Corporate Review

Well we have had two Playbooks in the company for Just over a week now for reviewing.
I sent a user of on travels without his laptop and got some mixed reports.
+Bridge Browser is a great.
+I do not want a native e-mail system on the device. If one comes out in the future i will want the abilaity to have it removed.
As yet i don’t believe i can recommend these Tablet units over any other type. I would certainly like to be able to recommend over the other tablets due to the bridge system and the data rates with we get with our supplier. I have listed a few of the issues that stop me being confident that a will not be flooded with support calls out weighing any data cost benefit.
 - Bridge E-mail spell check.  It has been said before and i am sure it will be said many more times. This one is a real deal breaker. RIM if you could see yourself resolving this one soon it would certainly help.
- Calendar - Not correctly supporting international timings. This again is large issue for companies that work across international boundaries.
- Power Point Slide support. This is currently very basic support for slides. Ideally would have better support for transitions and effects. Or at least not completely destroying the layout of images.
-Wi-Fi LEAP authentication. I understand

We are testing Playbook for Corporate use
Really good browser
Intranet access with Bridge, no need of VPN
Flash Dashboards, no need to change, just to review size and load speed 
Roaming internet access with Bridge
Very easy to add files just as USB memory
Good video file types support
Full exchange support via bridge: mail, Calendar, Tasks, Notes
Real multitask
Limited Bridge uses, can't use apps through Bridge, just WiFi or Thetering (didn't test this)
Can't access App world via Brigde. I can use with the Phone why not in Playbook?
Some intranet sites have yet problems, (solved https via bridge).
Documents ToGo need some improvements and Dropbox & Sugarsync support
Some Apps already avaliable en Blackberry Phone are needed for Playbook, like Twitter, Sugarsync, Dropbox
Some remote app like RDP or Logmein.
Not yet BBM groups
We also use Proxy and filter for Internet content so we need to refine for Playbook use
I really think that RIM can improve the device and agree with some of the App developers to have the right corporate Apps avaliable
BI & e-business Solutions

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    I see embedded videos all the time on that look great and stream smoothly. I believe most of those videos are using the h264 codec, but I think I'm better off not using h264 since you need QT7 to decode it. Let's assume my clients are using QT6 and cannot upgrade due to IT department restrictions on their end.
    That being the case, I'm probably better off using something like MPEG-4 Video as my compressor. The point being I want to use something that will give me the most bang for my bandwidth buck, quality-wise, while at the same time sticking with something legacy that older versions of QT can view.
    My videos in Premiere are almost always D1 NTSC Widescreen 720x486, pixel aspect ratio (PAR) 1.2, and when I export them as an MOV, I export as 640x360 PAR 1.0 so I can keep it in a widescreen format and avoid PAR-related distortion. I save them out as MOV with PNG compression at 100% quality, so I can quickly convert them to anything the client needs via QT Pro, without having to re-render the Premiere project multiple times. It's a real time saver. Up till now, I've been putting FLV videos on the web, but I'd like to start using embedded QuickTime videos instead, because you get finer control out of the scrub bar in the QT player than you do with a Flash video.
    So my question is this. What are the magic settings (don't laugh) I should use when I'm exporting an MOV that I intend on embedding into a web page? I've already read Apple's tutorial on this, found here:
    ...but that really just glosses over the topic, without giving you any recommended settings. I fully realize that the settings you use are extremely dependent on each individuals needs, due to video size, the type of content in the video, etc. However, we know the size I'm working with (640x360) and we know I'm showing complex animations with gradations of tone and hue.
    Currently I'm setting my compressor as MPEG-4 Video, and I'm choosing "Hinted Streaming" for my streaming preset. I'm using all of the Hinted Streaming default settings.

    Last part answered first. No need for "hint" tracks unless your files are served via streaming server software. Just use "Fast Start". File size is smaller (no hint tracks) so you'll get a faster download.
    Compression is an art form and there is no "magic" setting. You are correct in choosing MPEG-4 Video codec for backward compatibility.
    Export is about two goals when working with Web based files. Quality is subjective and your viewers want "fast" and care less about quality than you think.
    The best method is multiple exports. Use lower data rates and work your way up. Start with a ten second test export at various data rate keeping all of the other settings the same. You can compare these files side by side in QuickTime Pro by using the "Play all Movies" (View menu).
    Since all of your files are going to bit a bit different what works for one may need "tweaking" in another export.

  • Can no longer access Acrobat shared review server

    Hello. We are using Acrobat 8, and yesterday I discovered that I can recreate a lost shared-review PDF by generating a new PDF, and then copying the comment-repository XML files from the original review PDF to the folder belonging to the new review PDF.  That was great, but I wanted other staff members to not fiddle with the XML files, so I set that folder (named "meta") to read-only.  It was previously shared and set to full-access for everybody.
    Today, I found that nobody had access to their shared reviews anymore, so I hastily reset the access to the "meta" folder back to full-access, and I re-shared the "meta" folder for everybody.  It isn't helping.  No-one can access their shared reviews.
    Note: immediately after I recreated that lost PDF, one of the reviewers added several comments and uploaded them to the server, so I know everything was working fine then.  I set the "meta" folder to read-only sometime later, and I think that's what caused the problem.
    Any ideas?
    I've just now tried posting a new shared-review PDF, but this time I created a new shared-review folder location, pointing to the exact same actual network folder.  The only thing different between the two connections is the descriptive names attached to the connections, which appear in the drop-down list of locations.  The original connection's descriptive name is "Acrobat Server" (named by one of my colleagues) and the new one I left unchanged from the default descriptive name "My Network Folder".  This new shared-review PDF works fine, so I know that access to the "meta" folder is fine, but how can I fix the older review PDFs?
    A workaround for my problem is therefore to re-post all the currently active shared-review PDFs, using the "My Network Folder" connection, and then copy the XML files to the new PDF.  I just tried it, and it works, but that's only a practical workaround to fix the 10 to 15 recently posted review PDFs, and it'll only work if people still have the original PDFs they posted.  All the older review PDFs will still be read-only.
    Also, does anyone know how to remove a folder location so that only the one that works appears in the drop-down list?
    1) The above workaround only works for me.  Other reviewers still cannot access the new PDF.    So I don't have a valid workaround after all.
    2) One more thing: if I try to post a new PDF using the old location "Acrobat Server", it fails at the step where it tries to create the XML file and folder.
    3) Earlier, I also tried creating a new shared-review folder location in another directory, and I noticed that the metadata folder was not shared.  So maybe I don't need to share the "meta" folder after all, and maybe something changed in our corporate network overnight?

    Thank you for your answer.
    I have narrowed my problem down to a connectivity problem with the comment server.  We have Acrobat 8 installed on a machine named "acrobat".  On the acrobat machine, the shared-review PDFs are stored in a folder named "documents".  Each member of our team has a subfolder within the documents folder.  i.e. this structure:
    The comment server XML files are stored in a folder named "meta", at the same level as the above name folders:
    When we send documentation out for review, we send reviewers a link something like "\\acrobat\john\123_review.pdf".  Reviewers are able to open the PDF, but they get an error message saying "Adobe Reader cannot connect to the Review Server: acrobat".
    I believe that the message means that Reader is not able to find the comment server in the "meta" folder.  But the meta folder is definitely there, and is write-accessible for everyone.  Any user on our network is able to manually open the meta folder, create a new file inside the folder, edit and save that file, delete the file, etc.
    These pdfs that no longer work, always used to work.  I had changed permissions on the meta folder, but after people reported connectivity problems, I changed the permissions back to full control for all users, and even added more users with full control, but people still can't connect.  What I need is to find out where these PDFs are looking for the comment server.  It looks like they're looking in the correct place: the acrobat machine, but maybe inside the PDFs, the comment server location is stored in a certain way.
    Another thing: when anybody tries to initiate a shared review, the process fails at the point where Acrobat 8 tries to create a comment server folder.  The person who set up Acrobat 8 for us also defined the shared-review location for us (a drop-down box containing all locations appears in the first or second screen of the dialog box when you initiate a shared review.  Only one location appears for us: the location defined by that person, and it's named "acrobat server").  But I don't know how to find out what that shared-review location is. Acrobat 8 lets you remove a location, but doesn't let you edit it.  If I could see what the location is, I could see if the path is somehow defined irregularly.  e.g. without the fully qualified domain name or something like that.
    I subsequently added another location, "my network folder", and pointed it to the same meta folder.  The "my network folder" location works for me.  I can post a shared review, and it connects to the comment server properly.  But this works only for me: when other users open that same shared review pdf, they get the "cannot connect" error message above.  Again, if I could see explicitly how "my network folder" is saved in Acrobat, and also see how the PDF file has stored that location, I could see if there's a mismatch.

  • Sales OH and Corporate OH computation in order WIP Valuation

    Hi All,
    While reviewing production order bookings it is observed that at the time of
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    Now if the order is in open status, WIP valuation is happening like "Debit
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    Can you please suggest some way to follow for correct WIP valuation.

    Hi Ajay,
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    Thanks for your support.
    Pavan Kajijpeta

  • Shared Review Lotus Notes issue

    I'm running Windows XP, Lotus Notes 6.5 and Acrobat Pro Extended 9.2.
    I want to send a PDF for shared review on a network drive using Lotus Notes to send as attachment.  When I click the "To:" button and enter my Notes password, it comes up by default to my personal Address book in Notes.  I switch to the corporate Address book in Notes.  It takes a few moments to load (not a big deal) but when I select a person from the list, click "To:->" and hit OK, it hangs for ever.  The only way I can get it to work is to bypass the "To:" button and just manually type in the addresses.  Or choose from my personal Address book.
    I think at one time I waited for Acrobat to finish and it came up with an error that said it didn't recognize the address as an email address.  Now, my personal address book in Notes contains real addresses like "[email protected]". The corporate address book in Notes seems to have aliases like "Joe Smith/corp/domain".  The only thing I can think of is that Acrobat can't use the "aliases" in our corporate address book.  Anyway to get them to talk?
    I could use the method of saving a local copy and sending later but it would sure be nice if it could be done in one graceful step in Acrobat.

    I have now been in contact with the Adobe Technical Support in Sweden and got the following answer:
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    The bug number is ##1916376.
    Good luck"
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  • Shared Review on Network Folder

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    1) Problem one is that the email addresses coming out of the Outlook Address Book are in the form of 'firstname.surname@companyexchange' rather than'[email protected]' and Acrobat indicates that it cannot 'resolve' these.  I know that the internal email addresses are acceptable to Outlook so is there anyway for force Acrobat to accept the addresses and hand them off to Outlook without generating the error.
    2) When the email is finally generated (I manually typed a few external email addresses in to test them) the link to the review file is not converted to a proper hyperlink - the address is correct but only appears as plain text.  However the link to download Reader 9 is properly formed.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I'm just bumping this to the top again because I can't believe that Acrobat cannot resolve echange server addresses!  I'm trying to send a file to people in my company and when I select poeple from the global address list their addresses are in the format <name@exchange> rather than <[email protected]>.
    Surely Acrobat must be able to accept addresses in the exchange format?  This seems like a basic necessity for corporate users or am I missing something?

  • Shared review: sporadically can't connect to server

    I created a shared review using Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. I then sent an email to all reviewers with a link to the pdf file. Most users can connect with no problems, but one user can only periodicly connect. It seems to be rather random if he can connect or not.
    He always receives the tool bar to commit his comments but sometimes the connection can't be astablished allthough he can access the pdf and the xml files using the explorer.
    Does anyone have an idea?
    Thanks in advance,

    I would be glad if i could blame it on the ISP but it's all inside the same corporate LAN.

  • Client Web Review Videos (Flash CS4)

    As part of our video production process, we used to encode client review AVI videos in Flash and publish them from Flash. Once published, I would open the published HTML file with notepad and copy and paste the appropriate Flash related code into a template on our web server. The Flash code would be pasted in an html table cell in the template html file.
    This method consistently produced Web review videos that worked fine and played immediately.
    The process has changed with CS4. Now Flash doesn't accept and transcode an AVI file. You have to transcode the AVI in Media Encoder and then import the *.flv or *.f4v file into a Flash Project via the Import video function.
    Here is the problem I have... The finished product that used to work on our server will now play fine locally, but refuses to play on the server. The server is based on "Free BSD".
    I had the server administrator check the MIME types and he entered them last night for flv and f4v files. I haven't had time to try again, but what makes me skeptical regarding the MIME type issue is that Flash, flv or f4v based video exported from Encore play fine on our server.
    My thoughts are, it is either an issue related to a Microsoft fault, like the fact that PhotoShop files no longer display preview thumbnails in Windows Explorer, or the problem is related to an extra "hidden" step I am not taking with CS4 in order to make Flash CS4 videos play on a web server.
    I have addressed this in the Flash forum. I got one response from another guy having the same problem, but he said has not received any feedback whatsoever that has been helpful in resolving this problem.
    My final thoughts are this:
    Flash video created in Flash CS4 won't play on our server but the same f4v and flv files created and exported from Encore CS4 will. My suspicion is that In Flash CS4, I have to create an accompanying Java Script file or something, that is published to the server as well... Or possibly I need to install a Flash Extension that enables Flash exported video to play on a server.
    You might ask, why use Flash when Encore works. The reason is, Encore isn't flexible with the video controllers. Our clients want to be able to easily scrub to certain points in the review video. Also, I want our review videos to be enclosed within our Website template with our company's navigation buttons.
    Any thoughts?

    I've always enjoyed working in Flash. To be really good at it, you need a strong creative right brain as well as a good handle on programming, particularly Java Script and Flash's Action Script. I would need to learn programming to expand my creativity with Flash. Web design can be a frustrating profession. Back in 97' a guy who referred to himself as a scientist, taught me the basics of Web design. He claimed to have developed the technique of "slicing" images and optimizing the pieces individually and placing the image pieces in HTML table cells. He meticulously hand coded all of his clien'ts websites. I remember checking in on one of his masterpiece websites a few years later, only to see things all messed up. The thing basically fell apart. I don't know if it was because the browser I was using didn't read the HTML in a standard way or what. But the site looked terrible. You think we have problems in the video production business... try building websites for a living.
    The Flash video my original post is about was created for a producer friend, who's trying to get some people interested in a reality TV series. I tried to make the Web page where the Flash is embedded more interesting by using a jpg background referenced in the HTML using a java script that "stretched" the image to fit any browser window size. I thought the finished page looked great. We tested it on several computers, and everything looked and worked fine. The first important guy to look at the page couldn't see the video, just the background. I took the background out. I got another phone call from someone who said they couldn't see the video and their computer was asking if they started a process and for permission to continue installing a Flash Player update. I said, yes, this is a Flash based video you are about to look at, so go ahead and install the Flash Player update. Then there are people who work in a corporate setting where system administrators restrict certain Windows updates related to media. Other people never install any Windows updates and are running with expired anti-virus software.
    I enjoy working with Flash and even occassionally doing some Web design, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with Web compatibility problems day in and day out.

  • Please review my xml

    Hello I am trying to now implement xml into my flash
    actioscript website and kinda put my self in a crash course in
    learning it. I have found though that the books I am reading and
    the flash ac tutorials are kinda confusing. I was wondering if
    someone could review my xml code so that I can then use the
    xmlconnector to attach things.
    I have a question too.
    I would like to upload all the xml, and images onto my
    website, how does the xml connector know were my files are on the
    here is the xml that i need to see if it will write correctly
    in the xml connector.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css"
    Hello and thank you for your interest in my company. I am
    excited to have this website up to showcase my abilities so that
    you can see how we can contribute to your success. I have been
    designing professionaly since 1998 and enjoy all aspects of design.
    From assisting in corporate identity packages, to designing flash
    websites for people to use.
    I have worked for several companies and have been involved in
    consultations to help people create truly amazing pieces for
    companies. Here is a small list of the companies I have worked for.
    The Employment Guide: shortly after recieving my design
    certification back in 1998-1999. I created billboard ads for
    countless companies for prospecting employees. I also created most
    of all the special effects or logos for the Raleigh division of the
    DaeCreative/GoCuenca 2000-present: Because of recieving
    numerous compliments for my work, and knowing and networking with
    the right people, I was able to open my own webdesign company
    called DaeCreative. I created a very large number of websites and
    recieved contracts to design for Schools, Resteraunts, and even
    hospitals. However my preferance now is not designing for large
    companies rather the small businesses. For them I feel I can create
    even better works as they can focus more so on design then vast
    amounts of content. Here is some of the clients for
    Daecreative.AWB, Spondylus, Medstay, Raliegh Community Hospital,
    and many more which of course you can see in my portfolio some of
    which being for Gocuenca my design company in Ecuador South America
    of which I created over 20 websites in the year 2005.
    <Name>David Blue</Name>
    <Address>701 Buck Jones Rd
    Raleigh NC 27606</Address>
    Known Programs: Proficient: Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop,
    Illustrator, Quarkxpress, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Corel draw,
    Microsoft Publisher, Word, Powerpoint.
    Learning: xml, css, actionscript, Premier.
    and here is my website were it will all be attached too
    and here is the code for that website:
    //mcAbout rollover
    var mcAbout:MovieClip
    mcAbout.onRollOver = function(){
    mcAbout.onRollOut = function(){
    var mcEmail:MovieClip
    mcEmail.onRollOver = function(){
    mcEmail.onRollOut = function(){
    var mcEmail:MovieClip
    mcEmail.onMouseUp = function(){
    var mcGallery:MovieClip
    mcGallery.onRollOver = function(){
    mcGallery.onRollOut = function(){
    var mcGallery:MovieClip
    mcGallery.onMouseUp = function(){
    var mcResume:MovieClip
    mcResume.onRollOver = function(){
    mcResume.onRollOut = function(){
    var mcResume:MovieClip
    mcResume.onMouseUp = function(){
    //drag again
    var mcAbout:MovieClip;
    mcAbout.onPress = function(){
    mcAbout.onRelease = function(){
    var mcEmail:MovieClip;
    mcEmail.onPress = function(){
    mcEmail.onRelease = function(){
    var mcgallery:MovieClip;
    mcGallery.onPress = function(){
    mcGallery.onRelease = function(){
    as you can see when you roll over the icons popups appear
    with a menu. it is here were I wish to add the xml buttons too.
    I will need to make this a little more intensive for example
    soon I will be adding 3 buttons going to my portfolio, so I wll
    need xml to also guard my .swf files, jpgs(thumbnails) and
    availability graphics. will I be able to do so with relative ease
    or no?
    My website is not too big, i got the idea to use the xml
    connector from the total training dvd videos I have been using to
    teach me actionscript and it looked perfect for what I need.
    Thanks for any and all help.

    I have also tired the following jabber-config.xml file but with no success:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  • Shared review freezes

    In our corporate environment we are running the current config:
    Windows 7 x86 SP1
    Lotus Notes 8.5.3
    Adobe Acrobat 10.1.5
    The problem on all our machines is when we click on share, Send for shared review, select To, select the Lotus notes address, select receipent, click the To button, click OK, then the Send for shared review box just hangs/freezes?  Lotus notes is set as the default mail client in windows
    Has anyone any ideas???

    Acrobat is freezeing as it is fetching all the contacts from a large address book at a time. Please set the  following registry which will limit the number of contacts to be fetched at a time to the upper limit specified :
    Reg location:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\11.0\Sendmail\
    Value: integer giving the maximum fetch limit at a time.

  • Missing points for several reviews

    I have successfully received 25 points each for 6 reviews in the past. However, I have not been receiving any points for the reviews since then. Previously, the points used to credit pretty efficiently after I received an email about the review been posted. Now, I only receive the email notification about review being posted but no points are credit.
    What to do?

    Good afternoon monisriz,
    Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us on the forum.
    A product review can be very helpful when it comes to making the decision between one product and another.  I tend to lean heavily on product reviews before I make a purchase, and our My Best Buy™ members can earn 25 bonus points if one of their product reviews is published on  It can generally take up to 20 days for points to post to a member's account, and there is a maximum of 200 bonus points (8 reviews) per calendar year per member.
    I looked over your My Best Buy™ account using the email address you registered with the forum and see that you have received bonus points for several reviews.  As long as you have not already received 200 bonus points within the calendar year, then 25 bonus points should post if the receive is published.  I am going to respond to the private message you sent me to see what I can do to help.  You can check your private messages by logging into the forum and clicking on the envelope at the top of the page.
    Get bonus points for your approved review
    I hope you have a great rest of your day!
    Derek|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • OneNote and Corporate Intellectual Property Security - How?

    I am trying to understand how OneNote can be used in a Corporate environment, and maintain some control over intellectual property.  As I understand it, OneNote syncs to SkyDrive, which is a PERSONAL Live account.  That means even if the IT Department
    creates a SkyDrive account for that user, the user could then easily move corporate intellectual property to the account (which OneNote is designed to do and very adept at doing), and then change the password.  The IT Department would have no way of knowing
    what was uploaded, and the data could reside in someone's personal OneNote account for years.
    If there was a way of setting up a corporate SkyDrive account in which the users were managed (password changes locked, and content could be reviewed), I think I would feel more comfortable with OneNote.  Right now I don't see a way to do that, and
    one Microsoft document says that is not possible.
    If someone has a solution, please let me know.

    The company does have policies for IP, but the threat with cloud servers is increasing the risk of moving large amounts of data offsite.  If you put a program in front of an employee which invites cloud server use, you are inviting misuse of data. 
    The company would like to try out OneNote, but this product is obviously not designed for the Enterprise.  I say that, because there is no easy way to disable web access in it.  I want it off the menus.  As someone else mentioned, "Out
    of sight, out of mind."  There are supposedly a couple of keys you can change which will turn off web integration, but I'll be darned if I can find them.
    Here are the ones suggested.
    People have also mentioned using the Group Policy Management Console, but the company has many remote offices, so there is no central domain controller.
    Right now all I can do is block it at the firewall, which is not a great solution.

  • [Announce] WSRP 1.0 Primer available for public review

    A public draft of WSRP 1.0 Primer is now available for review and
    comments. This document may help those trying to figure out the nuts and
    bolts of WSRP. If you have any comments, please post at the link below.
    A public review period for the WSRP v1 Primer (located at
    will run until October 2, 2004. Please use the WSRP comment facility at to
    provide feedback to the TC.
    Rich Thompson

    As explained by Marc Fluery of JBoss, there are essentially three types of
    1) Corporations that open their source for market share, such as IBM's Eclipse, that
    then uses it to market WebSphere Studio
    2) Hobbyist who develop an open-source project for free. The hobbyist may be a true
    professional developer, but he is dedicated to his project as a hobby. In this situation,
    donations are substantial enough to pay a dedicated developer.
    3) Professional Open-Source in which developer is paid to maintain and develop an
    open-source project in the hopes of making money with it through consulting and
    professional services.
    My question to the MyFaces team, which type of open-source are you?
    As a corporate developer, I would hope it is Professional Open-Source, since that
    model may have more support for the product I am using.

  • Error in Code of Conduct Application   in Corporate Information   In ESS

    Hi All,
    I'm new In SAP Portal and Ess
    When I try To Open 'Code of Conduct Application' in 'Corporate Information' tab in 'ESS'
    the page open correctly and the Adobe Page Appear Under the Following error Line:-
      You have no authorization for notification type E1
    and when i press review button I can't review the document and return back to the edit mode and lose any modification i did
    how do I Correct this error?
    Best Regards,

    This is a permission issue...
    Goto Tcode ST01 and check for authorization failures.....
    Ask your basis team to assign you required authorization.........
    Also check default trace of portal and see if some permission denied exception is there....

  • MBSA in Corporate environment

    How would mbsa be used to detect the missing patch in a corporate enviornment?

    Typically an administrator would run MBSA against a group of computers on the network. You can specify the WSUS server in the MSBA configuration to check the list of updates that should be on a machine.
    After MBSA completes its scan of the computers, the administrator will review the report looking for any computers that are missing updates.
    Jason Warren

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    Hi Friends, I want to change the Field Label displayed on the PCUI. In PCUI the field label displayed, is the value taken from the Medium Text of that field's respective Data Element in DDIC. Please correct me if I am wrong. Now for example - I want

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    I am trying to open a .wma file and RealPlayer is saying it cannot open the file with the current version of QuickTime installed. Any insights?

  • General Error message when rendering after opening FCP4 project in FCP5

    Hi, we're are having trouble with our FCP 4.5 project after opeining it in FCP5. When trying to render it comes up with "General Error" message and won't render the sequence. It also sometimes simply stops rendering without the message. Can anyone he