Convert From MBR to GPT without loosing installations?

Hello !
I have windows 8.1 on a standard MBR partition.
Is possible to convert to GPT without loosing the installations I made ?
( Of course the Bios support UEFI ).
Thank you !

We cannot ensure the third-party tool safety.
For built-in tool, either using Windows interface or command line, back up or move the data on the basic master boot record (MBR) disk you want to convert into a GUID partition table (GPT) disk. It cannot remain your data.
For more information, please read this article:
Change a Master Boot Record Disk into a GUID Partition Table Disk
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    CRM Advisor

    Besed on my research, Microsoft supports a fileserver cluster if the disks have been converted from MBR to GPT using a third-party tool.
    For more detailed information, please refer to the links below:
    Convert MBR to GPT
    Change a Master Boot Record Disk into a GUID Partition Table Disk
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    Sorry for long question, wanted to get info out right away. Can include more if necessary. Thank you all for your time.

    TheMonark wrote:
    I input that into mac terminal while running os? And then you'd like me to post the results on this discussion board?
    Yes. It also helps if there are any calculations to be done with disk sectors.
    My optical drive works fine, but I moved to France and didn't bring any disks. Would it be easier and safer to just burn my windows iso onto a disc and run it through bootcamp that way? I'm thinking the answer is yes at this point.
    Yes, if you have a built-in Optical drive, Bootcamp expects to boot from the Optical drive, because it sets the CSM-BIOS layer for Windows to boot from the Optical drive settings in the NVRAM.
    I'm about to head out to celebrate a birthday, but I will post back here in about 14 hours.
    Enjoy the party!
    Do you recommend just buying a DVD and doing it that way? I could easily return my info.plist to normal, and as far as I know, my optical drive works fine. Seems simpler if it would work with my copies of osx and windows. What do you recommend?
    The changes in info.plist enable creation of the USB, but do not influence the boot device pointer that BCA will set when switching to the Windows Installer. My recommendation is to get DVD writable media (DVD+R or equivalent) and burn the ISO to a physical DVD and use BCA to install windows using the BCA USB and DVD media.

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    That all depends on how the document was created. If it has the tagging that PDF Maker adds to the file, then you may be successful. In that case, simply save to a DOC file and see if it retained it's form. If that does not work, you can sometimes get partial success by saving to an HTML file instead and then importing the HTML into WORD.
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    If you have been syncing with one computer and iTunes library only, and if you have been using the same Apple ID and iTunes account for all of your purchases - I'm going to take a wild guess that you have apps on the iPad that are not in iTunes on your PC. If that is the case ...
    You need to transfer the purchased apps from the iPad to the PC first.
    1) Without connecting your iPad to your computer, start iTunes. Click on Edit. Click on Preferences. Click on Devices. Check the box next to "Prevent your iPod etc. from automatically syncing." Click OK.
    2) Now connect your iPad to your laptop and start iTunes.
    3) When iTunes starts, right click on your iPad under Devices in the left column. Select Transfer purchases etc.
    4) After it finishes transferring all your apps to your computer, right click on your iPad and select Backup your iPad.
    5) Click on the Apps Tab in iTunes and make sure that you have a checkmark in the boxes next to the names of all of the apps that you want to Sync to the iPad. Make sure the Sync Apps heading has a checkmark in it as well.
    6) Now click on Apply in the lower right corner of the iTunes window on the right
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    tenant13 wrote:
    I am indeed using Snow Leopard - I got here directly from google and didn't notice that this is a Leopard forum. I could repost but it seems that in this case it makes no difference what operating system I'm on - I still need the DVD.
    Correct (the difference is, which DVD).
    And as to the "bootable" drive: I do have a small emergency bootable FireWire drive but it only has operating system on it and a couple of utilities. I suppose that won't do?
    You can't do a full system restore without a disc; and you can't use +Setup Assistant+ without a fresh installation of OSX. Your best bet by far is to get a DVD that you can use to do a full system restore.
    In theory, you could "clone" your F/W drive to the internal, then use +Migration Assistant+ to transfer your apps and user accounts from your backups.
    That does present some problems:
    If the user account on the F/W drive has the same name as any on your backups, it can't be transferred "as is;" you must either skip it or have MA rename it.
    Sone 3rd-party apps transferred that way may not work properly, if at all. Some may need to be reinstalled from the original discs, and some (even the ones that transfer properly) may need to have their purchase keys/serial numbers re-entered.
    User accounts may not have the proper permissions to files on other drives, including the backups.
    See [Using Migration Assistant|], especially the pink boxes towards the bottom.

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    The warning about the deletion of the mails of the account in question can only refer to the inbox. No email you have archived or put into a different folder will be deleted. If you're still worried back everything up before going ahead.

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    Unfortunately,this setting applies only to pictures in the current file or the file selected in the list next to Image Size and Quality.Please take a look the article below:
    Wind Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    It would have no effect on your computers content.

  • [solved] MBR to GPT, GRUB2, load Funtoo

    cgdisk 0.8.5
    Disk Drive: /dev/sda
    Size: 312315562, 148.9 GiB
    Part. # Size Partition Type Partition Name
    14.5 KiB free space
    1 235.3 MiB Linux filesystem Linux filesystem
    2 972.7 MiB Linux swap Linux swap
    3 147.7 GiB Linux filesystem Linux filesystem
    5.8 MiB free space
    Dear Archers
    I want to convertmy existing MBR to GPT, and then load GRUB2 for installing Funtoo on this same HDD. ArchWiki says leave 2MiB for EF02 GPT-BIOS partition, before /boot (/dev/sda1). But, I have only 14.5KB in this position. But I have 5MB in the end. Can I use this 5MB for EFI02 partition?
    It is said I should do this before I convert MBR to GPT. I have not yet converted MBR to GPT.  Pl. advise. If there are other pitfalls in this subject matter (including Funtoo install) advice appreciated
    Last edited by San2ban (2012-06-27 07:57:58)

    Went ahead (since no further inputs from any body), converted the last 5.8MB on the disk to bios-boot partition (before converting MBR to GPT), without file system, label EF082 (bios-boot partition)
    Later, installed GRUB2-bios, in the 440 byte boot code region of MBR, as recommended by Archwiki. Now, system is with GPT partition (BIOS, not UEFI), boot loader is GRUB2. Now, free from the limitation of only 4 primary partition (with MBR)

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    The question is how can I recover my laptop with the recovery DVD without lose any data located in the hard disk drive?

    A recovery installation from the recovery disk without loosing data on the HDD isnt possible. If you use the Toshiba recovery disk the whole HDD will be formatted so you must backup the data first.
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            return "-"+intToString(-n);
        if(n<10) {
            return getStringDigit(n);
        else {
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        switch(n) {
            case 0:
                return "0";
            // etc.

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    Hi, I just bought Lenovo g500 and it came with Free DOS. Now I want to install windows 8 64-bit.
    My HDD came with:
    1 system partition of 1000 MB (maybe Free DOS partition?)
    959 518 MB Unallocated space
    1000 MB OEM - reserved partition
    It has MBR partition table. To install windows 8 64-bit I need to use UEFI boot with GPT partition table, so I need to convert the MBR table to GPT. Microsoft suggest to delete all partitions and convert to GPT using Diskart command, but if I delete all partitions I will lose the 1000 MB OEM partition (and oneKey recovery)
    Is there any solution on how to convert to GPT without losing the OEM partition? or I have to choose between win8 and OEM partition.

    Hi Gicevgoran,
    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums
    I’m sorry to inform you that installing the Windows 8 is not possible without making changes in the default partition created in the computer while the pre-installed OS (Operating System) was installed, I suggest you to create a Recovery discs in your computer and then make changes so that you can revert back anytime if you require, below is the link to download the User Guide for G500 Laptop and refer page no. 21 for the steps to create the Recovery Discs for the computer.
    User Guide for Lenovo G500
    Do post us back for further queries.
    Best Regards
    Shiva Kumar
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    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
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    You will have to convert your 08 library to iPhoto 11 by copying the library to your Macbook and opening it with iPhoto 11.
    However, check to see if the theme you're using in 08 is available in 11.  If it isn't you'll probably lose the book or be assigned to some other theme. 
    If the theme you've chosen isn't available in 11 find one that is available in both versions and convert to it in the 08 library before you move it to 11. 

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