Contacts sms syncing issue

Anyone had problems after upgrading to ios 5.1.1 with syncing between contacts and SMS? When certain contacts SMS me, it comes up with their name but if I go into messages, some are now listed as phone numbers only. I have turned off iCloud and iMessage, edited, deleted, re-added contacts, taken the +61 away, put it back and even done a full restore. So annoying. When I rang apple they acted like they'd never heard of it even though it is all over the US forums (no real help there either, most people there had to contact Verizon which I assume is a phone company). Any ideas?????

Restore it from the last time you did a sync on your old iPhone. Follow the instructions listed above, you can tell the sync from a backup in this way. A Backup will have a date and time stamp and a Sync will not. Think of it like an autosave and a hard save on a video game. Instead of selecting the latest Backup (hard save) select the Sync (autosave) and restore from that.

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    It seems to me that however a user sets up contacts in Outlook (or elsewhere), that layout should be respected by the device and not changed.
    The Motorola service rep indicated that he had previously relayed a request to their engineers that users be able to select whether or not they want contacts automatically linked, but this has not been implemented.
    The Droid X also doesn't let you sort contacts other than by first name/last name, another bad feature that seems silly. The Motorola rep also indicated that this design request had not been implemented.
    I've been a Blackberry user for years, and while I love the large screen on the Droid X and the other applications, these contact issues are significant and don't make it workable for me in a corporate environment, so I've returned it to Verizon. (This also happened to be device #2 in a week; Verizon took back device #1 went back because it could receive but would not transmit emails). I am told by my company's IT group that the iPhone does not handle contacts in this same way.
    On a happier note, both the VZW and Motorola customer support centers provided timely and helpful support.

    There is an app called Bookmarks Organizer by Fabio Collni. It's a free app. Check it out 

  • Communication Centre 2 - SMS sync issues

    Hi, I'm running XP sp3 with PC Suite v7.1.18.0 and Communication Centre v2.0. My phone is a 6500c with the latest firmware (9.45) and is connected by it's USB cable.
    When I first open CC it works, it updates all my messages and show's which ones are new and the like (except that all messages show up as an hour later than they were actually received - I put this down to daylight savings screwing it up). If the CC is closed when I receive a message I can open it up and read the message and it will sync to the phone to say that it's read. The problem here is that the message shows up twice (but I can ignore that).
    IF the CC is not closed when a new message is received I lose connection with the phone, no messages will update. If I try to send a message it just tells me that it failed, and if I try to refresh it clears the entire list and shows nothing. Closing the CC and opening it doesn't help, only disconnecting the phone and then connecting it back up again will allow it to work again.
    However it was working fine before I updated to the latest version of PC Suite and CC. I could leave the CC open all day and send and receive and it would update as it went.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Chris.  The issue may be with an incompatibility with the updated version of PC Suite on your computer and the older PC Suite Support file installed on your phone.  You could try this, as it worked for my N70 when it was failing to update messages to my phone or failing to send SMS messages.   I got this from the FAQ section on Nokia's site:
    Q: Sending of short message with Nokia Text Message Editor fails.
    Check the connectivity between your phone and PC. If the connection is fine, and other PC Suite applications work without problems, check your phone's operating system (ISA or Symbian) from or from the phone's user guide.
    If your phone's operating system is ISA (Series 40), check that your message settings are correct. Contact your local phone operator for more information.
    If your phone's operating system is Symbian (S60, Series 80 or Series 90), check that the PC Suite Support file is installed in your phone. The PC Suite Support file is an add-on application for PC Suite usage with contacts and messages. You can check it from the phone's application list. See your phone's user guide for more information. In your situation, the PC Suite Support file might be corrupted or too old for the PC Suite version you are currently using. Do as follows:
    1) Disconnect the phone from the PC.
    2) Uninstall the PC Suite Support file from your phone.
    3) Reconnect your phone to the PC with the Get Connected wizard (on the PC Suite main window).
    4) PC Suite detects that the PC Suite Support file is missing and advises you to install it.
    5) Follow the instructions on the phone's display.

  • Contacts mobileme sync issue

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    I do have calendars, mail, bookmarks working, but not contacts.
    Afer restore from my old iphone I got all the contact but no sync.
    I delete the mobile account and re-install : same thing.
    Any ideas

    I have the same issue.
    my 3G sync fine with mobileme the new iPhone 4 does not. I've deselected, restored and reset all with no effect. iPhone 4 does not sync the contacts up or down... mail, bookmarks works fine.
    and I still have my 3G and it is still working fine .. can that be the issue? do I need to "terminate" my old iphone?
    any ideas?

  • Contacts birthday sync issue between iphone- gmail

    Hi, i have an Exchange Account with my gmail (ContactMailCalendar).
    since i have OS4, i noticed a strange thing. when i add/edit a birthday field on my Contacts (gmail contacts on my iphone), it doesn't update the birthday field correctly .for example, if I put the birthday of October 27, 1987 for a contact on my iphone, it will sync to my Gmail contact as October 26, 1987 - a day before. i chacked Time Zone and didnt find any problem... please check it out...

    I have the very same issue: Iphone 3GS, iOS4 & birthday in my Gmail always equals previous day as I entered on my iPhone. Please look into this issue & provide a solution.

  • Disappearing Contacts, Mobile Me Sync Issues, Calendar crash-Answers??

    I'll try to keep this post brief but hopefully it will help provide some possible answers for frustrated users experiencing the random complete wipe out of all contacts and calendar data when syncing with mobile me using either push or fetch. After several weeks of experiencing these random sync issues and spending several hours over several days between tech support calls with iPhone then Mobile Me support and then finally a genius bar appointment where the genius said he didn't have a clue and simply offered to replace my phone.
    The next morning, SAME PROBLEMS... and through it all NO ONE could tell me why my sync was so randomly unreliable. Every other day for no apparent reason, my phone would suddenly lose all contacts and/or calendar data. (A few thousand contacts and two years of calendar data). It was both frustrating and strange—even stranger that Apple techs had no clue why and seemed to think no one else was having this issue.
    I tried everything - complete restores, resets, deleting and re-adding the mobileme account, etc., etc., etc. One tech support person finally said, "good luck..." The others kept handing me off the higher levels of support... until finally they just said "we don't know why this is happening." I was waiting for someone to just say, "Look, we have issues with mobile me, so hang in there and eventually it will work." I can be patient and I still think the iphone is the greatest invention in recent years. But everybody I talked with at Apple seemed to think this should be working flawlessly.
    I also started having a crash on the calendar anytime I tried to see the list view for "all calendars." This was frustrating because that's the best feature of the calendar app!
    I was prepared to just return to syncing with my computer and wait for the software to improve between the phone and mobile me. Finally, last night I tried a few things that seem to be working... and for the first full day, mobile me is actually useful to me today. (my fingers are crossed!)
    Here's what I did.
    1. I minimized the number of calendars I was syncing - I have no idea if this affected the sync, but I was syncing eight calendars, now I'm down to four. (You can easily export a calendar and import those events back into a different calendar.)
    2. I did a complete restore of the phone (not from a back up) and the VERY FIRST THING, I added mobile me and synced only the calendar (set to push.) This cleared up the random calendar crash in list view and also mobile me was pushing data rather reliably. After a few moments my entire calendar was on the phone and worked perfectly. New events were transferred quickly back and forth.
    3. I then chose to sync my contacts through the computer rather than over the air. I fear that the contact sync was somehow messing up the whole communication process between the phone and the cloud. Someone suggested that the number of "groups" in contacts might have an impact on the sync issues as well. I didn't need my contacts to sync with the urgency of "push" so this works for me. Plus I have a lot of contacts and it's just faster over the cable.
    4. I then GREATLY reduced the number of apps on my phone. I originally had about 27 and I only reinstalled 9 of them. I did this ONE AT A TIME - starting with the most necessary and useful... and after each install, I checked the functionality of the calendar and mobile me. No problems. Perhaps I was having an app conflict?
    5. Then I reinstalled the rest of my content - music, podcasts, photos. Still no problems.
    ONE of these steps actually worked, and I'm not sure which one. My guess is that one or more of my apps was conflicting in some way. OR possibly something with the contact sync... but for the last 24 hours the mobile me calendar sync using push has been consistently reliable and useful. (for the record, mobile me email has always worked perfectly for me.)
    No one with tech support ever suggested to me that I could be having an application conflict or any other problems with calendars or contact groups, etc. I've spent many hours on this the past few weeks... and for the first time, my iphone seems to be working with mobile me correctly.
    In reading many of these posts, it seems a lot of others are having similar problems... so hopefully these suggestions might be helpful. If you have any thoughts as to which of these solutions was the correct one, I would be interested in hearing your opinion.

    Are your Address Book contacts and iCal calendars/calendar events on your Mac synced with your MobileMe online address book and calendar?
    When you say this data is not synced with your iPhone, none of your MobileMe online data is transferred to your iPhone, or after the initial transfer of this data to your iPhone when you first turned contacts and calendars for over the air syncing with your MobileMe account on your iPhone, the data is not kept synchronized with the MobileMe "cloud"?

  • Outlook Shared Contacts Sync Issue

    **Before i start, i posted this in the Outlook section and was told to post it the Outlook for Exchange section.. So i posted this in the Outlook for Exchange section and the Moderator tells me to post it in the
    Outlook section.. So i'm being thrown in a loop back and forth between two forums.  Please help me either post it in the correct section or help me with my issue.  Links to my posts are at the bottom of this re-post.**
    I have a user who adds emails to the "Notes" section of a shared contact.  It has worked in the past.  She now drags and drops the email into the notes folder, it shows that the email was added, she saves the contact, closes the contact,
    then reopens the contact and the information/email that was added is no longer there.
    Also, when she opens up the contact, on the top of the window it says "This item was not completely updated during the last server synchronization"
    On the bottom of the contact's window it says "Last modified by [email protected] on 11/19/2014"  So it doesn't seem to have updated for about 5 months.  
    The user is on Outlook 2010 - Cached Mode - Windows 7
    We use Exchange 2013
    We have checked her sync issues folder and see two messages pertaining to this shared contact. 
    First message:
    14:16:33 Message class: {SU:IPM.Contact}
    14:16:33 Contact Conflict Resolution
    14:16:33 Local subject: {SU:Ingrid CFA}
    14:16:33 Remote subject: {SU:Ingrid CFA}
    14:16:33 Local Message Entry ID: {CB:70, LPB:0x00000000AFA1EF859AE6504792345849F0F0C4140700E9345E3213702241A10CFA6D622F656C000001FFFB240000DBEC5D21812CC942B34B4111BD5F0D3300017B8B40200000}
    14:16:33 Remote Message Entry ID: {CB:70, LPB:0x000000007524BE6B5A3B5E4382F176DC9F66C4DE0700E9345E3213702241A10CFA6D622F656C000001FFFB240000DBEC5D21812CC942B34B4111BD5F0D3300017B8B40200000}
    14:16:33 Local Message ChgKey: {CB:20, LPB:0xD7D33145CC21034ABB74B571156377D000174173}
    14:16:33 Remote Message ChgKey: {CB:22, LPB:0x8979D80AC4A8874A871E528FE6AC747F00004F6A9170}
    14:16:33 Local Message PCL: {CB:268, LPB:0x161E914ECBC493AC4DB8B2AF029E78C12E0000001317841620B5DB08ECAA48428A9EFC2F9C38593200000365FB6B142C5B7C2DE3E3674D8036C55574F581140001991C142D56F92C21695244880EA94B73C5F9F000011F9A1656474D622DDFC640AE23640306698C0D00000675A6931667233CF272684543A43008D46655DACB00000460EDF0167A7D3852E0F5AA41B6E04DEED86D0A090000BA3D086C16A33B60E3AD0C7C45BCD9DCEEA91B3A0200000008526714C35DB6FE77E94949A11DF79D4584CC7D0003C18F14D7D33145CC21034ABB74B571156377D00017417316DBEC5D21812CC942B34B41
    14:16:33 Remote Message PCL: {CB:268, LPB:0x161E914ECBC493AC4DB8B2AF029E78C12E0000001317851620B5DB08ECAA48428A9EFC2F9C38593200000365FB6B142C5B7C2DE3E3674D8036C55574F581140001991C142D56F92C21695244880EA94B73C5F9F000011F9A1656474D622DDFC640AE23640306698C0D00000675A6931667233CF272684543A43008D46655DACB00000460EDF0167A7D3852E0F5AA41B6E04DEED86D0A090000BA3D086C16A33B60E3AD0C7C45BCD9DCEEA91B3A0200000008526714C35DB6FE77E94949A11DF79D4584CC7D0003C18F14D7D33145CC21034ABB74B571156377D00015153716DBEC5D21812CC942B34B4
    14:16:33 Checking local modifications
    14:16:33 Compare property: 0x0037001F
    14:16:33 Table critical stop property: 0x0E13000D
    14:16:33 Local modification: {18:16:16.0620  21/04/2015
    14:16:33 Remote modification: {14:51:54.0059  19/11/2014
    14:16:43 HRESULT: 0x8004010F
    14:16:43 HrCreateConflictItem failure
    14:16:43 HRESULT: 0x8004010F
    14:16:43 HrConfMsgKeepWinner failure
    Second message:
    14:16:33 Synchronizer Version 14.0.7147
    14:16:33 Synchronizing Mailbox 'Lisa Love'
    14:16:33 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Brent Brader
    - Hedge Fund Investors'
    14:16:33 Uploading to server '[email protected]'
    14:16:43 Error synchronizing message 'Ingrid CFA'
    14:16:43 Moved a message that failed synchronization to 'Local
    Failures'. Message subject -> 'Ingrid CFA'. You can view this message in your offline folder only.
    14:16:46 Done
    I've checked other posts online and couldn't quite figure out a solution to this issue.  Any help or direction would be appreciated.  
    Thanks in advance,
    My first post:
    My second post:

    Hi Allen,
    Neither are correct.  They open a contact in their address book and drag the email into the "Notes" section of the contact.  So they do not drag the email into the Notes section of Outlook nor the Contacts section to create a new contact.
    There are no errors.  I have a screenshot with an example contact card but i can't add it because it says i need to verify my account.. I'm not sure how to do that.  I already clicked on the verification email.  For example.  An email
    to me from Bill titled "company announcement" is dragged into the notes section of in Bill's contact card.  This is so that i can go to my contacts, click on bill's card, and see emails from him that are important saved inside his contact card.
     After dragging the email into this location, I hit save and close the contact card.  Usually the email stays there in the notes section but lately when I reopen the contact card, the email that I dropped into the Notes section has disappeared.  Other
    emails are still in the Notes section but new ones just don't stay.
    Just tried doing a Send/Receive All and same issue.  User is in cached mode because they have a large mailbox.  Can try online mode.  Do you know if the Notes section in the contact list has
    a size limit?  

  • Sync issue with Outlook: Notes and Contacts ok - Calendar stopped syncing

    Syncing (via USB cable) between my iPhone 3GS (3.1.2) and Outlook 2003 SP3 (Cal, Contacts, and Notes) has never been an issue until my recent upgrade to iTunes Since then, I noticed that my Calendar was no longer syncing either way. When I hit "Sync", iTunes would indicate that it's going through the motion of syncing calendar but no synchronization of the items take place. Contacts and Notes continue to sync fine. One off behavior is that when I connect my iPhone via USB, I get a pop-up window with "Apple iPhone" header
    indicating "Camera connected" with option to pick an app (ie. MS Word) to lauch for this action. Never seen this pop-up. I just cancel out of it.
    Few things I did to try to fix the issue, in vain:
    1. iTunes->Info->Advanced: forced a "Replace information on this iPhone" - no changes to my calendar
    2. iTunes->Edits->Preference->Devices->Reset Sync History - all calendar entries on iPhone are gone
    3. "Repair/Reinstall" iTunes by running the install executable
    I stopped by the Genius Bar for an appointment related to my battery issue and asked the fellow about my sync issue. He wasn't "aware" of the issue.
    Anyone has a suggestion for me to try? Thanks!!!

    I tried now several things to resync my data cause it realy s*cks without. I tried to install itunes, 9.0.1 and 9.0.0 but nothing helped so far. I also tried to set Outlook 2003 as standard program for mailing (one forum wrote that helps, too) and I tried to find out if something blocks the communication betwen Outlook 2003 and itunes. But nothing could help so far, still no sync.
    I find it interesting that when I connect my iphone to my PC an then switch in itunes to the device and the "info" pane where I can setup all my sync data with PIM programs that Outlook still remains there as default synced application. But the subfolder in contacts also the mail accounts that should be synced cannot be seen. The option to force itunes to overwrite the calendar, contacts, notes and mailaccount data on the iphone no matter what can be selected. But when i do the synchronisation all of these options are unmarked again.
    Atm I'm thinking of tracing the problem down with Filemon.
    Message was edited by: madmaxzwo

  • Contacts mobileme sync (mac) issue, sync removed contact numbers!

    I have a iphone 3G and sync it with my mobileme account and back to my osx10.5.4 mac. Problem is that last night the Iphone mysteriously lost all fields of informations for all of my contacts leaving only behind obsecure fields and the notes fields on the iphone.
    Upon investigation the mobileme account had all the contact details but somehow they have been removed from the phone... Is there a sync issue???
    I fixed by going into mobileme settings on the mac and resetting all data on the mobileme account. This then after a couple of mins updated the iphone with all the contact information again.
    If it wasnt a mobileme issue then my iphone was hacked, anyone had any suspicions/experience with this?

    Hi everyone,
    My problem is a little different. I don't have a MobileME mail account. Here's how I lost all my contacts: My work uses an Exchange server, and I went in, put all the settings in, once I had it all set up and going, my contacts instantly disappeared. I just had a few in my work / Exchange account, and those are now on the phone, but ALL the contacts I had on there before are now gone!
    I've tried removing the Exchange account, and even removed my personal GMail account, and still, nothing. Anyone have any ideas before I have to spend hours, if not days, searching for and adding all my contacts again???
    I'm (obviously) quite frustrated by this. I have tried just about every solution - syncing with my computer again, turning the phone off for a few minutes, then back on, I looked all over for the file, but can't seem to locate that anywhere, so that's a no go.
    Any input / suggestions would be very much appreciated... I'm hoping to resolve this without having to manually put everything back in, but I'm afraid that may not be possible.

  • "Top Contacts" sync issue

    Hi! I would like to report an issue in "Top Contacts" Android app
    I don't know where I should report, so I decided to do it here
    The problem is that contact sync is broken. It tells "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly", but this message is there for a very long time. If you read comments on app's page in Play Market you will see that I'm not alone affected with sync issues
    Is there a chance to fix it? Is it server-side problem or is it user-side? Anyway, I really love that widget and I want to use it, but contacts in it are not updated
    Did someone solved this?

    I will forward this to concerned developer. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • I have been having syncing issues with icloud notes, contacts, and now icloud email. Does anyone have suggestions?

    Just recently, I have been unable to receive icloud email on my iphone and new ipad3. Although, I am a loyal apple consumer, I feel a bit let down. I am a PhD student and used my ipad/icloud email for downloading  and reading PDF journal  articles. My goal is to eventally buy a MacBook Pro and eliminate some of the syncing issues with icloud by storing my documents on the hard drive. I hope this will give me some relief from all the trouble I have had with icloud. Please share your suggestions.

    Right now, there is an iCloud blackout.  Most people are having issues syncing Notes, Calenders, and Contacts between devices, emails aren't being sent, and Find My iPhone isn't working.

  • Contact sync issues between iphone 4gS and mac address book

    I have a miss match on contacts in my address book and on my iphone.
    My iphone has 70+ more contacts and syncing does not over-ride the contents of my address book.
    I found a link that told me how to clear the address book, dlete contents, cache settings etc etc etc .
    All followed and deleted. Hooked my iphone up and synced with iTunes and same issue, more contacts on my phone than on my mac.
    Any ideas?

    i think the issue is with the address book not the phone.
    my phone has all i want, i cant get it to overide the data/merge or anything on the mac.

  • Calendar & Contact Syncing issues between Win & Iphone 3G

    I have an Iphone 3G and normally sync with my Windows computer at work since 2007 and all was good. Then I synced once with my MAC G4 at home a couple weeks ago, and updated my Itunes and since then I can not get my calendar or my contacts to sync on my Windows computer at work. I have tried restoring, over-writting everything on the phone, etc. But no outlook changes are being carried over to my phone. HELP This is how I track my kids lives, work life, and church meetings and I am having serious issues keeping up. My photos, and music, audiobooks are all syncing perfectly. Thank you!!!

    i think the issue is with the address book not the phone.
    my phone has all i want, i cant get it to overide the data/merge or anything on the mac.

  • Common sync issues for Ovi

    We tend to see lots of similar questions here, so hopefully this helps you guys out with your sync issues:
    Sync SMS not arriving to device: - Commonly caused by the following reasons.
    1. Operator is blocking the message from arriving.
    This is the most common fault not to get the message. Please keep informing us about the problem cases via the contact us form (if you sign in, it will prefill your personal details so you save some typing).
    We will work with the operators to resolve the cases as quickly as possible but as it invilves many parties it is not always as speedy as should be. Please be patient.
    2. Phone number incorrectly inserted
    Very common problem we see every day. Phone number needs to be in international format. It must start with the country code +XXX followed by your number without the first digit (usually 0). e.g. your country code is +44 (UK) and phone number is 0781234567 -> the international number is +44781234567.
    3. Operator alters the message.
    The operator does something in between and makes the message e.g to disappear or makes the PIN code invalid, etc. Please report these cases also to us and we'll make our best to sort them out. From all the cases these are the most difficult ones to solve and will take long time.
    My phone is not on the list of supported devices:
    Many new models are not added to ovi as quickly as should and we're aware of this. Again patience is requested from users. We're constantly working to ensure that the new device certification is not forgetting the new devices.
    As a workaround you can choose a device with same software platform and you can perform the sync with Ovi even if your new device is not yet on the list.
    Synced data disappears:
    Some of you have probably seen a case where all the data you have synced is not shown in Ovi. (e.g. secondary mobile numbers).The data is there in the database but not shown in your contacts. All your data is synchronized but all not showed.
    We're constantly working on improving the Ovi sync experience so please bear with us and keep providing the feedback.

    Hi, Erga.
    You wrote:
    3. Operator alters the message.
    The operator does something in between and makes the message e.g to disappear or makes the PIN code invalid, etc. Please report these cases also to us and we'll make our best to sort them out. From all the cases these are the most difficult ones to solve and will take long time.
    As requested by you, here goes my report. I use an E71 and everytime I receive the sync configuration SMS, the PIN Code is reported as invalid. My operator is Claro and I'm in Brasilia/DF, Brazil.
    Is there any way to manually configure the phone?
    Thanks for any additional information!
    Carlos Lauria

  • Having sync issues with Outlook 2011 since upgrading to Mavericks

    Hi All,
    My work Macbook Pro 13" is having issues syncing my inbox and sent mail automatically. It's a hit or miss if I recieve emails in my inbox in a timely mannor with out pressing the Send/Recive button (even when i press it takes minutes to update). My Sent Items can show up an hour later  even if I hit the Send/Recieve button.
    All my mail is there and shows up/syncs on my iPhone quickly. I upgraded to Mavericks right when it came out and have only been having these sync issues for the last week or so.
    I've cleared my mail cache and that didn't work. My calandar reminders and contacts don't seem to have any issues and no other apps have been preforming slow or strangely.... just my VERY important work email. My tech guys are stumped and I wanted to try you guys before they do a major rehaul of my system 

    A new Outlook Identity will most likely solve your issues. If you have any data under "On My Computer" folders, see this link:
    How to move your data to a new Identity
    BTW, how much free space on your drive? Use Disk Utility in Applications/Utilities to find this info. You need a minimum of 10% free but 15-20% is recommended.
    Outlook gets very sluggish when you are low on disk space. If you have a bunch of older Identities from previous rebuilds you can delete these to help free up space.

Maybe you are looking for