Configure company,work,Teams, Documents in SAP EU role

I have assigned SAPs standard eu role pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/eu_role/ to end user. In end user id , I am able to see tabs such as Company, Work, Teams and Documents.  Any inputs on how to configure this? The discussion option provided here , is it same as forums ?
Any pointers on this would be highly appreciated.

Hi Navya,
Users and groups assigned to a role inherit the permissions of the role. By default this is end user permission. To change the permissions of the role, see Setting Permissions :
Setting Permissions in the Permission Editor - Portal - SAP Library
In addition you can also refer to the following End User Configuration:
3.4 End-User Configuration - SAP NetWeaver Business Client - SAP Library
I hope this will help you.
Best Regards,
Sharon Dassa

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    Hi Kamalakar
    This is great piece of information, I checked the same place i found the following
    Module Name
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    Indranil Chatterjee
    Thanks in Advance.

    It is not permitted for forum members to send documents to one another.
    It is also expected that members will first perform their own research before asking for help.  Did you search through SAP Help?
    Best practices?
    Best Regards,

  • Configure products in Lead document SAP CRM7.0 EhP1

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    Best Regards,
    Susana Morgado

    Hi Susana
    I did some more study on lead transaction and following is my conclusion.
    Technical: The configuration explosion is performed using IPC in transaction processing. The leading business transaction category for Lead Transaction is BUS2000108 and BUS200129 for Lead Item. These categories ristricts the transaction structure from triggring event for calling IPC as an lead can be created without products, with zero quantity products and also with just product categories. Since IPC is not called the product configuration cannot be exploded in Lead transaction unless an enhancement is performed at the object level itself. Which would be very complex. The same is applicable for activity transaction.
    Business Logic: From a business process persective the main objective of Lead transaction is to capture the customer's interest and put a qualification around the same. If the customer interest is identified as high and the qualification helps the organization in making the decision of taking the lead forward into sales cycle and start investing organization's resources on the prospect, then the lead is converted into Opportunity. At the lead level it is still not clear which products or services will suite the customer requirements best. It is at the opportunity level where the detailed discussion are performed and captured to identify the precise needs of the customer and preparing the solution to fulfill customer needs. Hence opportunity is the transaction where the product configuration is performed and solution is created for the customer.
    Hope this helps.

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    thanks in advance

    One way to do this is probably set a connection between SAP Database and an external database and store the meta data into external database from where a non-sap user will have an eccess to the data.
    Steps required are :
    1. we have to involve basis team also in that.
    2. they will make one entry
    in DBCON table
    (that entry will point to secondary database/external database)
    (suppose the name of this secondary connection is HRCON)
    3. Also they will make connection string
    in application server.
    4. After that,
    we should have
    the table definition in SAP dd dictionary
    and also
    the same defintion
    in the external database. 
    5. now in abap code,
    we have to use like this.
    DATA: mydbcon(30) TYPE c.
    mydbcon = 'HRCON'.
    INSERT ydev_msg_cur CONNECTION (mydbcon)
    FROM msg_cur .
    <b>Hope this helps.
    Please mark helpful answer.</b>
    Amit Mishra

  • Archiving documents in SAP Records Management

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    Does anybody know how to archive documents in SAP Records Management? By default, they are stored somewhere in SAP database. However, based on the SAP documentation, they can be stored also to archive by using ArchiveLink. Where is this configuration done and how? Or do we need some coding here?
    I'm interested in two different solutions:
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    2) Moving existing Records Management documents to archive. I know there is a program SRM_KPRO_CONTENT_RELOCATION for this purpose, but it doesn't seem to be working without some archiving/RM configuration before somewhere else.
    We are using Records Management as part of Digital Personnel Files and the documents to be archived are completed Adobe forms.
    Best Regards,

    Hi JV,
    You need to define the repository in OAC0 transaction. As per my analysis now your document are stored in sap database.
    If you are using separate serever then confuigure as follows in OAC0:
    Document area : SAP Records Management
    Storgae type : RFC Archive
    define IP address and port. Then goto CSADMIN and activate the certificate for the same.
    or if using SAP Database then make the changes in above areas.
    Then these archived documents will get saved in content server instead of sap database.
    Hope this will help.

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    I am not aware if a BP exists, and believe a seperate serve/repositories will be configured to handle archiving documents. Please check with you basis team.
    Please check the setting SAP NetWeaver >General Settings> Application Server> Basis Services > ArchiveLink

  • Unable to display customs document in SAP GTS

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    "Display Blocked Business Partners" and "Display Business Partners with Embargo Situation".
    But I cannot display any customs document in SAP GTS, using transaction /SAPSLL/CUHD_DISPLAY (Display all documents) or SAPSLL/CON_BLOCKED_DOCS_EXP (Display blocked documents).
    I get the following error message "No data was found for the selection criteria specified".
    As I understood, SAP GTS performs the compliance checks not on ERP documents but on corresponding GTS customs document. Thus I guess they are effectively created somewhere! If it was not the case, I guess the process should not work.
    When I look in the audit trail of SPL for documents, I can see all the SPL checks that have been performed. Looking in the corresponding table "/SAPSLL/SPLAUD", I can even find the numbers of the different customs documents...
    But there is nothing in table "/SAPSLL/CUHD", where they should be copied... The only entries I found concern biling documents that were transferred for customs purposes...
    Could you please help me on this matter?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Sameer,
    Thank you for your fast answer. I checked in the debug mode creating a breakpoint at statement RFC and it effectively stops at RFC /SAPSLL/API_6800_SYNCH.
    But when I check the log in transaction SLG1, nothing appears concerning /SAPSLL/API_6800_SYNCH.
    I think the customs document is effectively created in GTS as I can see it has a number assigned in the audit trail for SPL screening. And compliance services work.
    Though when going through the transaction of displaying all documents in GTS there is nothing. Table "/SAPSLL/CUHD" is empty (except some billing documents that were transferred for customs purposes).
    This is really weird... Anyway, thank you for your help.
    Kind Regards,

  • Excel VBA - Automatically checkout and checkin documents from SAP R/3

    I'm trying to implement some sort of automatic solution for checking out and in documents in SAP.
    We have EasyDMS as Document Management System and need to reword about 10000 files which have a bug in their macro. For this purpose I created an Addin for Word and Excel that changes the macros automatically when opening a file. Due to security problems we cannot distribute this Addin to all Users (because you must deactivate macro security for enabling this Addin). So we thought about a possibility to automate the process and do the changes over weekend.
    My idea was to write a makro in Excel that takes the information about the files (documentnumber, version...) form an Excel table and uses RFC to call a function that can checkout the files. On this machine the Addin would be enabled, of course.
    I found the function "BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTMODIFY2" and tried to implement the call via RFC, but I get an error.
    The error says: Application-defined or object-defined error
    I think the Problem is the data structure of the parameters.
    Can someone figure out how I have to set up the parameters to get the function to work? I have no idea how this should be done, although I read some tutorials.
    Thanks for your help!
    Here is my Code so far (I stopped because I get the error at line "objDocumentfile.Value = "Test 2.doc"):
    Dim sapConn As Object 'Declare variant
    Set sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Functions") 'Create ActiveX object
    If sapConn.Connection.Logon(0, False) <> True Then 'Try Logon
       MsgBox "Cannot Log on to SAP"
    End If
    Dim objFunction As Object
    Set objFunction = sapConn.Add("BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTMODIFY2")
    Dim objDocumenttype As Object
    Dim objDocumentnumber As Object
    Dim objDocumentpart As Object
    Dim objDocumentversion As Object
    Dim objDocumentfile As Object
    Set objDocumenttype = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTTYPE")
    objDocumenttype.Value = "PM2"
    Set objDocumentnumber = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTNUMBER")
    objDocumentnumber.Value = "A5N00030059989"
    Set objDocumentpart = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTPART")
    objDocumentpart.Value = "000"
    Set objDocumentversion = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTVERSION")
    objDocumentversion.Value = "D"
    Set objDocumentfile = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTFILE") = "Test 2.doc"
    objDocumentfile.Value = "Test 2.doc"
    Dim objCheckedoutfile As Object
    Set objCheckedoutfile = objFunction.Exports("CHECKEDOUTFILE")

    I'm trying to implement some sort of automatic solution for checking out and in documents in SAP.
    We have EasyDMS as Document Management System and need to reword about 10000 files which have a bug in their macro. For this purpose I created an Addin for Word and Excel that changes the macros automatically when opening a file. Due to security problems we cannot distribute this Addin to all Users (because you must deactivate macro security for enabling this Addin). So we thought about a possibility to automate the process and do the changes over weekend.
    My idea was to write a makro in Excel that takes the information about the files (documentnumber, version...) form an Excel table and uses RFC to call a function that can checkout the files. On this machine the Addin would be enabled, of course.
    I found the function "BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTMODIFY2" and tried to implement the call via RFC, but I get an error.
    The error says: Application-defined or object-defined error
    I think the Problem is the data structure of the parameters.
    Can someone figure out how I have to set up the parameters to get the function to work? I have no idea how this should be done, although I read some tutorials.
    Thanks for your help!
    Here is my Code so far (I stopped because I get the error at line "objDocumentfile.Value = "Test 2.doc"):
    Dim sapConn As Object 'Declare variant
    Set sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Functions") 'Create ActiveX object
    If sapConn.Connection.Logon(0, False) <> True Then 'Try Logon
       MsgBox "Cannot Log on to SAP"
    End If
    Dim objFunction As Object
    Set objFunction = sapConn.Add("BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTMODIFY2")
    Dim objDocumenttype As Object
    Dim objDocumentnumber As Object
    Dim objDocumentpart As Object
    Dim objDocumentversion As Object
    Dim objDocumentfile As Object
    Set objDocumenttype = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTTYPE")
    objDocumenttype.Value = "PM2"
    Set objDocumentnumber = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTNUMBER")
    objDocumentnumber.Value = "A5N00030059989"
    Set objDocumentpart = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTPART")
    objDocumentpart.Value = "000"
    Set objDocumentversion = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTVERSION")
    objDocumentversion.Value = "D"
    Set objDocumentfile = objFunction.Exports("DOCUMENTFILE") = "Test 2.doc"
    objDocumentfile.Value = "Test 2.doc"
    Dim objCheckedoutfile As Object
    Set objCheckedoutfile = objFunction.Exports("CHECKEDOUTFILE")

  • How can I create a Commercial Invoice or similar document in SAP ByD?

    How can I create a Commercial Invoice or similar document in SAP ByD?
    Our company has recently implemented ByD, but we can't figure out how to create a commercial invoice for shipping/customs purposes. I know that the German version of ByD allows for "Export Declarations" which is pretty much the same as a commercial invoice, but the U.S. version doesn't have this document/function.
    Any suggestions? I would appreciate any help.
    By the way, a commercial invoice contains:
    1. The shipperu2019s complete information: Contact name, company name, complete address and tax identification number.
       2. The recipientu2019s complete information: Contact name, company name, complete address and phone number.
       3. The buyeru2019s information (the person to whom the goods are sold by the seller) if different from the recipient: Contact name, company name, complete address and phone number.
       4. The shipment tracking number, air waybill number or bar-code label number.
       5. An accurate description of the contents in your shipment that includes the following details:
    What the product is
    What material the product is made of
    What the productu2019s Schedule B or HTS code is
    What the productu2019s intended use is
    What the productu2019s country of manufacture is
    What the productu2019s parts or serial numbers are (if applicable)
    What the productu2019s quantity and unit of measure are
    What the productu2019s value is, per unit and in total

    May I suggest that you ask this question in the customer forums in the Business Center at [|]
    Best regards, Christian

  • Excise Duty handling for Inter company Stock Transport Orders in SAP 4.6C

    I want to handle Excise Duty handling for Inter company Stock Transport Orders in SAP 4.6C. I know that SAP has provided standard solutions in 4.7C by giving one standard table OIH09 which can be maintained through Customisation.
    In 4.6C, even the Goods issue & Goods receipt button in item details of Stock Transport order is not available.
    Is there any work around for the same.

    In IS-OIL, cross company postings were stopped with Note #  623910 & would
    require a core modification to achieve this functionality.

  • IDoc to Create Shipment Document in SAP

    I want to create the shipment document in SAP via EDI message from freight forwarder and subsequently update the shipment document(VT02N) statuses via EDI  like planned/loaded/shipment end etc....
    I am reasearching on the Idoc type for that...I found SHPMNT03 etc could be used to create/change document but I don't know where the Transportation planning point field exists in the Idoc type. Please help me to how could I create the shipment document...
    I am able to create the shipment document using TPSSHT01...but not sure whether it would be good as it's used with TPS and we don't have any external TPS. We just want to create shipment document in SAP based on freight forwarder edi messages 856 I believe
    I am new to EDI

    We used a program to create the IDoc but I don't see a transportation planning point anywhere in it. I think it should be picked up automatically from the deliveries and I wouldn't fixate on that. Here is the code fragment, but you don't need to fill in all those fields:
    e1edt20-shtyp = '0003'.
          e1edt20-signi = i_table-route.
          e1edt20-exti1 = i_table-route.
          e1edt20-exti2 = i_table-driver_num.
          e1edt20-tpbez = i_table-driver_name.
          i_edidd-sdata = e1edt20.
          i_edidd-docnum = w_docnum.
          i_edidd-segnam = 'E2EDT20001'.
          APPEND i_edidd.
          e1adrm4-partner_q = 'OTP'.
          e1adrm4-partner_id = '0001'.
          i_edidd-sdata = e1adrm4.
          i_edidd-docnum = w_docnum.
          i_edidd-segnam = 'E2ADRM4001'.
          APPEND i_edidd.
          e1adre4-extend_q = '305'.
          e1adre4-extend_d = '0001'.
          i_edidd-sdata = e1adre4.
          i_edidd-docnum = w_docnum.
          i_edidd-segnam = 'E2ADRE4001'.
          APPEND i_edidd.
        e1edl20-vbeln = i_table-vbeln.
        i_edidd-sdata = e1edl20.
        i_edidd-docnum = w_docnum.
        i_edidd-segnam = 'E2EDL20'.
        APPEND i_edidd.
    From what I remember, this IDoc worked rather strangely and I had to fill in some fields for no obvious reason (e.g. both e1edt20-signi and e1edt20-exti1 when SIGNI is really the one we needed). At some point, I just tried filling in all the possible fields to get past errors. Like I said, it just takes some trial and error.
    Unfortunately, I don't have access to that system anymore and have no further information. Also we didn't do any shipment changes. You might want to search in ABAP forum. Good luck.

  • Working with documents via BEx Analyzer not using the portal

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    help we get connected to the portal. We dont want to use the portal for
    that. Therefore we searched a way to skip the portal. We read that in
    BW Versions before 7.0 the portal was not connected but since 7.0 we
    have the portal connectivity, but it should also possible to not use
    the portal and to access directly the BI Server. I searched for the
    Customizing to do so but i could not find it where to switch to the old
    And another question is when we use the Portal with the knowledge base . The documents are stored in the document framework (SKWF). Is it the same as the Datawarehousing Workbench --> documents. This storage we want to use.
    Can anyone give me a hint?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Murat,
       We are also facing the same issue of when trying to create/access the documents from BEx analyzer it is connecting portal , we need to bypass portal and directly access the document browser in BW server.
      In your thread you mentioned it is done. So can you please let me know how did you enable the old configuration?. It will be very much helpful to us.
    Awaiting for your reply.

  • Generating an URL to link from a webpage to a document in SAP

    Where I work, business documents are stored and managed in SAP. In our testing lans, our automated tester system generates reports in HTML. We can setup the test system to use a template to generate an URL from a document number. Just have to figure out the right template. (When test technicians create test cases, there is a field in the test case editor in which we have directed the technicians to put the document number of the related requirements.)
    In EasyDoc, I have used the "Copy as URL to clipboard" feature to have SAP generate links to documents and then exampined these links. A problem with these links is that they contain a file name as well as the document number and the links do not work without the file name.
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    You requirement can be fulfilled thur workflow builder , kindly check and discuss with abap'r.

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