Consider these improvements

I have a iphone 4s with OS 6.0
The iphone has a great disadvantage in organizing contacts, create groups, send message to group contacts.
I hope you take these points to upgrade your OS.
yo Tengo un iphone 4s con OS 6.0
El iphone tiene una gran desventaja en la organizacion de contactos, crear grupos, enviar mensaje a grupo de contactos.
espero que tomen estos puntos para mejorar su SO.

We are all iphone users just like you.
You are not addressing Apple here at all.
You can leave feebdack for Apple at:

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    1. Calender can be upgraded so when you save birthday dates for your contacts it can also be seen in the   calender with reminders
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    Readers: Please reply to this post to let our friends at Apple know if you think this would be a valuable feature.
    iTunes has a beautiful interface. The one thing that is missing is that it is impossible to organize play lists. If Apple would allow us to create folders in the "Play Lists" side bar iTunes user interface would be perfect!
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    To the people at Apple, please consider this improvement to iTunes to help it continue to be the premiere music program for organizing our "digital life style."

    iTunes already has folders - just go to the top menu, and from 'File' choose 'New Folder' a folder will appear in your playlist window - you can now drag any playlists to it.

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    Hi Chuck,
    I just wanted to assure you that we on the development team have followed your thread. We have a long list of improvements we'd like to make to the menu widget. Most of the items you raised were already on our "to do" list. The one item I specifically added from your thread was the observation that it would be helpful to be able to set the alignment for the entire menu bar in order to control the direction the menubar grows/shrinks as top level pages are added/removed in Plan view. (The need for additional alignment/positioning controls for individual menu items and submenus was on the list.)
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    - Zak
    Zak Williamson
    Principal Scientist
    Adobe Muse

  • Purchase-How could I consider Transit time and lead time in imported mat.

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    Material - Lead Time:  (depend on source)
                   Transit Time: (depend on source)
    My company is responsable to transport all bought material. Besides, I can buy of differents suppliers.
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    I hope your help!
    Thank you!

    Create POs with respect to either PIRs (if you don't need to print out) or Contract/item, both of these are Vendor/material specific so you can set lead times accordingly .  Probably best to use Source List and set requirement in material master too (Purchasing view).

  • ARA: Excluded Roles considered for Risk Analysis???

    There are certain role which are to be excluded from risk analysis or some business reasons. To achieve this, I have added entries for these roles in SPRO and saved them.
    Actually, these roles are available in all the systems. Therefore, under "System" column I have selected "ALL" and saved the entries.
    I ran risk analysis for a specific business process (above roles are belonging to this business group) and surprisingly found that, those roles which are maintained as "Excluded", as shown in the risk analysis report as violating!
    Thinking that "ALL" option does not work, I maintained (excluded) these roles for specific systems in SPRO. Ran risk anlaysis, but with no luck.
    Then I ran risk analysis for excluded role(s), I am still getting the violations for these excluded roles!
    May I know why system is considering these "excluded" roles at the time of risk analysis?
    Please advise.

    I think the "excluded" objects in path:
    SPRO->GRC->AC->ARA->BRA->Maintain Exclude Objects for Batch Risk Analysis
    itself says that the objects will NOT be considered while performing Batch Risk Analysis (Analytic Reports). It seems to be working fine for me.
    I dont think that the objects maintained in above path will have any importance while performing Risk Analysis from NWBC->AM->Roles Analysis) and will NOT be considered.
    Please correct me, if required.
    Secondly, I found 2 relevant posts here on SCN:
    SAP GRC Access Control: Offline-Mode Risk Analysis
    SAP GRC 10.0 Offline Risk Analysis
    Both of them are talking about the offline mode of running risk analysis. Actually I have not used it yet therefore, wanted to know the real usage of it. These posts seem to be giving the details of "Offline" mode analysis.
    I believe this will not be used in my scenario as there is no such requirement and real need. Therefore, I think I should disable it (Offline Data) option from the analysis screen just to avoid any confusion.
    Currently all our risk analysis is taking place "Online". There is no "real" need to use "Offline".
    May you please let me know in which scenario this would be useful?

  • ARQ: Are "Valid From" and "Valid To" dates are considered for risk analysis???

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    I have one question w.r.t. risk analysis of user while raising a request in ARQ.
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    Time Administration : Valid From=15.06.2014 and Valid To= 31.12.2014
    Payroll Administrator: Valid From=20.06.2014 and Valid To= 31.12.2014
    ARA still shows as violations (in ARQ)! Though the "Valid From" dates are different.
    Logically, user is not assigned these roles at the same time to cause a risk violations. However, system is showing violations.
    May I know if validity dates are considered while performing risk analysis in ARQ? If no, then what could be the justification?
    Please advise.

    Thanks for your reply.
    Does it mean that all future dates will be considered while analysis?
    Does ARA consider these dates?

  • Control Center performance improvement for large (runtime) repositories

    Hi all,
    I'm currently working on a large OWB project. We have serious performance issues with the Control Center (version I have investigated what happens when you start the Control Center (SQL traces) and have implemented the following:
    -- slow query 1
    -- also added parent_audit_object_id to this index to help with slow query 3
    CREATE INDEX colin_wb_rt_audit_objects_1 ON
      wb_rt_audit_objects(audit_object_id, parent_audit_object_id, audit_unit_id, number_of_script_errors, number_of_script_warnings);
    -- slow query 2
    CREATE INDEX colin_wb_rt_audit_scripts_1 ON
      wb_rt_audit_scripts(audit_object_id, audit_script_id);
    -- slow query 3
    CREATE INDEX colin_wb_rt_audit_objects_2 ON
      wb_rt_audit_objects(object_uoid, audit_object_id DESC, audit_unit_id);
    CREATE INDEX colin_wb_rt_audit_objects_3 ON
      wb_rt_audit_objects(parent_audit_object_id, audit_object_id);The reason this helps is that now the indexes contain all the data needed in the slow queries obviating the need to go to the tables, which in these cases are particularly expensive as the tables contain large LOB columns.
    It is very interesting to see that two of the indexes can replace existing indexes that were added in a recent patch!
    For the wb_rt_warehouse_objects table I've implemented an alternative solution, and that is to move the storage of 2 of the 3 CLOBs out-of-row:
    ALTER TABLE wb_rt_warehouse_objects MOVE
      TABLESPACE <xxx>
      LOB (creation_script)
      STORE AS (
        TABLESPACE <xxx>
      LOB (client_info)
      STORE AS (
        TABLESPACE <xxx>
    ;where you should replace <xxx> with the tablespaces of your choice.
    I hope this will help some of you with large repositories.

    Hi David,
    I hope these improvements can be implemented! ;-)
    We have a runtime repository with some 2300 deployed tables and an equivalent number of mappings.
    Total number of rows in wb_rt_warehouse_objects is more than 40,000
    I used an SQL trace and tkprof to identify some high cost queries -- individually these queries perform quite reasonably but when executed many times (as happens when starting the Control Center) these can cost many tens of extra seconds.
    If you're interested I can send you
    * traces
    * tkprofs
    * the slow queries
    and then you can see the before and after explain plans and why this works.
    Please contact me at colinthart at the Google mail service :-)

  • BPC copy package doesnt consider selections

    Hi all,
    we work with BPC 7.5 Frontend- & Backendpatch 07 on NetWeaver.
    We use normaly load_infoprovider package on process chain "/CPMB/LOAD_INFOPROV_UI" to load initial data in our BPC-System. After that loading process we copy the loaded data to other dimension members; for example from "2011.JAN" into "2011.FEB". We always start these two packages with a packagelink which loads the data first and then copy it.
    One of our users told me, that he made selections in these packages (in both of it) and the package doesnt consider these selection. For exaple he gave in some selection for a specific month in the copy package of the package link and the package link didnt consider these selection and loaded the data for all month. When I look at the packagelog --> no selections are listed.
    Does anybody ever heard about such a problem with these two packages? Maybe its an issue about the package link?!?
    Thanks in advance

    Log below:
    /CPMB/MODIFY completed in 0 seconds
    /CPMB/CM_CONVERT completed in 1 seconds
    /CPMB/CLEAR_SOURCE_CUBE completed in 0 seconds
    /CPMB/APPEND_LOAD completed in 0 seconds
    /CPMB/CLEAR completed in 0 seconds
    Reject count: 0
    Record count: 0
    Skip count: 0
    Accept count: 0
    Task name CLEAR SOURCE DATA:
    Submit count: 0
    Reject count: 0
    Task name APPEND LOAD:
    Replace and Clear Submit count: 0
    Replace and Clear Reject count: 0
    Submit count: 0
    Reject count: 0
    model: MODEL. Package status: SUCCESS
    Doesnt say much apart from it didnt work...

  • Improvement suggestions

    I've been working with the Hub for about two years now, gradually learning more about it and finding my way around its non intuitive corners.  I've read all the documents and most of the threads in this forum. I find the experts are quite responsive
    and that you take pride in your system, so I think you will consider these ideas, or perhaps you can suggest alternate ways to achieve what they are intended for.
    I wish there were a way to put a comment field on uploaded files. Where did the uploader get this data? What are its weaknesses? What aspects of the language does it focus on? Who composed it? Is it formal or informal? Close translation or literary? What reading
    level is it at? Does it contain archaic language? Profanity? Military jargon? There's only so much I can do with clever file names. The examples in the documentation use filenames like Doc0007, so presumably they are using some other kind of data tracking
    Likewise I would like to make more extensive notes on my trainings than can be contained in the name field. What were my inclusion/exclusion criteria? Independent of the BLEU score, did it do a better job of translating -meH clauses? Why did I do this? 
    What ideas does it give me for the next one?  While I suppose I could upload unused documents numbers by the training systems, it would be nice to have a space in the HUB where I could comment on my progress.
    When it comes to uploading, my process involves clicking through to the deployed system, translate documents tab, upload documents, upload them, then back to the documents tab to see if the alignment worked. It would be nice if you could upload a document
    pair and see if there were any alignment problems immediately as part of the "successfully uploaded" dialogue box.
    - Qov

    Hi Qov,
    Thank you for your suggestions. We will review these suggestions with our team.
    Thank you

  • Improving search by allowing variations of a term

    I working on sharepoint site for a client. It has enterprise search enabled. On the search results page, I have enabled Stemming on Search Core Results webpart. After that I am able to search/get results for different variations of a terms.
    Problem is coming for concatenated terms like rule book. My client wants that if user searches for rule book, rules book, rule books, rulebook, rulesbook etc., it should consider these as synonyms and return same search result.
    One option is to use Thesaurus file and add all these terms in a expansion set. But it will become a large set with different permutations and combinations with spaces, w/o spaces, with hyphen, with "rules", with "books". Similarly, there are other business
    Is there any option other than using Thesaurus file?
    Also, if there is no other option, what is the best way to add entries in thesaurus file w/o impacting performance.

    Using thesaurus seems only easy way here. You're right the file will get longer, please research on implications of this -

  • Hi. I am preparing for CA Bar Exam. I am considering buying MacBook Pro for exam writing. One is 13 inch 1499 dollar 2.5 GHz 8GB, the other is 15 inch MacBook Pro 2.7 GHz 2799 dollar 16 GB. Both are retina. Which one is better for me?

    Hi. I am preparing for CA Bar Exam. I am considering buying MacBook Pro for exam writing. One is 13 inch 1499 dollar 2.5 GHz 8GB, the other is 15 inch MacBook Pro 2.7 GHz 2799 dollar 16 GB. Both are retina. Which one is better for me?
    I will use Barclays Card for 18 month free interest.
    I wil ask Apple clerk to avoid LG monitor.
    I will buy those in Apple store.
    Which one will you recommend?

    Tha's something you need to decide for yourself.
    Do you think you need 16GB of memory or 8 will be enough?
    Do you need to carry your macbook around with you more often? if so just get the 13" it's easier to carry.
    Or maybe you enjoy watching media on a bigger screen?
    As for word processing it shouldn't be a problem on both notebooks.
    Also can you afford buying the 15"?
    And what about the hard drive capacity?
    So my advice is to consider these aspects, make a list of pros and cons and see what you come up with

  • Any difference in these two lines of code?

    Consider these two lines:
    Is the first one more efficient than the second?

    It's possible to compare what code the compiler
    generates in the two cases.It'll be the same except part of it will be in a
    different order.How sure are you?
    It could be more efficient to make the equals call from a String literal than from a String variable. Also, as someone noted, the check for a potential null exception basically wouldn't be necessary in one case. It's maybe likely but not obvious that these two cases are symmetrical from an efficiency standpoint.

  • 2008 iMac + nVidia 8800gs + 10.5.3 - Any improvement with Aperture?

    Can anyone with the latest 24" iMac (either the 2.8 or the 3.06 model) give any indication of whether the latest OS X update has improved the performance of Aperture relative to the Radeon 2600HD?
    Given that barefeats has undertaken a number of tests with the latest OS X update and found some measurable performance gains for Pro apps I was wondering how this translated in the real world.
    Are these improvements noticeable? Does Aperture still get bogged down and under what circumstances?
    If the update provides enough of a performance improvement for Aperture (over the Radeon 2600HD) then I will order a 24" iMac with the 8800gs card because I also have a Dell 2407WFP that I want to use with it for viewing/editing images and use the iMac screen for placing the HUD and well, basically everything else.

    Yes, people have posted to this board that they've noticed significant improvement with the 8800 and Aperture. The sliders are much smoother now, with no more stuttering and choppiness.

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Maybe you are looking for

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