Congrats to skalicki`on first Users Tip

Hi skalicki`,
Congrats on both your First Tip and the First for FCE
The turnaround in the time sequence from your Post dated the 24th to completed draft and edited item to Acceptance seems to have hit a sweet spot in the system of things. (I have never seen a User Tip Contribution accepted so fast).
Phenomenal !!
Congrats again.
9:06 PM Friday; November 26, 2010

<ing src="">
At the top.
This one by Nubz N. will drop down the list
Well, until such time as someone writes a new Users Tip and Nubz edits it to add that to the Topic.
Each Tip gets it's own link in the Nubz thread to keep them together as it were, particularly if there are over 4.
Up to 4 Tips are called "New" and are listed in the Top section that I have arrowed. (Plus a Link to th Nubz topic)
See iChat for an Extended List and equivalent Nubz topic for iChat
10:23 PM Friday; November 26, 2010
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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  • Re user tip: How can I import a homemade DVD into iMovie for editing? - I've followed instructions so far so good, until I get to "You can then FILE/EXPORT USING QUICKTIME and choose Apple Intermediate Codec as your video codec. "  How do I do that?

    Re AppleMan 1958 excellent user tip: How can I import a homemade DVD into iMovie for editing? -
    I've followed instructions with success until  "You can then FILE/EXPORT USING QUICKTIME and choose Apple Intermediate Codec as your video codec. "  How do I do that?
    I installed MGEG Streamclip 193b8 and used their utility to install quicktimempeg2 and got a message stating it was successfully installed.  (I'm on latest Maverick 10.9.2 on iMac)  Then I dragged the VIDEO_TS file from my home DVD into the streamclip app.  It asked which of 4 files to use, and I selected the first one.  Streamclip played the video with the sound.  so far so good. but now I cannot figure how to use quicktime player 10.3 to export this vob file out of streamclip.

    Thank you for your quick reply and for clearing up my confusion.  I'm exporting the first section now.  I choose the smallest size, 3x4 but I'd prefer to go higher as this DVD was originally a VHS home movie.  I'm wondering if after three conversions (VHS,->DVD->MPEG) the resolution will be so poor as to not support a larger size frame?  If it can, what size should I select when I export? 

  • User Tips General Procedure

    Hey all,
    I was thinking of drafting a user tip or two for the FCE forum and I thought I'd first ask here regarding the couple questions more experienced posters might have the answer to.
    1. Is it even worth posting a User Tip seeing as the forum transformation is happening in the near future? Will these tips remain prominent in the new forum layout? (this one is mainly directed toward the Hosts.)
    2. Would you recommend posting a separate tip for each narrow topic, or a large combined one such as "Basic Troubleshooting Procedure in Final Cut Express" that addresses more than one common problem?
    Thanks for the advice!

    I still use the Users Tips Contribution Forum (your post reminded me to check my last).
    If you happen to know the knowledge base lettering to aid Searches I would include that in the leading info (Such as kichat or kisight)
    I tend to write items that address a specific topic issue and address it to as many versions of iChat as possible. (As I specialise in iChat)
    I do have this in support of that as well.
    I know iFelix keeps these Pages
    Pondini seems to have a Users Tip on Time Machine that is Title/links to external pages. Keeps the Users tip Short(er), groups the topic but keeps the detail somewhere else which can be easier to update.
    I started with Users Tips then realised I had more info than I could get in the Tips (Old Forum Software) so started keeping a web site. (it now has a life of it's own )
    Basically, as Eric says, it is do as you feel.
    However if you plan to cover everything you can think of I would think of combining the two.
    I use Level4 And save the Message as a Snippet (to Save a Copy) so that I can edit newer version when required)
    I would certainly recommend keeping something locally preferably something that can handle the HTML links and formatting you use.
    10:23 PM Wednesday; November 24, 2010

  • The book who I selected doesn't move to the right in CheckedListBox and the reason is that I can't make an return.his code is good just for first user who I selected

    Imprumut = loan
    I have 6 tables: 
    I have one combobox(from where I select utilizatori(users)) and 2 CheckedListBox(Between first box and second box I have 2 buttons:imprumuta(loan) and restituie(return))
    This c# code works just for first user: Utilizator, but something's not good. When I add new utilizator(user) and select it,  the loan will be add in my SQL DataBase, but... the book who I selected doesn't move to the right in CheckedListBox and the reason
    is that I can't make an return
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
    namespace proiect
        public partial class Imprumut : Form
            MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection("DataSource=localhost;UserID=root;database=biblio1");
            //stabilim conexiunea
            MySqlCommand comUser;//interogarea pe baza careia umplem comboBox
            MySqlDataAdapter adaptu;
            DataTable userT = new DataTable();
            MySqlCommand cmdCarti;//interogarea pe baza careia umplem checkListBox
            MySqlDataAdapter adaptCarti;
            DataTable CartiTabel = new DataTable();
            MySqlCommand cmdCartiImprumutate;//interogarea pe baza careia umplem checkListBox
            MySqlDataAdapter adaptCartiImprumutate;
            DataTable CartiImprumutateTabel = new DataTable();
            public int UserId
                    return Convert.ToInt32(user.SelectedValue.ToString());
            void Completez_Combo_User()
                    comUser = new MySqlCommand("SELECT n.userid, CONCAT(n.UserName) as UserN FROM users n left join userroles us on n.userid=us.userid left join roles r on r.roleid=us.roleid WHERE r.roleid='3'",
                    adaptu = new MySqlDataAdapter(comUser);
                    user.DataSource = userT;
                    //DataTable din care sunt preluate datele pentru ComboBox user
                    user.ValueMember = "UserID";
                    //Valoarea din coloana UserID nu se afiseaza in combobox
                    user.DisplayMember = "UserN";
                    //Eelementele afisate in combobox, preluate din concatenarea mai multor coloane
                catch (Exception ex)
            void Completez_CheckList_Carti()
                    cmdCarti = new MySqlCommand("SELECT BookID, CONCAT(title, ' ', ISBN,' ',author)as date_carte FROM books WHERE NumberLeft > 0 ORDER BY BookID", con);
                    adaptCarti = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmdCarti);
                    imp.DataSource = CartiTabel;
                    //DataTable din care sunt preluate datele pentru ComboBox carte
                    imp.ValueMember = "BookID";
                    //Valoarea din coloana BookID nu se afiseaza in combobox
                    imp.DisplayMember = "date_carte";
                    //Eelementele afisate in combobox, preluate din concatenarea mai multor coloane
                catch (Exception ex)
                void Completez_CheckList_Cartires()
                        cmdCartiImprumutate = new MySqlCommand(string.Format("SELECT b.BookID, CONCAT(title, ' ', ISBN,' ',author) as date_carte FROM books b inner join userbooks ub on ub.bookid = b.bookid
    WHERE ub.userid = {0} ORDER BY BookID", UserId), con);
                        adaptCartiImprumutate = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmdCartiImprumutate);
                        res.DataSource = CartiImprumutateTabel;
                        //DataTable din care sunt preluate datele pentru ComboBox carte
                        res.ValueMember = "BookID";
                        //Valoarea din coloana BookID nu se afiseaza in combobox
                        res.DisplayMember = "date_carte";
                        //Eelementele afisate in combobox, preluate din concatenarea mai multor coloane
                    catch (Exception ex)
            void Inregistrez_imprumut_in_BD()
                int useridu = Convert.ToInt32(user.SelectedValue.ToString()); //useridu = id book
                int bookidi;
                    DateTime azi = System.DateTime.Now; //  Data imprumutului
                    DateTime atunci = termenul.Value;   //  Data restituirii
                    MySqlTransaction tranzactie = con.BeginTransaction();
                    MySqlCommand adaugImpr = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO bookshistory(UserID, BookID,BorrowDate) VALUES(@UserID, @BookID, CAST(@BorrowDate as datetime))", con);
                    MySqlCommand scadCarti = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE books SET numberleft=numberleft-1 WHERE bookid=@bookid", con);
                    MySqlCommand adauga_userbooks = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO userbooks(userId,bookID)VALUES(@userID,@bookID)", con);
                    adauga_userbooks.Transaction = tranzactie;
                    adaugImpr.Transaction = tranzactie;
                    scadCarti.Transaction = tranzactie;
                        foreach (int i in imp.CheckedIndices)
                            imp.SelectedIndex = i;
                            bookidi = Convert.ToInt32(imp.SelectedValue.ToString());
                                     //bookidi va fi id-ul cartea bifata, pe rand din checklistBox
                                     //Inregistrez in tabela imprumut
                            adaugImpr.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", useridu);
                            adaugImpr.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BookID", bookidi);
                            adaugImpr.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BorrowDate", azi);
                            adauga_userbooks.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userID", useridu);
                            adauga_userbooks.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bookID", bookidi);
                                    //Scad numarl de carti disponibile pentru cartea imprumutat
                            scadCarti.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bookid", bookidi);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string message = ex.Message;
                        if (ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("duplicate entry"))
                            message = "Una dintre carti mai exista deja";
                catch (Exception ex)
            void Inregistrez_restituire_in_BD()
                int useridu = Convert.ToInt32(user.SelectedValue.ToString()); //useridu = id book
                int bookidi;
                    DateTime azi = System.DateTime.Now; //  Data imprumutului
                    DateTime atunci = termenul.Value;   //  Data restituirii
                    MySqlTransaction tranzactie = con.BeginTransaction();
                    MySqlCommand modificIstoric = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE bookshistory SET returndate = @returnDate WHERE userID = @userID AND bookID = @bookID", con);
                    MySqlCommand adaugCarti = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE books SET numberleft = numberleft + 1 WHERE bookID = @bookID", con);
                    MySqlCommand sterge_userbooks = new MySqlCommand("DELETE  FROM userbooks WHERE userID = @userID AND bookID = @bookID", con);
                    sterge_userbooks.Transaction = tranzactie;
                    modificIstoric.Transaction = tranzactie;
                    adaugCarti.Transaction = tranzactie;
                        foreach (int i in res.CheckedIndices)
                            res.SelectedIndex = i;
                            bookidi = Convert.ToInt32(res.SelectedValue.ToString());
                            //bookidi va fi id-ul cartea bifata, pe rand din checklistBox
                            //Inregistrez in tabela imprumut
                            modificIstoric.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", useridu);
                            modificIstoric.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BookID", bookidi);
                            modificIstoric.Parameters.AddWithValue("@returnDate", termenul.Value);
                            sterge_userbooks.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", useridu);
                            sterge_userbooks.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BookID", bookidi);
                            //Scad numarl de carti disponibile pentru cartea imprumutat
                            //adaugCarti.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bookid", bookidi);
                            adaugCarti.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bookid", bookidi);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
            public Imprumut()
                catch (Exception ex)
                //  Initializez termenul din dateTimePicker la data de peste 15 zile fata de data sistemului
                termenul.Value = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(15);
            private void imprumuta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Confirmare c = new Confirmare("Confirmati imprumutul?");
                DialogResult dr = c.ShowDialog();
                if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                        MessageBox.Show("Imprumutul a fost inregistrat");
                        //Dupa inregistrarea imprumutului o parte din carti nu mai sunt disponibile pentru imprumut
                        //Reincarc in CheckList cu Carti noua lista cu carti ramase dupa imprumut
                        //Pentru asta "resetez" datele din dataTable cartiT (sursa pentru carti.DataSource)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                if (dr == DialogResult.No)
                    MessageBox.Show("Imprumutul NU a fost inregistrat");
                    //deselecteaza cartea selectat
                    foreach (int i in imp.CheckedIndices)
                        imp.SetItemChecked(i, false);
                    //debifeaza cartile bifate
                //if (imp.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
                //    //res.Items.Clear();
                //    foreach (string str in imp.CheckedItems)
                //        res.Items.Add(str);//adauga in partea cealalta, imprumuta
                //    while (imp.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
                //        imp.Items.Remove(imp.CheckedItems[0]);
            private void restituie_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Confirmare r = new Confirmare("Confirmati restituirea?");
                DialogResult dr = r.ShowDialog();
                if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                        MessageBox.Show("Restituirea a fost inregistrata");
                        //Dupa inregistrarea imprumutului o parte din carti nu mai sunt disponibile pentru imprumut
                        //Reincarc in CheckList cu Carti noua lista cu carti ramase dupa imprumut
                        //Pentru asta "resetez" datele din dataTable cartiT (sursa pentru carti.DataSource)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                if (dr == DialogResult.No)
                    MessageBox.Show("Restituirea NU a fost inregistrata");
                    //deselecteaza cartea selectat
                    foreach (int i in imp.CheckedIndices)
                        res.SetItemChecked(i, false);
                    //debifeaza cartile bifate
                if (res.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string str in res.CheckedItems)
                    while (res.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
            private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //private void selecteaza_carti_utilizator()
            //    res.Items.Clear();
            //    MySqlCommand selectcart = new MySqlCommand("select title from books,userbooks where userbooks.userid='" + user.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and userbooks.bookid=books.bookid", con);
            //    MySqlDataReader reader = selectcart.ExecuteReader();
            //    try
            //        while(reader.Read())
            //            res.Items.Add(reader["title"]);
            //    catch(Exception ex)
            //        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);
            //    finally
            //        reader.Close();

    Hello Vincenzzo,
    This issue seems to be a window form UI implemented related issue, for this i suggest that you could ask it to the windows form forum:
    The current forum you posted to is used to discuss and ask questions about .NET Framework Base Classes (BCL) such as Collections, I/O, Regigistry, Globalization, Reflection.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • The FIRST user exit/badi for VF01

    I need to know the first user exit/badi/etc... for VF01 (the pricing procedure).  We need to change field values BEFORE the first pass through the pricing routine (hits the condition types).  We are having an issue where we need to change field values and use those new values in a pricing condition.  What happens is the pricing condition is hit before our user exit is hit and so then it fails when it hits the condition a second time.  It fails this time because the values are different.  I need to change these values before the first pass.

      what values are changing???
      are you changing the pricing condition values??
      are you changing the value that will have an effect the pricing condition value..

  • Can't post to User Tips forum

    Though I can post replies or topics elsewhere, I can't post to User Tips Forum.
    Thanks RS

    You need to be at least Level 2 to submit a suggested User Tip; this is done by going to the User Tips Contributions board, reading the instructions there, and then creating your tip. Tips require the approval of a host before they are added to the User Tips area, and only hosts can create threads directly in the User Tips folder.

  • User Tip: MBPr + USB issue and how to recover hard drives.

    I did want to share this in case someone runs into this problem:
    Since I bought this MPBr in June it has "destroyed" my external USB drives on at least 7 ocassions. By "destroyed" I mean this: Either during a "Wake up failure" or ususally after reboot the drives suddenly were not "recognized" and I would get that dreaded "Initialize, Eject or Ignore" screen we all fear. When it happened and I tried all the standard repair tools (TechTool Pro, Disk Warrior, Data Rescue, etc) most often I ended up wiping the drives since they didn't hold much data, the important stuff safely away inside firewire drives not connected to the MPRr.
    That was until last week.
    A fact checklist:
    All the drives were from different makers and different ages (some brand new, some 1-2 years old).  Made no difference.
    The drives were both powered and unpowered. Made no difference.
    The "destruction" would happen either when the computer went to sleep or simply when trying to use a USB hub.
    I tried 5 different USB hub models. All of them did the same thing.
    To avoid issues, I was reduced to NOT using USB hubs (or even trying) and unplugging EVERYTHING at the end of the day.
    An assistant who was not aware of these problems made the horrible mistake of getting a USB hub and pluging these drives which now held VERY IMPORTANT information, some backed up, some which it had not been backed up yet. Almost INSTANTLY all the drives went bad: Unrecognized. Now, I really couldn't get mad at her because - let's be honest- using a USB hub is not "up there" in the scale of "dangeorus activities" in the computing the world, but it left me  3 dead large size USB drives..And they all had the same problem:
    When plugged in, the system would simply not recognize them.
    Pluging them into an older mac or another mac had the same response.
    In a few occassions the drives would actually appear briefly and disappear again. We are talking seconds here.
    NONE of the repair tools could fix them: TechTool Pro, Disk Warrior and fdsk were helpless.
    Data Rescue could actually see the partitions greyed out but could not access them
    After some digging around it seems whatever is happening with MBPr's USB/Mac OSX/Firmaware is destroying the PARTITION TABLES of USB drives. The data is still there, the system simply cannot access it.
    Eventually I came up with the solution which involves recovering the partition tables via Terminal using an open source program TestDisk. The name of "Stellar Phoenix Recovery" software also popped into from time to time (which I do remember from the old days), but I could not find an actual example of a succesful recovery.
    What you will need:
    This program runs in the Terminal with a very basic interface that uses arrow keys, enter and a few letters. That said, if you have never used Terminal or are not familiar with the terminology I suggest you find someone who does.
    Get the software here: TestDisk -  If everything goes well, this will be the one time you will truly be motivated to donate some cash. The euphory alone will do it. I know it for me, that's for sure.
    For my recovery I followed this step-by-step tutorial by Perro Hunter, but BE AWARE that it was written at an earlier date as apparently some of the features that the tutorial mentions as "not working yet" are now.
    In my case I did not need to go past step 7, which is good because the warning it gives is pretty  bone-chilling. In my case the software was able to write the recovered partition tables by itself and then when I restarted....the drives were there.  DO NOT IGNORE THE BACK UP AND LOG INSTRUCTIONS. EVER.
    Keep in mind that my drives were formatted as Mac OS X HFS+ / GUID partitions. I have no idea how it will work with other types of formatting. The process itself is very fast. if IN DOUBT, just quit terminal and start over (I did twice until I finally figure out what I was doing). Also, take screen shots as you move along the steps it helps.
    Needless to say, after recovery use Disk Utility, Disk Warrior or TechTool Pro to get the drives back in shape, and if possible, back up everything and wipe them clean which is what I did just to be sure.
    I hope that helps somebody and good luck to you in the process.

    Someone tried to follow this information and perro hunter's blog was not loading.
    3rdLOF made a version on pastedbin here:
    In case anyone needs it
    I tried posting this as a User Tip, won't let me.

  • Hello guys ..when i try to update any puts the first user a ccount and it ask the password which i dont know it cause im not the first user of this i pad ,,,,so how can i changebit to update apps dute to my account name and password???

    hello guys ..when i try to update any puts the first user a ccount and it ask the password which i dont know it cause im not the first user of this i pad ,,,,so how can i changebit to update apps dute to my account name and password???
    please answer me

    Delete all apps that were purchased with the former ID and renown load or purchase them with your ID.

  • I bought a second hand ipad 4 4g the first user forgot the apple id and password, how can i restore the ipad and create a new id and password for it?

    i bought a second hand ipad 4 4g the first user forgot the apple id and password, how can i restore the ipad and create a new id and password for it?

    You cannot get around Activation Lock without the oringinal owner disassociating the iPad from their account.
    See the Activation Lock FAQ for what you and they need to know.

  • How do I add a User Tip in this community?

    How do I add a User Tip? I can read them, but I can't figure out how to add one.

    Not sure, but I believe it's level 6 and above.
    That's correct

  • Attachment Tab for first user?

    Is it possible to display the attachment tab for the first user(before initiate a process) in the task manager?
    I mean, when I try open the form from the category (through Start Process icon), it does not display the attachment tab.
    any suggessions?
    Thanks in advance,

    your contribution to this forum is much appreciated..
    Many thanks for you...

  • BUG: Installer of Internet Explorer 9 breaks Active Setup, if first user logging on has no admin rights

    I just stumbled across an issue when deploying the Internet Explorer 9 on Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, like many others before me. See here for example:
    The Internet Explorer 9 setup creates the REG_SZ "NoIE4StubProcessing" with the value "Y" under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components. This blocks all Active Setup components from being executed, when a user logs on. This seems to
    be part of the preparation for the reboot during the IE 9 setup and is supposed to be reversed afterwards.
    To re-enable the Active Setup processing, the IE 9 installer places a command in the RunOnce-Key under HKLM. This command is also labeled "NoIE4StubProcessing" and contains the following command line:
    reg.exe DELETE "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\NoIE4StubProcessing" /f
    In theory, this command will be executed as soon as the first user logs back on, remove the registry entry blocking the Active Setup process and thus enable it again.
    However, this only works, if the first user has local admin priviledges on the machine. If an unpriviledged user logs on, the command is still executed and the entry under "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" is
    removed, but the "NoIE4StubProcessing" entry under "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components" remains - resulting in a permantely disabled Active Setup on the machine.
    I am not sure, that this is a bug of the IE 9 installer or the way the commands under  "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" are executed. Nevertheless, a fix for the problem would be great instead of shitty workarounds, that may
    break other things.
    Due to other means of contacting the developers / program managers in charge, could some moderator pass the issue along? - Please!
    ----------------------- Greetings from Germany, Martin

    Hi Martin,
    all feedback/issue reports for IE(10) go through a formal issue tracking portal that MS use.
    you may appreciate that this helps ensure the issue is formally documented and that resources can be allocated to its resolution.
    I have posted your feedback there on your behalf...

  • Question about user tips

    Hi all. I am unsure of some aspects of the process of creating tips. I created two tips which have been processed and put into the iMovie 09 forum. But the two tips are far more broadly related to video in general, and would be useful in numerous forums. iMovie is only slightly related. Are tips placed into only one subcategory, or should these be moved or duplicated? Also, are they supposed to be in the "User Tips Library" forum as well?
    I'd appreciate the clarification.

    Hi Jeremy,
    A User Tip can only reside in one Forum so I try to place it in the most relevant one. If it is suggested where it should go, that can help.
    If it relates to just a couple Forums it is possible to link to it from another related Forum but if it relates to many Forums it goes into the main User Tip Library with no links from other Forums.
    Is there another Forum you would like them to be linked from? Or would you prefer them to be moved to the User Tips Library itself? You make it seem like the later is preferred, "useful in numerous forums."
    Let me know. And thanks for your help.
    Nubz N.

  • What's the logic behind the prefixes in User Tips?

    I'm browsing through the User Tips, and maybe my memory is fuzzy, but I don't recall all those prefixes in the subject lines.
    e.g. kmosx, kmos, k.mac, kad, kaw, etc.
    Is there a logic behind it somewhere that would be useful for searching? e.g. put one in the search box and get all the User Tips on such-and-such topic?
    If so, can someone please sticky-post a glossary in the User Tips forum?

    Hi, Marlinespike - These are Knowledge Base keywords. A glossary of these keywords is here:

  • How to get rid of user tip on the screen of windows 8

    I do not want the display of "switch between apps" user tip that keeps on populating everytime.
    How can i get rid of it,please suggest. Thanks In advance.
    My PC configuration 
    Link to image 1
    Link to image 2
    Moderator note: large image(s) converted to link(s):  About Posting Pictures In The Forums

    hi saichandra38,
    Welcome to the Forums.
    Can you try to follow the guide below on how to disable App Switching and observe.
    How to Turn App Switching On or Off in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
    Let me know how it goes.
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