Configurator question (Connectors)

I am not sure this is the appropriate forum to post this question, but I couldn't find another one.
My question is, when loading a model with a connector, it loads the target item as "inactive", unless i explicitly load the target as well. Is there a way to load the target item, maybe with a functional companion, without having the user explicitly select both the main and the target items into the configuration?
Thanks in advance for your help,

yes, let me be more clear... our model is like this:
|-- Item 1
|[][]|-- Item 1.1
|-- Item 2
Item 2 has a Connector feature which connects to Item 1.1
Because Item 1 and Item 2 are both optional and IB Trackable, I can add them to a configuration (we are using Quoting) from Installed Base idependently, which means I can configure only one of them. But, when Item 2 is connected to Item 1.1, if I add Item 1 to the configuration Item 2 is also displayed in the UI (even though it is not really in the configuration) all greyed-out (read-only).
My question is, if I can add an item from Installed Base into a configuration on "runtime" (maybe using a functional companion), meaning, after the configuration is open. I want to allow the user to add only Item 1 to the quote but have Item 2 available for writing without the user having to add it explicitly to the quote.
Thanks in advance,

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Please search yourself before posting, ask specific questions only, do not post this question a third time.
    Thread locked.
    [Asking Good Questions in the Forums to get Good Answers|/people/rob.burbank/blog/2010/05/12/asking-good-questions-in-the-forums-to-get-good-answers]

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    Hi David,
    "Check-In" makes SCA known to CMS, "import" will import the content of the SCAs into CBS/DTR.
    1. Yes. For these three SCAs specifically (they only contain buildarchives, no sources, no deployarchives) the build archives are imported into the dev buildspace on CBS. If the SCAs contain deployarchives and you have a runtime system configured for the dev system then those deployarchives should get deployed onto the runtime system.
    2. Have you seen /people/marion.schlotte/blog/2006/03/30/best-practices-for-nwdi-track-design-for-ongoing-development ? Sooner or later you will want to.
    3. Should be answered indirectly.
    4. Dev/Cons correspond to the Dev/Consolidation system in CMS. For each developed SC you have 2 systems with 2 workspaces in DTR for each (inactive/active)
    5. You should use dev. I would only use cons for corrections if they can't be done in dev and transported. Note that you will get conflicts in DTR if you do parallel changes in dev and cons.
    6. See link in No.2 ?

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    # targetNames
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    Rename the copied file to match the VOYAGER_ID property. For example, if the target system has VOYAGER_ID = VOYAGE14, then the .properties file should be named
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  • Integrating SOA and Peoplesoft: Configuring JMSTARGET Connector in IB.

    Hi All,
    I have created JMS queue/topic in oracle application server. Can anybody idea how can we configure JMS connector of peoplesoft integration broker.
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    Please give your inputs on this approach if you any other suggetion for peoples soft outbound integration with SOA.
    Thanks inadvance.

    Its published, but somehow you are unable to see it..issues with Meatlink for sure..
    Here is its content :
    Applies to:
    PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools - Version: 8.4 - Release: 8.4
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    This document was previously published as Customer Connection Solution 201077819
    Please see below.
    Not Applicable
    <<Document:664816.1>> E-IB: Configuring Integration Broker with IBM MQ on AIX
    SPECIFIC TO: Enterprise, PeopleTools, Integration Broker Release 8.49
    How to setup Integration Broker to PUT messages to an IBM MQ Server on a remote machine?
    <See attachment for documentation with screenshot examples.>
    Configuring Integration Broker with IBM MQ on AIX
    The following guide is intended to outline the setup between Peoplesoft Integration Broker and IBMs Websphere MQ version 6 client on AIX. Note: This is not a certification, but a working example, specifically using the MQ client to connect to a remote machine running the MQ server.
    Platform Information:
    PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.49
    IBM Websphere MQ Release 6
    1) Install and IBM Websphere MQ (WMQ) client
    2) Configure WMQ connection
    3) Configure Peoplesoft
    4) TEST using PING and a Peoplesoft message to PUT data onto the WMQ server
    1) Install and configure Websphere MQ client on AIX where Peoplesoft is located
    NOTE: This is one optional architecture. It is also possible to install Peoplesoft and MQ on the same server, which avoids the client software altogether.
    a. IBM deliveres an MQ client that is installed on the same box as the Peoplesoft with the following options.
    i. Installed to /usr/mqm, all objects owned by local user mqm
    ii. Ensure that the MQ Extended Transactional Client is installed
    1. This includes file
    iii. Mq specific environment variables
    1. $MQ_JAVA_DATA_PATH=/usr/mqm
    2. $MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/mqm/java
    3. $MQ_JAVA_LIB_PATH=/usr/mqm/java/lib
    4. jms.jar, fscontext.jar, jndi.jar, providerutil.jar, stcjms.jar
    1. Includes the following MQ jar files
    ii. providerutil.jar
    iv. ldap.jar
    v. jta.jar
    vi. jndi.jar
    vii. jms.jar
    viii. connector.jar
    2. Example
    a. > echo $CLASSPATH
    i. echo $CLASSPATH /usr/mqm/java/lib/
    3. When setting up Peoplesoft, add these jar files to the classpath setting in the file and reboot PIA
    2) Configure WMQ
    a. Edit JMSAdmin.config (located in /usr/mqm/java/bin)
    ii. Set Initial Context Factory = com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
    # The following line specifies which JNDI service provider is in use.
    # It currently indicates an LDAP service provider. If a different
    # service provider is used, this line should be commented out and the
    # appropriate one should be uncommented.
    iii. Set PROVIDER_URL=file:/usr/mqm/java
    # The following line specifies the URL of the service provider's initial context. It currently refers to an LDAP root context. Examples of a file system URL and WebSphere's JNDI namespace are also shown, commented out.
    b. Run JMSAdmin to setup queue and qcf to the MQ server
    ii. NOTE: When connecting from a client to a remote server, it is important to specify the hostname, port and transport along with the other values.
    iii. def q(PLAS160_Q) queue(PLAS160_Q)
    1. Note: The q is a local naming alias, whereas the queue is the physical queue name on the MQ server
    iv. Screenshot:
    v. This creates a .bindings file
    vi. NOTE: It is also possible to use IVTSetup for this, but JMSAdmin is recommended.
    vii. NOTE: It is possible to gain a .bindings file from your MQ server administrator. Be sure that this format is correct, and the location on the client is referenced correctly.
    viii. JMSAdmin can also be used to determin what connections are available from this machine using command dis ctx as shown
    b. Optional: Test the connection to the MQ server using IBM software.
    NOTE: Testing the ivtQ and ivt QCF can be accomplished using the IVTRun program, provided that the ivtQ and ivtQCF have been setup in the .bindings file with the same available on the MQ server (some mq administrators do not enable this by default)
    i. Example IVTRun, see Appendix 1
    ii. Example .bindings file see Appendix 2
    3) Configure PeopleSoft
    a. Create an external NODE representing the target JMS queue
    i. Example node, see appendix 3
    b. Setup the connectors properties for the new node
    i. Use the connector ID= JMSTARGET
    ii. Example properties screenshot, see Appendix 4
    1. Notes
    a. JMSProvider is MQSeries
    b. JMSFactory, JMSQueue are those specified in the .bindings file representing that on the JMS server. In this case, PLAS160_QCF and PLAS160_Q are used for this example.
    c. JMSUrl is the location of the working .bindings file on the web server (in this case file:/D:/apps/IBM/WebSphereMQ/Java )
    c. Setup Gateway Properties
    i. Access the Gateway Properties using PIA and add the JMS information for MQSeries to the file as shown:
    ## JMS configuration Section
    # <the following line is required>
    ii. Queue information here is only needed if going to GET message using the JMSListeningConnector. Not needed for the target PUT (or ping)
    iii. Example, See appendix 5
    4) Test PUT connection from Peoplesoft to WMQ
    1. Ping the JMS node from the node definition
    b. Setup routings to PUT messages to the MQ node
    i. Example using USER_PROFILE
    ii. Submit the message and check the Operations Monitor
    iii. Verify that the message made it to MQ (this is viewed by browsing the queue on the Websphere MQ Explorer, message browser. A better utility is rfhutil which is included in the MQ windows client development kit)
    NOTE: This document is intended for 1 way communication TO Mq from Peoplesoft. Setup for GET using the JMSListeningConnector is a separate topic for documentation.
    Appendix 1 IVTRun
    Appendix 2 .bindings file.
    NOTE: The PLAS160_QCF and PLAS160_Q references are applicable to this example.
    #This file is used by the JNDI FSContext.
    #Wed Sep 17 11:43:13 PDT 2008
    Appendix 3 Node definition
    Appendix 4 - Node JMSTarget Connectors Properties
    Appendix 5 JMS configuration section
    ## JMS configuration Section
    #The JNDIFactory Classnames for Weblogic, IPlanet, MQSeries.
    # Enter the number of Queue listners to instantiate
    # For each queue specify the following properties
    # Name
    # Provider
    # JMSFactory name (which is binded to the JNDI)
    # MessageSelector (optional Message Filter)
    # JNDI System File URL
    # JMS User
    # JMS Password
    # Example :
    # ig.jms.Queue1.MessageSelector=
    # ig.jms.Queue1.User=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.Queue1.Password=EncryptedPassword
    # ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPassword
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # Enter the number of Topic Subscribers to instantiate
    # ig.jms.Topics=1
    # For each Topic specify the following properties
    # Name
    # Provider
    # JMSFactory name (which is binded to the JNDI)
    # MessageSelector (optional Message Filter)
    # JNDI System File Url
    # JMS User
    # JMS Password
    # Example :
    # ig.jms.Topic1=ExampleTopic
    # ig.jms.Topic1.Provider=MQSeries
    # ig.jms.Topic1.JMSFactory=TopicConnectionFactory
    # ig.jms.Topic1.MessageSelector=
    # ig.jms.Topic1.Url=file:c:/
    # ig.jms.Topic1.User=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.Topic1.Password=EncryptedPassword
    # ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPassword
    #IBInfo Headers
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    #For sending error either ErrorQueue or ErrorTopic must be configured
    #If both exists, errors are only sent to ErrorQueues.
    #Configure the Error-Queue configuration
    # ig.jms.ErrorQueue=ErrorQ
    # ig.jms.ErrorQueue-Provider=Weblogic
    # ig.jms.ErrorQueue-User=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.ErrorQueue-Password=sam
    # ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityPrincipal=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.Queue1.SecurityCredentials=EncryptedPassword
    # ig.jms.ErrorQueue-JMSFactory=TopicConnectionFactory
    # ig.jms.ErrorQueue-Url=file:c:/
    #Configure the Error-Topic configuration
    # ig.jms.ErrorTopic=Error
    # ig.jms.ErrorTopic-Provider=IPlanet
    # ig.jms.ErrorTopic-User=sam
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    # ig.jms.ErrorTopic-Password=sam
    # ig.jms.ErrorTopic-JMSFactory=TopicConnectionFactory
    # ig.jms.ErrorTopic-Url=file:c:/
    ## End of JMS configuration Section
    # Profile Information
    # Set it to either TRUE or FALSE
    #End-Of Profile Information
    ##EIPTestTool Properties
    #Class name of the Gateway Manager to use during processing
    #Contains a true or false value.
    #True for LoopBack
    #Contains the directory path that will be used
    #to store request/response files during recording.
    # Number of ig.EIPMsgProp.N.propFile's
    #Certification root directory
    #MessageProperty file names with locations.
    #Overrides input directory for an EIP
    ##End of EIPTestToolProperties
    #File connector password.
    # Use the supplied encryption utility to provide an encrypted password for the entry below
    #End of file connector properties.
    ## Query Access Services (QAS) Configuration Section.
    # QAS Repository Home Directory. This is the directory where Query result blocks will be
    # temporarily persisted.
    # Example:
    # Uncomment the following line and replace the value with the actual QAS Repository Home Directory.
    ## END of QAS Configuration.
    ## AS2 Connector Properties.
    # These Properties need to be set to use either the AS2TargetConnector or the AS2ListeningConnector
    # AS2 KeyStore Properties
    # Uncomment the following two lines to specify your key keystore path and password.
    # Use the PSCipher.bat utility to encrypt the keystore password.
    # example:
    # ig.AS2.KeyStorePath=C://pt846//webserv//peoplesoft//keystore//pskey
    # ig.AS2.KeyStorePassword=GD9klUFw8760HVaqeT4pkg==
    # AS2 Log Directory, logs all incoming and outgoing AS2 requests and responses.
    # Uncomment and specify the correct directory name to enable logging.
    # example:
    # ig.AS2.LogDirectory = c://temp//as2//logs
    ## End of AS2 Connector Properties
    ## AS2ListeningConnector Only Properties.
    # AS2From and AS2To http header parameters are required on all incoming AS2 messages. These parameters must
    # map to PeopleSoft node definitions either directly or indirectly via AS2 From & To map specifications.
    # AS2 From & To Map
    # This map translates incoming AS2From and AS2To http header parameters into PeopleSoft node names.
    # This property is not required if your incoming messages use AS2From and AS2To parameters that match
    # existing PeopleSoft node definitions.
    # ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.From.<AS2From>= Specify the PSFT Source Node Name.
    # ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.To.<AS2To>= Specify the PSFT Target Node Name.
    # This example translate AS2From from AS2SENDER to PSFT_SRC_NODE, and AS2To from AS2RECEIVER to PSFT_TGT_NODE.
    # example:
    # ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.From.AS2SENDER=PSFT_SRC_NODE
    # ig.AS2.AS2ListenerMap.To.AS2RECEIVER=PSFT_TGT_NODE
    # AS2 Message name
    # Message name used to publish AS2 transactions.
    # Use this property if the incoming AS2 Message Name is not in the HTTP Header or the URL.
    # Replace <source> and <target> with either the incoming AS2From and AS2To http header parameters .
    # when those match existing PeopleSoft node definitions, or with the PeopleSoft nodes names specified in the
    # AS2 From & To map above.
    # ig.AS2.<source>.<target>.MessageName= Specify the Message Name
    # example:
    # These Properties need to be set to use either the AS2TargetConnector or the AS2ListeningConnector
    # AS2 Certificates
    # CertificateAlias is the certificate of the AS2 Listening Node used to decrypt incoming messages.
    # SignerCertificateAlias is the certificate of the AS2From trading partner of Listening Node used to verify
    # the incoming signature.
    # Replace <source> and <target> with either the incoming AS2From and AS2To http header parameters
    # when those match existing PeopleSoft node definitions, or with the PeopleSoft nodes names specified in the
    # AS2 From & To map above.
    # ig.AS2.<source>.<target>.CertificateAlias = Specify the target AS2 Listening Node certificate alias.
    # ig.AS2.<source>.<target>.SignerCertificateAlias = Specify the source AS2From trading partner certificate alias.
    # example:
    # ig.AS2.PSFT_SRC_NODE.PSFT_TGT_NODE.CertificateAlias=<GeneratedAS2certificatealias>
    # ig.AS2.PSFT_SRC_NODE.PSFT_TGT_NODE.SignerCertificateAlias=<GeneratedAS2certificatealias>
    ## End of AS2ListeningConnector Only Properties
    ## AS2 Target Connector Properties
    # These Properties need to be set to use the AS2TargetConnector
    # AS2 Original Request Information Log Directory
    # This is required for Async MDN only. The Async MDN receiver uses this directory
    # to find original request information.
    # example:
    # ig.AS2.AS2Directory=c://temp//as2
    ## END of AS2 Target Connector Properties.
    #XML dtd lookup flag
    # true - enable dtd reference lookup dtd on gateway. this is also the default value.
    # false - disable dtd reference lookup on gateway.
    # Maximum active connections to be cached on gateway
    # These are connections from gateway to peoplesoft application server
    # Caching connections will improve integration broker throughput

  • Configuration question on css11506

    One of our vip with 4 local servers, currently has https. the http is redirected to https.
    Now, my client has problem which a seriel directories need use http, not https. some thing like. quistion:
         1. If there is any possible, I can configure the vip to filter the special directories and let them to use http not https. and rest pages and directories redirect to https?
         2. If not, I can make another vip to use same local servers, but, is possible to only limited to special directories? and with wild code? some like the directories are partially wild coded, something like, http://web.domain/casedir*/casenumber?
         3. if not on both option, is any way I can fix this problem?
    Any comments will be appreciated
    Thanks in advance

    I run my Tangosol cluster with 12 nodes on 3
    machines(each machine with 4 cache server nodes). I
    have 2 important configuration questions. Appreciate
    if you can answer them ASAP.
    - My requirement is that I need only 10000 objects to
    be in cluster so that the resources can be freed upon
    when other caches are loaded. I configured the
    <high-units> to be 10000 but I am not sure if this is
    per node or for the whole cluster. I see that the
    total number of objects in the cluster goes till
    15800 objects even when I configured for the 10K as
    high-units (there is some free memory on servers in
    this case). Can you please explain this?
    It is per backing map, which is practically per node in case of distributed caches.
    - Is there an easy way to know the memory stats of
    the cluster? The memory command on the cluster
    doesn't seem to be giving me the correct stats. Is
    there any other utility that I can use?
    Yes, you can get this and quite a number of other information via JMX. Please check this wiki page for more information.
    I started all the nodes with the same configuration
    as below. Can you please answer the above questions
    RaviBest regards,

  • Configuration Question on  local-scheme and high-units

    I run my Tangosol cluster with 12 nodes on 3 machines(each machine with 4 cache server nodes). I have 2 important configuration questions. Appreciate if you can answer them ASAP.
    - My requirement is that I need only 10000 objects to be in cluster so that the resources can be freed upon when other caches are loaded. I configured the <high-units> to be 10000 but I am not sure if this is per node or for the whole cluster. I see that the total number of objects in the cluster goes till 15800 objects even when I configured for the 10K as high-units (there is some free memory on servers in this case). Can you please explain this?
    - Is there an easy way to know the memory stats of the cluster? The memory command on the cluster doesn't seem to be giving me the correct stats. Is there any other utility that I can use?
    I started all the nodes with the same configuration as below. Can you please answer the above questions ASAP?

    I run my Tangosol cluster with 12 nodes on 3
    machines(each machine with 4 cache server nodes). I
    have 2 important configuration questions. Appreciate
    if you can answer them ASAP.
    - My requirement is that I need only 10000 objects to
    be in cluster so that the resources can be freed upon
    when other caches are loaded. I configured the
    <high-units> to be 10000 but I am not sure if this is
    per node or for the whole cluster. I see that the
    total number of objects in the cluster goes till
    15800 objects even when I configured for the 10K as
    high-units (there is some free memory on servers in
    this case). Can you please explain this?
    It is per backing map, which is practically per node in case of distributed caches.
    - Is there an easy way to know the memory stats of
    the cluster? The memory command on the cluster
    doesn't seem to be giving me the correct stats. Is
    there any other utility that I can use?
    Yes, you can get this and quite a number of other information via JMX. Please check this wiki page for more information.
    I started all the nodes with the same configuration
    as below. Can you please answer the above questions
    RaviBest regards,

  • Configuration Manager Connector User account

    Hello All,
    Is there any problem if I create configuration Manager connector with one user that has sysadmin permitions in SCCM database?

    The user account that you specify as the Run As account must be a member of the smsdbrole_extract and the db_datareader groups for the Configuration Manager site database. If user is sysadmin that's ok.
    Remy BOVI

  • Configuring exchange connector in OIM 11gR2

    Hi Experts,
    I have to configure exchange connector with OIM 11gR2. I went through the connector guide and there they have mentioned about custom powershell script. Please let know from where I can get this script and the use of it. If any one is having sample script then please share it with me.

    Connetcor version is
    Also in doc it was mentioned to create a .bat file on OIM server to call this power shell script on connector server.

  • Configuring JDBC connector with my Tomcat server

    I realize this may be a dumb question, but I'm having trouble configuring my JDBC connector with my tomcat server. I'm trying to run a simple servlet that will access mysql database. I am almost certain its throwing an exception on the line:
    I have a feeling the tomcat class path isn't finding the connector jar file.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am almost certain its throwing an exception on the line:
    Class.forName("com.mysql.JDBC.Driver");If it's a ClassNotFound exception or the like, then yes. Post the exception and stack trace if you need confirmation of this.
    I have a feeling the tomcat class path
    isn't finding the connector jar file.That's what I think too. Did you ensure that the MySQL driver JAR file was in the classpath?
    It will need to be in common/lib under Tomcat, or WEB-INF/lib under your application.
    For a more portable application you should use JNDI to obtain database connection resources, in which case you would want the JAR to be under common/lib.

  • Closed loop configuration question

    I have a motor(with encoder feedback) attached to a linear actuator(with end limit switches).
    The motor has a commercially bought servo drive for control. 
    The servo drive will accept either a step/direction (2 seperate TTL
    digital pulse train inputs) or an analog -10 to 10vdc input for
    The purpose is to drive a linear actuator(continiously in and out) in
    closed loop operation utilizing a ( (SV) Setpoint variable)value from a
    file converted to a frequency to compare with an actual ( (PV) Position
    variable) measured frequency.
    I have created and experimented with individual vi's allows analog
    control and digital pulse train control (thankfully with the help of
    Before I pose my question, I would like to make the following
    observations:  It is my understanding that Closed loop control
    means that I dont need to know an exact position at which to drive, but
    constant comparision of PV and SV through PID applictation. 
    Without getting into any proprietery information I can say that the
    constant positioning of the linear actuator will produce a latency of 2
    to 3 seconds based on the time the actuator moves to a new position and
    when the PV will change.  While experimenting with the analog
    input, i noticed imediate response to motor velocity, but after the
    motor is stopped, position is not held in place.  However, while
    experimenting with the Digital pulse train input, I noticed that the
    servo drive can only accept one command at one time; if, halfway
    through a move, position error produces a response to move the linear
    actuator in the opposite or different direction, the origional move
    must finish first. 
    Can anyone recommend the proper configuration for the closed loop control i have described?
    If I can make the system work with the servo drive/motor I plan to use
    the simple (pci 6014) daq card with the Analog out, or utilize the
    digital out.
    If I cant get this to work, we do have a pxi with 7344 motion card(I
    would like to exhaust all efforts to use the PCI 6014 card).
    Depending on where I go from here, I planned to use the PID vi's for the loop control.
    Wayne Hilburn

    Thanks for the reply
    Jochen.  I realize there is a built-in latency with windows but I
    think the I/O control would be ok.  A change in actuator position
    will not result in an immediate change in process variable;  Is
    there a way to measure the latency or is it calculated?  A
    satisfactory reaction time could be from 1 to 1.5 sec.
    Use of the PCI-6014 is to supply the control output to the servo
    drive/amp, and not to drive the motor itself.  As stated earlier,
    while using the 6014 board, I have the choice of digital or analog
    Currently I am at a point where I must choose which configuration,
    analog control or digital control(in the form of digital pulse train),
    (i am inserting from first message)
    While experimenting with the analog
    input, i noticed imediate response to motor velocity, but after the
    motor is stopped, position is not held in place.  However, while
    experimenting with the Digital pulse train input, I noticed that the
    servo drive can only accept one command at one time; if, halfway
    through a move, position error produces a response to move the linear
    actuator in the opposite or different direction, the origional move
    must finish first.  .
    I dont claim to understand all the limitations with the
    specific boards, however, i am using an approach that is showing me the
    characteristics(a couple are listed in the above paragraph)  of
    the hardware and software configurations.
    So I am really back to my origional question;  Which configuration
    would be better for closed loop control, analog or digital pulse train?
    Wayne Hilburn

  • Multiple Oracle Configuration Question

    We have a typical environment setup. I will explain it below:
    Our application works in Online and Offline Mode. For Online mode we connect to Oracle 10g enterprise server and a Local instance of Access and In offline application totally works in Access.
    Now we want to move away from Access and have Oracle PE instead just because we want to use stored procedure and same set of code for offline and online processing.
    So a typical user machine will have a PE instance and a Oracle Client. Currently we use LDAP.ora for Configuring connections. Now i have few questions
    1. How do we ensure that Oracle PE will work when we don't have network connection. Can we have like PE setup with Tnsnames.ORA
    2. What can be the smallest possible package for PE.
    3. Can I use one client to access both PE and Server databases.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Assuming the "Xcopy installation" refers to using the Windows xcopy command, can you clarify what, exactly, you are installing via xcopy? Are you just using xcopy to copy the ODP.Net bits? Or are you trying to install the Oracle client via that approach?
    If you are concerned about support, you would generally want to install everything via the Oracle Universal Installer (barring those very occasional components that don't use the OUI). Oracle generally only supports software installed via the installer because particularly on Windows, there are a number of registry entries that need to get created.
    You can certainly do a custom install of the personal edition on the end user machines. There are a few required components that I believe have to be installed (that the installer will take care of). I assume your customization will take the form of a response file to the OUI in order to do a silent install?

  • CCMS configuration question - more than one sapccmsr agent on one server

    Hello all,
    this might be a newbie question, please excuse:
    We have several SAP systems installed on AIX in several LPARs. SAP aplication server and SAP database is always located in different LPARs, but one LPAR can share application server of several SAP systems or databases of several SAP systems.
    So I want to configure SAPOSCOL and CCMS-Agents (sapccmsr) on our databse LPARS. SAPOSCOL is running - no problem so far. Due to the circumstance that we have DBs for SAP systems with kernel 4.6d, 6.40 (nw2004), 7.00 (nw2004s) I want to use two different CCMS-Agents (Version 6.40 non-unicode to connect to SAP 4.6d and 6.40 + Version 7.00 unicode to connect to SAP 7.00).
    AFAIK only one of these can use shared memory segment #99 (default) - the other one has to be configured to use another one (e.g. #98) but I don't know how (could'nt find any hints on OSS + Online Help + CCMs-Agent manual).
    Any help would be appreciated
    Edited by: Christian Mika on Mar 6, 2008 11:30 AM

    has really no one ever had this kind of problem? Do you all use either one (e.g. windows) server for one application (e.g. SAP application or database) or the same server for application and database? Or don't you use virtual hostnames (aliases) for your servers, so that in all mentioned cases one CCMS-Agent on one server would fit your requirements? I could hardly believe that!
    kind regards

  • Master iPad configurator question concerning cart syncing with different versions of iPads.

    I have a question concerning configurator syncing.Can the master iPad be a different version of iPad than the other synced iPads? For instance can iPad 2 be the master iPad to a group of iPad Air's? The iPad 2 has some fewer capabilities than the Air, would some settings or restrictions be left off of the iPad Airs if they were set up this way?  Thanks.

    There is no such thing as 'master iPad'.  If you're using Configurator or Profile Manager control of the setup is done from a Macintosh.

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