Copy Master Clip dialog

Is there a way to COMPLETELY (permanently) disabling the "Copy Master Clip dialog" to pop again and again? I use many many master clips moving from project to project, and marking the "Apply to All Added Clips" option is just making it a bit less troubling.
Thank you

I'll try to explain:
I get this Copy Master Clip Dialog almost every time I paste a clip that was copied from another sequence (and some times it happens when coping and pasting a clip in the same sequence). This dialog has 4 options, and doesn't matter what I do - it keeps warning me that some properties are different (in my case, one clip is marked "GOOD" and the other is not. I work with many clips, all were captured to one project.
It's really very annoying, answering this dialog every second time using the paste command,
Thank you.

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    I copy and pasted a section of video from one project to another. i worked on it there and then tried to copy paste it back to the original project and the warning came up:
    "A Master Clip already exists for a clip you are adding to this project, but some of its propertis do no match those of the clip you are adding."
    then it gives me 3 options to resolve the conflict
    "For the existing master clip in this project, use properties from:
    1. The Clip you are adding
    2. The existing clip in this project
    3. Create a new master clip and any necessary affiliated using properties from the clip you are adding."
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    The options listed are pretty clear about what they will do. Choose the option you desire. Which of the three options are you having trouble with understanding? No offense intended, but is English your primary language?

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    Many thanks.

    First, that LUT "exists" somewhere on you machine ... I'd search for it. Find the extension, whether .CUBE or whatever, and hunt that puppy down. Good to know where major assets are located.
    Second, there are folders in both PrPro & Ae where LUT's/Looks are "stored", and for my LUT's, I found some only needed to be in Sg's folder-section and traveled nicely, but others had to be ALSO in PrPro's folder ... and a couple had to be in Ae's also before the results appeared in Ae, even though the effects were obviously there in both PrPro & Sg. So after finding it, you might make sure it gets in all their folder files. For your OS there's a blog post or manual page about where the preference/resource/ & etc. files are stored for each program.
    Third, especially if that LUT is auto-applied in PrPro, and you have a "standard" tweak you like to do, you could import a file onto a new project's freshly new sequence for it, then immediately go to the DL link to Sg, and in Sg apply your standard "tweak", save as a Look & rename it ... then have that to apply as you wish. Again, if needed, Looks can be copied into each program's folders & invoked/used within that program.
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  • Master clip duplication problem

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    Actually, in the book Final Cut Pro 5 by Diana Weynand from the Apple Pro Training Series it specifically states that copying and pasting a master clip in the browser will not create a new master clip (p. 270). I tried it in 5.0.x and that is the case, the pasted clip is not a master clip. However, trying it in 5.1.2 the pasted clip does become a master clip.
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    Managing and Revealing Master Clips
    In previous versions of Final Cut Pro, affiliate clips shared data with a master clip stored in the Browser. If you deleted the master clip, a dialog would appear requesting confirmation that you wanted to break the master-affiliate clip relationship. If you clicked OK, all of the affiliated clips would become independent.
    In Final Cut Pro 5.1.2, deleting a master clip no longer breaks the relationship between affiliated clips. Instead, the master-affiliate clip relationship still exists even when the master clip in the Browser is deleted. No dialog appears when you delete a master clip.

  • Color correcting master clip/parent file

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    Only if you do the cc'ing prior to editing the footage into the timeline.
    If the footage is already cut into the timeline, you could simply 'copy' the color correction then use 'paste attributes/filters' to the clips in the timeline.
    Alternatively, you could set the color correction, drag it's icon from the viewer, into the browser then drag that to your clips in the timeline. Or, simply drag the icon (found at top left of color correction tab in the viewer...looks like two sheets of paper with a hand over them) directly from the viewer, onto the clips in the timeline.
    Skinnin' the cat.

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    Frankly I don't know what you're doing (and I'm not so sure you do either). The only time the Duplicate Master Clip function is available is when an item is selected in the browser. It's not available to a title in the timeline that has been opened from the generators into the viewer. It is only available if the title is in the browser. How and why is this text generator getting into the browser?
    Using the procedure you've described the application behaves correctly. The text if it's made as a duplicate master in the browser is a separate instance, and one dos not effect the other.
    It really doesn't seem as if you're using the application the way it's designed to be used.
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    Thanks Caleb.
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    Thanks for your patience.

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    Here's my question, now that I've found a cheat: how can I better sync multiple clips with no overlapping timecode to a master clip with master timecode?

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    As you can see, one is locked, one is on a tripod getting closeups, zooms, and pans, and the third is moving around getting various angles. The two on a tripos are left continually recording, but the roamer starts and stops (it's handheld, so it's easier to just start/stop).
    @shooternz, could you elaborate on your method a bit? You seem to indicate that you can just drop the third camera's clips in the sequence based on Time Code. I'm not familiar with TC Panels or TC Markers.
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    At this point of time, MCE will not have effect on merged clips coming from Premiere. It's a known Mac issue we are working on.

  • CREATING NEW/Duplicate Master clips

    Hi again. I've been reading the manual all weekend...and decided that, since I SCREWED with this compressor thing...that I'd try to prevent the problem from happening again. I need to know if I'm on the right track.
    I'm working on a video of our show (animal show) and I am creating a dozen or so "mini clips" in the timeline, one for each animal segment, each contains a/b roll, effects, etc. I DO NOT have these clips linked togeter yet...I've left a gap in the timeline between each clip, in order to grab and move them around as I see fit.
    I was thinking...(a dangerous past-time for me) that "Gee, Mark, wouldn't it be swell if I could make each of these little animal clips into independent clips, so if I screw up, or have to go back and tweak it later...I don't have to deal with this **** compressor and ripping apart my work? ".
    SO...I read the manual, and it seems that I can do this. The option in the menu is to make an independent clip, but when I highlighted my video/auido files in the clip area, and clicked the independent clip button, nothing happened. Does this mean that it recorded it somewhere on my project drive? i could not seem to find it. Also, should I just Modify it by making a New/Duplicate Master CLip?
    Does this sound like I'm on the right track?
    I'm just trying to prevent my "other" (freakin' compressor) issues from having to happen again.

    No. That is not what it means.
    Make independant clip removes the link between the timeline clip and the clip in the browser that the timeline clip came from. In otherwords, it will keep you from matching back to that clip in the browser.
    I don't know what issues you have with compressor, but if you want your segments to be self contained clips, export them as self contained quicktimes (using Export QuickTime Movie... leave it at Current Settings... and set Self Contained). Then you can bring them back in and arrange them in your timeline as you see fit, they will be entirely self contained...

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    I can skim the master track but this is very cumbersome.  Is there any way to turn off the connected clip as one would do in a normal editor with tracks?  Or is there a better way to align various points in the two tracks?

    Ha. great!  Thanks for that.  I did know that!  But I couldn't find it by searching the manual and I have spent the last week immersed in Resolve so I have forgotten all the FCP shortcuts already...

  • Trying to Paste Attributes - AUDIO ONLY. I copy the clip I want - then click Paste Attributes - previously a box appeared with options - now nothing appears.  Only happening with AUDIO attributes.  Anyone else experiencing this?

    I am trying to Paste Attributes of AUDIO ONLY - from one clip to another audio clip.  These are the settings for the VOICE OVER on my 15 minute project.  This has worked before.  However now I copy the clip I want o use the attributes from - then I selct PASTE ATTRIBUTES. In the past a new dialogue box would appear and offer me the opportunity to select the attributes or effects I wanted to COPY and PASTE.  Hoever now - there is NOTHING. 
    I also want to REMOVE the ATTRIBUTES from 287 clips - but apparently I can only do this one at a time?  That seems like the most ridiculous thing in the world.  Certainly this can't be true?  Is there no way to remove ALL Attrributes from all of the clips at the same time?
    Anyone?  Anyone?

    Grandma\'s Chicken Pants wrote:
    I am trying to Paste Attributes of AUDIO ONLY - from one clip to another audio clip.  These are the settings for the VOICE OVER on my 15 minute project.  This has worked before.  However now I copy the clip I want o use the attributes from - then I selct PASTE ATTRIBUTES. In the past a new dialogue box would appear and offer me the opportunity to select the attributes or effects I wanted to COPY and PASTE.  Hoever now - there is NOTHING.
    I cannot reproduce this. It is working as expected here: select a clip, copy, select another clip (or clips), paste attributes, and I get the usual window - this works for audio only clips as well as other clips.
    I suggest you try deleting FCP X preferences with Preference Manager and try again.
    I also want to REMOVE the ATTRIBUTES from 287 clips - but apparently I can only do this one at a time?  That seems like the most ridiculous thing in the world.  Certainly this can't be true?  Is there no way to remove ALL Attrributes from all of the clips at the same time?
    Anyone?  Anyone?
    Select the clips you want, and delete the effects in the Inspector by selecting and hitting the delete key.

  • Is this a bug?: copied movie clip has wrong frame rate and ruins the main movie's sync

    I am trying to copy a movieclip with a frame rate of 30 frames per second to a movie that has a frame rate of 30 frames per second. Both movies are actionscript 3 movies. When I do this, my copied movie clip's frame rate reverts to 12 frames per second and all my audio synched animation is trashed. Then when I change it back manually to 30 frames per second it makes my main movie's stage animation go crazy at full possible speed and the audio is all out of sync. I have not set export for sharing or action script on this movie clip. I've tried other movie clips that are 30 frames per second and it is all crazy!
    Is this a bug? What can I do? I've got 100s of movie clips I need to make. I can't keep remaking them just because flash has a screw loose. I'll go crazy!

    Oh sorry I goofed! My main time line is 12 fps! I can't belive I didn't see this before.

  • What is the process to copy Master Data in Production to Development?

    we have an outdated master data in our BW development environment and we would like to bring it to the same level as our BW production environment.
    What is the process to copy Master Data in Production to Development?

    You can try system copy for this.
    Pls chk this document , might be useful
    Activity to be performed after client copy :
    BW system Copy :
    System Copy BW
    Re: bw system copy
    BDLS :
    Re: After R/3 Refresh
    BDLS on BW Q/A
    Check following OSS notes.
    Note 543715 - Projects for BW Migrations and System Copies
    Note 886102 - System Landscape Copy for SAP BW 2.X, 3.X and NW2004s BI
    Note 325525 - Copying and renaming systems in a BW environment
    Note 184754 - Procedure after BW database copy
    client copy
    Client Copy

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