Condition options

Good Morning Everyone,
We are trying to GROUP BY with a condition.
We founded couples ways:
CASE WHEN Condition THEN parameter ELSE parameter
IF (Condition, parameter, parameter)
Can we have more options than these?
We wish a lead for this challenges.
If you have expereinces, please share with us.
Thanks in advance,

Thank SomeOneElse for quick respond,
We founded decode and GROUP BY HAVING also.
If you have a chance, please let us know info links or doc, or etc.
Thanks again,
Edited by: New Yorker on Sep 15, 2010 8:33 AM
Edited by: New Yorker on Sep 15, 2010 8:53 AM
Edited by: New Yorker on Sep 15, 2010 9:05 AM

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    Hi Hans,
      I don't think we can put the condition over the action box in action profile.
      How about allow the print context for all SERVFREQH? but in action box you create a new FOP to check whether it is one time service or not, If yes, print it. If no, just pop up error saying "It is not one time service, cannot be printed".

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. This old tutorial may help:

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    Best regards,

    Firstly you could set your First item to be a select list with submit. Make the branch go to the same page.
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    You should use Condition Type: Value of Item in Expression 1 is NOT null and then put the name of the item that holds the REGION_CODE, i.e. P1_REGION_CODE into the Expression 1 field.
    Message was edited by:

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    hi chaitanya,
       "Condition based records sent to proxy"  
       Based on condition you sent records, in interface determination we have condition option there you define the condition .Based on payloda values we send it.
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    go to V/06
    select frieght condition and see whether you tickmark to HEADER CONDITION option.

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    Configuring Policy Elements Conditions
    Cisco ISE provides a way to create conditions that are individual, reusable policy elements that can be referred from other rule-based policies. Whenever a policy is being evaluated, the conditions that comprise it are evaluated first.
    Under Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions, the initial Conditions pane displays the following policy
    element condition options: Authentication, Authorization, Profiling, Posture, Guest, and Common.
    Simple Conditions
    Simple Condition Format
    This type uses the form attribute operand value. Rule-based conditions are essentially a comparison of values (the attribute with its value), and these can be saved and reused in other rule-based policies. Simple conditions take the format of A operand B, where A can be any attribute from a Cisco ISE dictionary and B can be one of the values that attribute A can take.
    Compound Conditions
    Compound Condition Format
    Authorization policies can contain conditional requirements that combine one or more identity groups using a compound condition that includes authorization checks that can return one or more authorization profiles. This condition type comprises one or more simple conditions that use an AND or OR relationship. These are built on top of simple conditions and can be saved and reused in other rule-based policies. Compound Conditions can take any of the following forms:
    • (X operand Y) AND (A operand B) AND (X operand Z) AND ... (so on)
    • (X operand Y) OR (A operand B) OR (X operand Z) OR ... (so on)
    (*Where X and A are attributes from the Cisco ISE dictionary and can include username and device type.
    For example, compound conditions can take the following form:
    – DEVICE: Model Name Matches Catalyst6K AND Network Access: Use Case Equals Host
    Creating New Authorization Policy Element Conditions
    Use this procedure to create new authorization policy element conditions (simple or compound).
    To create new authorization policy element conditions, complete the following steps:
    Step 1 Click Policy > Policy Elements> Conditions > Authorization> Simple Conditions (or Compound
    The Conditions page appears listing all existing configured authorization policy element conditions.
    Step 2 To create a new simple condition, click Create.
    The Simple Conditions page displays.
    Step 3 Enter values in the following fields to define a new simple condition:
    • Name—Enter the name of the simple condition.
    • Description—Enter the description of the simple condition.
    • Attribute—Click to choose a dictionary from the drop-down list of dictionary options, and choose an
    attribute from the corresponding attribute choices.
    • Operator—Enter Equals or Not Equals.
    • Value—Enter a value that matches the selected attribute.
    Step 4 Click Submit to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database and create this authorization condition.
    The Name, Attribute, Operator, and Value fields in simple conditions are required and are marked with an asterisk (*).
    For Complete Reference visit:

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    Hi Gurus,
    How to display condition variables in the navigational area of the WORKBOOK.

    Hi Praveen,
    Could give me some more deials ? I would appreciate it.
    You said design mode, is it query or workbook  design mode ?
    In tools , I did not see any insert condition option.
    Could you  give step step process ?. I would assign you all the points.

  • Lock Condition for posting

    We have a requirement to lock certain conditions in a contract for posting.
    The workaround is to take note of such conditions in a contract and exclude the same while running the RERAPP but this is not feasible in our current scenario as billing team is different from accounting team.
    Number of contracts are also huge (about 40000+). Billing team liaise with tenant and if there are any issues, would like to block the condition for posting. Accounting team will run RERAPP without this knowledge and if the lock option is activated, then this condition will not get posted.
    Similarly we have an additional requirement that retroactive adjustments (follow on cash flow) should be posted separately in RERAPP. Now in this case, flow type is the only differentiating factor because due date of retro adjustment may be same as of regular cash flow item.
    Please advise

    Dear Rakesh Sharma.
    If you just only want to prevent/restrict certain conditions of contract posting activity
    (RERAPP),you simply consider about this method as below ;
      1) You can define the RE Authorization Object for the restrict activity of certain
          condition in the Accounting team role.
          -   Authorization Object : F_RECD_CN
          -   Activity : 02 (Change)
          -   Condition Type : Except for the certain conditions.
          but this method can not be suitable, when account team try to run RERAPP
          with check the "Do Not Update Conditions" option.
        So, you can consider the easiest way by applying the "Enhancements"
       2) Apply the Enhancements for Periodic Posting.
            - Enhancement Spot : BADI_RE_RA_CA
              (Periodic Posting: Restrict Selection of Cash Flow Records)
            - Method : SUPPRESS_CF_ITEM
            - Example : you can defined your own customer-specific parameters such as
                       "Check the Certain Condition & User role/department for suppressing"
    but how about this..,when you design the lease account management process,
    it seem better to rebuild the contract creation and contract posting process bwtween
    contract management team and account team ahead of the technical processing.
    Jeong, Yeong-Chul

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    How can I get round this problem?

    Hi David,
    Try to make the Shipping conditions optional entry for the Ship to Party Role using the following path IMG> Cross Application Components> SAP Business Partner> Basic Settings> Field Groupings--> Configure Field Attributes per BP Role
    Hope this helps.
    Reward points if usefull !!!!!!
    Rekha Dadwal

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