Confirmed: Parallels install (5160) messes up Access / Permissions

I have been going back and forth for 5 different installs of Leopard trying to sort out what has been going wrong. Thank goodness for the 10.4.10 bootable backup! (via CCC)
I have had the problem where root folders on my local HD have had the "You have custom access" rather than "You can read and write". The folders are personal ones. In Terminal they do not show odd behavior such as a ACL 0 condition that some have reported on. I am admin (only account on the machine).
I tried running disk utility repair permissions (took 45 minutes, no success in these areas).
I tried creating a new admin account and using it. No success.
I tried batchMod to manually re-assign permissions. No luck.
So, by trial and error, I reinstalled 4 times trying to find out what was going on. First I simply cloned over my "good 10.5 install" from my other machine. Then, after installing Parallels (build 5160) as well as other things, I had the permissions problems. So, I backed up a step and simply did a local clean install. This looked good, but then again after Parallels, it was screwed up. Finally, I did a clean install again, and am now waiting to hear back from Parallels before continuing. I will make sure and clone my current config before I try again.
It hasn't been fun. I have read a lot on other ACL / permissions issues, and am wondering if anyone else with some of these random problems have Parallels? The problems caused may not be very apparent, except that you can't modify files / folders on the root directory of the HD without it telling you you don't have access (when trying to rename a folder) or having you authenticate (if you try to delete or add a file or folder).

I do understand and appreciate that this is not Leopard's fault. I only do clean erase and installs so that I have an opportunity to clean things up, so obviously no prior - installed 3rd party app is causing me any conflicts because the hard disk was clean.
At the same time I am stuck without being able to dynamically get into XP (I don't like being there, but the linguistic tools I need to use are only for XP) without rebooting. I am left unwilling to install Parallels on my current Leopard build due to the corruption I had identified with the prior 4 builds. Just wondering if anyone could confirm that "Yes, I have that problem, too", or "No, I don't have any permissions problems like this after installing Parallels."

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  • Exchange 2010 Unable to Assign Full Access Permissions using a Security Group

    I've been running into this issue lately.  I cannot seem to use groups to allow full access to mailboxes.  When I add them from the EMC, it will show up when you go to "Manage Full Access Permission...".  After waiting a day and even restarting
    the Information Store service, the permissions do not take effect.  When I view the msExchDelegateListLink attribute of the mailbox account, the group is not listed.
    When I grant a user full permission, it works and updates the attribute.  However, on occasion when I revoke the full access permission for a user is doesn't always remove that user from the msExchDelegateListLink attribute.  So the mailbox
    will still appear in Outlook, but the user isn't able to see new emails.
    Any ideas on what may be going wrong?
    Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Standard
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
    Outlook 2010 SP1 (tried without SP1 as well)
    I was looking over Add-MailboxPermission on Technet ( and I noticed that it doesn't mention adding groups.  Is this not possible?

    I never got a proper fix.
    I worked around it by creating a script which gets the members of an AD Mail Enabled security group, and updates the full access based on the groups members.
    Here's a script I'm running every hour which updates permissions. It's probably not the most efficient script ever, but it works. It has several benefits
    1. Managers of the distribution group can add/remove mailbox members using OWA or through the address list
    2. New members of groups are added to FULL Access Permissions
    3. Members removed from the groups are removed from FULL access permissions
    4. Automapping works :)
    5. Maintains a log of access added / removed / time taken etc.
    Obviously I have had to remove domain related information, replace with whatever your domain requirements are, and PLEASE debug it properly in your environent first, don't complain to me if it wipes out a load of access for you or something like that!
    It takes about 5 minutes to run in my environement. Some formatting seems to have got messed up on here, sorry. I hope it is of use!
    # Mailbox Permissions Setter for Exchange #
    # v1.1 #
    # This script will loop through all mailboxes in Exchange and find any where #
    # the type is 'SHARED'. These should be determined to be a GROUP/SHARED mailbox #
    # and access to these mailboxes are controlled by a single ACL, e.g. 'ACL_Shared_Mailbox'. #
    # This script will add any members of these ACLs directly to the Full Access Permissions #
    # of the mailbox and also remove them if they no longer need the access. #
    # Script created by Jon Read, Technical Administration
    # Recent Changes
    # 15/11/2012
    # 1.1 Added exclusions for ACLs that we don't want automapping to happen for
    # 12/11/2012
    # 1.0 Initial script
    #Do not change these values
    Add-PSSnapin *Ex*
    $starttime = Get-Date
    $logfile = "C:\accesslog.txt"
    $logfile2 = "C:\accesslog2.txt"
    $totaladditionstomailboxes = 0
    $totalremovalsfrommailboxes = 0
    $totalmailboxesprocessed = 0
    $totalmailboxesskipped = 0
    # Exclude any ACLs that shouldn't be processed here if they are used for a non-standard purpose and
    # we don't want FULL access mapping to happen. Seperate array values with commas
    $ExcludedACLArray = "DOMAIN\ACL_ExcludedExample"
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "#----------------------------------------------------------------#" >> $logfile
    Write-Output "# Mailbox Permissions Setter for Exchange #" >> $logfile
    Write-Output "# v1.1 #" >> $logfile
    Write-Output "#----------------------------------------------------------------#" >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-output "Start time $starttime ">> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    # Set preferred DCs and GCs
    $preferredDC = "preferredDC.domain"
    $preferredGC = "preferredGC.domain"
    Write-Output " PreferredDC = $preferredDC ">> $logfile
    Write-Output " PreferredGC = $preferredGC " >> $logfile
    Set-ADServerSettings -PreferredGlobalCatalog $preferredGC -SetPreferredDomainControllers $preferredDC
    # The first part of this will ADD permissions to the mailbox, reading from an associated ACL.
    # Check for all mailboxes where the type is SHARED. These are the only ones we would
    # want to apply group mailbox permissions to.
    foreach ($mailbox in get-mailbox -resultsize "unlimited" | where-object {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq "SharedMailbox"})
    $totalmailboxesprocessed = $totalmailboxesprocessed + 1
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|-------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| MAILBOX ADDITIONS: $mailbox " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|-------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    # For each of them, get the distribution list applied to the mailbox (Starting DOMAIN\ACL_)
    # We then need it to be turned into a string to use later.
    #Declared $changes as 0. if this is set to 0 at the end of the mailbox job, we know no changes were made.
    $changes = 0
    foreach ($distributiongroup in get-mailbox $mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | Where-Object {$_.User -like "DOMAIN\ACL_*" })
    $skipACL = 0
    #Get the distribution group and put the name in a useable format
    Write-Output "Found ACL $distributiongroup" >> $logfile
    # Check if this distribution group needs to be excluded and if it shouldn't be processed
    # then move onto the next ACL. This will stop FULL access being granted if the mailbox is
    # used for a non-standard purpose. See the start of this script
    # for where these are excluded (ExcludedACLArray)
    foreach ($ACL in $ExcludedACLArray )
    if ($distributiongroup -eq $ACL)
    $skipACL = 1
    Write-Output "ACL $distributiongroup is excluded so skipping mailbox " >> $logfile
    $totalmailboxesskipped = $totalmailboxesskipped + 1
    if ($skipACL -eq 0)
    # Get each user in this group and for each of them, add try to add them to full access permissions.
    foreach ($user in Get-DistributionGroupMember -identity $distributiongroup)
    # Get the user to try, convert to DOMAIN\USER to use shortly
    $user="DOMAIN\" + $user.alias.ToString()
    # Check to see if the user we have chosen from the ACL group already exists in the full access
    # permissions. If they do, set $userexists to 1, if they do not, leave $userexists set to 0.
    # Set $userexists to 0 as the default
    $userexists = 0
    foreach ($fullaccessuser in get-mailbox $mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission)
    # See if the user exists in the mailbox access list.
    # Change $fullaccessuser to a useable string (matching $user)
    if ($fullaccessuser -eq $user)
    # Break out of foreach if the user exists so we don't unnecessarily loop
    # Now we know if the user needs to be added or not, so run code (if needed) to add
    # the user to full access permissions
    if ($userexists -eq 0)
    Add-MailboxPermission $mailbox –user $user –accessrights "FullAccess"
    Write-Output "Added $user " >> $logfile
    $changes = 1
    $totaladditionstomailboxes = $totaladditionstomailboxes + 1
    #Now repeat for other users in the ACL
    #if changes were 0, then log that no changes were made
    if ($changes -eq 0)
    Write-Output "No changes were made." >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    Write-Output " FINISHED ADDING PERMISSIONS" >> $logfile
    Write-Output "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    # The second part of this will REMOVE permissions from the mailbox, reading from an associated ACL.
    ## Check for all mailboxes where the type is SHARED. These are the only ones we would
    ## want to apply group mailbox permissions to.
    foreach ($mailbox in get-mailbox -resultsize "unlimited" | where-object {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq "SharedMailbox"})
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|-------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| MAILBOX REMOVALS : $mailbox " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|-------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    #Declared $changes as 0. if this is set to 0 at the end of the mailbox job, we know no changes were made.
    $changes = 0
    # For the current mailbox, get a list of all users with FULLACCESS, and then for each of them
    # check if they exist in the ACL
    foreach ($fullaccessuser in get-mailbox $mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | Where-Object {$_.Accessrights -like "FullAccess" })
    # Get the security identifier (SSID) of the FULLACCESS user to store for later.
    #If user needs to be excluded then skip this bit
    #Users added or removed will only start with 07 (07$, 07T, so only run if the user starts with this.
    #This stops it trying to remove NT AUTHORITY\SELF and other System entries
    if ($fullaccessuser -like "DOMAIN\07*")
    # Set $userexists to be 0. if we find the use user needs to remain, then change it to 1.
    # Check if this user exists in the ACL, if not, remove.
    foreach ($distributiongroup in get-mailbox $mailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | Where-Object {$_.User -like "DOMAIN\ACL_*" })
    #Write-Output "Found associated distribution group $distributiongroup" >> $logfile
    # Get each user in this group and for each of them, See if it matches the user in the mailbox.
    foreach ($user in Get-DistributionGroupMember -identity $distributiongroup)
    # Get the user to try, convert to DOMAIN\USER to use shortly
    $userguid = $user.Guid.ToString()
    $user="DOMAIN\" + $user.alias.ToString()
    if ($fullaccessuser -eq $user)
    #we have found the user exists so no need to continue
    # If userexists = 0, then they are NOT in the ACL, and should be removed from
    # the full access permissions. Run the code to remove them from full access.
    if ($userexists -eq 0)
    Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $mailbox –user $fullaccessuserSSID –accessrights "FullAccess" -Confirm:$false
    Write-Output "Removed $fullaccessuser " >> $logfile
    $changes = 1
    $totalremovalsfrommailboxes = $totalremovalsfrommailboxes + 1
    # if changes = 0, no changes were made to this mailbox, so log this fact.
    if ($changes -eq 0)
    Write-Output "No changes were made." >> $logfile
    #Put the time in a displayable format
    $endtime = Get-Date
    $runtime = $endtime - $starttime
    $runtime = $runtime.ToString()
    $runtime1 = $runtime.split(".")
    $totaltime = $runtime1[0]
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| SCRIPT COMPLETE : STATS " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| Total Mailboxes Processed : $totalmailboxesprocessed " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| Total Additions : $totaladditionstomailboxes " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| Total Removals : $totalremovalsfrommailboxes " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "| Total Mailboxes Skipped due to ACL : $totalmailboxesskipped " >> $logfile
    Write-output "| Start time : $starttime ">> $logfile
    Write-output "| End time : $endtime ">> $logfile
    Write-Output "| **END OF RUN** - Elapsed time : $totaltime " >> $logfile
    Write-Output "|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $logfile
    Write-Output " " >> $logfile

  • Installing Bootcamp with Parallels installed

    Hey guys.
    I need to install Bootcamp to run Rhinoceros and Grasshopper with full graphics support. It isn't a good idea to run these programs only on parallels. However, I am told that I need to install Bootcamp BEFORE parallels if I want them to share the same Windows copy. I already have parallels installed, along with Revit and the full Microsoft Office suite. I don't want to delete all of my installed programs to install windows onto Bootcamp. Is there anyway to salvage this without having to dig up old codes and trying to get all my software back?
    My end-goal is to be able to work in Bootcamp for serious CAD and drafting software, whilst still maintaining the capability of opening these same files for viewing and light edting in Parallels while running Mac. I would be using Bootcamp ONLY for Rhinoceros Grasshopper and Revit. Excel PPT word and other microsoft applications would be run exclusively through parallels.
    Thank you for your views and responses
    - Thomas

    without knowing anything about parallels and feeling that the parallels forum would likely be a safer place to confirm your questions then
    I would think that they mean that you just have to have installed bootcamp before creating the virtual machine in parallels which is to access the windows partition  not wait with installing the virtual machine software(parallels) itself
    but as stated parallels is about the only virtual machine software I have no experience with at all

  • When I close Photoshop CS6, the following message appears: "Could not save Preferences because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file.

    When I quit Photoshop CS6, the following message appears:
    " Could not save Preferences because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder."
    If I try to change the Workspace in PS6 from Essentials to any other Workspace, the following messsage appears:
    "Could not apply the workspace because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder."
    I have checked the Sharing and Permissions section of the "Get Info" panel accessed from the Finder and I have set Read and Write Privileges for my user account for Photoshop CS6. System and Admin are also set to Read and Write.
    I have a MacBook Pro with OS X Version 10.9.5 and have all available updates for Photoshop CS6, Lightroom 5 and Bridge CS6.
    I tried uninstalling the program and downloading it again and reinstalling, but nothing changed.
    Can you help?

    You may get better help in Photoshop General Discussion
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    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
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    If FINDER means Mac, read below (and try to give more information when asking a question)
    Mac 10.9.3 workaround
    Enable Mac Root User
    -more Root User
    -and more root user

  • Photoshop won't start: Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file.

    Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended
    "Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file."
    I've tried finding and checking and fixing permissions but no success.
    This happened from one day to the next. I think it has to do with the sn attached to the disk rather then the motherboard. I have the suite co-installed with Symphony 5.05. I've tried reinstalling.
    What's to b done? The rest of the Creative Suite 6 (AE, AI etc.) works fine.

    Have you tried restoring the Preferences yet?

  • Read-only access permissions for new files/folders?

    Clean Install on new intel Xserve
    10.4.8 Server w/ Open Directory
    Windows clients can read/write completely fine...
    Clients connecting using AFP (whether Standard or Kerberos authentication) can access files, but when new files/folders are created on the server, they register as full permissions for the user who created them, but not for the rest of the group.
    The share(s) in question are set using POSIX from WGM: Full access for owner/group/everyone (changed it to this thinking it would help, but it does not). Of course, no one can make changes to a newly-created/deposited files/folders, which is just plain silly.
    I can chmod the permissions recursively from a script (which fixes the problem, of course) on a regular basis so that its not (as much of) an issue, but there is still a 5-minute lag for the script to kick in, since we don't want to bombard the server with chmod requests every minute....which is unnecessary in the first place!
    I have plenty of other setups which are identical but have no such issue...
    Any reason why POSIX permissions on the share are being ignored from every user account?

    "That's default posix behaviour no matter what access permissions you set on the sharepoint."
    I'm afraid this is dead wrong. What matters most is how you set permissions on the share, not if you've chosen to inherit vs. using POSIX. POSIX is still used in inherit functions, though you can use ACL's to override them. In this case, ACL's are not being used on those shares (though we tried it).
    After all, why would Apple (let alone anyone else) even offer the ability to change POSIX permissions on a share if it didn't have any effect? That would be somewhat contradictory in nature.
    Like I said before, I have several other installations which are identically setup that have no such issues.
    As for Windows, it is also not set to inherit permissions; we're setting those explicitly. And they work fine.
    Any other ideas?

  • Could not save Preferences because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the 'Get Info' command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file.

    I have this massage every time close ps cc
    Could not save Preferences because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder.

    You may get better help in Photoshop General Discussion
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    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
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    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll
    If FINDER means Mac, read below (and try to give more information when asking a question)
    Mac 10.9.3 workaround
    Enable Mac Root User
    -more Root User
    -and more root user

  • An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

    Hello, I have the same issue with Windows 7 laptop. unable to connect to the network and if I try ipconfig/renew I receive error 
    an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its
    access permissions
    Any idea on whats wrong? I have tried netsh winsock reset, uninstalling the wireless adapter from device manager and reinstalling the drivers but no changes. same error. it started after my laptop installed automatic windows update last night.
    Windows built in Restore utility is a crap and doesn't work.. it fails I tried it twice as well.

    Per my knowledge, the symptom could occur if the replication service tries to use the ports that occupied by others, or by a malfunction NIC. Please try the following
    Restart the windows firewall service
    Reboot the problematic machine
    Restart the “TCP/IP stack”.  Run CMD as administrator, type “netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt” to reset TCP/IP.
    Try to temporarily disable antivirus.
    I wonder if you could provide the model of the laptop and wireless adapter.
    It will help us move more quickly toward a solution if you could collect the information now.
    Hope that helps
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

  • "Custom Access" permissions are locking me out of my own computer!

    "Custom Access" permissions are locking me out of my own computer!
    I have a Mac Book Pro which I can no longer access, due, I believe, to a problem with disk and file permissions. When I attempt to open up the volume, which I am able to put in FireWire target mode and mount on the desktop of a nearby iMac G5, I get an error message saying: "The folder 'MacBook Pro' could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges."
    When I select the 'MacBook Pro' volume and run the Get Info command, I learn that the system, admin, and everyone else groups now have "custom access." I suppose that this newly acquired "custom access" is the reason that the volume icon now appears on the desktop with a lock at its lower left corner! Unfortunately, that lock is keeping me out, so I need help in finding the key back in!
    How all this came about overnight is a mystery wrapped in a enigma similar to my getting pneumonia last summer. Coming down with both diseases would require telling long stories that would only have as their common objective the desire to be cured. I might have gotten the pneumonia at my college reunion; my laptop computer might have caught a cold last night when I ran TechTool Pro and optimized my volume prior to installing its eDrive today. Or, my laptop computer may have choked when I tried to add Disk Warrior to the TechTool Pro eDrive and inadvertently issued some command that resulted in my normal permission settings getting changed and rendering everything on the computer completely inaccessible to me. Who knows for sure? Right now, the cause doesn't matter: finding the solution does.
    I used TechTool Pro to run a series of tests before (and after) I got locked out of my own computer and the volume passed all the tests for volume integrity and file integrity. TechTool also rebuilt the directory, defragged all the files, and optimized the hard drive into one, large, well-organized segment of files --that I unfortunately can no longer access!
    *What I think I need now are some very explicit, error-free, Terminal (UNIX) instructions telling me how to change the permissions on an external FireWire volume called "MacBook Pro" containing Leopard Mac OS X 10.5.7 from its current custom access privileges back to my settings before my poor computer caught this disabling cold.*
    I do have a SuperDuper clone of this MacBook Pro computer on an external FireWire, which I could probably use to relieve me of my pain. But, if at all possible, I would like to call upon that option only as a last resort for two reasons:
    (1) I am not entirely comfortable that the clone is completely reliable at this moment. My last cloning operation last night (before this corrupted permissions problem occurred) did not complete itself, leaving the cloned volume in an unknown, or unstable, state. (2) I would like to use this problem as an opportunity to grow and learn more about the Terminal and UNIX commands.
    I have read the relevant sections in David Pogue's missing manual on Mac OS X Leopard, so I am familiar (in theory) with the concepts he explained regarding ownership, file permissions, the root, Terminal, the CHMOD command, and the SUDO command. It's just that, considering the awesome power of the SuperUser Do command, I'm not all that confident yet that I could write the command(s) that could affect the state of my entire computer hard drive. So, *I'm asking for guidance from a UNIX guru to guide my hand this first time out.*
    I know about the idea of safe booting up as a single user, but since I do have my laptop computer mounted on the desktop of my iMac as a Firewire volume, I would prefer to use Terminal on the iMac to fix the permissions on that mounted volume, called "MacBook Pro".
    *Experts only, please*. Theories about what might have caused this problem would be nice, but what I really need is explicit command line code to cure this one. Since other people may occasionally encounter this problem of being locked out of their own computer, it would be fine with me if some knowledgeable guru wants to use this as a springboard to write a detailed tutorial on the topic along the way to the solution. Thanks.

    {I read that article you sent me to, Baltwo, but it does not seem appropriate, because the disk is not invisible. It's locked! I also went through all the discussions on flag changing you directed to me to look up, and I tried to apply something from there to my situation. But that's not working for me yet either. The topics there seem to be close enough to be relevant to my case, but none are exactly on the mark, and so far they deliver no cigar. Maybe I missed the one thread you had in mind from among the twenty I looked through: I can't be sure. You point it out, if you have one in mind. Anyway, in the absence of anyone providing me with specific Unix code or suggestions about my particular situation, I plunged ahead on my own, and I attempted to write some Unix code that might fix my problem. So far, I've had no success. This posting intersperses my comments along with the lines of Unix code which were displayed on my MacBook Pro during my recent attempts to tinker under the hood. My remarks are contained inside of curly brackets like { and } while the results of my Unix experimenting in Single User Mode on the laptop are presented without curly brackets. These were initially notes to myself, so I'm creating a post around my Unix dabbling to see if it triggers any feedback, corrections, and guidance for moving ahead. I'm stuck right now.}
    Fri Jun 19 17:52:25 EDT 2009
    :/ root# sudo chflags nouchg /
    sudo: can't open /private/etc/sudoers: Permission denied
    :/ root# sendmail: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
    sendmail: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
    :/ root# ls -l
    {The screen filled up with rows of file names and their permissions, like...}
    drwxrwxr-x+ 43 root admin 1462 Jun 16 04:36 Applications
    :/ root# exit
    {Nothing happens for quite a while, then...}
    jettisoning kernel linker.
    {...and then several lines of replies fill up the screen, ending in that same loop regarding no such file or directory found, in regards to mDNSResponder. I had tried the {chmod 775 > solution recommended by a user at a web site I Googled to deal with the mDNSResponder problem he had. The chmod 775 / command worked for him, he reported, but it does not succeed for me. The mDNSResponderline continues to repeat itself ad infinitum, so I must force the Mac to turn off by holding down the power button for several seconds. Upon restart in Single User mode, I observe that, as before, "Root device is mounted read-only," so this time I try to amend permissions at the root level with...}
    :/ root# sudo chmod 755 /
    {If I understand what I've just learned about Unix, this tells the Mac to give me permission to do anything, but to give all others permission only to read and execute. Unfortunately, the command fails. The computer again responded with the same lines that it gave me when I had issued the command regarding no user flags, namely:}
    sudo: can't open /private/etc/sudoers: Permission denied
    :/ root# sendmail: warning: valid_hostname: empty hostname
    sendmail: fatal: unable to use my own hostname
    {So, to summarize, I have a MacBook Pro which I am apparently locked out of and cannot change. The hard disk is not invisible: it will appear as an external drive when placed in Target Mode and connected via a Firewire cable to an iMac. I tried to use Terminal on that iMac to change permissions on the MacBook Pro, but permission was denied.
    {So, I have tried to make changes on the MacBook Pro directly. I learned that it will neither start-up under normal circumstances nor via Safe Boot mode. It will, however, start-up under Single User mode. Based on my bleary-eyed crash course in Unix throughout all of last night and early this morning, I did gain some additional understanding about UNIX from some [free online books|] and articles, especially from a thorough and lucidly written article at Indiana University called [In Unix, how do I change the permissions for a file?|]
    {Also, I followed the links to the Apple discussions on user flags, and I cherry picked the most appropriate solutions suggested there to see if they will apply to my situation. However, none quite fit. None have thus far succeeded. I think I now know how to formulate the syntax of Unix commands in regards to modifying permissions, and I'm willing to plow ahead and try things out. But I'm only a rank beginner in this Unix realm, so maybe I'm doing something wrong in that department.
    {It just boggles my mind that someone can inadvertently be locked out of their computer without a way back in, so all I'm asking for is some trouble-shooting guidance to find the key back in. Anyone got it? Is this a problem that can be cured by writing some Unix commands to the system? Or, does the solution lie elsewhere?}

  • IMac 10.6.7 freezes at startup; have reset PRAM, replugged power, repaired disc via target mode on other computer, it spits out cds that came with it...any ideas? key commands useless, can't access permissions...i have to keep shutting it off...

    My iMac 10.6.7 freezes at startup or if I click anything, won't restart, key commands don't work, I have to keep shutting it off to restart.....I repaired disc via target mode using a laptop, but access permissions there or by clicking anything on the spits out the discs that came with it...any ideas?

    My iMac 10.6.7 freezes at startup
    How large is your HD & how much space do you have left on it?
    it spits out the discs that came with it...any ideas?
    Make sure the DVDs are not dirty, smudged and/or scratched. Mac doesn't start up from install disc
    *** Your drive may need cleaning.  Cleaning kits can be purchased from any store that sells CD/DVDs. ***
    Use Software Update or the OS 10.6.8 combo update to update your OS.  Also, update everything SU has to offer for your computer.  When done, repair permissions and restart your computer.

  • Limited Access permissions missing

    SharePoint 2013 does not show limited access permissions (ie disabled inheritance on subsite http://sp/site1 but
    http://sp does not list a user with unique permissions as limited access).  Tried several install instances, anyone should be able to replicate this (RTM and ServicePack 1)

    This is what I got to know while migration and I don't have any direct link but you can see this post:

  • I am trying to import developed images from LightRoom 5 in o Photoshop 6.  I am receiving this message and the images will not open.....'Could not open scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions or another progra

    I am trying to import developed images from LightRoom 5 Photoshop 6 for further editing.  I am receiving this message and the images will not open.....'Could not open scratch file because the file is locked, or you do not have necessary access permissions or another program is using the file.  Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file. How do I fix this?  I would greatly appreciate it if you would respond with terms and procedures that a computer ignorant user, such as me, will understand.   Thanks.

    Have you tried restoring the Preferences yet?

  • I am trying to import developed images from LightRoom 5 into Photoshop 6.  I am receiving this message and the images will not open.....'Could not open scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions or another progra

    I am trying to import developed images from LightRoom 5 into Photoshop 6.  I am receiving this message and the images will not open.....'Could not open scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions or another program is using the file.  Use the 'properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file'.  This has not happened before.  How do I change this?

    Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. (…) | Mylen…

  • I have PS 6 and just purchased an iMac and am running OS 10.10.1 (Yosemite).  When i try to Save or Save As a file I get the following message:  Could not save as "Whatever.psd" because this file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or

    I have PS 6 and just purchased an iMac and am running OS 10.10.1 (Yosemite).  When i try to Save or Save As a file I get the following message:  Could not save as "Whatever.psd" because this file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file.  Use the Get Info command in the Finder to ensure the file is unlocked and you have permission to access the file.  If the problem persists, save the document to a different file or duplicate it in the Finder.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

    Photoshop: Basic Troubleshooting steps to fix most issues
    Look under Troubleshoot User Permissions.

  • Check in new documents in DMS with specific access permissions

    we have an RFC which creates new documents in DMS.
    This calls one after another these FBs:
    - BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE2 for a additional classification of the new document
    Now we have a new request from our customer: to give the document specific access permissions.
    We try the following:
    - manually check in a document template with the necessary permissons.
    - the permissions are given in a classification  ("O,MW-T-D*,IB,02/03/52/53")
    - This is named "authority characteristic" and is checked somewhere else, I do not really know how this works in detail ( but it works)
    - check in a new document with a reference to the template and in expectation that the new document has the same classification and therefore the same access permissions
    - If I do this manually in CV03N is does work
    - We do this with CVAPI_CHECK_IN_WITH_TEMPLATE - but this FB does not copy the classification ( only the description and the attached original documents , and the documentnumber of the new document is an mandatory parameter which is not allowd in our case since we use internal creation of document numbers)
    My question is: Is this a possible way to create new documents with specific permissions
    Is there a possibility to give the permissions to the documenttype instead of give them to every single document of this documenttype ?

    My guess is that at some point you propagated the ACL entry for "everyone deny delete" to all your folders and sub-folders and their contents by selecting Apply to All in a GetInfo window. Try doing a search in the Leopard forums for
    ACL chmod
    and you'll find a whole raft of discussions about the problem and suggestions for fixes.

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    I'm downloading both Photoshop and Lightroom and for some reason when they should be done, it give me a error.. "Installation failed - Learn More". When I click learn more, it gives me this information.. Error Exit Code: 6 Please see specific errors

  • ARD 3.5.3

    Since this weeks update to ARD 3.5.3 I can no longer connect from a LION desksktop to control a LION desktop. All other connetctions from LION to Leopard or Snow Leopard work just fine but LION to LION connections have ceased working. You click "cont