Configure AirPort Snow Error

I followed all the instructions to do a hard re-start for the snow airport base station. An error message appears after trying to upload the default software to the base station. Please advise.

The plug is connected to the LAN port.
I have done a hard reset.
I have changed my computer network settings as described in the online the settings:
Subnet Mask:
Using the airport admin utility from my MacBook Pro, I can see my base station listed with a name which is the address of the WAN Ethernet. Airport ID is 00:00:00:00:00:00.
If I double click, I get a message: "The base station you have selected has been reset and is currently not configured. Default software will be uploaded to the base station. Click OK to temporarily change your TCP/IP configuration during the upload."
I click OK then I get an error message: "An error occurred while updating the configuration."
I followed all the steps as described. Is it that the newer software is not compatible with the older hardware?

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    any suggestions?
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    Any help would be appreciated.
    Regards - Dustin

    I can only offer sympathies. I have exactly the same problem.
    A question:
    1) After a hard reset of the ABS according to the procedures in Articles 106602 & 106685, at step 14 does Airport Admin(AA) find your ABS?
    (I can reliably get to this point, however loading default software fails. I noticed that the Airport ID is zeroed! )
    2) In AA have you tried connecting to using your ABS password?
    3) Can you create a c2c network? (I can connect my iMacs together reliably, so it is not a radio noise issue.)
    I firmly believe this is a s/w issues somehow related to the recent upgrades. I only recenly bought my ABS, after replacing my Graphite for similar reasons. This is becoming unreasonablely time consuming and expensive.
    I know this is a bit 'blah, blah', but I'm scratchng around too and would appreciate help! (I had to drill a hole in the wall to get 'hardwired' to the net, so I could get on here, this is not good!)
    iMac 400Mhz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

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    Make sure that you have AirPort Utility 6.3.1 installed on your Mac.
    AirPort Utility 6.3.1 for Mac - Support - Apple
    Then, power off the entire network...all any order that you want
    Wait a minute, then start the modem first and let it run a full minute
    Start the next device connected to the modem, which may be your Time Capsule and let it run a minute
    Keep starting devices one at a time the same way until the entire network is back up
    See if AirPort Utility can "see" the Time Capsule now.
    If yes, try another backup. If you encounter an error message, post back with the exact message.

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    Problems 1 through 4 are the topic of many (often long) past discussions in this forum. Though I hate to say it, I have yet to see anything that comes close to a "solution" for the problems you describe. Sometimes, Problem #3 results from radio interference which might be alleviated by changing the default channel the base station transmits on.
    Unlike every non-Apple router on the market, Apple's Airport Base Station must be configured using Apple's own "Airport Utility" software application. It is not possible to configure an Airport Base Station using a web browser.
    Regrettably, in your case it sounds like you would be better off continuing to use your previous Linksys wireless router.

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    I think.. you will get nowhere fast using v6 utility.. you must use the older utility.. 5.6.
    Apple have so dumbed down v6 as to make it useless.
    There are plenty of posts about how to install 5.6 under ML. I don't think it is that hard.
    Download the 5.6 dmg.. open the pkg.. then extract the files from the pkg.
    There is a free utility to do this.. as well as shareware Pacifist.
    Simply load the files manually and then run it..
    I am about to try it myself but confess it has not yet happened.
    Make sure the TC is different IP range to the main router..
    Set static IP in the computer and it must work. By all the TCP/IP I have ever learned it has to be available to the computer.. but I will test myself.

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    RobLafranco, Welcome to the discussion area!
    I am trying to employ an older Airport Snow BS to extend the range of my network...
    It is not possible to use the snow AirPort base station (ABS) to wirelessly extend the network. It is not compatible with WDS.

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    Try posting in the Airport forum here.
    Probably an Airport guru there that can help.

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    According to "Mac OS X v10.6: About incompatible software"
    ...AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow 4.2.5 is incompatible with Snow Leopard.
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    One solution is to keep a pre-Snow Leopard OS installation (either on another partition or external drive) and then boot from that when you need to configure the snow AirPort base station (ABS).
    Another solution is to use another Mac running a pre-Snow Leopard OS to configure the snow ABS.
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    I'm not sure why you still need the Snow as a bridge if you are also using Time Capsule, but here goes:
    Use a computer that either is connected wirelessly to the wireless network generated by the Snow or is connected via Ethernet to the Snow's LAN port. Launch AirPort Admin Utility (also called AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow). In the list of base stations that appears, select the Snow and click "Configure". Type in the base station password. (The base station password is not the same thing as the network password, which you aren't using.) If you have forgotten the base station password, reset the base station. (See Resetting the AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet).) In the AirPort pane of AirPort Admin Utility, in the bottom half of the pane under "AirPort Network" type in a new name for the network. Click "Change Wireless Security" and add a password. Click "OK" and "Update".
    You won't be able to set up WPA security on the Snow; it only can use WEP (which is far from secure).

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    I'm not sure why you still need the Snow as a bridge if you are also using Time Capsule, but here goes:
    Use a computer that either is connected wirelessly to the wireless network generated by the Snow or is connected via Ethernet to the Snow's LAN port. Launch AirPort Admin Utility (also called AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow). In the list of base stations that appears, select the Snow and click "Configure". Type in the base station password. (The base station password is not the same thing as the network password, which you aren't using.) If you have forgotten the base station password, reset the base station. (See Resetting the AirPort Base Station (Dual Ethernet).) In the AirPort pane of AirPort Admin Utility, in the bottom half of the pane under "AirPort Network" type in a new name for the network. Click "Change Wireless Security" and add a password. Click "OK" and "Update".
    You won't be able to set up WPA security on the Snow; it only can use WEP (which is far from secure).

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    I was happily browsing the web until midnight last night, then nothing.
    1. Charter Cable Internet works fine when plugged directly into cable modem via ethernet cable
    2. Internet works fine wirelessly on both computers (iBook G4, MacBook, both running 10.4.10) when tapping into neighbor's wireless network (which is how I'm e-mailing you)
    3. Neither computer will access the internet on either our AirPort Snow or AirPort Express, even though we get a full signal and both are recognized. I have done hard resets on both to no avail. Note: the AirPort and AirPort Express are run one at a time.
    So, our wireless cards are fine. We can tap into a network. Our
    connection to the Internet is fine.
    What would be the problem for both computers and both the AE and AirPort when tapping into charter via the wireless system.
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    Have you verified that the snow AirPort base station (ABS) and AirPort Express (AX) are configured properly to get an IP address from the cable modem? Did the ISP recently change settings?
    When you connect either the ABS or AX to the cable modem are you properly resetting the cable modem to detect a new device?
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    l8blumer, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Trying doing a hard reset and then temporarily connecting the LAN port to your Mac to configure it.

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    Scott, Welcome to the discussion area!
    If your AirPort base station (ABS) is configured to distribute IP addresses, it is acting as a router for both the Ethernet (connected to the LAN port) and wireless clients.

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    Yes you can use the MacBook Pro with the snow (dual Ethernet) AirPort base station (ABS).
    The snow ABS is based on 802.11b.
    The MacBook Pro has 802.11g built-in.
    Since 802.11g is backwards compatible with 802.11b, the MacBook Pro will work with a snow ABS.

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