Connecting to Exchange 2003

I am a PC guy, but just bought a Macbook Pro. I have a little Mac experience, but overall I am very new to the Mac. I bought Office 2008 Home/Student and like an idiot, I didn't read the specs. Obviously Office 2008 Home/Student doesn't include Exchange Server support. Where I am employed we use and I support and administer an Exchange 2003 server and I do contract work for a company that runs Exchange, as well. In essence, I am planning on supporting and using Exchange for many years to come. Besides Entourage with Exchange support, does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions on how to connect to Exchange from the Mac?

there is/was something odd about the calendar and public folders, but I can't recall what it was. I know it can be done, just can't recall the particulars.
Heres a setup guide for both entourage and apple mail:
Exchange 2000 with SP 2 or later can provide mail, public folders, and calendaring - the basics of dealing with Exchange from the windows-user perspective. The latest version of server even allows full Active Directory integration for Exchange (as well as Mail), so that a client Mac isn't any different in usage from a Windows box.
or try this: t-access/accessing-exchange-2007-apple-macintosh-part-1.html
part 2 (covers public folders): t-access/accessing-exchange-2007-apple-macintosh-part-2.html
and finally:

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  • Can't connect to Exchange 2003 SP2 using BIS

    I'm a network administrator for a small company. We have a user with a Blackberry 8830, and they'd like to access their Exchange account from the device. We're running Exchange 2003 SP2.
    I attempted to set this up on the Blackberry and got the following error:
    "Cannot connect to email server or invalid server name. Please verify the Outlook Web Access URL. If the error persists, contact (your email provider)."
    The user received an email with the following info:
    Your attempt to configure the BlackBerry Internet Service to deliver mail to your BlackBerry device from this email account was unsuccessful. This email provides instructions to help with the email account set up.
    You submitted the following information:
    Account Type:
    Outlook Web Access
    Email Address:
    [email protected]
    User Name:
    ****** (For security the password is not displayed.)
    Mail Server:
    [removed personal information]
    For historical reasons, our Windows domain name is connectusdirect, while the email domain is different (
    I've set this up before when I had a blackberry of my own, and it worked OK for me - so I'm not sure why we're having a problem with this user's account.
    On our mail server, I'm seeing the following in the IIS logs for the OWA site. These are coming from a RIM-controlled IP:
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /exchange/jrebak - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 2 2148074254 357 410 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /exchange/jrebak - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 1 0 345 456 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /exchange/jrebak - 80 CONNECTUSDIRECT\jrebak Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 404 0 0 387 640 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 404 0 0 1753 832 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 POST /exchange - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 2 2148074254 376 823 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 POST /exchange - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 1 0 345 874 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 POST /exchange - 80 CONNECTUSDIRECT\jrebak Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 404 0 0 1848 1058 93
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 GET /exchange - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 2 2148074254 357 148 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:02 W3SVC1 GET /exchange - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 1 0 345 194 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange - 80 CONNECTUSDIRECT\jrebak Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 302 0 0 383 378 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange/logon.asp - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 2 2148074254 357 158 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange/logon.asp - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 401 1 0 345 204 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange/logon.asp - 80 CONNECTUSDIRECT\jrebak Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.0) - - 404 0 0 1848 388 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange/ - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+4.0) - - 401 2 2148074254 357 219 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange/ - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+4.0) - - 401 1 0 345 265 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 GET /exchange/ - 80 CONNECTUSDIRECT\jrebak Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+4.0) - - 200 0 0 1485 449 78
    2010-05-03 19:52:03 W3SVC1 PROPFIND /exchange/jrebak/ - 80 CONNECTUSDIRECT\jrebak Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+4.0) sessionid=af524a8e-7c18-4926-a10e-803bf5cc70f8:0x0 - 404 0 0 387 472 78
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I don't have any ideas yet but can chime in with "me too".
    A customer has an Exchange 2003 SP2 server (MS Server 2003 for SBS). It has a self-signed SSL certificate that does not expire until June 2011.
    One user has some species of Blackberry that can pick up his email (but not contacts or calendar) via OWA. I can see his accesses in the IIS log and they are coming from IP addresses resolving to (stuff) and are not getting 404's.
    Another user is trying to set up his new Blackberry via BIS. His accesses in the IIS log are coming from different IP addresses that resolve to (stuff) and these are getting 404's.
    An article - - suggested putting the full email address into the OWA URL. This works fine in a browser but not in BIS. I still get the same error message from BIS and 404's in the IIS log.

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    My battery on my iphone 4 was draining in a few hours and turning hot while not doing anything (idling).
    I downloaded lAssistant (with an L not an i) and noticed that before i deleted my hotmail account, the activity of the CPU while my iphone 4 was not doing anything, was 35-40% while AFTER i deleted my hotmail account the activity dropped to 4% and the battery returned tom normal drain.
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    2. turning off my  iphone 4
    3. turning on my iphone 4
    4. Re-adding my Hotmail account
    The battery has STOPPED draining and getting hot.

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    Hi iron_flower,
    Check if the time on Aastra 6525 IP phone is the same with the time on Aastra 6721 IP phone.
    Incorrect time may cause the problem.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Zheng
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • IPhone 3G OS 3.1.2 not connecting to Exchange 2003 consistently

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    iPhone 3G OS 3.1.2
    Outlook 2007
    Microsoft Exchange 2003
    My problem is that I have successfully set up my exchange account on my phone and all of my folders show up, however 9 times out of 10 when I go into my inbox it will sit and think and then tell me...
    "Cannot Get Mail Server error. Contact your server administrator."
    My IT guy had me convinced it was my phone that was the problem but I have 2 other Gmail accounts on the phone that work flawlessly and have taken it to apple store many a time to no avail.
    My problem is not setting up the exchange account because it does work (very rarely) and my folders are always visable. I think my problem is a time out issue but that's just me guessing because it thinks and then fails (which wastes an enormous amount of battery). Has anyone encountered this problem? I am not an exchange expert but aparently neither is my IT guy... so if anyone has a solution that I could communicate to IT then my daily life would improve tenfold. Thank you in advance for helping!

    This article: provides general tips that will most likely resolve the issue.

  • Snow Leopard and MS Exchange 2003  -USING OWA-

    I have a new 27" iMac with Snow Leopard. I am trying to connect to my company's MS Exchange 2003 via OWA NOT IMAP or POP, OWA. I dont like or like using iCal for calendering. So I like OWA using Safari or FF.
    I also have several other machines in my home office: 8 Macs (Dual G5 - Leopard, 27" iMac - Snow Leopard, G4 Mini - Leopard, 15" Powerbook - Leopard, 15" MacBook Pro - Snow Leopard, 24" iMacs - Snow Leopard, and quad Intel XServe - Tiger) and a couple of Dells one with XP and one with Vista. I'm a geek, can you tell?
    On every machine using Leopard and Snow Leopard, I cannot connect to Exchange 2003 OWA using Safari or FF. It takes forever and then once I get the login dialog it eventually times out.
    HOWEVER, on Tiger no mater if on Quad Intel XServe or the Dual G5 (I can boot Leopard or Tiger), there are no problems. There are no problems conecting or logging into Exchange via Safari or FF.
    Also, to reiterate, XP and Vista on a Dell have no issues, nor does XP on Fusion 3.0 int the 27" iMac.
    So it HAS to be related to Leopard and Snow Leopard. Remember it is not an issue of time outs after logging in as some posts on ArsTechnica suggests, here we cant even get to the exchange server in a timely manor. When I ping the server it just sits there.
    Ping results
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
    Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
    And it just keeps going.
    Frankly, I am ****** and don't know what I am to do. I need this access and dread having to be forced into using imap or pop.
    Microsoft was been useless. Their solution is Exchange 2007, But they cant seem to understand that I do not want to use and ical. I want to use the OWA!
    Thanks for any help you guys can provide.

    From my MBP with 10.6.2 I can connect using OWA both to a hosted service running Exchange 2007 and an internal service running Exchange 2003.
    It sounds as if there is a problem with the network configuration. Is there any firewall between your client system and your company server? Are you using the same IP information (DNS, GW, etc) on the client as on the other systems which work for you?

  • Lion won't sync with Exchange 2003

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    This issue did not begin until I moved to Lion. I have compared my settings to another co-worker, who is also on Lion and connecting to Exchange 2003 and everything appears to be the same.
    Thoughts? Solutions?

    Yes, I think I was. I went ahead and removed my Exchange account from Mail and re-created it as Exchange IMAP, and it appears to have resolved the issue.
    Thanks for the help.

  • E71 MfE - Exchange 2003

    Hey all..
    First of all I want you to know I'm new to the whole server / mobile thing.. So please forgive if I need a little extra explaining.
    Right, I have an E71 that i'm trying to connect to exchange 2003 r2, I've got the server setup for web access on I can browse to this address no problem via the phones browser.
    When I setup MfE and try connecting it says it connected for round 2 minutes, then it pops up with a box stating ' Error in Exchange, Try again later. '. When I try changing the username / password it gives me ' Credentials Error', this makes me think I'm getting to the server, but it won't authenticate the phone.
    Do I need to put a certificate on the phone?
    If so how?
    I tried installing the Certificate Authority and creating a certificate, but did not **bleep** right.
    Please help..

    Did you get a response to this post?  I am having the same problem...

  • Mail and Exchange 2003

    I am having a heck of a time getting Mail in Snow Leopard to work with Exchange 2003. Since Mail natively supports Exchange 2007 I have to use IMAP to connect to Exchange 2003. The problem I have is when Mail is running and communicating with Exchange it slows the server down to a point where it affects all other users connecting to Exchange. It causes long delays and Outlook displays a message stating it lost connection to Exchange and is waiting for a connection. If the user running Mac Mail closes Mail then the server is back to normal. I have seen other references to this in various forums however I am unable to find a fix. I tried configuring Mail to connect directly to Exchange via IMAP, and I have also tried using DavMail as a local mail gateway however Exchange slows down in both scenarios. What can I do?? The Mac user really wants to use Mail however I am close to the point of telling him it is not possible with Exchange 2003.

    I'm having some kind of related problem, not slowness but connection to Exchange.
    I have been successful in connecting my Iphone, and it works great with calendars and address book, but no way to get Mail to connect...
    Any body who could help me would be more than welcome, as I feel the problem being around domain or something.
    What is weird is that on the Iphone the number of parameters to set is limited to 5 plus description:
    Plus a toggle switch for SSL
    In mail
    Description : Ok
    Address : Ok
    Complete name : I think I know
    Internal server :
    External Server :
    User ID : Ok
    Pwd :
    Then I advance
    External server Path: ???
    Internal Port:???
    External server Path : ???
    External Port :???
    Then in "sending server"
    Port: ??
    User ID : Ok
    Pwd : Ok
    This a bit complex and I really do not understand why I can make it work on an Iphone seamless in a couple of minutes, and after hours of sweating this thing refuses to work on Snow Leopard.
    Many Thanks in advance.
    PS : options are translated from French that's why they might not be the exact naming in Mac OS X 10.6.3 in English.
    Message was edited by: Gillesb15

  • Exchange 2003 and Mail offsite

    I have a Macbook Pro running Snow leopard. My company is using exchange 2003. Is it possible to use the Mail app to send and receive emails when my Macbook Pro is off site (i.e. at home). I do not care about contacts or calendar items to sync up. I just hate using the OWA (Outlook Web Access) to read and send emails. My IT Guy said he will set up anything I need on the server to allow this but we dont know what exactly needs to be set up. Please help!! I just wanna use the Mail app to send and receive emails off site, that is all!!

    The native mail client in Snow leopard only supports exchange 2007 (and that doesn't work properly at present)
    If you want to connect to exchange 2003 you either need entourage or you can use if IMAP is enabled on exchange ync-with-your-iphone/ explains how to enable IMAP on exchange 2003

  • Synch iPhone, Exchange 2003 AND MacBook Pro (SL) contacts and diary

    I am considering buying an iPhone. I need to synchronise contacts and diaries. I am unable to synch my MBP (SL) to my work server as it's Exchange 2003 not 2007, I understand the iPhone will synch to both, and many colleagues do synch their iPhones at work. So far so good; once I've synched the iPhone in that way, can I then synch it to the MPB, either via wi-fi, USB or BT, so that all 3 are synchronised. During my web researches, one poster said that formerly this was not possible, but now it is with the most recent iPhone software. Has anyone out there done this successfully?

    The native mail client in Snow leopard only supports exchange 2007 (and that doesn't work properly at present)
    If you want to connect to exchange 2003 you either need entourage or you can use if IMAP is enabled on exchange ync-with-your-iphone/ explains how to enable IMAP on exchange 2003

  • Connecting to Exchange

    Hi. Currently, there is no way to connect to an exchange server in, right? I'm trying to think of the best way to use my mac on my strict windows network but running out of ideas. Thanks!

    i was able to get my work account set up on leopards mail app.
    Discriptoion: work
    Email Address: [email protected]
    Full Name: example (this really doesn't do anything though)
    Incoming Mail Server:
    User Name: test (this should be your normal login for your computer)
    Password: test123 (this should be your normal password for your computer)
    Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) (after the colon should be your user name)
    Outlook Web Access Server:
    this is how i set mine up. it is connecting an Exchange 2003 server. i don't know if this will work for exchange 2007. hope this helps.

  • Why can't I connect to Exchange Server 2003? I'm using OS Lion. My iphone connects, what am I doing wrong?

    Why can't I connect to Exchange Server 2003? I'm using OS Lion. My iphone connects, what am I doing wrong?

    the iPhone uses active sync. Desktop clients do not. Desktop clients use another exchange protocol (which i can't remember as i'm not a microsofty).
    Just because you can access via active sync doesn't mean you can access it by other methods, and vice versa.

  • Exchange 2003 Stand Alone Server No Connection from Iphone and ActiveSync

    We have a single Exchange 2003 Server SP2. We have a test user that has an iPhone and I have been trying to get it connected. Have tried everything I can think of, it always fails on creating the account with "Account Verification Failed" Please let me know what I can do to get this working. I have a BES and about 28 other users with Blackberry's all working.

    Hi SC,
    Make sure the iPhone is updated.
    How is the iPhone connecting to the Internet? Try testing over a local Wi-Fi network that the Exchange server is running on.
    Also, you can try emailing the iPhone a configuration profile with security certificates. The iPhone Enterprise support has a configuration utility and a Deployment Guide which will help you verify configuration settings.

  • Outlook 2007 on XPsp2 OEM unable to connect to Exchange Server 2003??

    My outlook 2007 came part and package of the Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Edition, and our SBS server runs Exchange 2003.
    After setting up the connection in Outlook to connect too Exchange (when clicking test (check name) on configuration it is successful) --
    The Error Message is so upon start up :
    Cannot Open your Default e-mail Folders, You must connect to microsoft exchange with the current user profile before you can synchronize your folders with your offline folder file..
    When disabling the cached exchange mode the error message changes however, but it is still unable too actually open outlook.
    Cannot open your default E-Mail Folders. The Attempt too log on to the exchange server failed... (after in the configuration the test suceeded.)
    The computer has a fresh copy of XP SP2 OEM, as well as Microsoft Outlook, only other software on is SQL server 2000 (All microsoft Updates installed). The active user is domain controlled and has the same credentials as is used by Exchange.
    After selecting the checkbox under Control Panel -> Mail -> ......... "User Identification" -> Always prompt for login credentials no change is made to this error....
    I then disabled the use of offline folders..... "could not open your default email folders. The information store could not be opened"
    Please provide assistance in any way possible.... ASAP as well if possible.
    Thanks a lot

    I had all the same problems you had, and did the exact same things you did to no avail.
    This is what solved my problem:
    Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
    Locate and then click the following subkey:
    On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
    Type DefConnectOpts, and then press ENTER.
    Right-click DefConnectOpts, and then click Modify.
    In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.
    Exit Registry Editor.
    Best regards,

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