Creating a "top ten" list in Endeca

Hi all,
I'm working on a project now and the client wants Endeca to return a list of data that's been dubbed "top ten best selling".
How can I make this happen?

- If it is random "10" products, one approach is to tag those 10 products with a particular dimension value. Say "top 10" and filter on that dimension for display.
- If it is to give priority to top selling products in any search results, then approach can be through relevancy rank. A "static" module on a property wich has the sale quantity of the products and do appropriate sorting on the module

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    Dear iWorks Numbers Experts,
    I'm having a heck of a time trying to make a numbers Top Ten Table. Here's what I have so far, and it pretty much works except for one problem.
    Data Table:
    Col A Col B
    Apple 53
    Banana 24
    Grape 42
    Orange 64
    Pear 53
    Etc Etc
    Pretend Top Three List:
    1. =Lookup(Large(Col B from data table),1), (Col B from data table), (Col A from data table)
    Returns:: Orange
    2. =Lookup(Large(Col B from data table),2), (Col B from data table), (Col A from data table)
    Returns:: Pear
    3. =Lookup(Large(Col B from data table),3), (Col B from data table), (Col A from data table)
    Also returns pear instead of apple
    So I'm making a top ten list based on the number of votes in one column and the "fruit" in the first column. The problem is if two of the data points have an equal number of votes, the top ten list returns the same fruit for every tied vote, instead of naming all the fruits that have the same number of votes.
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    Here's a solution that I don't believe is any better than Yvan's, but since I had started on it and since it represents an alternate approach that is somewhat like your first direction, I'll give it to you.
    The Data table contains a hidden Column C with the conventional rank expression, slightly modified to eliminate duplicates: =IF(ISBLANK(B), "", RANK(B, B)+RAND()/1000)
    Column C is hidden to avoid inadvertently typing over the equation. The "+RAND()/1000" part of the expression adds a very small random offset to avoid duplicates. The use of this method of avoiding duplicates means that you will not be able to predict which of several tie scores will be presented first, but that's not usually a problem.
    The bottom table, "Product ArrangedByRank", is locked to avoid corruption, and can be any length to present however many top items you wish. Here again, I don't believe there is any reason to show the rank column, but I left it visible. Rank in the bottom table puts the Rank data from the top table in numerical order via the LARGE function. In Rank we have: =IF(COUNTA(Data :: A)<ROW(), "", LARGE(INDIRECT("Data :: C$2:C$"&COUNT(Data :: C)+1), COUNT(Data :: C)-ROW()+2))
    All that counting business is to avoid errors in the case where the tables are of unequal length and where there are empty rows at the bottom of the top table.
    The bottom table Product expression is: =IF(COUNTA(Data :: A)<ROW(), "", LOOKUP(C,Data :: C,Data :: A))
    And, the bottom table Quantity expression is: =IF(COUNTA(Data :: A)<ROW(), "", LOOKUP(C,Data :: C,Data :: B))
    I hope that this along with Yvan's solution will help you.

  • Arch in the top ten list of best-designed distro websites

    Arch is getting more and more recognition these days... … ution.html

    neotuli wrote:
    Yeah thayer's the mastermind, I'm just a lackey.
    Oh also, after looking at those top10, I have to say the Arch site stands out from the others design-wise. It's the only one on that list that doesn't use large icons and rounded/bubbly looks, and uses the full width of the browser window.
    Agreed. I've always been a fan of crisp, clean, cornered layouts. Arch's is the nicest of that group by far.
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    6. Artboard sized to content - no hardcoded size of the project
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    4. Flex Capacitor library integration / support - supports deep  linking and navigation through your flash catalyst or flex project  without coding - all the work is done
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    • Command to clean out library of unused symbols.

  • Need to display average percent of spend for each vendor in top ten

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                 I have to design a query where  I need to display top ten vendors and for that top ten vendors  need to sum the AMT and I have to calculate the average percentage of each vendor in top ten list from the total. Based and the specified range have to create exceptions.
    I am able to display top ten vendors. Now the problem is unable to calculate total of top ten vendors and average percentage of each vendor from total. like the below
         spend     Spend Ratio     Spend Percentage     
    vendor 4     121987     0.299181333     30%     80% is an A
    vendor 10     101103     0.247961917     55%     
    vendor 8     98723     0.242124806     79%     
    vendor 9     23456     0.05752742     85%     80-95% is a B
    vendor 5     12345     0.030276944     88%     
    vendor 6     10540     0.02585006     90%     
    vendor 7     9906     0.024295132     93%     
    vendor 3      9903     0.024287774     95%     95-100% is a C
    vendor 2     9899     0.024277964     98%     
    vendor 1     9874     0.02421665     100%     
    Total     407736               
    Please, suggest me to proceed further.
    Thank You.

    Hi manjula
    In order to get total for any key figure .... for that key figure at the query level in the  calculation tab there will be one box like calculate result as there u give sum or average accroding to ur purpose... then it will display the total or average accordingly....
    the key figure when used average for result shows average of all record conrtibutions but
    In order to display the  percentage of each vendor from total u can use
    Percentage Share of Result (%CT)
    Specifies how high the percentage share is in relation to the result. The result
    means the result of aggregation at the next level (interim result).
    %CT Incoming Orders specifies the share of incoming order values of each
    individual characteristic value (for example of each customer) in relation to
    the characteristic's result (for example, customer of a division).

  • Massive creation of Top N List with BAPI BAPI_PPR_MAINTAIN

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    We want to create massively Top N List (with its positions and Target
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    with its products and Bussines Partners by a code program.
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    (0)". As a consequence, the system asks for a Rule ID which we don´t
    Finally, we got the message error: "CRM_PRP_CUST 003 Error trying to
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    We don´t understand why this BAPI behaves wrongly. It mustn´t verify if
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    in where is necessary to fill only some fields. Those data entries do
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    Thank you for your help!

    I think that your WBS hierarchy structure is incorrect.
    Activate error log for BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN using:
    If you would like to see how such hierarchy structure should be coded you can first read hierarchy for existing project using:

  • The Top Ten things that BB needs to fix now

    BB Fans after having my BB Classic for nearly a month,  I am disappointed that there are several issues that need to be resolved immediately with OS 10.  I have started a Top Ten list of issues and features that need to be addressed immediately.  Please chime in as many of you have the same issues or know of some that I haven't discovered yet.  Now here are my Top Ten:
    1. Unable to a complete Synch with BB Link, according to BB tech support the issue comes from pictures that are attached to a contact or a Linked In account.  We didn't have this issue with BB OS7.  
    2. Unable to attach a contact to a text message, error shows contact acnnot be shared.
    3.  Unable to attach a contact to an e-mail, error shows contact cannot be shared.
    4. BB Protect doesn't back up and restore as it did in OS7.
    5. BB Protect doesn't locate, display a message or play a sound when you are roaming on another network as it did in OS7.  It will only locate on your home network, but it won't perform the other features as it did in OS7.
    6. When you search for an e-mail, it takes over 10 seconds and it replys "no results".  Go to web based e-mail account and perform the same search and the e-mail is found in seconds.  OS7 did this well.
    7. BB tech support needs to get better, but part of the problem is that they don't have solutions for our concerns.
    8. You cannot forward part of a conversion, it will only forward the complete conversation.
    9. You cannot bcc yourself to enable you to keep a copy of an e-mail.
    10. an e-mail icon needs to be seperate from hub as text messages are, because it takes to long to get to e-mails when accessing them from the hub.
    Please everyone chime in as we need to develop a list of our Top Ten issues and features that we desire in our BB10 devices.  BB should listen to us as many of us are loyal to BB nd want to see BB survive, improve and grow.

    Hi, rwb007,
    A few thoughts ...
    8. You cannot forward part of a conversion, it will only forward the complete conversation.
    True, however copy and paste works:
    9. You cannot bcc yourself to enable you to keep a copy of an e-mail.
    How to do this:
    a. Compose a new e-mail.
    b. Tap the menu icon (three dots) at the lowest right corner
    c  Tap Add Bcc:
    10. an e-mail icon needs to be seperate from hub as text messages are, because it takes to long to get to e-mails when accessing them from the hub.
    Remember, you can always select the e-mail account on the Hub, so only that e-mail account's messages are displayed.  That said, I'm with you on this one - would be nice to have the option, at least - to add an icon to the main screen for separate e-mail accounts as we had on the 9900/OS 7, although I can hear folks reminding me that also defeats the purpose of the Hub.  The simplified Hub design leaves me tapping a lot on the glass to separate which account's e-mails I wish to review as sometimes I find it confusing that all e-mails are mixed together in one long list.
    Kind regards,

  • "Top Ten" Table

    Post Author: KC3
    CA Forum: Desktop Intelligence Reporting
    I would like to create a "Top Ten" rows based on a Hours column in my table. I'm using Business Objects 6.5.1
    My results are based off a date range that supervisors change frequently.  This is probably an easy one.

    Here's a solution that I don't believe is any better than Yvan's, but since I had started on it and since it represents an alternate approach that is somewhat like your first direction, I'll give it to you.
    The Data table contains a hidden Column C with the conventional rank expression, slightly modified to eliminate duplicates: =IF(ISBLANK(B), "", RANK(B, B)+RAND()/1000)
    Column C is hidden to avoid inadvertently typing over the equation. The "+RAND()/1000" part of the expression adds a very small random offset to avoid duplicates. The use of this method of avoiding duplicates means that you will not be able to predict which of several tie scores will be presented first, but that's not usually a problem.
    The bottom table, "Product ArrangedByRank", is locked to avoid corruption, and can be any length to present however many top items you wish. Here again, I don't believe there is any reason to show the rank column, but I left it visible. Rank in the bottom table puts the Rank data from the top table in numerical order via the LARGE function. In Rank we have: =IF(COUNTA(Data :: A)<ROW(), "", LARGE(INDIRECT("Data :: C$2:C$"&COUNT(Data :: C)+1), COUNT(Data :: C)-ROW()+2))
    All that counting business is to avoid errors in the case where the tables are of unequal length and where there are empty rows at the bottom of the top table.
    The bottom table Product expression is: =IF(COUNTA(Data :: A)<ROW(), "", LOOKUP(C,Data :: C,Data :: A))
    And, the bottom table Quantity expression is: =IF(COUNTA(Data :: A)<ROW(), "", LOOKUP(C,Data :: C,Data :: B))
    I hope that this along with Yvan's solution will help you.

  • The most frequent site is not at top of list on location bar dropdown in 10.0.2

    Previous version ordered the drop down history on locator bar by frequency of use. This meant my most commonly visited site was at top of list and I used that to select my site. Now it's halfway down the history list and more inconvenient to access. I tried selecting the site many times to see if it would move up. No luck. Any way to change the order? Liked the old way better.

    I don't think LabVIEW 6 generated those error log files as LabVIEW 7
    does. Not sure if it did generate an error log at all, but definitely
    not in ...\My Documents\LabVIEW Data directory. It may however create a file in the temporary directory.
    As to the error message it is probably worth a try to enter 6.0.2
    instead. It is not very likely that the code base of LabVIEW has
    changed so significantly that this message would be in another place.
    That said the error page on the NI site has not a single time helped me
    up til now. I always seem to only get errors NI hasn't felt like adding
    to that database.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 10-19-2005 01:57 AM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Top of List event when using class cl_salv_hierseq_table

    Hi all,
      I am using above class to display Top of List .
    I am to able to display one line at top using following :
    gr_hierseq->set_top_of_list( lr_content ).
    But i have to display 5 lines in top of list.
    Please let me know how can this be achieved.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Wow, that example did suck.  Sorry for that.  I have spent a little time revising the example program into such a form that you can easily see what you need to do.  SO here it is, hope it helps.   Pay close attention to the implementation of the on_top_of_page event handler method.
    REPORT zsalv_demo_hierseq_form_events NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF g_type_s_master.
    INCLUDE TYPE alv_chck.
    TYPES:   expand   TYPE char01,
           END OF g_type_s_master,
           BEGIN OF g_type_s_slave.
    INCLUDE TYPE alv_t_t2.
    TYPES: END   OF g_type_s_slave.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF g_type_s_test,
             amount      TYPE i,
             repid       TYPE syrepid,
             top_of_list TYPE i,
             end_of_list TYPE i,
           END OF g_type_s_test.
    CONSTANTS: con_master TYPE lvc_fname VALUE 'ALV_CHCK',
               con_slave  TYPE lvc_fname VALUE 'ALV_T_T2'.
    *... §5 Definition is later
    CLASS lcl_handle_events_hierseq DEFINITION DEFERRED.
    DATA: gs_test TYPE g_type_s_test.
    DATA: gt_master TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF g_type_s_master,
          gt_slave  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF alv_t_t2.
    DATA: gr_hierseq TYPE REF TO cl_salv_hierseq_table.
    *... §5 object for handling the events of cl_salv_table
    DATA: gr_events_hierseq TYPE REF TO lcl_handle_events_hierseq.
    *       CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_handle_events_hierseq DEFINITION.
          on_top_of_page FOR EVENT top_of_page OF cl_salv_events_hierseq
            IMPORTING r_top_of_page page table_index.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_handle_events_hierseq IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD on_top_of_page.
        DATA: lr_content TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_element.
        DATA: lr_grid   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid,
               lr_grid_1 TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid,
               lr_grid_2 TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid,
               lr_label  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_label,
               lr_text   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_text,
               l_text    TYPE string.
    *... create a grid
        CREATE OBJECT lr_grid.
    *... in the cell [1,1] create header information
        CONCATENATE 'TOP_OF_PAGE' text-h01 INTO l_text SEPARATED BY space.
          row    = 1
          column = 1
          text    = l_text
          tooltip = l_text ).
    *... add a row to the grid -> row 2
        lr_grid->add_row( ).
    *... in the cell [3,1] create a grid
        lr_grid_1 = lr_grid->create_grid(
                      row    = 3
                      column = 1 ).
    *... in the cell [1,1] of the second grid create a label
        lr_label = lr_grid_1->create_label(
          row     = 1
          column  = 1
          text    = 'Number of Records'
          tooltip = 'Number of Records' ).
    *... in the cell [1,2] of the second grid create a text
        lr_text = lr_grid_1->create_text(
          row     = 1
          column  = 2
          text    = gs_test-amount
          tooltip = gs_test-amount ).
        lr_label->set_label_for( lr_text ).
    *... in the cell [2,1] of the second grid create a label
        lr_label = lr_grid_1->create_label(
          row    = 2
          column = 1
          text    = 'Output Tool'
          tooltip = 'Output Tool' ).
    *... in the cell [2,2] of the second grid create a text
        lr_text = lr_grid_1->create_text(
          row    = 2
          column = 2
          text    = 'Seq List'
          tooltip = 'Seq List').
        lr_label->set_label_for( lr_text ).
    *... in the cell [2,1] of the second grid create a label
        lr_label = lr_grid_1->create_label(
          row    = 3
          column = 1
          text    = 'Another Label'
          tooltip = 'Another Label' ).
    *... in the cell [2,2] of the second grid create a text
        l_text = text-t15.
        lr_text = lr_grid_1->create_text(
          row    = 3
          column = 2
          text    = 'Another Text'
          tooltip = 'Another Text').
        lr_label->set_label_for( lr_text ).
    *... content is the top grid
        lr_content = lr_grid.
    *... set the content
        r_top_of_page->set_content( lr_content ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "on_top_of_page
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION
    * SELECTION-SCREEN                                                     *
    p_amount TYPE i DEFAULT 30.
    * START-OF-SELECTION                                                   *
      gs_test-amount = p_amount.
      gs_test-repid = sy-repid.
    *... §1 select data into global output table
      PERFORM select_data.
    * END-OF-SELECTION                                                     *
      PERFORM display_hierseq.
    *&      Form  select_data
    * §1 select data into your global output table
    FORM select_data.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_master> TYPE g_type_s_master.
      DATA: lt_slave TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF g_type_s_slave.
      SELECT * FROM (con_master)
        UP TO gs_test-amount ROWS.                              "#EC *
      LOOP AT gt_master ASSIGNING <ls_master>.
                   OF TABLE lt_slave
                   UP TO gs_test-amount ROWS
                   WHERE carrid EQ <ls_master>-carrid
                     AND connid EQ <ls_master>-connid.          "#EC *
        APPEND LINES OF lt_slave TO gt_slave.
    ENDFORM.                    " select_data
    *&      Form  display_hierseq
    *       text
    FORM display_hierseq.
      DATA:lt_binding TYPE salv_t_hierseq_binding,
           ls_binding TYPE salv_s_hierseq_binding.
      DATA:lr_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list.
      DATA:lr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_hierseq,
           lr_column  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_hierseq.
      DATA:lr_level TYPE REF TO cl_salv_hierseq_level.
    *... create the binding information between master and slave
      ls_binding-master = 'MANDT'.
      ls_binding-slave  = 'MANDT'.
      APPEND ls_binding TO lt_binding.
      ls_binding-master = 'CARRID'.
      ls_binding-slave  = 'CARRID'.
      APPEND ls_binding TO lt_binding.
      ls_binding-master = 'CONNID'.
      ls_binding-slave  = 'CONNID'.
      APPEND ls_binding TO lt_binding.
    *... §2 create an ALV hierseq table
              t_binding_level1_level2 = lt_binding
              r_hierseq               = gr_hierseq
              t_table_level1           = gt_master
              t_table_level2           = gt_slave ).
        CATCH cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_not_found.
    *... Functions
    *... activate ALV generic Functions
      lr_functions = gr_hierseq->get_functions( ).
      lr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
    *... *** MASTER Settings ***
          lr_columns = gr_hierseq->get_columns( 1 ).
        CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
    *... set the columns technical
          lr_column ?= lr_columns->get_column( 'MANDT' ).
          lr_column->set_technical( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).
        CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                            "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *... set expand column
          lr_columns->set_expand_column( 'EXPAND' ).
        CATCH cx_salv_data_error.                           "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *... set items expanded
          lr_level = gr_hierseq->get_level( 1 ).
        CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
      lr_level->set_items_expanded( ).
    *... *** GENERAL Settings ***
    *... register to the events for top-of-page and end-of-page
      DATA: lr_events TYPE REF TO cl_salv_events_hierseq.
      lr_events = gr_hierseq->get_event( ).
      CREATE OBJECT gr_events_hierseq.
      SET HANDLER gr_events_hierseq->on_top_of_page FOR lr_events.
    *... display the table
      gr_hierseq->display( ).
    ENDFORM.                    "display_hierseq
    RIch Heilman

  • The TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST events are not triggered in spool

    Hi Everyone,
    I am displaying a block list ALV where when using "REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND", I have populated the events with TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST. The ALV is displaying perfectly with the top-of-list and end-of-list.
    I have created a button in the toolbar using the USER COMMAND which when clicked will generate a PDF file with my output result. In the subroutine for USER COMMAND , I have put the print parameters using "GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS". Then I have again called "REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_DISPLAY" with is_print parameter in order to generate the spool no. Then I am using "CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF" to convert the spool to pdf.
    The problem that I am facing is that the spool is generated without the TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST. I cannot see the lines written in TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST in the spool.
    Also the font-size is reduced very much in the pdf.
    Please suggest me some solution if possible.
    <promise removed by moderator>
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Mar 29, 2011 4:40 PM

    Hi Everyone,
    I am displaying a block list ALV where when using "REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND", I have populated the events with TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST. The ALV is displaying perfectly with the top-of-list and end-of-list.
    I have created a button in the toolbar using the USER COMMAND which when clicked will generate a PDF file with my output result. In the subroutine for USER COMMAND , I have put the print parameters using "GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS". Then I have again called "REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_DISPLAY" with is_print parameter in order to generate the spool no. Then I am using "CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF" to convert the spool to pdf.
    The problem that I am facing is that the spool is generated without the TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST. I cannot see the lines written in TOP-OF-LIST and END-OF-LIST in the spool.
    Also the font-size is reduced very much in the pdf.
    Please suggest me some solution if possible.
    <promise removed by moderator>
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Mar 29, 2011 4:40 PM

  • How to find the top ten reports consuming the high response times in st03n?

    HI Basis Gurus,
    Please could anybody tell me "How can one find the top ten high response time consuming reports in st03n transaction or in is there any other way to find out this.Please help me its urgent....
    Advance thanks....

    hi Meghadoot,
    below is an example for your request.
    Expert mode
    Server name - Day- double clicdk Today
    In analysis view - Ranking lists-double click Top Response time

  • Top Ten Transactions in ST03N

    Hi Friends,
    I wanted to find the response time for the top 10 transactions in sto3n, I went to the Transaction profile and into the standard option
    There it shows me a list of transactions, should I look at the columns total response time (s) or the average reponse time/dialog step (ms)
    Can someone guide me on this...

    Hi Aliila,
    If want to see top ten transaction in a particular time interval then go to ST03 ,on the left hand side below worload there will be detailed analysis click it to open the list inside it then choose last minute load and specify the time interval after that click the green tick mark to get the result . On the left hand side you will see Analysis Views below that there will be Transaction Profile tab just click it to open the elements inside it and finally double click the standard. You will see the list of all the transaction runned in that interval then based on ur required for example to get the top 10 transaction on dialog response time you can sort that coloumn in desending order to get the desired result or to get the top 10 transaction based on total response time sort the total response time coloumn in desending order..
    To check the performance check Average Response time (ms)
    Dialog response time for a particular transaction should be less than 1200(ms) if it is crossing 2000(ms) then check where it is consuming the max time it may be CPU time DB response time etc.if it is a Z report than you have to tune that report.
    Edited by: Prashant Shukla on Oct 13, 2008 10:45 AM
    Edited by: Prashant Shukla on Oct 13, 2008 10:46 AM

  • Some of the user information is displaying as domain\userid in site web analytics report under top visitors list

    When I was checking the top visitors list under web analytics report I see few user names as full name and most of other users as domain\userid. How can i show all the list as user full name.
    We are using SharePoint 2010.
    Thanks in advance!!!!!!

    This might be problem with User Profile service configuration settings.  Please refer to the similar post.
    Please mark it answered, if your problem resolved.

  • How create temporary table from list of values

    Can you anybody advise me how can I create temporary table from list of values? I have list of values and need create temporary table for next use with command JOIN etc.
    Thank you for help

    NO, you can not create temporary table in oracle on the fly ( Like #Tabels in SQl Server or Sybase ) , you will have to use the GTT i.e Global Temporary Tables
    check the following link GTT :
    to flush the tables after commit
      column1  NUMBER,
      column2  NUMBER
    ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS;In contrast, the ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS clause indicates that rows should be preserved until the end of the session.
    so to keep rows in Table after commit
      column1  NUMBER,
      column2  NUMBER

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