Console One Blues

Running console one ver 1.3.6 installed from a zen 7 cd. When launching
console one app., window will not refresh until I move application window or
click outside of the application window. Then information will populate
application window. This happens on every click in the application as well.
I've tried doing a manual uninstall, reinstalling, a different version, all
with the same results. It's got to be something on my local PC that is
causing the problem but I'm unable to figure it out. I was thinking maybe a
different java version possibly. Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

> Running console one ver 1.3.6 installed from a zen 7 cd. When launching
> console one app., window will not refresh until I move application
window or
> click outside of the application window. Then information will populate
> application window. This happens on every click in the application as
> I've tried doing a manual uninstall, reinstalling, a different version,
> with the same results. It's got to be something on my local PC that is
> causing the problem but I'm unable to figure it out. I was thinking
maybe a
> different java version possibly. Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
> Tommy
According to the ZFD7 documentation ConsoleOne version 1.3.6e or later
should be used with the ZFD snap-ins.
Hope this helps.

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  • User Logged In, Bogus Info in Console One

    This is an extension of the "But User IS logged in!" post. I want to elaborate on a few symptoms I'm getting when trying to Remote Control a client's PC.
    Review: Using Console One, when I select a user and right-click, the submenu shows "Remote Management". When I click on that I get the famous "1759: The selected user is not logged into any workstation " error.
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    First, when I examine the properties of the allegedly 'not logged in' user, the attribute 'Network Address', under General/Environment, is always empty.
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    >>> Rolf Lidvall<[email protected]> 10/2/08 1:32 AM >>>
    Just wanted to point you to this:
    "1 October 2008 - Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 SP1 Interim Release
    3a Hot Patch 1"
    Fixes (TID Pending):
    "User Object Properties, ZENworks Tab, Logged In Workstations doesn't update
    correctly "
    Rolf Lidvall
    Swedish Radio (Ltd)

  • GW 2012 Create Trusted Key not showing up in Console One

    Hello All,
    We are trying to add a trusted key to our GW domain, and are following the steps widely available (Click on domain, then Tools -> Groupwise System Operations -> Trusted Applications. Then click "Create".) There is no "Create" in the options.
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    In article <[email protected]>, EMcCord wrote:
    > - Our Groupwise Administration Snapin is 8.0.0
    how about getting the GW 2012 snap-ins in place.
    Which server OS are you running GW on?
    Is C1 running on the server as well?
    Andy of in Toronto
    Knowledge Partner
    If you find a post helpful and are logged in the Web interface, please
    show your appreciation by clicking on the star below. Thanks!

  • Console One 1.3.6h Question

    I want two members of our staff to be able to add and delete names as user come and go (we are a K-12 school). At the present, the only way they can do the job is to enable them to have security like an admin.
    This isn't good because I need to create a couple of "high-level" folders and if these two have admin privileges, it defeats the purpose of creating a secure environment.
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    Also factor in that when you use an Inherited Rights Filter (IRF) you cannot filter out the "Supervisor" right so its best not to use it unless you absolutely need to or you are troubleshooting something. Your designated administrators will be able to do what ever they need to do with create and delete rights. Avoid "Add Self" as well unless you really understand how it works as it could leave you with security issues to handle after the fact.
    Its also tempting to assign read and compare rights to "All Attributes". This makes many delegated administrative tasks easier but if you keep secure information in your tree like SSNs you won't want unauthorized users having access to them.
    Also, always test your work by assessing the effective rights one object has to another when you're done to ensure you get the expected results.
    Lawrence Kearney
    Experienced NetWare Administrator
    Location to be determined
    Lawrence Kearney

  • Workstations not showing up in Console one (had been deleted before)

    We're having a problem at the school I work at. I had installed Zenworks on
    a particular set of computers and they became registered in Console One. We
    then had some problems relating to other software and decided to take
    Zenworks off of these computers. This was just poor troubleshooting. We
    deleted these workstations from Console one as well. We've since determined
    that Zenworks was never the problem and reinstalled it on the those
    desktops. Unfortunately, the machines aren't re-registering within Console
    One and will not show up.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Console One version: 1.3.6c
    Zenworks 6.5
    Novell Client 4.90 SP2

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    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
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    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • DLU policy not applying - Console One won't OK

    I've created a DLU policy that has administrator group rights. When I try
    to associate it to a user I click OK and the the screen stays (doesn't
    close). The button isn't greyed out and an hour glass appears but it does
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    Dsrepair shows everything is clean and the tree is synced.
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    students now back I can't afford any down time.
    > Hi
    > Could you try with Zen SP3 on the current 1.3.6c Consoleone if you see
    > the same problem ?
    > --
    > Regards, Kai Reichert
    > Novell Support Forum Sysop
    > People who claim that computers will make life easier for us have
    > obviously never used one.

  • Console One Authentication (error -748) A Conn Timeout error

    Above error occurs when authenticating to Console One for GW administration.
    To be precise it occurs when the treename is used, it takes about 45 seconds, end then the error comes.
    If IP address is input instead of treename there is immediate login and all is OK.
    So I'm thinking SLP trouble - however all workstations can login and authenticate to the servers and eDir using the treename just fine.
    SLD daemeon is running on the servers, and a slp request returns the expected novell bindery reply, and the slp.conf file is configured so that the 2 server setup points to the other server as a DA. Same DA's that work just fine from the workstation side.
    Yes I can just put in IP and thats fine - however there must be a reason why C1 times out - any ideas ?

    In article <[email protected]>, Bkelsen wrote:
    > The treename is not in DNS however I thought of putting it there to fix
    > the problem but this would be a workaround since it has worked fine
    > before. My assumption was that C1 uses slp on the Linux box but i may be
    > mistanken :)
    Having the tree in your internal DNS is also a backup for part of SLP, in
    case SLP has issues. What has worked well has been to have multiple eDir
    root servers as A records for the tree.
    I have never seen any evidence that C1 uses SLP for its login.
    Andy Konecny
    Knowledge Partner (voluntary SysOp) in Toronto
    Andy's Profile:

  • Unusual icon next to User icon in Console One

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    The existing user has the standard user icon, then a symbol which looks like a few dots circling anti-clockwise to an arrow.
    I can't work out how to paste or attach an image to this post, but the icon is roughly like a reverse refresh symbol.
    When I view the same tree in iManager, this user doesn't appear at all, either when I search that OU or when I search from the root of the tree. Just wondering what is the status of this user account and why this icon.
    Thanks, Nat

    Going by your description I'm guessing this is an alias, meaning it is a
    pointer to the real user. If you go to the Other tab in ConsoleOne I
    think it'll show you the Object Class which is probably 'Alias'. This can
    happen if you move an object and choose to leave an alias behind so that
    references to the old DN still work.
    Why would this show up in ConsoleOne but not iManager? Perhaps one
    replicas has the object while others do not and it's a coincidence based
    on which client (iMan/C1) hits which server. Query all servers via
    iMonitor to see what they show respectively.
    Good luck.
    If you find this post helpful and are logged into the web interface,
    show your appreciation and click on the star below...

  • Burning more than one Blu-ray Disc in FCP7

    I successfully burned one Blu-ray disc of my 2-hour HD project. It took 16 hours, 15 minutes to export the audio & video files and burn the disc.
    Now -- I want to burn another disc. Project is still open. When I follow the same process as before (File - Share - Create Blu-ray Disc - Export), it looks like it'll take another 16 hours to burn the second disc!
    Since the Blu-ray files have been created ... what do I do? Better yet: How can I close the project, open it back up on another day and burn the second (and third, and fourth) Blu-ray Disc of the same project faster (less than 16 hours)?

    Hi Larry,
    just to clarify in the 'edit markers' dialogue box you have clicked 'Add Chapter Marker' button and this has added the text '<CHAPTER>' to the 'comment' box.
    as in the 5th picture on this tutorial

  • Groupwise error in console one

    Netware server 6.5 sp6, GW 7.0.1 (no I haven't updated it yet with the HP)
    When trying to connect to the groupwise server with console one it asks me
    to select the domain. I point to the domain and click ok and I get an error
    The following GroupWise domain database file cannot be accessed properly.
    This is my domain database file and I wasn't going to it via a mapped drive
    but got this error. I then tried to fake it and made a mapped drive and
    tried to go that route. Same error.
    It just started happening yesterday on my PC. I updated my client to see if
    that was causing something, didn't fix it.
    The C1 version I am running is 1.3.6f
    This was working just the other day but decided I didn't need to access my
    domain database anymore.

    Just like magic, it worked! Interesting...
    "Joseph Marton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected] m...
    > On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:13:52 +0000, Teresa wrote:
    >> Netware server 6.5 sp6, GW 7.0.1 (no I haven't updated it yet with the
    >> HP)
    >> When trying to connect to the groupwise server with console one it asks
    >> me
    >> to select the domain. I point to the domain and click ok and I get an
    >> error The following GroupWise domain database file cannot be accessed
    >> properly. Z:\district\wpdomain.db.
    > Try specifying the UNC path again, but this time throw in an extra slash
    > all along the way.
    > \\\server\\vol\\dir
    > --
    > Joe Marton
    > Novell Support Forum SysOp
    > Novell does not officially monitor these forums!

  • Re: Console One in Linux

    Are there ZFD 6.5 snap-ins for Console One on Suse Linux? If so, where do I
    get them? Thanks, Eric.

    On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 16:54:46 GMT, [email protected] wrote:
    > Are there ZFD 6.5 snap-ins for Console One on Suse Linux? If so, where do I
    > get them? Thanks, Eric.
    nope... ZDM requires a ms os wks with client32 and zdm 6.5 agent
    Marcus Breiden
    Please change -- to - to mail me.
    The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion.

  • Mouse acting strange in Console one with Hand Held Snap ins

    Has anyone else noticed that Console One acts strange after installing the
    Hand Held snap ins?

    cactus wrote:
    > I was able to fix this issue by deleting or renaming one snapin file.
    > The file C:\novell\consoleone\1.2\snapins\zen\ZENLicensingS napins.jar
    > seems to be causing all this trouble. Restoring the file causes the
    > problems again.
    > "cactus" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:Z5XRg.500$[email protected]..
    >> Has anyone else noticed that Console One acts strange after installing the
    >> Hand Held snap ins?
    >> Thanks,
    >> Cactus
    I had issues with that file as well when I was running ZFD and ZFS 6.5
    SP2 with ZFH 7 SP1. See my thread "Bug found with ZFH7 ConsoleOne
    plugins." Deleting the license snapin file or updating all components
    to 7 SP1 resolves the issues.
    Jason Doering
    Address is munged; I already get enough spam.
    Remove three nospams to reply.

  • Error Managing 98 OS through Console One

    After registering Windows 98 machines in Zenworks, workstations can be
    seen in Console One, but there is an error when trying to control
    printers or remoting into them. XP machines are working perfectly ok.
    Error1487: You are attempting to launch the operation from an obsolete
    or invalid workstation object. Verify that the workstation object is

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Do a search of our knowledgebase at
    - Check all of the other support tools and options available at
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • DLU - file rights tab in Console One missing.

    Zen3.2 Sp3
    We are using Console One 1.3.3 in two separate networks on our campus.
    In the main network, under the DLU policy properties, the "File rights" tab
    is the third on the dropdown list. We use this to set the users' rights to
    the Windows Temp directory in WinXP so that a batch file can write some
    temporary files.
    On the other hand, on the subsidiary network the "File Rights" tab is
    Bothe networks have the same patch level.
    Is this likely to be a snapin issue for C1 or has someone another
    Geoff Taylor BSc Dip Ed

    Console One, being reasonably portable, I copied to the subsidiary network
    the entire Console One folder. When run, the copied version popped up the
    required third item on the DLU properties tab.
    On close examination, the version of C1 on the main network was 1.3.6 whilst
    the subsidiary had 1.3.3. I guess, either a snapin was missing or this
    property was new for 1.3.6.
    "craig wilson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:OFeFe.7256$[email protected]..
    >I can't recall exactly which version of ZEN has this feature added, but I
    >don't see it mentioned in the ZFD3.2 docs so it could be a cross between a
    >number of different things.....
    > Have you considered calling CACLS.EXE to set the rights to the
    > workstations.
    > It would not be a per user setting like DLU, but you could grant it to the
    > local "Users" group.
    > "Geoff Taylor" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:6d6Fe.6659$[email protected]..
    >> Zen3.2 Sp3
    >> We are using Console One 1.3.3 in two separate networks on our campus.
    >> In the main network, under the DLU policy properties, the "File rights"
    >> tab is the third on the dropdown list. We use this to set the users'
    >> rights to the Windows Temp directory in WinXP so that a batch file can
    >> write some temporary files.
    >> On the other hand, on the subsidiary network the "File Rights" tab is
    >> absent.
    >> Bothe networks have the same patch level.
    >> Is this likely to be a snapin issue for C1 or has someone another
    >> suggestion?
    >> --
    >> Geoff Taylor BSc Dip Ed

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