Corrupted project

After energy drop, my After effects project became corrupted. When trying to open it, I see error: Missing data in file. (33::4). I`ve tried to copy it to another disk drive, tried to import it to a new project. Autosave was not checked (thought it is a default option, and it should be). It is a large 70mb project file, that was used in premiere pro as sequences via dinamic link. 3 months of hard work... At the moment I`m trying to recover project folder with Recuva data recovery software. Is there any other option to bring project back to life? Does Adobe programmers / tech support could fix it, at a cost?

Thank You for a reply.  Editing was done inside premiere pro, using hundred of sequences made in after effects. Keyframe animation, characters created in illustrator, animated in after effects and edited in premiere. change illustrator file, and it allready changed in premiere.  It was my mistake, not saving a backup version every day. And it was a hard lesson for me. I`ve failed to recover old version of the same file. But before recreating everything from scratch, hope there is a possibility to fix the broken project file.

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    Hi Flagmaker82,
    If you are having difficulties splitting a clip as you describe, you may want to try placing the playhead where you want the split, control clicking the clip and select Split Clip from the shortcut menu. The process is similar to what is described for trimming a clip in this article -
    iMovie (2013): Trim, split, and move clips
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

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    See my answer to your post in the other thread: FCE HD 3.0x: Corrupt Project Files after Photoshop-Import.

  • Premiere CS6 corrupt project files / autosave files

    Sorry for my English.
    I close my project one evening and next day i could not open it as Premier say  "An unknown error occurred while opening the project" & "importer raported generic error"
    Just one file (from 5)  auto saves works but is to outdated to use really:(
    I`been trying :
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    - reset ppro settings ctr shift alt
    - Import entire sequence  -"importer raported generic error"
    - Importing separate sequence  - Dynamic link hangs/stop in 1/8 progress bar
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    What version of Premiere Pro? Include the minor version number
    PPro cs6.05
    Have you installed the recent updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    all updates up to date
    What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers,
    Windows 7 64
    What kind(s) of source footage? When telling about your source footage, tell us about the codecs, not just the container types.
    dslr canon 5mk3 files
    If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    An unknown error occurred while opening the project" & "importer raported generic error"
    Has this ever worked before?
    What other software are you running?
    Magic bullet suite
    Do you have any third-party effects or codecs installed?
    twixtor , colorista
    Tell us about your computer hardware. Be especially certain to tell us about your GPU, any third-party
    i7 3930k  , gtx 780 , 64gb ,asus x79 deluxe
    Are you using Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration?
    Does the problem only happen with your final output, with previews, or both?
    FILE :
    Dropbox - Spain_wedding.prproj
    THANK YOU for any help. I don't know what to do.

    i found some tool for Mac "Project repair" but no success there.
    also when i manually delete those weird signs & errors from ppro project in notepad++ ,save to new name file and then try to import each sequence separately progress bar go up to 80% then stuck in place ,this is much more compare to original which go only 10% and stop.
    This new clean file opened and checked in XML Wrench give me few errors like that   
    hope that make sense

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    3. Restarted PC. Same thing.
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    5. Created a blank project and tried to import sequence - no sequence show up.
    6. Import from After Effects and Exported - no luck as well. Came up with a message saying there's no valid sequence.
    Would appreciate if anyone can help look into my project file to see if this is salvagable. The file looks ok, but it just won't load for some reason.
    Thanks in advanced for your help.
    Some info:
    Adobe Premiere Pro 6.0
    Windows 7 64bit
    Using Plural Eyes plugin

    For what's worth, after hours of searching online for a solution and tinkering with the XML file, I managed to figure out how to salvage my project. What I did was to import my file into After Effects, and then single out the sequence I need, then went to Adobe Dynamic Link and created a project file in Premiere. Then I copied the sequence from AE and pasted it into Premiere, and deleted (what I took a while to find out) a screwed up sequence from the project and saved the project and ta-da.. it now opens fine.
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    Thanks to all that have helped.

  • What to do with a Corrupt project file?  Render Errors?

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    And this external hard disk - HAS TO be Mac OS Extended formatted (not often solsd so)
    AND - Moving Events and Projects - Should be done within iMovie - NOT via Desktop/Finder !
    If so there is a great risk that iMovie can't find them again !
    Yours Bengt W

  • Corrupt project - how to go about fixing it?

    Hi all. I think I have a project which is slowly going corrupt. Anyone ever seen that?
    System: Dual 2-gig (late 2004 vintage), 2 gig RAM, OS 10.3.9, FCP 4.5/HD.
    What's happening is that while I'm editing, many anamalous things are happening. For instance, if I make an edit, and then want to undo it, sometimes the undo doesn't undo. Sometimes the mistake is still there...but it's not, really! I mean, the timeline shows the clip I mistakenly edited, even after I've hit CNTL-Z, and sometimes if I play that piece, the mistaken clip really is still there...but sometimes it's not; the clip that's present on the timeline isn't the one I'm watching...and when I highlight and delete the clip, voila, the clip that's supposed to be there magically reappears (on the timeline...I can usually always see the correct video). And sometimes when I do a "fit to fill", I not only get the fit to fill clip, it does an extra ripple insert, too. Usually this can be undone, but not all the time...
    I should add here that, despite all these anamolies, the timeline plays all the way through. It doesn't stop, freeze up, stutter, or exhibit any sort of playback problems.
    Now, before we go any further, DON'T tell me to trash my prefs. I've got FCP Rescue at my disposal, and have trashed and restored multiple times. Also, I do not get these sorts of problems happening with other projects I'm currently working on (well, sometimes the non-undo problem crops up, but not nearly as often). For these reasons, I'm thinking that something's up with this particular project.
    So earlier this evening I went into the Media Manager, selected choices to make new media to a drive with lotsa space, and to create a new project (to be saved in my FCP Projects folder on the system drive). Clicked OK, and off we went...spent three hours copying media, and then with 8 minutes left got the spinning beachball of death. My guess...FCP encountered whatever was corrupt, and couldn't make a new project.
    Anybody got any suggestions? I guess I can limp along, but I'm afraid something REALLY bad is gonna happen...

    Now, before we go any further, DON'T tell me to trash my prefs. I've got FCP Rescue at my disposal, and have trashed and restored multiple times.
    Before you go any further... you might try trashing the prefs and NOT restoring, in case you've got a glitch in the saved copy. Recreate your prefs when you open FCP.
    Might also look at any files that were not copied and see if any of them seem strange.
    Aside from that, you could try,
    Deleting all render files for the project and re-rendering
    Making the footage for the project offline, then reconnecting clips one at a time until you see the problem.

  • How can you fix corrupt Project Files in Final Cut Pro X?

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    I have reason to believe that one of my project files in Final Cut Pro X is corrupt.
    How may I begin to resolve this issue?  Is there a third party software someone could recommend, like Digital Rebellion (if they have software for FCP X, I'm not sure) that may improve, if not hopefully solve this issue?
    Many thanks!!

    Had a similar problem.
    Follow it here:
    among other steps taken I used Corrupt Clip Finder to isolate/remove the culprit and all was OK after that
    no idea how/why the file ( which I''d been using over 5 previous versions) became corrupted

  • Corrupted project - help!

    My project got corrupted and now I can't quick Swipe between grouped tracks. What's the best way to import everything - audio files, automation, existing swipes, plug-ins etc - into a new project?

    Go to the link below.
    Type "Import" (without the quotes) in the search field and hit the Return key on your keyboard.
    Select the very first result.
    Read it thoroughly.
    Follow the instructions.

  • Premiere Pro CC 2014 seems to  Corrupt projects created with earlier versions

    I have opened  in PPro CC 2014  projects created in PPro CS6  or PPro CC. Every time  PPro crashed and got the message " PPro Debug Event - PPro encountered a major problem and has stopped working" After that the project seemed corrupted and could not be opened even in earlier versions.
    I get the following message
    Première Pro Debug Event (Title of the window)
    Premiere Pro has encountered an error
    [c:\caravan\releases 2014.09\shared\adobe\mediacore\mediafoundation\api\incK... (can't read the res...)
    Then there is a "continue" button if I hit this button I get the following window
    Following a serious error PPro must shut down. The program will try to record your current project.
    Has anyone encountered this problem?
    I don't dare open any old project. help!

    Hi there!
    I´ve updated to latest version and then opened my project and got this error.
    Then I found in a forum that I should delete the ADOBE folder in \my documents
    I´ve deleted and then I could open the file again.
    But the .MP4 and some other video files doesn´t open.
    I saw that the 'Effect Presets and Custom Items.prfpset' file on \my documents\adobe\premiere Pro\8.0\Profile-myprofilename was causing the error.
    I also saw in other forum that I should rename Adobe folder to old.adobe from \userfolder\appdata\roaming and \userfolder\appdata\local but this hasn´t solved the problem.
    I tried also to reinstall Quicktime and K-Lite Codec Pack but the problem persists.
    Have you found any solution??

  • SSRS reports corrupts Project Server 2013 Timeline

    On a project site home page, I have several list views and a content editor linked to a javascript file to highlight some cells on those views. I also have a SSRS report and the Timeline on that same page.
    I've noticed that when the report finishes loading, it corrupts the timeline and removes the hightlighting of the cells:
    Before the report finishes loading:
    After report finishes loading:
    As you can see in the above pictures. Has anyone seen this issue before? Any ideas?

    Found the solution. In the report web part uncheck the box "Asynchronous Rendering". Hope this helps!

  • Rebuilding Corrupt Project problems

    Hi, first timer and a little desperate.
    I've been working on a doc in FCP HD 4.5, preparing to assemble seven subclips into a 60 minute version for export to Quicktime movie, NTSC DV. While I was working, the external hard drive was bumped by someone, knocking it over on the table where it sat. From that point, FCP started acting weird, giving a strange plaid/Tartan grid pattern in the Canvas window at certain points, and refusing to play for long before it froze up. Errors include "File I/O Error," dropped frames, and General Error (34) and (49). I also could not Export to Quicktime movie, as it kicked out after about 2 or 3%.
    Since then, thanks to helpful posts here:
    1. I've trashed and rebuilt preferences;
    2. I've run Disk Utility and Disk Warrior on the external, rebuidling the directories and checking for physical damage;
    3. I've cleared the RAM on startup;
    4. I've adjusted the FCP preferences to the lowest video and audio quality for playback (my timelines are always clean and kept in no more than two video channels, btw);
    5. And I have offlined the original Capture Scratch files and recaptured them. The program had trouble communicating with my old Canon GL-1 for some reason, reporting dropped timecode where there was none, so I had to Capture Now and then reconnected clips to the newly captured versions (if I can save the timeline, I'll have to do some tweaking, I know).
    So far so good, but now I'm getting General Error (34) and (49) on startup occasionally; I'm getting kicked out of Export to Quicktime after about 5%; and occasionally I'm seeing that same grid pattern, though it mostly seems to be playing better in the timeline. It waits to freeze up, anyway.
    Any ideas for software fixes? Reinstalling FCP, maybe some settings I'm missing? If it's a physical problem in the hard drive, I'll have to send it back, but I'm hoping for a software fix.
    Any help's appreciated greatly...

    I found a backup of my project that opened and I finished my project, not as well as I wanted but I got it out.
    I then closed down Premiere and went ahead with repair disk permissions as you suggested.
    I went back and double clicked on my working version and found it to be corrupt now as well. Premiere will open; the panes and general layout look the same as I left it when I closed; there is file information in the project pane but no video on the source or project monitors. The time line is there. But if I so much as move the mouse the  spinning beach ball appears. Finder shows Premiere unresponsive and I have to do a Force Quit. I'm not about to start opening older files to see if they work.
    In my opinion it is not 8.0.1 but the original 2014 as this is where the problem originated. I still have the older version 7 but stupidly uninstalled the matching Media Encoder which I need to queue to. So I'm stuck trying to sort this mess. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • GB Creating Corrupt Project Files

    Hi. I've been working with GB and GPO (Garritan Personal Orchestra) for a video project. A had a Project open (a fairly large one) and was frequently "saving" to the project on the Mac HD. I have encountered problems with GB crashing and the project files being used becoming corrupted in the past week. But I can't figure out what's causing the problem. This time I saved the project, opened up a track volume control for one track (Out of the 20 or so tracks) and clicked on one point and the big picture in the Software Instrument went black and GB crashed. The Relaunch dialog window came up. At that point, the project was corrupted. I now have two .band files that don't have a thumbnail preview when looking at them in the finder. GB says "Read Error: Illegal format of file. Abort" when I try to open them. Any help on more of what's causing this problem rather than how to fix the corrupted files (Even though that would be fantastic) would be appreciated.

    Sorry I don't have any insight as to possible causes (do you Lock as many tracks as possible)? but here's HangTime's tutorial on rescuing corrupted files:

  • Premiere Pro corrupted project

    Well this is just great. My project will not open anymore. All my auto-saves are from the same day so none of them will open anymore. I have absolutely no idea why not. It won't open even if I move all my media files elsewhere (not even offline helps).
    Anyone else experienced something like this? This is pretty bad. If it helps I've uploaded the project file here:

    What version of Premiere are you running? I tried to open your project with Premiere CS3 at home without success.
    A few years back when we used the Matrox RT.X100, Premiere project file corruption happened occasionally. Since we ditched the Matrox, we have never had a situation where a Premiere project became corrupt and refused to open. We are now using CS4 at work and have had an After Effects dynamic link issue cause a *.prproj opening process go into an endless loop. We were able to find a work-around for that.
    I was able to open your project in Notepad. The Prproj's are XML files with a *prproj extension. If you change the extension to *.xml, you can open them in Dreamweaver. The problem is, these documents contain so much information, I'm not sure if even the engineers who invented the format could spot an error within a reasonable time frame. A software *.prproj repair utility would be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, I don't think there is one.
    You said the auto-saves appear to be corrupt going back a ways. Can you remember if you closed and re-opened the main project within the time frame when those auto-saves were created.
    System Mechanic has some great tools for finding and repairing hard drive errors. The fully functional program is available to use as a 30 day trial at
    I'm not really sure if an MFT hard drive error could cause Auto Save files to become corrupt. I mentioned in a previous thread that when we used the Matrox card, I did an experiment and changed just one character (manually with Notepad) within a *prproj. The project file would not open and the dialog said the project was corrupt. So I can tell you that *.prproj's will not tolerate even the slightest error. I would let a complete System Mechanic hard drive diagnostic run all night.
    Could you post your system specs?

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