Confirm email

Few Questions:
1. I'm tyring to make registration where user has to confirm
email, i mean going to his inbox, than clicking on the registration
link. How can this be done?
2. How can i make captcha code for registration and other
3. How can i get session variable? I mean, when user logged
in few pages back, how can get that variable?

To answer your first question, when user fills out original
registration form, you need to do three things.
1) Generate some random string consisting of characters and
numbers that would be an identifier for this user
2) Set status field in your database table to be something
less then registered user (for example you can use binary system
where all registered users would have status 1 and not-fully
registered user would have status 0)
3) Fire up an email to the user that would include a link to
a confirmation page and URL that includes some user identifier
(such as username or email) and registration code that you've
Then you need to write your confirmation page. It would
basically get the URL vars and check them against the database. If
such user exists, you simply change his status from 0 to 1 and
he(she) becomes fully registered.

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    ChristinaW1111 for information on how to resolve the connection error preventing the active membership from authorizing then please see Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later.  If you have any questions regarding the steps listed within the document you are welcome to update this discussion.

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    If you ask me, this sounds fishy and you might have just been taken.  You might also want to consider looking up your recent credit card charges, and if necessary, cancelling your credit card.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Put in a request for another verification e-mail to be sent to you.
    Start here, change your country if necessary and go to manage your account.

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    You build an auto-reply message so when the information is submitted to your email address via the website form the  sender receives a confirmation.
    // build your auto reply
        $reply = $_POST['email'];
        $replysubject = "Auto-Reply: Your Website Name";
        $replyfrom = "From: [email protected]\r\n";
        $replymessage .= "Your enquiry has been successfully sent. Thank you.\r\n\r\n";
        $replymessage .= "Yours Sincerely,\r\n";
        $replymessage .= "Your Name - Position in Company\r\n";
        $replymessage .= "[email protected]\r\n";
        $replymessage .= "\r\n\r\n";
        $replymessage .= "This e-mail is automated, so please DO NOT reply.\r\n";
    Then add the line below after the 'mail' funtion in the php form processing script
    mail($reply, $replysubject, $replymessage, $replyfrom);

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    Hi Damon,
    To override the double opt-in confirmation email:
    1. Navigate to your form in the back-end
    2. Under more actoins, choose "Customize Web Form"
    3. In the HTML view, in the action append &OPTIN=true
    To disable auto-responders:
    In the HTML view, in the action append &SAR=False
    See example -
    Hope this helps!
    Carol | | for only $7

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    Yes I think it might take awhile, 5 hours is not too long, but I know what you mean about usually getting confirmation emails right away.. I can't recall how long it took me to recieve my confirmation email, as I registered years ago.  It could come at anytime.  You will get it soon.  If I were you, I wouldn't be worried.  I'd just give it more time.

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    The Apple ID Security site allows written contact in your own country and language.  The AppleCare support phone number from and Account Security Team is for a number in your country and language.

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    Hi there hyongju, 
    Welcome to the forum and thank you for shopping with us! When placing any order, receiving an order confirmation is crucial in your reassurance that your order has been received and is being processed. I'm truly sorry you may not have yet received an order confirmation for a recent order, and if this has caused you any concern. 
    Due to some maintenance on last night, some order confirmation emails were delayed. We do fully expect these confirmation emails to push through our systems this afternoon. With that said, I was unable to locate your order in our systems, so I would like to look further into this. You may check your private messages by signing into the forum then clicking the envelope icon in the top right corner of the page. 

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    Hardijs wrote:
    Are you sure? The wording I got fro them is exactly as you say though the mismatch may be ... because IRS database that is used to
    me bad - pushed post button without reading - the text somehow got garbled.
    this should read as
    Are you sure? The wording I got from them is exactly as you say though the mismatch may be ... because IRS database that is used to verify is not yet up to date with the latest information - meaning - like the onformation you gave some weeks ago to IRS.

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