Creating photo mosaic

does anyone know how to create a photo mosaic out of a group or event photos from iphoto that all blend into one photo , and creating this all within Apple's Motion program? I currently have motion5

No, but an app called Studio Artist does it.

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    You will need to use a 3rd party editor that can handle multiple layers or objects in one canvas. Since you only want 8 photos in the collage you can use OmniGraffle in it's free/demo mode (maximum 10 items per project) and create any type of collage you'd like. Once created you can export as a jpg and import into iPhoto. I used it to create this poster size, 20 x 30, collage with 96 photos. It's an very powerful application.

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    lyndafromthree rivers wrote:
    make photo mosaics.
    Sorry, I had a different idea of "mosaic"
    If you want to create something like a collage or a puzzle iPhoto is not the right application.
    Unfortunately you hav to use a seperate application for this. I'm pretty sure you will find a matching App in the App-Store.
    Eventually this may help ->
    or this ->

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    Daniel Peck wrote:
    .. Any suggestions?
    I don't know of any plug-in as a solution, but ..
    for creating such an effect, I work backwards.
    create your 15 tracks, jump to END of sequence.
    place & size each photo to final place.
    set keyframe for each track.
    now, jump back to START of sequence...
    position each photo to its start position, e.g. outside frame..
    for me, it is much easier to arrange the final 'layout' of 15 pics and THAN create the fly'around ..

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    We are glad that we were able to resolve the international calling plan issue for you.  If you need assistance,please  reach out to us.
    Tonya D.

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    Recomending this  phone will be  with me forever Its only now I am finding  all the faults that all the foroums show
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    Moderator's note: We have provided a subject-related title to help other forum users easily view and respond to this post.
    Nokia 701 Helping with Lumia 800

    Well as you seem uninterested in a more extensive answer what else is there. A Windows Phone device is not 'on it's own' so to speak it is part of an ecosystem which includes Skydrive, your Micrsoft account and more. As such it uses features provided by these resources. 
    As the OS is very secure it does not allow too much tinkering with the 'inside' instead it allows you to pull in information from a number of sources. Your Photo Albums are on Facebook, Skydrive and other locations. There they can be edited/renamed or whatever. This has always been the way WP is designed even before other started copying this behaviour as it makes sense.
    In a few years time _everyone_ will be using the cloud like this and it will be a none-issue. When the time comes just remember WP was the frontrunner in this and the other systems followed their lead.. 
    Click on the blue Star Icon below if my advice has helped you or press the 'Accept As Solution' link if I solved your problem..

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    The text block area will not show when the book is converted to a PDF file for uploading and printing.  Do as Terence suggested and create a PDF file of the book according to this Apple document, iPhoto, Aperture: Previewing an order in iPhoto or Aperture, and check the book before ordering.  Keep the file to compare with the printed copy when you receive it.

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    Not possible to create albums on the iPhone and photos can't be transferred between albums.
    All this is done on your computer with selected folders that contain photos transferred to your iPhone via the iTunes sync process - the same for transferring iTunes music and created playlists.
    All photos transferred to an iPhone (regardless the number of folders or albums) are stored in the iPhone's Photo Library. A photo available in a folder or album transferred to an iPhone include a pointer to the original stored in the Photo Library. This way you can view photos available in an album only by selecting the album or view all photos available in all albums by selecting the Photo Library. No manipulation of this structure can be changed from the iPhone.

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    How to create photo frames with Photoshop Touch
    Create a quick frame for your photo. Then use effects to add texture, dimension, and shading.
    1. After selecting the "Create a Photo Frames" tutorial, press "Begin Tutorial" to start. Tap Add Layer, then tap Empty Layer.
    2. Choose the Rectangle Marquee selection tool from the toolbox.
    3. Tap Corners and enter a radius of 15px.
    4. Starting from the top left corner, create a selection for the inside of your frame.
    Tip: If you don't like the selection you've created, tap once anywhere on the screen to deselect and try again.
    5. Choose Select > Inverse to select only the frame area.
    6. Tap the & menu. Then choose Fill & Stroke.
    7. Tap Color. Select a color and tap OK.
    8. Choose Effects > Artistic > Scratches
    9. Choose a color for the scratches, set type as Crumpled, and tap OK.
    10. Choose Select > Deselect
    11. Choose Effects > Basic > Bevel.
    12. Adjust the Angle and other values and tap OK.
    13. Choose Effects > Basic > Drop Shadow
    14. Adjust the Angle and other values and tap OK.
    15. Tap the back arrow in the top options bar. This will prompt you to save. Press Save to save your project.
    Download this attachment to view this tutorial in PDF format.

    If you have a lot of images, probably the easiest way to do this is:
    First, go into Preferences > Project Pane and set Create Layers at: Current Frame
    Start at playhead position 0
    Import an image; tap the right arrow key twice (advance two frames - make sure the playhead is advancing [select canvas if necessary]) (Alternatively, you can click the ||> button under the canvas twice)
    Repeat until all images are imported.
    To make each image 2 frames long: select all images in the layers list and go into the Inspector > Properties > Timing and for Duration, type in 2 and Enter.  This is technically an unnecessary step if all the image are the same size and there is no transparency in any of them because each image will simply cover over the last.

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    Hi Molly,
    Adobe makes several iPad apps for working with photos but none currently for creating the type of photobooks which are commercially printed and mailed to you. Adobe Lightroom 4 which was just released has features for creating photo books of this type, but that runs on a computer not on an iPad obviously. Adobe makes a program called Adobe Revel, which allows you to upload your photos to a cloud service to be able to view all your photos on all your devices (iPad, iPhone, Mac, and eventually on Windows computers). Adobe Revel, like Lightroom, allows you to apply non-destructive global edits and effects to your images and supports sending out to Email, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. I'm not aware of any apps that allow you to do what you are seeking, you might check with Snapfish and Shutterfly to see if they have recommendations.

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