Component inspector settings

is it possible to save the settings for repeat use on
additional instances of a component?

Why not create a separate class file that extends the
component instance and save all the properties in this file and
then you can easily access them using ActionScript.

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    1) Create "Source.fla"
    draw a box on the stage and convert it to a movie clip. Call it "Component"
    export Component for actionscript. Give make the class name "Component"
    also, check "Export for runtime sharing" and put "Source.swf" in the URL. Click OK.
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    What's up with that eh? Seems like a Flash bug to me. Unless I'm missing something.
    FYI: I'm using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (
    Message was edited by: RovertNnud

    Yep, the problem definitely still exists in CS6   I have hundreds of source files for lessons being used by students from PA to TX, and this BUG is making it impossible to work with the files.
    First of all, if a library object is imported for runtime sharing, then it shoudl be loaded from that external source when the file is opened, and flash should keep a file system watcher on the source RSL file so that when it changes, it automatically updates the library definition.
    Furthermore, the "Authortime Sharing" seems to handle these updates automatically, but it requires a source FLA file, and once you set one, there's no way to unlink from it.  If you decide you don't want to use Authortime Sharing, and just use the "import for runtime sharing" option instead, you're screwed.  There is no way to unassociate a file from a source FLA once you choose one.  This needs to be fixed immediatly, or RSL and Authortime sharing are useless in Flash CS6.
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    3. Drag the symbol to the stage.
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    int to an unrelated type fl.motion:Color." error.
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    i would hope that defining a parameter as an int wouldn't
    default to a color picker!
    You're seeing a color picker because you initially defined
    the parameter as Color. If you go back into Component definition
    and hit OK, the parameter input type will update. (so long as you
    have 'test' set up as the Definition class)
    Alternatively, if you were to go through the 'replicate this
    problem' steps above, but with your class, you won't see the Color
    As i said earlier, I'm aware that if i was to remove test as
    Definition class, and either set up an alternative class as
    definition class, or manage the parameter definitions manually, i
    could fudge a solution to this problem.
    I would like to know - is this hack necessary, or is there a
    more conventional solution? I think it would make the most sense if
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    Thank you.

    It should be installed. Check:
    System Administratio -> Support -> Support Desk -> PCD -> PCD Inspector

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    It gives you a wider variety of parameters than you would see
    in the properties pane; and sometimes there are wizards for the
    particular component, available when you click the button with the
    wand/star on it.
    That's enough for me to use it!

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    Any input appreciated,
    Dan P.

    It gives you a wider variety of parameters than you would see
    in the properties pane; and sometimes there are wizards for the
    particular component, available when you click the button with the
    wand/star on it.
    That's enough for me to use it!

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    Hi, ya, same issues... Regardless of whether I'm on a fast Mac or a fast PC the component inspector is too slow to be worth my time.
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    Anybody know how to make it stop?
    Dan P.

    It gives you a wider variety of parameters than you would see
    in the properties pane; and sometimes there are wizards for the
    particular component, available when you click the button with the
    wand/star on it.
    That's enough for me to use it!

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    Increasing memory of JDeveloper IDE ,
    How to increase memory for JDeveloper
    Hope above links will helpful

  • Component Inspector

    what is Component Inspector

    It gives you a wider variety of parameters than you would see
    in the properties pane; and sometimes there are wizards for the
    particular component, available when you click the button with the
    wand/star on it.
    That's enough for me to use it!

  • Component inspector parameters

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    window, since that's the only way I can see to do it (is that
    right?). After I finish inputing them, invariably I'll be adding
    more that'll reside between the existing cuepoints. Can I just add
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    Thanks Rothrock. I really appreciate you help on this. I'll
    look into that. Hey, since you're willing to give some advice, any
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    Thank you
    Faisal I. M.

    coope69 - perhaps you mistook my reply as hostile? If so, I
    apologize, as it was not intended to be so.
    If the keyboard shortcuts do not work for you, it could very
    likely be a bug with your specific install of the IDE. I have
    confirmed that the keyboard shortcuts work fine in my Mac version
    of Flash CS3.
    It is true, I come from a PC background, but I use both Mac
    and PC on a regular basis. One of my pet peeves about the Mac OS my
    entire life was the non-contained window, so I am clearly in favor
    of having a singular contained window (I find that when it is not
    in a singular contained window, I tend to accidentally click on the
    desktop, or other applications that are open, severely hindering my
    workflow. Something I considered, and still do consider a very
    large bug in the Mac workflow. But this is personal preference, and
    I know that many others consider it better to not have a contained
    Regardless of my personal preferences for what it looks like,
    I feel that a uniform application identity is a step forward. There
    is no reason an application should look completely different when
    running on a Mac vs a PC.
    I know there was no public beta for Flash, I am an avid beta
    tester for Adobe, and always download software as soon as its
    available. I recently signed up to be included in private beta
    testing as well. My statement about the public betas being out for
    months is very relevent, though, as the singular window is a
    Creative Suite wide change, and was in all 3 of the applications
    that were out for beta. If the community as a whole had rejected
    it, I am certain that Adobe would have made sure to correct the

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