Correct ratio for sd dvd of HDV source?

My source material is HDV (16x9), So after I use Compressor to make my mpeg 2, for a SD DVD, it makes it 720 x 404, which is close, but all the material I can see including a converter I have for proper ratios for video, say a 16 x 9 sd dvd should be 720 x 405...which is correct? I know I can open up the mpeg 2 in QT Pro and change it to 405 but why does it come out of Compressor at 720 x 404? Which is right?

Thanks for info - I just use Compressor, drop on the 90-min SD DVD preset, make sure it's 16 x 9. It was just that it came out 404 not 405 (display ratio) as I was expecting....didn't know if that's a problem.

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    Oh Please...stop the sobbing!! Did I ask questions on this forum without knowing the basics?...absolutely not!! Im here to help but that would be impossible to do without you knowing a little about video before you can do that. There's way too much to cover over a internet forum. Beside I gave you some good info already. Here's some more. You'll recieve more help if you dont take things so personally.

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    The HDV format was advanced by Sony and others to use the same miniDV tapes used for SD.  In fact, your Canon XHAI can record and play either without changing the tape transport speed.
    Your observation in relative file sizes is due to the fact that HDV is highly compressed (MPEG), whereas, SD (AVI) is not as highly compressed.  This is one of the reasons folks (such as Harm) don't consider HDV to be an edit format, but just a delivery format.
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    error detail: 
    <detail><ErrorCode xmlns="">rsCannotRetrieveModel</ErrorCode><HttpStatus xmlns="">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="">An
    error occurred while loading the model for the item or data source 'EntityDataSource'. Verify that the connection information is correct and that you have permissions to access the data source.</Message><HelpLink xmlns="">;EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsCannotRetrieveModel&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0</HelpLink><ProductName
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    xmlns=""><Source>ReportingServicesLibrary</Source><Message msrs:ErrorCode="rsCannotRetrieveModel" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsCannotRetrieveModel&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0"
    xmlns:msrs="">An error occurred while loading the model for the item or data source 'EntityDataSource'. Verify that the connection information is correct and that you have permissions to access the
    data source.</Message><MoreInformation><Source>Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore</Source><Message msrs:ErrorCode="rsErrorOpeningConnection" msrs:HelpLink=";EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&amp;EvtID=rsErrorOpeningConnection&amp;ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&amp;ProdVer=11.0.3128.0"
    xmlns:msrs="">Cannot create a connection to data source 'EntityDataSource'.</Message><MoreInformation><Source></Source><Message>For more information about this error navigate
    to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors</Message></MoreInformation></MoreInformation></MoreInformation><Warnings xmlns="" /></detail>
    Please help me to solve this issue. I don't know if uploading the excel workbook is enough or maybe It needed to connect to another data source.
    I Appreciate in advance.

    Hi Ali.y,
    Based on the current error message, the error can be related to the
    Claims to Windows Token Service (C2WTS) and is an expected error under certain conditions. To verify the issue, please check the aspects below:
         1. The C2WTS Windows service and C2WTS SharePoint service are both running.
         2. Check the SQL Server Browser service is running on the machine that has the PowerPivot instance of SSAS.
         3. Check the domain. You're signing into SharePoint with a user account in some domain (call it Domain A).  When Domain A is equal to Domain B which SharePoint server itself is located (they're the same domain), or Domain
    A trusts Domain B.
    In addition, the error may be caused by Kerberos authentication issue due to missing SPN. In order to make the Kerberos authentication work, you need to configure the Analysis Services to run under a domain account, and register the SPNs for the Analysis
    Services server.
    To create the SPN for the Analysis Services server that is running under a domain account, run the following commands at a command prompt:
    • Setspn.exe -S MSOLAPSvc.3/Fully_Qualified_domainName OLAP_Service_Startup_Account
    Note: Fully_Qualified_domainName is a placeholder for the FQDN.
    • Setspn.exe -S MSOLAPSvc.3/serverHostName OLAP_Service_Startup_Account
    For more information, please see:
    How to configure SQL Reporting Services 2012 in SharePoint Server 2010 / 2013 for Kerberos authentication
    Heidi Duan
    Heidi Duan
    TechNet Community Support

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    There is no standard place. In the blueprints project conventons it has a place called components/ which would contain shared components like EJBs and other components that could be shared across applications. the package naming would be reflected in that, like com.sun.blueprints.application1. and com.sun.blueprints.application2. and com.sun.blueprints.common.*
    Generally you could put a directory at the same level as the apps (not inside an app's directory structure) and maybe called common/ or shared/ . This common code could be built separtely and into a binary library or jar that you just include in the other applicatons, in the same way you would include some external library jar that you got somewhere and keep in your workspace and your apps use. The packaging of common code is similiar to the packaging of different applications and shared components.

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    the correct format depends on the format your camera (PAL or NTSC - 4:3 or 16:9) meaning the project format should meet the camera format. pleas note that that format changes in iMovie/iDVD are effective only for new projects and cannot change existing ones. the dvd quality settings depend on the length of your movie and can be set in iDVD under preferences.
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    You could try duplicating that 90 minute preset so you can make a few adjustments. One of the settings I modify in my m2v presets is in the Frame Controls: Resizing Control: Deinterlace. I have that set to Better or Best, depending on the video. I also set the Output Fields: to Progressive. This seems to work well for my DVDs even when down converting from HD.

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    Thanks in advance.

    #42 - Quick and dirty way to author a DVD
    Shane's Stock Answer #42 - David Roth Weiss' Secret Quick and Dirty Way to Author a DVD:
    The absolute simplest way to make a DVD using FCP and DVDSP is as follows:
    1. Export a QT movie, either a reference file or self contained using current settings.
    2. Open DVDSP, select the "graphical" tab and you will see two little monitors, one blue, one green.
    3. Select the left blue one and hit delete.
    4. Now, select the green one, right click on it amd select the top option "first play".
    5. Now drag your QT from the broswer and drop it on top of the green monitor.
    6. Now, for a DVD from an HD source, look to the right side and select the "general tab" in the track editor, and see the Display Mode, and select "16:9 pan-scan."
    7. Hit the little black and yellow burn icon at the top of the page and put a a DVD in when prompted. DVDSP will encode and burn your new DVD.
    THATS ALL!!!
    NOW...if you want a GOOD LOOKING DVD, instead of taking your REF movie into DVD SP, instead take it into Compressor and choose the BEST QUALITY ENCODE (2 pass VBR) that matches your show timing. Then take THAT result into DVD SP and follow the rest of the steps. Except you can choose "16:9 LETTERBOX" instead of PAN & SCAN if you want to see the entire image.

  • Best way to downconvert from HD to SD for SD DVD...  Help...

    Ok gentlemen... I'm some tens of hours into this frustration and have hardly any hair left to pull out.
    I'm building a main menu for SD DVD in DVDSP.
    The entire menu is a quick time file with all graphics and text included, set as back ground in DVDSP, with the buttons drawn over the top.
    So Im in FCP building this video for the background of my main menu. It is a composite of video, some motion graphics, live type some and Photoshop stills.
    Im building for SD however I want the menus to appear 16x9 and since most of my footage is HDV 1080i I built everything in 1080i thinking I could down convert after.
    my first out put was HDV 1080i60 which is native... what I have been editing and compositing in through out. It looks fine.
    I run this 1080i Qt through compressor multiple times trying to convert to DV NTSC 4x3. 720x480 3x2... I try every combination I can think of... crop dont crop letter box, anamorphic... everytime my resulting QT is either distorted or degraded beyond acceptability. the text has fallen apart the video is fuzzy etc. All I want to do is Down convert to SD!
    So I bring the original 1080i output back into FCP because I don't want it to have to re-render this monster every-time I out-put. It looks exactly the same when viewed from FCP. I try to do the same thing with QT conversion... same problem.
    So next I tried to do it in FCP by simply creating a new sequence with the desired dv settings and making the size conversions and re-rendering. same deal.
    I went back to DVDSP and Attempted to create an HD project... new project ... modify the project and general prefrences. I cannot import the original HDV 1080i video output as an asset. the message reads incompatible format.
    Question is :
    Can anyone recommend to me the method, the format, and the program to convert HDV1080i60 to what ever SD format DVDSP will haphazardly accept... please... anybody.
    I realize that some of you would like to know what the specs are on this vast multitude of useless dv QT's that I have produced. unfortunately I do not have the energy to produce such post. J/K I will be glad to supply whatever data i have failed to list here if it will help some on to help me. Ask away...

    If your final output is SD, I would set the camcorder to downconvert to DV and capture the footage as DV. Then you don't need to worry about the whole HD->SD thing anymore and things will happen much faster.
    Also, if you're creating an asset that will be rendered by DVDSP into a menu by adding buttons, etc, I wouldn't compress it to .m2v prior to importing into DVDSP. The reason is you'd be compressing (i.e. throwing out information) and then adding your buttons and then letting DVDSP recompress the menu again and throw out even more information leading to poorer quality.
    Finally, you mentioned your source footage is 16:9 and you want 16:9 menus. Why did you convert to 4:3?

  • Using Canon for Printable DVDs

    I've been told not to use stick on labels for DVDs.  I have a Canon iP6700D printer.  So I got the tray from eBay to use for printing DVDs.  I went through all the steps so the tray will fit into my printer and went through all the steps on the **** Printer website to change the printer mode so it will print on the DVDs.  I got a demo version of DiscLabel and tried to print a label but my printer keeps telling me "The inner cover is open, close the inner cover and press OK".  If I close the inner cover I can't put in the tray with the DVD.  I've done the page setup and selected Tray C as the 'Paper Size'. 
    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong???  I would appreciate any help I can get.

    Copy/paste from the Canon manual:
    Cautions When Printing on a Printable Disc
    Be sure to use the disc tray supplied with this printer. It has a "G" on the upper side.
    Do not print on printable discs that are not compatible with inkjet printing. The ink will not dry and may cause problems with the disc itself or devices which the disc is loaded onto.
    Do not print on the printable discs' recording surface. Doing so will make data recorded on discs unreadable.
    Hold the printable discs by their edges. Do not touch either the label surface (printing surface) or recording surface.
    Remove any dirt from the disc tray before placing printable discs on the disc tray. Loading discs in a dirty disc tray may scratch the recording surface of the discs.
    After printing, allow the printing surface of the disc to dry naturally. Do not use hairdryers or expose the disc to direct sunlight to dry the ink. Do not touch the printing surface until the ink has dried.
    Do not attach the disc tray while the printer is in operation.
    Do not remove the disc tray while printing on printable discs. Doing so may damage the printer, thedisc tray, or the disc.
    Do not get dirt or scratches on the reflectors of the disc tray. The printer may not be able to recognize loading of the printable disc, or printing may become misaligned. If the reflectors on the disc traybecome dirty, wipe the reflector clean with a soft, dry cloth, taking care not to scratch the plate.
    The disc tray may become dirty if software other than Easy-PhotoPrint EX is used.
    Always use the supplied 3.15 inches (8 cm) disc adapter when printing on 3.15 inches (8 cm) printable discs.
    Always close the inner cover after printing on printable discs.
    To keep the print quality at an optimal level, it is recommended to stop printing discs once every ten discs when printing more than ten discs continuously.
    To stop the printing operation, detach the disc tray from the printer, then close the inner cover. After approximately three minutes have elapsed, open the inner cover, attach the disc tray to the printer, then resume printing.
    Home > Printing > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) > Printing Disc Labels and Case Covers
    Printing Disc Labels and Case Covers
    You can print your own disc labels and case covers using your favorite photos.
    Do not set the disc tray until a message prompting you to load a printable disc appears. Loading a printable disc while the machine is operating may damage the machine.
    If the message does not appear, click the (Printer) icon in the Dock to display the message, then proceed with the operation.
    Start Easy-PhotoPrint EX.Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX
    Click Disc Label/Case Cover from Menu.The Page Setup screen appears.
    Set Print Type, Target Item or Paper Size, etc. in the General Settings section.Note
    See Help on the target item and paper size that can be selected.
    In the Layout Option dialog, you can select whether to place all the inserted images on one page or to determine the number of pages automatically according to the number of inserted images. To display the Layout Option dialog, click Layout Option....
    Select the theme and the layout you want to use from Theme in Sample Layout.
    If you want to change the layout, click Layout....The Change Layout dialog appears.NoteThe layouts that can be selected may vary depending on the Print Type or Target Item.
    If you want to change the background, click Background....The Change Background dialog appears.In the Change Background dialog, you can paint the background in a single color or paste an image file to it.
    Click Select Images in the step button area on the left side of the screen.The Select Images screen appears.
    Select the folder that contains the image you want to print from the Folder Tree area.The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails (miniatures).Important
    If Easy-PhotoPrint EX is started from another application (MP Navigator EX), the Folder Tree area will not be displayed.The images selected in MP Navigator EX will be displayed as thumbnails.
    You can also use still images captured from videos.Creating and Printing Still Images from Videos
    You can also use images downloaded from photo sharing sites on the Internet.Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites
    Select the image(s) you want to print, and click (Import to Inside Pages).The selected image(s) is (are) displayed in the selected image area.You can also select the image(s) you want to print by dragging it (them) into the selected image area.Note
    To delete an image in the selected image area, select the image you want to delete and click (Delete Imported Image).To delete all images from the selected image area, click (Delete All Imported Images).
    Click Edit in the step button area on the left side of the screen.The Edit screen appears.
    Edit your disc label/case cover if necessary.Other SettingsImportant
    The edit information will be discarded if you exit Easy-PhotoPrint EX without saving the edited disc label/case cover. It is recommended that you save the item if you want to edit it again.Saving
    NoteWhen Printable Disc is selected for Print Type in the Page Setup screen, (Adjust Print Area) appears. In the Adjust Print Area dialog that appears by clicking it, you can adjust the print area of disc label to print.
    Click Print Settings in the step button area on the left side of the screen.The Print Settings screen appears.
    Set Media Type, Paper Source, etc. according to the printer and paper to be used.Note
    When Printable Disc is selected for Print Type in the Page Setup screen, only Disc tray will be selectable for Paper Source.
    When Printable Disc is selected for Print Type in the Page Setup screen, Print Position...appears. In the Adjust Print Position dialog that appears by clicking it, you can adjust the print position on the disc label.
    The media types may vary depending on the printer and the print type.
    The paper sources may vary depending on the printer and the media type.
    You can set a custom print quality level in the Print Quality Settings dialog. To display the Print Quality Settings dialog, select Custom for Print Quality and click Quality Settings....
    You can specify the print range in the Print Settings dialog. To display the Print Settingsdialog, click Advanced....
    Click Print in the step button area on the left side of the screen.A message appears.
    Click OK.The Print dialog appears.ImportantIf you change the printer in the Print dialog, a message appears and printing will be canceled.
    Click Print.
    When Case Cover is selected for Print Type in the Page Setup screen, crop marks (reference lines for trimming the image to its final size) are printed on the four corners of the print area. After printing, trim along the crop marks.Crop marks may not be printed depending on the selected target item and paper size.
    You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing.Correcting and Enhancing PhotosEnhancing Photos Using Special Filters
    See Help for details on each screen.
    Questions and Answers
    How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File?
    Page top
    Home > Troubleshooting > Cannot Print > Cannot Print on the Disc Label
    Cannot Print on the Disc Label
    Disc Label Printing Does Not Start
    Disc Tray Does Not Feed Properly
    Disc Tray Jammed
    Disc Label Printing Does Not Start
    Check 1: Is the disc tray placed properly?Open the inner cover (the cover of the disc tray), properly place the disc tray again, then press the RESUME/CANCEL button on the printer.Use the disc tray supplied with this printer ("G" is on the upper side).For details on how to place the disc tray, refer to Placing a Printable Disc.
    Check 2: Is the printable disc placed on the disc tray?Place the printable disc on the disc tray properly, then press the RESUME/CANCEL button.Make sure that you are using the disc tray supplied with the printer ("G" is on the upper side).For details on how to place the disc tray, refer to Placing a Printable Disc.
    Check 3: If disc label printing stops before it is complete, try the operation again.If a certain period of time has elapsed while disc label printing is in progress, the printer stops initializing.The printer resumes initializing by pressing the RESUME/CANCEL button.Try the operation again following the on-screen instructions.
    Disc Tray Does Not Feed Properly
    Check 1: Is the disc tray placed properly?Properly place the disc tray again, then press the RESUME/CANCEL button.Make sure that you are using the disc tray supplied with the printer ("G" is on the upper side).For details on how to place the disc tray, refer to Placing a Printable Disc.
    Check 2: Unrecognizable printable disc may be placed.Canon recommends that you use printable discs specially processed to be printed on by an inkjet printer.
    Check 3: Is the printable disc on the disc tray already printed?If you place a printable disc on which has already been printed on the disc tray, the disc traymay be ejected.In this case, try printing again after clearing the Detects a printable disc in the disc traycheck box in Custom Settings on Canon IJ Printer Utility and clicking Apply.When printing is over, select the Detects a printable disc in the disc tray check box and clickApply.
    NoteIf you left cleared Detects a printable disc in the disc tray check box and start printinganother printable disc, printing may start without the printable disc loaded. Selecting the check box prevents the disc tray from getting dirty.
    Disc Tray Jammed
    Pull out the disc tray gently.
    If the disc tray cannot be pulled out, turn the printer off, then turn the printer back on again. The disc tray will automatically be ejected.
    When the disc tray is pulled out, place the disc tray ("G" is on the upper side) again, then retryprinting. Place the printable disc properly referring to Placing a Printable Disc.
    If the disc tray is still jammed, check if there is a problem with the printable disc.
    Disc Tray Does Not Feed Properly
    Page top

  • MiniDV Video in Affert Effects not showing correct ratio.

    I'd like to know how to edit minidv video in its aspect ratio in After Effects. Video is 720 by 480 and 16 by 9 (non-square pixels). When I import the video, it's stretched too tall (set to square pixels I believe). No mater how many times I change the composition ration to widescreen, it still does not show correctly.
    I seem to do fine in Premiere. It automatically sets the aspect ratio for minidv video. But I can't get After Effects to do it. I don't want to spend time creating something only for it to be squished in Premiere later.
    So how to do create a composition that's 16 x 9 using non-square pixels 720 by 480 that can be edited into miniDV video in adobe premiere?

    If you properly interpret your footage as widescreen (AE may guess incorrectly here) and put it in any square pixel comp it will not look distorted but it may or may not fill the frame. It will only fill the frame if the frame size is the square pixel equivalent size of your widescreen footage. This applies to all non square pixel aspect ratio footage.
    If you interpret your footage as widescreen and put it in the same format (NTSC, PAL HDV) widescreen comp it will also fill the frame. There may be some black pixels on the left and right side because almost all cameras don't put live pixels in every column or even every row of the frame, but the footage will fill the frame. The caveat is that this footage will look distorted unless you activate pixel aspect correction preview in the Comp window because computer displays are always square pixels. You have to fool the display by selecting this option.
    When you render your widescreen comp, if you're using any of the standard DV codecs or a codec like Quicktime Animation or JPG, there is no place in this codec for an aspect ratio tag that will tell apps like Premiere or FCP or Avid that this footage is supposed to be widescreen. Once you import the footage to another app you'll have to check and make sure that the footage is interpreted as widescreen there too.
    I hope this helps. What ever you do, do not use the Fit to Frame option to force footage into a comp frame. If you insist on using Fit to Frame then check the X and Y scale values after you do and make sure they are identical. If they are not, you've distorted your footage at that point and it will be difficult or impossible to fix it later.

  • Quicktime movies compress from HD to TV Ratio when writing DVD

    I'm using version iDVD 7 ( forum for v.7 ???).
    Using "ONE STEP DVD from MOVIE" feature to convert a Quicktime Movie that was created in Final Cut Express into a DVD. The item properties in FCE are letterbox 1920x1080. After writing DVD, the image on the screen is compressed to TV ratio. QUESTION #1: How do I avoid this and QUESTION #2: There's probably a better software app for making DVDs from FCE...what do you suggest? Many thanks!!!

    Hello again...I have some conflicts in the information provided and the links to others therein.
    Article TS1611 mentions to save in 854x480 NTSC, but there's no option to that either HD or other formats. The other direction to use the specific compression is something that I was not doing. I was going with the Article TS1611 is a hybrid solution at this point.
    The second link suggestion takes me into iDVD's themes...which I do not use. I only want the player without all the graphic stuff. That's why I go to FILE>"One step DVD from Movie".
    The other mention within an article suggested using a program that "amorphs" the file during stamping. This user had a file that when exported from FCE was not in the 16:9 ration. Mine are in the 16:9 ratio in HD and then in changes the ratio to 4:3 when writing the DVD within iDVD.
    So all seems to be correct, then the DVD plays in TV ratio.
    Thanks again in advance!

  • No Audio? On MPEG-2 encodes for SD DVD

    Help. I'm new to Compressor.
    I'm trying to encode an MPEG-2 Elementary Stream for SD DVD production. According to the documentation DVD Studio Pro will only work with the elementary streams but it also states "that no audio is provided in this stream". So how am I supposed to encode to MPEG-2 (supported by DVD Studio Pro) and get my audio to go along with it?
    Am I missing something obvious? Here are the details:
    Source - 1080i60 HD .Mov file
    Encode - MPEG-2 16x9 elementary stream.
    Video comes out fine, just no audio to be found anywhere?

    Correct. When you bring your source file into Compressor you need to create two settings. One setting for your MPEG-2, another for your Dolby Stereo .ac3 file. This will output two separate files, one video and the other audio. You then bring those files into DVD SP for authoring.
    However do not use the default Dolby 2.0 setting. Start with that but change the dialog normalization to -31 and the Preprocessing Compression Preset to None.

  • Best color workflow with hdv source material?

    I am wondering about the best workflow for working with hdv material in color?
    My first Color experience, I sent a AIC timeline (hdv source) to color, made my corrections, clicked NO when sending back to fcp when asked if I wanted the rendered timeline to be conformed to color render settings (apple pro-res) as I wanted the same sequence settings back in fcp.
    I then tried to off/online back to my source hdv capture files, and therein arose the problems. Because color had renamed the files, the new names came up in the re-connect media window, not the hdv source. When ignoring these and locating the hdv source, the corrections were not attached.
    After advice, tried onlining the original, locked edit, opening in color - files came up red (offline?), but could not apply the grades from the previous project anyway, as the whole program crashed before I could do anything?
    Thoughts on workflow, theories on what I may have done wrong greatly appreciated.
    Lastly, a lot of noise appeared in some clips I adjusted in color, which did not occur when making similar corrections to the same clips using the 3-way color corrector within fcp itself.
    How come?
    Thanks for listening,

    Hi Tom, agree 100% with all of JP OWENS comments on this thread. This is very good advice.
    Myself, coming from the dark side of a SONY HDV (HVR-Z1P) and DUMPING the SONY for a Panasonic DVCPROHD HVX-200 iFRAME HD format 66mbs and 110Mbs DVCPROHD 4:2:2 CODEC was primarily because when using COLOR on the HDV it was as dreadful as JP OWENS says it is.
    As as has been mentioned in this thread, for working with HDV and trying to perform any reasonable grading using you would indeed move it all to  PRORES422 by either:
    • ingesting it as proposed from the source as APPLE PRORES 422 or
    • ingesting and then BATCH CONVERTING in FCP (or go via a DROPLET - a favourite of mine) and THEN importing that into FCP.
    It gives you these workflow advantages (again pointed out by Mr Owens):
    • iFRAME format editing in FCP is "faster" (not GoPs to play with in 25Mbs MPEG2 HDV)) and
    • workflow transcoding is faster. (many threads in these forums concerning exporting from an HDV timeline).
    However to roughly quote Stu Maschwitz (his DV REBEL book) "+..converting DV to a near loss-less codec is a bit like carrying a golf ball around in a streamer trunk+".. applying this to HDV as well simply meaning that there is also NOT much colour information to work with in grading.correction applications like 
    Thus there is NO colour benefit from working in prores 422 from HDV source.
    IN short, work in PRORES422 from your HDV source and your workflow will improve and efficiencies will be seen.

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