STATU search help drop down is not pulling any values?

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    Can any one knows what could be the reason and how to solve this issue?
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    Thanks for your time.

    Hi Micky,
    I am using this in transaction FNVS (when searching Loan number based on Status field( this is Custom Search help added this field ( VDARL- SSTATI )
    Value table for this data type - STATI is TZC37.
    While getting records from these tables(TZC37 or VDARL )  I am trying to use drop down values for searching data using this field SSTATI. But its not showing any drop down values. It supposed to show what ever values exists for this field  right?
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  • Populating Text Fields from XML Based Drop Down

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    My pulldown reads each csrName and I can select whom I want, but how do I get <csrExt> and <csrFax> to pull over for the correct <csrName>? I figured it needs to be done by some code during the "Change Event" but I have not figured out what code is needed.
    Any help is greatly appreciated, if anymore information is needed just let me know and I'll share what I got.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Right now I'm starting with a blank form and once I get my head wrapped around this then I was going to modify what is already in use.
    I'm attaching my scheme and xml file.
    I get an error when trying to upload my schema. I am pasting the content of the file here. I call it proofout.xsd
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element name="userList" type="UserList" />
    <xs:complexType name="User">
       <xs:element name="csrName" type="xs:string" />
       <xs:element name="csrExt" type="xs:int" />
       <xs:element name="csrFax" type="xs:string" />
       <xs:complexType name="UserList">
       <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="user" type="User" />

  • Automatic LOV refresh Dept drop down on EMP table

    I have a editable DEPT table and editable EMP table on the same page. Each table have their own corresponding insert and delete buttons. There is a common commit and rollback button for the both tables.
    In my EMP VO I have a view accessor linked to the DEPT VO . The dept column in the EMP table on the page has a drop down list. I'm trying to get the LOV drop down to refresh on the EMP table after an insert/delete and subsequent commit on the DEPT table. Has any body had the same requirement ? I tried the partial triggers between the commit button and the LOV on the EMP table and no luck ! :-(
    thanks in advance

    Just discovered that the my LOV was pointing to the wrong VO. I had 2 VO for the DEPT table. Re-pointed the LOV to the same VO as the DEPT on the corresponding page. it's all solved !

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