Country template (DE01 and DE02)

Hi All,
My client wants to create a new Company Code in Germany. So we are planning to copy from Country Template DE. But I am finding two template (DE01 and DE02) in ECC 6. Which template i have to copy for the new company code.
Please help me for the above issue.
Thanks & Regards

Hi Vinu,
within transaction EC01 you can create a new company code by copying another company code. For transporting an existing company code to another client you can use the same transaction with function 'Transport'. All the depending tables will be transported and can be viewed via 'Extras' -> 'Technical Logs' -> Results.
For more information regarding the transport and copy functionalities please have a look at the Application Help -> 'Online Manual'.
Regarding the country specific settings please read the instructions of the SAP Note 63805 and its related notes and proceed as described.
I hope this help you! ;D

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    Hello Hans,
    I am just trying to think about potential workarounds...
    1. You got the field Service Provider at the level of expense line item, so it can cover different vendors (even though there is no system link with a real vendor)
    2. If by chance you do not use Regions within country, you can set up 2 regions (also at expense item level).
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    Good luck,

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    Best regards,

    Hey Gaito,
    great. Now that you have a template project, you need to create one or more templates within the project template.
    Go to tab Templates (of your Templ Proj) and activate 'Global Rollout Functionnality' to be able to use the templates.
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    Hope this helps

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    Hi there
    For generation of template for Activity so that you can see the Product info,u just need to generate the Index in SPRO
    Go to IMG and there within the transaction types you can locate the index i am speaking about to generate.
    Here is the path-->IMG->CRM--->Transaction ->Basic Settings->Settings for Activites->Activity Journal--->Activity Standard Template Type
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    As soon as you genarte that you will be having product info on your Activity screen
    See this arrangement is client specific only so if you are say in sandbox or dev or qual or prod.u need to do this setting  seperately in each client.
    Hope you got what i said.

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    > Can anyone post a few links that discuss table vs. css
    deign, etc ?
    Please don't think of it this way. Think of it as the next
    step ahead in
    design methodology -
    > From a code/search engine stand there a
    difference between divs
    > and the table tag ?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Tim" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > It's been a couple years since I really worked on a new
    site. I have DW
    > MX2004. My last site used templates which worked fine
    for me. Are
    > templates still widely use...or has css design more or
    less replaced them
    > ?
    > css design...are tables used much
    anymore...and if not...can you
    > do pretty much the same in css as you can in table
    layout ?
    > Can anyone post a few links that discuss table vs. css
    deign, etc ?
    > From a code/search engine stand there a
    difference between divs
    > and the table tag ?
    > Thanks so much....
    > Tim

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    Pages' templates are buried deep inside the package file. You can get to them by navigating like this: control-click on Pages icon in the Finder, then navigate through these folders -- Contents > Resources > Templates. I would strongly advise you not to delete the blank templates.
    Regarding subgroups in the template chooser, I think you can nest folders in the My Templates folder.

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    Request Level & Operation Level :
    Re: Difference requestlevel and operational level
    Template Level : It is also same as Request Level where you can reject the complete request in one shot. In latest version of OIM i.e. OIM 11g R2, you won't find this Approval Level.

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    I am new to this and need step by step.  I have the first template completed.

    Apps and media are forever tied to the AppleID used to download them.
    You cannot transfer from downloads from one AppleID to another, nor
    can you merge AppleIDs. If you wish to start using your own AppleID,
    you will have to redownload all the items you wish - paying again under your
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  • Template page and CSS dialog box.

    Basically, this is an issue/bug for me. I had something working on Dreamweaver CS6 (CS3, 4 and 5 also... oh and Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 too) that doesn't work in Dreamweaver CC.
    Please, consider that an answer like "it's the new way that it should run now" will not be accepted (and will NOT solve the problem).
    Case : page based on a template. Somewhen I want to edit a css-selector: I highlight it and press the button "modify CSS rule" in the properties panel.
    All I obtain is a dialog box "this is part of the code which is protected because it's based on a template". Then nada. Of course, the css-selector I want
    to edit is located in a external file. And of course the part of the code that <link> to the files is protected as part of the template.
    So I'm pretty ok with the message warning me. I had the same with DW CS6. BUT after warning me, DW CS6 (and previous) provides the panel. Which makes sense,
    because the file itself is in no way protected as a part ot the template. And it seems pretty dumb not to be able to edit a css because you use a template-based page.
    I just want DW CC to do the same as previous versions. Period.
    Hope this will be patched soon. Cause it's a bug.

    The thing which is going on is a bug.
    So far, that's where we disagree. I don't see any evidence it's a bug since the behavior you are describing is not consistent with my experience. For example -
    This child page -
    <!doctype html>
    <html><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/test-externalcss.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <link href="_css/child.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion1" -->
    <p id="foo">Content</p>
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <p id="bar">More content</p>
    <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>
    Is linked to an external stylesheet just as you describe -
    @charset "utf-8";
    p {
              color: #0000FF;
    #foo {
    #bar {
    In the child page, I click in the ID foo and I see it appear in the Targeted Rule field of the Property inspector. I click the button for Edit Rule, and change the font size to 18px. There is no prompt at all, even though the link to the external stylesheet is in a non-editable region of the template, and the stylesheet is changed according to my edit. So what am I doing wrong?

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    Hello World.
    I am new to Oracle BI and I have sucessfully used the BI Java APIs to create from start to finish a pdf report process. I use the DataProcessor, RTFProcessor, and FOProcessor classes to do this. My question is other than the most simple of Data Templates being used, how is everyone building their data templates? And I would also like to know how are developers validating the actual data template file? I have submitted a request through my MetaLink account for obtaining either a "dtd" or "xsd" file that could be used to validate a constructed data template. I have not received any real answers. I plan on using either XMLSpy or MyEclispse 6 to create my data templates, but I need a "rule book" dtd or xsd file in order to use the auto prompting feature. Making a data template "in the dark" cannot be the method of choice for all of the developers that visit this forum. I see some really fancy/detailed reports and I would like to see how people are building there data templates. Building the data template is at least half the battle when constructing a BI report.
    Thanks for your time.

    Notepad is the developer's choice for data definitions, seriously.
    I have seen and used XMLSpy and have Stylus Studio but they are really a bit of overkill for the data templates. I use Stylus Studio for some of our XML-FO format templates, but that is another story.
    Edited by: ScottC on Oct 22, 2008 3:00 PM

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