Counter not incrementing

Here is the code from one of my classes, these methods are used when a button is cliked in another class.
My problem is that the counter for rate is not incrementing for some reason.
Can anyone see a reason from the code why?
public class AccountModel
    private Account c, d;
    private int counter=0;
    public AccountModel()
        c = new Account();
        d = new Account();
    public AccountModel(String Name1, int intialAge1, String Name2, int intialAge2)
        c = new Account();
        d = new Account();
    public void saveData(int option, String newName, double newDeposit, int newInitialAge,
                         double newRate)
            if (option==1)
            else if (option==2)
    public void setData(Account a, String name, double deposit, int initialAge, double rate)
    public String showData(int option)
        String display = "";  //display string to return
        Account acc;    //local account variable
        if(option==1)   acc=c;  //choose which account
        else acc=d;
        //build string
        display += "Name: " + acc.getName() + "\n";
        display += "Initial Age: " + acc.getInitialAge() + "\n";
        display += "Actual Age: " + acc.getActualAge() + "\n";
        display += "Total Balance: " + acc.getBalance() + "\n";
        display += "Total Deposit: " + acc.getTotalDeposit() + "\n";
        display += "Total Interest: " + acc.getTotalInterest() + "\n";
        display += "Total Withdrawals: " + acc.getTotalWithdrawal() + "\n";
        display += "Interest Rate: " + acc.getRate() + "\n";
        return display;
    public double getBalance(int option)
        Account acc;
        if(option==1) acc=c;
        else acc=d;
        double balance = acc.getBalance();
        double deposit = acc.getDeposit();
        double rate = acc.getRate();
        for (int i = 0; i < acc.getYears(); i++)
            balance = (balance + deposit*12) * (1 + rate/100);
            if (counter % 10==0)
                rate = rate + 0.01;
        return balance;
    public double keepDepositing(int option, int continuedYears)
        Account acc;
        if(option==1) acc=c;
        else acc=d;
        double balance = acc.getBalance();
        double deposit = acc.getDeposit();
        double rate = acc.getRate();
        for (int i = 0; i < continuedYears; i++)
                balance = (balance + deposit*12) * (1 + rate/100);
                if (counter % 10==0)
                    rate = rate + 0.01;
        return balance;
    public double startWithdrawing(int option, double withdrawals, int withdrawalYears)
        Account acc;
        if(option==1) acc=c;
        else acc=d;
        double balance = acc.getBalance();
        double rate = acc.getRate();
        for (int i = 0; i < withdrawalYears; i++)
                balance = (balance - withdrawals*12)*(1 + rate/100);
        return balance;

rate is a local variable in all your class methods. When you leave the method the value goes out of scope.
You don't post your Account class, so I can't tell if it has a rate data member.
If you want it to persist after you've left those methods, make it a data member in the AccountModel class.

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    canadavenyc wrote:
    V.K. wrote:
    yes, well, if Toronto ever gets a team in any sport worth rooting for, I might stop posting on apple forums and start watching them.
    lol...well, seeing as how you'll clearly be here a while then... ...perhaps I can prevail upon you to answer one last question that just occurred to me.
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    x := x + 5; ---// add 1 to the value of x
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Counter: ' || TO_CHAR(x) || ' Square: ' || TO_CHAR(i*i));
    ---------------- OutPut ----
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    Counter: 10 Square: 4
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    Try using the Image  Processor Pro in the action you used to create the droplet.   If the output file exist that script will generate the next name. Actions can not use logic on their own.  If the droplet you create has a problem naming the output file that it replaces files rather then generating the next name the action you created the droplet  needs to use some scripting. See that the output file exists and if it does generate a unique name upping the sequence number till  its unique one that does not exists.  Actions can not use logic without using a script.
    The Image Processor script is not a plug-ij it will always show its dialog.  The Image Processor Pro script is a Photoshop Plug-in It will bypass displaying iys dialog when user by playing the action step that was generated recording its used.  What it recorded will be used.    Once installed the Image Processor Pro script is accessec and recorded usinf  menu File>Automate>Image Processor Pro...   Where the non plug-in Image Processor the ships with Photoshop is Access via menu File>Scripts>Image Processor.  It does not have plug-in support programmed in. It can not record settings into an actions step.
    When you record the IPP action the dialog will show and IPP will record the settings used into the action step,  When the action is played the dialog will not show instead the recorded setting will be use.  If you do not turn on that action step dialog.
    There is no requirement to use the bridge.... Infact if you use the bridge to select files then use menu tools Photoshop Image processor Pro  you will not be using  your droplet or action..  If you set up the IPP dialog to use your action that uses IPP I think it may fail recursive use of a plug-in is questionable.

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