Creative admin help

Ok this is simply irresponsible. I just called customer support service in Australia and they now tell me they cannot replace my Zen micro 4 gig at all even thought I am within warranty because I bought it off ebay brand new. I have now got a half working Micro that distorts everytime it moves a little. It is the headphone jack problem if you want to know.
I will not get another creative product ever again.
What the hell do I do?

did you buy it off creative's ebay site or from another seller?
if you bought it off ebay's creative outlet, there is whatever warranty Creative stated on the selling page.
if you bought it elsewhere, your warranty (or lack thereof) usually resides with the seller. ebay resellers are not official retailers and you need to be careful when you buy there. ebay does offer a protection program you can buy for items purchased (kind of their own warranty). but, the "manufacturer's" warranty is usually null and void for most ebay purchases.
i recommend if you shop ebay (other than in valid "stores") that you purchase the ebay warranty or use a credit card which provides warranty protection (although many exclude ebay purchases).
i know this doesn't help you now, but it's part of the reason you can get good deals on ebay. i suggest trying to contact the original seller to see what, if any, warranty they provide. i shop there all the time, and the "golden rule" is if it's not spelled out explicitly on the seller's page, it doesn't exist.
sorry for your trouble, i know it blows, but ebay is a prime caveat emptor experience.

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    What you are assuming is totally wrong. Have a look at THIS. The reason may be something else. Pl. provide your phone details.

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    Go to Apple Support Communities, and look on the right side of this web site for an area entitled "Actions".  You should see an option to "Stop email notifications"
    There are at least 4 levels of notification here.
    1) You can be notified for every post added to a thread you create.
    2) You can be notified for every thread you participant in (added a post to)
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    Also, when logged into Support Communities, click on your "user name" at the top of the screen (right before the sign out option).    On the right side, under actions, select "manage email notifications".   Again, on the far right, you can select or deselect "threads" and remove notifications.
    Also see this article -

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    So you've configured the Mac OS X Server environment, and gotten connected to the network and gotten DNS going?
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    So you were using the Premiere Pro CS6 trial?
    I would uninstall Encore CS6 from your computer, then reboot.
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    Eg:From Windows Environment Same applies in Linux Environmet as well
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib>java -cp weblogic.jar weblogic.Admin -adminurl  t3://localhost:7001  -username weblogic -password weblogic1 VERSION
    WebLogic Server  Fri Apr 1 20:20:06 PDT 2011 1398638
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib>java -cp weblogic.jar weblogic.Admin -adminurl  t3://localhost:7001  -username weblogic -password weblogic1 GETSTATE
    Current state of "AdminServer" : RUNNING
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib>java -cp weblogic.jar weblogic.Admin -adminurl  t3://localhost:7001  -username weblogic -password weblogic1 HELP
    Usage: java [<SSL trust options>] weblogic.Admin
            [ [-url | -adminurl] [<protocol>://]<listen-address>:<port>]
            -username <username> [-password <password>]
            <COMMAND> <ARGUMENTS>
    Hope it helps

  • FAQ: Where can I find PDFs of the Creative Suite Help documentation, including Audition CS5.5 and 6?

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    Refer to this:
    Direct Download Links for Adobe Software

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    kirks:Due to all of the virus rumors going aroundFirst, the virus rumors are just that, rumors. The Oompa-Loompa cannot hurt anything unless you download it, open it and then authenticate it for installation. However, if you do that it will infect you entire HDD.
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    Now in terms of the Standard account lots of folk do that for practical purposes. First, after creating the account you set the limitations allowing everything, since you will want to access all your information. In terms of your music is in your admin User's Folder you will have to move it to the Shared Folder then make an alias (minus the world alias) and place it in each of the Admin Users folder and the Standard users folder.etc.
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    This may be one for Customer Care (tick I Still Need Help and hope for an agent available for a chat), etting-up
    or for Adobe Support (phone),
    This may be one for Customer Care (tick I Still Need Help and hope for an agent available for a chat), etting-up
    or for Adobe Support (phone),

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    can you please help as its driving me crazy, i got a pc plugged into the router and a laptop, xbox 360 using wireless.

    To view the router's web pages:
    Use Internet Explorer, it usually works.
    JavaScript must be enabled.
    Use a computer that is wired to the router.
    In the non-working computer, temporarily turn off your software firewall.
    If you are using Zone Alarm, right click on the ZA icon in the system tray (lower right corner of screen) and then click "Shutdown ZoneAlarm", and see if this fixes your problem. If this does not work, try the following with Zone Alarm: Open the ZAISS control center, go to Privacy, then temporarily turn off Ad Blocking and Cookie Control, and see if that fixes your problem.
    If you are using Noton Internet Security with the Add-on Pack, be sure to turn off the Pop-up Blocker, and the Ad blocker. Some users have reported that they needed to uninstall the entire Norton Add-on Pack.
    If you cannot get anything at then perhaps this is not your router's address. Go to "Start" > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
    A black DOS box will appear. Type in "ipconfig" (with no quotes), then hit the Enter key. Look at the "Default Gateway". Is it ? Point your browser to the "Default Gateway", then login to your router.
    If the above fails, disconnect your modem from the router, and try again. If this corrects your problem, then most likely you have a "modem-router" rather than an ordinary modem. Check to see if your "modem-router" is using the same 192.168.1.x address space as your Linksys router. If it is, then report back with this problem, and also state the make and model of your modem-router.
    If all of the above fails, power down your entire system, unplug it from the wall, wait one minute, then power up and try again.
    If all of the above tips fail, then reset the router to factory defaults: Power down the router and disconnect all wires from it. Wait one minute. Power up the router, allow it to fully boot (1-2 minutes), then press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then release the button and allow the router to reset and reboot ( 2-3 minutes). Power down router. Wait one minute. Connect one computer, by wire, to a LAN port on the router. Boot up system. It should work.
    If the reset does not fix your system, then you need to download and install (or re-install) the latest firmware for your router. After the firmware upgrade, you must reset the router to factory defaults, then setup the router again from scratch. If you saved a router configuration file, DO NOT use it.

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    The story looks like this.
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    Anyway if you guys got any info when driver for 24-Bit x64 gonna be released please post the date here.
    Please answer to both of my questions.
    Thanks beforehand.

    To contact our Support you do need to go to the Contact Us > Customer Support page. This forum is, as detailed in the announcement at the top of each page, primarily intended for customer interaction, for people to discuss topics and help eachother. Support is available through the normal channels (phone, e-mail).
    As far as motherboard audio goes, this is generally supported by the motherboard manufacturer, so they should be your first point of contact in this case. I don't have any information on a release date for full drivers for the (retail) SBLi've! 24-bit, but it's best to keep an eye on these forums and the download pages for updates. Any current XP64-bit drivers are available through the Preview site.

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    This is really a question which should be directed to [email protected] mailing list.
    What exactly is the problem? Unusual behaviour, error messages would be usefull.
    Are you able to see the admin login screen?
    When you created this user, did you add the admin role?
    <user username="admin" password="admin" fullName="Administrator" roles="admin,manager"/>

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    Cedar Thokme : (
    [personal information removed... Mod -]
    [This is an open forum, not Adobe support, please do not post personal information]

    If your college is not on the approved list, there is nothing anyone here can do to help
    Only someone from Adobe will be able to help, and maybe not even then, since buying an education plan has requirements that I don't think may be waived

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    Here - Creative Suite 6 for students and teachers.
    Creative Suite 6

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    George Hodgson.

    You need to contact Adobe directly to resolve any matters of purchases (these are user-to-user forums).  No one in this forum is going to be able to answer for order processing matters... this forum is for help/discussion with downloading and installing Adobe products.

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