Content rule Content CSS 11 500 question

I have the following question, the port number in a content rule is this the port to witch the content switch forwards or to witch he listens on.
Suppose i have an url
when i receive this on the content switch i want to redirect it to the backend on port 8080. How can i do this.

Your content rule is what we call a Layer 5 Content Rule since it has a HTTP URL field in its matching criteria.
This means the CSS will be listening for traffic that is heading towards VIP Address on port 40918 AND that it matches a certain URL. This URL in your case is "//*".
When traffic is initiated to VIP, the CSS will use Layer 5 information such as the URL included in the client requests to match the traffic to this content rule.
When you use a browser to access this desired page, your DNS will probably return for, telling your browser to make a request to VIP and URL "//*".
Please take a look at this link for more information.
Hope it helps.

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    Thanks for your reply Jim,
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    Hi anitsirK06,
    Based on my tests, using "Upload one document" dialog of "Drop Off Library" directly to upload one document will trigger the router rule immediately.
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    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Gilles,
    I don't understand your sugestion .
    I don't think increasing the flow timeout will help since according to CISCO documentation that will only permit to the flow to stay idle longer.
    CISCO DOC: "Configuring Flow Inactivity Timeouts on Content Rules and Source Groups
    Use this feature with a CSS to configure flow inactivity timeout values for TCP and UDP flows on a per content rule and per source group basis. This timeout value is not the frequency with which a CSS reclaims flow resources, but is the time period that must elapse for an idle flow before the CSS marks the flow for cleanup. "
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    protocol tcp
    port 80
    vip address
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    vip address
    protocol tcp
    port 80
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    add service acmi-web3
    vip address
    protocol tcp
    port 80
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    Owner Content Rules State Services Service Hits AIC Suspended acmi-web3 6
    everything-else Active acmi-web1 243
    acmi-web2 340 everything Active acmi-web3 23
    sec-css-11150# sh service summary
    Service Name State Conn Weight Avg State Idx
    Load Transitions
    acmi-web1 Alive 2 1 2 2 2
    acmi-web2 Alive 9 1 23 2 3
    acmi-web3 Alive 1 1 17 2 4
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    you can configure the CSS to return the public ip address.
    But internal users that may require to use the private ip address will also receive the public ip address.
    To configure the CSS, you need to use dns a-record and therefore use dns zone-based solution instead of rule-based.

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    there is no sitcky accros content rules option on the CSS.
    But there are solutions to this problem.
    First, are you doing anything special with your HTTP content rule ? Like cookies or url inspection ?
    If not, you can group the 2 content rules into a single one. You will have 1 Layer3 rule instead of 2 Layer 4 rules.
    If you have L5-7 rules [http inspection], the previous solution is not possible.
    You will need to maintain 2 rules.
    You could then use a 'balance srcip' balancing method on both rules.
    This algorithm is deterministic.
    The same client will always go to the same server.
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks for rating.

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    content block_.ida
    protocol tcp
    port 80
    url "/*"
    header-field-rule .ida weight 0
    add service drop
    header-field-group .ida
    header-field .ida request-line contain ".ida"
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    Any ideas?

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    To NAT outgoing flows out of two servers, is it necessary to define a content rule and source group (or is just a source group sufficient?).
    Having trouble with Option 2.
    Option 1:
    service svr1
    ip address
    no port
    protocol tcp
    Also does CSS do NAPT i.e. alter the source port number for outgoing packets from source groups?
    service svr2
    ip address
    no port
    protocol tcp
    content outflows
    protocol tcp
    add service svr1
    add service svr2
    vip address <externalip>
    group outgrp
    vip address <external ip>
    add service svr1
    add service svr2
    <add appropriate acl>
    Option 2:
    service svr1
    ip address
    no port
    protocol tcp
    service svr2
    ip address
    no port
    protocol tcp
    group outgrp
    vip address <external ip>
    add service svr1
    add service svr2
    <add appropriate acl>

    to nat connections initiated by the server, you only need a source group.
    No need for a content rule.
    The CSS will port nat.

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    This content rule works though ? Why is this ?

    both css are responding to arp request for this vip, but luckily the upstream router keeps using the csm mac/css.
    I would still recommend to use the redundant-vip.

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    I assume you are saying Web(HTTP) and the answer is yes.
    1. Your server should has name-based virtual hosting enabled if your server only use 1 IP address.
    2. In CSS, you can use single service for this server or use different services with different keepalive uri for each service.
    3. You can use a number of unique Content rules (same VIP, TCP 80 with different URLs) and add the service to it.
    Remarks: If you want to use unique Content rules, you should make them difference with URL, otherwise all the content rules are the same and you can't activate all.
    Another suggestion: If your server already support Name-VHOST, you can use just single L4 Content rule and all the traffic would be handled by that server (service).

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