Configure Parental controls via CLI

Hello all.
i ahve over 350 macs where by i need to eneable parental controls from another computer option.
Is there a command via terminal to perfom this action?

It would depend on what you need to do, but '/usr/bin/dscl' offers a few options for configuring "Parental Controls" from the command line. For more information about various options, try eg.:<pre>
man dscl
dscl . -mcxhelp</pre>
In particular, the '-mcxexport' option can be used to save settings (individually or all at once) from one account to a file, and '-mcximport' can be used to load those settings to a second account. If pre-Leopard systems are involved, 'dscl . -read' and 'dscl . -create' can be used in a similar manner (although limited to copying everything at once), in a format compatible with older versions of 'dscl' or 'nicl'.

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    There doesn't seem to be any easy way to globally affect all the users' preferences. I'm hoping I don't have access each user station one-by-one. I was thinking that I could replace the related plist file in all the users, but I can't seem to find the one that drives parental control settings.
    Any ideas out there?

    hi mecklists thanks for your response.
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    Please post a picture of what your seeing on the Parental Controls section of the router... What Hardware version is your router?
     What Firmware version is currently loaded?
     What region are you located? Internet Service Provider and Modem Configurations  
     What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL?
     What ISP Modem Mfr. and model # do you have?  Wireless Configurations
     Ensure the default (linksys) SSID name is changed. Ensure that different SSID names are used between each WiFi 2.4/5Ghz radios for dual band routers. Can be anything and not something that's already in use by any neighbouring WiFi routers.
     What wireless modes are you using?  
     Any 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz cordless house phones or WiFi APs near by?
     Any other WiFi routers in the area? Link> Use to find out. Use v3. How many?
     WMM Support must be enabled for single wireless N mode to function.
     Router Placement  
    Forum User - "Well I feel really dumb. After moving the router away from other electronic devices my speeds are back to normal. Just a heads up for anyone experiencing slow speeds, you might want to move it away from other electronics and see if that helps."
    3-6' feet minimum safe distance between devices.
    Placement on main level floor and central in the building and WELL ventilated is preferred. Not in basements or closets as building materials, or near by electronics devices could interfere or hinder good signal propagation.

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    Am I doing something wrong?  Is this stuff supposed to work?  Thanks for any help, this is incredibly frustrating!

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    I don't recall exactly, but if you're trying to determine if changes got pushed to the clients there is something in the profile manager (web UI) that shows "completed tasks" or "active tasks" (or something like that) which should show what was pushed and if it was succssfully received by the client. 
    Anyway, after all that effort I ended up not using the profile management feature in OSX server at all.  My kids accounts are now just plain 'old local accounts.  I came to the conclusion (as many others have) that OSX server, at least in a home setting, just isn't worth the effort.  It's too bad because if it all worked properly it could be really useful.  If you still want to mess around with OSX server you might want to check out some nice youtube videos by a guy named Todd Olthof.  He has a bunch of videos on OSX server that are actually geared completely towards the home user. 
    Good luck!

  • Parental Control log showing websites were visited that weren't actually visited

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    Hi ...
    Disney or WSJ would not be available in history just because the pop up blocker is enabled.
    Great article for using Parental Controls > Configuring Parental Controls | Macworld
    And here >  OS X Mountain Lion: Set up parental controls

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    hi k,
    yes you can down grade her account and enable parental controls. This will not delete her content such as itunes, photos, documents, extra.
    if you haven't done so already, make another administrator account with you will use to manage the computer. Make sure the account has a password; and that password is not the same as her password.
    then Login with the new administrator account.
    go to system preferences and click on accounts. unlock accounts by clicking on the lock. click on the old administrator account. now uncheck allow this user to administrate this computer. then check enable parental controls. then click on the open parental controls button.
    you can now configure parental controls.

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    pc desktop 
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    Also it has to be really user-friendly for me to set up.  I'm somewhat computer illiterate (not a techy!).
    Recommendations?   Thanks much.  

    I have gathered some useful articles below to help you in setting up the router, configuring parental control settings as well the wireless and knowing more about it that may benefit your network. I hope these will help.
    Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router, EA3500 Frequently Asked Questions
    Setting up the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers, EA6300, EA6400 and EA6700 using Smart Setup
    Changing the basic wireless settings of your Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router using your Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account
    Setting up Parental Controls using the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account (Video)
    How to restrict Internet access on specific times using Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account
    How to disable restricted Internet access on specific devices using your Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account
    Setting up the Parental Controls feature of your Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router

  • I am having issues with parental controls.  My kids are able to access websites that are NOT on our approved list.

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    Check out KB Article Mac OS X v10.5, 10.6: About the Parental Controls Internet content filter - Apple Support and Configuring Parental Controls for possible solutions.

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    Please answer as soon as possible.
    You can email me independently at [email protected]
    Brian Patterson
    Hollywood CA

    Call that person back and tell him/her to give you the page number in the Encore PDF
    I just search both Encore and PPro PDF files, and do not find parental in either file
    As I said... I've been on the various Adobe forums for about 8 years, and yours is the first mention I remember of parental controls
    I don't think Encore will do that... so if you need it, you'll have to use different software
    PS - be more careful of putting your entire SIG in an open forum... spam-bots crawl everywhere harvesting email addresses

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    Allow the media "(name)" to play?
    Parental Control is on. To play this media, you will be asked to enter an administrator name and password.
    [Always Allow] [Cancel] [Play Once]
    This happens with every DVD, either commercial discs rented from Netflix or purchased, or discs of my own material created in iDVD.
    I'm the only user of this computer, so I have no need for, and have never configured, Parental Controls. When I go to the Parental Controls control panel, there doesn't seem to be any settings to turn off. The only user listed there is Guest User (see screen shot). I'm logged in as an administrator.
    I don't see any relevant settings in DVD Player, or in the CDs & DVDs control panel. Can anyone guess why this functionality started, and more importantly how I can turn it off?

    Tsaxman wrote:
    I manage a lab and have setup Parental Controls to allow certain apps. However, later students will launch an app. that I have enabled and get the dialog box saying it isn't allowed. I go back and check parental controls for that computer and the app is now unchecked.
    1) how can I keep this from happening?
    2) is there a preferences file somewhere that I can save and then just upload from time to time?
    I suspect your students are smarter than you think they are
    Be sure nobody knows the admin password. Change it to be sure and make sure nobody is looking.
    Be sure nobody has a Leopard DVD handy.
    Be sure all users are non-admin types.
    Check all 3rd party apps installed on the machines.
    You can also check the console logs on the machines to see how and when the change occurred.

  • ITunes Parental Control error

    I have a problem. For some reason, I had locked the parental control for my copy of iTunes. Now, I want to open it up and change my settings. I use my password (I'm one of two people who have Admin access on this computer) and I get an "unknown error (1909)" after I enter my username and password, and then it won't unlock.
    Is there a way to reset the parental control so it's unlocked?

    To isolate the concern, use another browser or computer to configure parental control. If that is not going to work, restart the computer and power-cycle the router and try the setup again. Also make sure the router’s firmware is up to date.

  • ESA want to retreive logs via cli

    i want to retrieve  message tracking logs via cli
    Can some body let me know the procedure

    Retrieve as in FTP copy them?  Or retrieve as in setup syslog to push the logs off to a local syslog server?
    Message tracking cannot be retrieved from CLI.  Only the mail_logs --- which are used to compile the message tracking DB on the appliance(s).
    From the User Guide, 34-36:
    Tracking logs record information about the email operations of AsyncOS. The log messages are a subset of the messages recorded in the mail logs.  The tracking logs are used by the message tracking component to build the message tracking database.
    If you are trying to get the mail_logs...
    You'll need to configure your logs via CLI: 'logconfig' or GUI: System Administration -> Log Subscriptions.  Edit, or suggested to create a new/copy of the log you are needing off-appliance, and set the push as needed per your environment ---
    From the User Guide, 34-6:
    Log Retrieval Methods
    Log files can be retrieved based upon one of the following file transfer protocols. You set the protocol while creating or editing the log subscription in the GUI or via the logconfig command during the log subscription process.
    Log Transfer Protocols
    Manually Download
    This method lets you access log files at any time by clicking a link to the log directory on the Log Subscriptions page, then clicking the log file to access. Depending on your browser, you can view the file in a browser window, or open or save it as a text file. This method uses the HTTP(S) protocol and is the default retrieval method.
    NoteUsing this method, you cannot retrieve logs for any computer in a cluster, regardless of level (machine, group, or cluster), even if you specify this method in the CLI.
    FTP Push
    This method periodically pushes log files to an FTP server on a remote computer. The subscription requires a username, password, and destination directory on the remote computer. Log files are transferred based on a rollover schedule set by you.
    SCP Push
    This method periodically pushes log files to an SCP server on a remote computer. This method requires an SSH SCP server on a remote computer using the SSH1 or SSH2 protocol. The subscription requires a username, SSH key, and destination directory on the remote computer. Log files are transferred based on a rollover schedule set by you.
    Syslog Push
    This method sends log messages to a remote syslog server. This method conforms to RFC 3164. You must submit a hostname for the syslog server and choose to use either UDP or TCP for log transmission. The port used is 514. A facility can be selected for the log; however, a default for the log type is pre-selected in the dropdown menu. Only text-based logs can be transferred using syslog push.
    If you are wanting to just copy over a specific set of logs for a one-time review or to provide... then, assure that FTP is enabled on the interface.  Then, using standard CLI from your desktop - ftp <IP/hostname>.  You'll be in the /configuration directory when you finish authenticating onto your appliance.  After - just simply use standard FTP commands to retrieve the log files you are after.
    $ ftp myesa
    Connected to myesa.
    220 myesa.local Cisco IronPort FTP server (V8.0.1) ready
    Name (myesa:robsherw): admin
    331 Password required.
    230 Login successful.
    Remote system type is UNIX.
    Using binary mode to transfer files.
    ftp> ls
    227 Entering Passive Mode (XXX,16,6,165,16,243)
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
    drwxrwx---   4 root     config       1024 Apr 25 10:02 configuration
    drwxrwx---   2 root     config        512 Jun  2  2013 captures
    drwxrwx---   2 root     config        512 Jun  2  2013 diagnostic
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 upgrade_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log          1024 Apr 25 09:58 authentication
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 system_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 cli_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 trackerd_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 reportd_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 May  2 15:35 slbl_db
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 ftpd_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 euq_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:59 updater_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:59 euqgui_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:01 reportqueryd_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:02 mail_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:02 status
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log          1024 Apr 25 10:02 asarchive
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:02 bounces
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:02 error_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log          1024 Apr 25 10:02 avarchive
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:02 crash_archive
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:03 sntpd_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:59 gui_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log          1024 Apr 25 10:04 scanning
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:04 antispam
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:04 repeng
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:04 antivirus
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 10:04 encryption
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Jan 23 10:55 domain
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log          1024 Feb 27 21:21 domain_3
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Jan 23 10:55 domain_2
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 slbld_logs
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 May  2 15:35 slbl_isq_db
    drwxr-xr-x   3 root     log           512 Feb  6 00:00 periodic_reports
    drwxrwx---   2 root     log           512 Apr 25 09:58 snmp_logs
    You can then use standard FTP/UNIX commands to navigate through the directory structure, cd mail_logs, for example and mget the files.
    ftp> cd mail_logs
    250 CWD command successful.
    ftp> ls
    227 Entering Passive Mode (XXX,16,6,165,13,125)
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
    -rw-rw----   2 root     log       1399268 May  6 15:33 mail.current
    -rw-rw----   2 root     log       1399268 May  6 15:33 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log        145117 Feb 10 11:58 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log        167043 Feb 11 12:03 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log       1943018 Mar  4 14:14 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log       2404319 Feb 27 09:40 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log       1822273 Mar 20 11:58 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log          1267 Mar  4 14:40 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log       3415936 Apr 24 12:55 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log         67740 Mar 24 16:48 [email protected]
    -rw-rw----   1 root     log         70220 Feb  7 15:29 [email protected]
    226 Transfer Complete
    ftp> mget mail.@*
    mget [email protected] [anpqy?]? a
    Prompting off for duration of mget.
    227 Entering Passive Mode (XXX,16,6,165,180,210)
    150 Opening Binary mode data connection for file '[email protected]'
      2% |*** 
    And so it will copy those off...
    Once complete - the files will now be in the directory on your local desktop.
    I hope this helps!
    (*If you have received the answer to your original question, and found this helpful/correct - please mark the question as answered, and be sure to leave a rating to reflect!)

  • Parental controls are unstable

    I run osx 10.8.2 on my Imac and administer to my 5 kids accounts that I have on my computer. when on thier accounts everything is unstable. If I allow a certain program it might not allow them to use it or it might let them use it but only after they click on it fifty times. also web sites that I allow them to use randomly get "forgoten" and they can no longer access them. this is really anoying for all the sub applications.

    Double check to make sure your PC settings are correct.  Then use Software Update to update your OS  to 10.8.3.  Also, update everything SU has to offer for your computer.  When done, repair permissions and restart your computer.
    A couple of links that may or may not offer a solution:
    OS X Mountain Lion: Manage a user with parental controls
    Troubleshooting Parental Controls
    Configuring Parental Controls
    Set parental controls on your Mac (Video)

  • I am trying to reset my 4th generation ipod touch via itunes (as I cannot remember parental controls code). In itunes it does a download but then says the software was corrupted during download. Itunes is up to date. Operating system is vista. Any ideas?

    I have given my 4th generation ipod touch to my husband and he wants to download some in app purchases, so I am trying to reset it via itunes. I dont remember setting parental controls but I must have at some point, maybe when I lent it to the kids. But I cannot remember the password and nothing I have tried works. So I have backed the ipod up and am trying to reset it but after speding 10 minutes doing a download I get a message that says:
    "The softwaar for the iPod was corrupted during download. Disconnect and reconnect, then try again. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later"
    I have tried many times. All the settings are correct, and the network seems to be working fine in all respects.
    Any advice very much appreciated.
    Thank you
    UPDATE - decided to try one more time after trying for hours and it has worked! I now suspect it may have been because my son was playing an online game. Though we have plenty of bandwidth. But in case, I guess it could be a bandwidth problem.

    A Complete Guide to Restore or Recover Your iDevice (or if you forgot your passcode)
    iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    iOS- Understanding passcodes
         If you have forgotten your Restrictions code, then follow the instructions
         below but DO NOT restore any previous backup. If you do then you will
         simply be restoring the old Restrictions code you have forgotten. This
         same warning applies if you need to restore a clean system.
    If you need to restore your device or if you cannot remember the passcode, then you will need to restore your device using the computer with which you last synced it. This allows you to reset your passcode and re-sync the data from the device (or restore from a backup). If you restore on a different computer that was never synced with the device, you will be able to unlock the device for use and remove the passcode, but your data will not be present. Refer to Updating and restoring iPhone, iPad and iPod touch software.
    Try restoring the iOS device if backing up and erasing all content and settings doesn't resolve the issue. Using iTunes to restore iOS devices is part of standard isolation troubleshooting. Restoring your device will delete all data and content, including songs, videos, contacts, photos, and calendar information, and will restore all settings to their factory condition.
    Before restoring your iOS device, Apple recommends that you either sync with iTunes to transfer any purchases you have made, or back up new data (data acquired after your last sync). If you have movie rentals on the device, see iTunes Store movie rental usage rights in the United States before restoring.
    Follow these steps to restore your device:
         1. Verify that you are using the latest version of iTunes before attempting to
         2. Connect your device to your computer.
         3. Select your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch when it appears in iTunes under Devices.
         4. Select the Summary tab.
         5. Select the Restore option.
         6. When prompted to back up your settings before restoring, select the Back Up
             option (see in the image below). If you have just backed up the device, it is not
             necessary to create another.
         7. Select the Restore option when iTunes prompts you (as long as you've backed up,
             you should not have to worry about restoring your iOS device).
         8. When the restore process has completed, the device restarts and displays the Apple
             logo while starting up:
               After a restore, the iOS device displays the "Connect to iTunes" screen. For updating
              to iOS 5 or later, follow the steps in the iOS Setup Assistant. For earlier versions of
              iOS, keep your device connected until the "Connect to iTunes" screen goes away or
              you see "iPhone is activated."
         9. The final step is to restore your device from a previous backup.
    If you can not restore your device then you will need to go to recovery mode.
    Placing your device into recovery mode:
    Follow these steps to place your iOS device into recovery mode. If your iOS device is already in recovery mode, you can proceed immediately to step 6.
         1. Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but leave the other end
             of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
         2. Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the
             red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.
              If you cannot turn off the device using the slider, press and hold the Sleep/Wake
              and Home buttons at the same time. When the device turns off, release the Sleep/Wake
              and Home buttons.
         3. While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the device.
             The device should turn on. Note: If you see the screen pictured below, let the device
             charge for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has some charge, and then
             start with step 2 again.
         4. Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen.
             When this screen appears you can release the Home button.
         5. If necessary, open iTunes. You should see the following "recovery mode" alert:
         6. Use iTunes to restore the device.
    If you don't see the "Connect to iTunes" screen, try these steps again. If you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen but the device does not appear in iTunes, see this article and its related links.
    Additional Information:
    Note: When using recovery mode, you can only restore the device. All user content on the device will be erased, but if you had previously synced with iTunes on this computer, you can restore from a previous backup. See this article for more information.

  • Citrix via parental controls

    In order to access PC applications on her school network, my daughter has to use a Citrix plug in.
    Now this works fine on my account yet h on her it never loads fully.
    To be clear I am the administrator and she has parental controls active but with the Citrix plug in marked as allowed.
    I have tried allowing all applications but to no avail, so my question is, does this mean her account is at fault?
    Really hope there is a resolution here as she needs to get school work done.
    Thanks in advance

    Please post a picture of what your seeing on the Parental Controls section of the router... What Hardware version is your router?
     What Firmware version is currently loaded?
     What region are you located? Internet Service Provider and Modem Configurations  
     What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL?
     What ISP Modem Mfr. and model # do you have?  Wireless Configurations
     Ensure the default (linksys) SSID name is changed. Ensure that different SSID names are used between each WiFi 2.4/5Ghz radios for dual band routers. Can be anything and not something that's already in use by any neighbouring WiFi routers.
     What wireless modes are you using?  
     Any 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz cordless house phones or WiFi APs near by?
     Any other WiFi routers in the area? Link> Use to find out. Use v3. How many?
     WMM Support must be enabled for single wireless N mode to function.
     Router Placement  
    Forum User - "Well I feel really dumb. After moving the router away from other electronic devices my speeds are back to normal. Just a heads up for anyone experiencing slow speeds, you might want to move it away from other electronics and see if that helps."
    3-6' feet minimum safe distance between devices.
    Placement on main level floor and central in the building and WELL ventilated is preferred. Not in basements or closets as building materials, or near by electronics devices could interfere or hinder good signal propagation.

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